Yes, he can
Orly Azoulay
Published: 23.03.10, 17:47
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66 Talkbacks for this article
61. Azoulay the Imbecile
shmi shmi   (03.25.10)
Orly Azoulay, you are an imbecile who shames the names of your ancestors. Caliph Huessein had incredible majorities in both houses of Congress, and, yet, was only able to scrape by into the tiniest of wins to get the fake "health care" passed. Even this had to be achieved by violating every single one of his campaign promises about "transparency," etc., through backroom deals of such a CRUDE sort that the grizzled old politicians of the histadrut would blush.
62. No. 56 Michael Hess
NYC Girl   (03.25.10)
The point isn't that Arafat is dead...the point is that Khalidi worked for him and refused to even condemn suicide bombings against innocent civilians. As far as Jeremiah Wright and the charge of anti-Semitism is concerned, Wright Is a rank anti-Semite...and I don't use that term lightly. He has a very unhealthy enmity toward Jews and whites, in the same mold as Louis Farrakhan. And while I'm certain he's not particularly fond of Israel, that isn't my point. Not only that, but if Wright isn't the racist that many people accuse him of being, why the hell did Obama cut him loose the minute he decided to become a presidential candidate, if it wasn't because he recognized that Wright and his hysterical diatribes would be toxic to his campaign? In fact, if you recall, Obama never really denied the charges against Wright. Instead he lied through his teeth and said he never heard those particular sermons. Oh, really? He attended that church for twenty years...and managed to miss all the good stuff? If that's not denying reality, I don't know what is.
63. to#29
Gena   (03.25.10)
how you treat your native locals? hypocrite,antisemite
64. #57 Hess. Obamacare is opposed by most Americans.
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.28.10)
#57 Hess. Don't know how you could have missed the news that an astounding 67% of Americans, Democrats and Republicans alike, want Republicans to continue challenging Obamacare. That makes Obamacare one of the most unpopular laws in U.S. history. It was passed using thoroughly undemocratic means. You call that an accomplishment? Tell that to the Democrats who are afraid to face their constituents. Another astounding fact is that 60% of Americans polled feel the nation is going in the wrong direction under Obama versus just 33% who feel Obama is correct. Obama is on track to be the worst president in modern American history. On the other hand, more than 63% of Americans correctly view Israel as a valuable ally. America and Israel will likely be strong allies long after Obama is nothing but a bitter memory. In 2012.
65. Healthcare "Reform"
Maureen ,   Atlanta - USA   (03.31.10)
Boy, have you been sold a bill of GOODS! Obama doesn't want good for the people of America nor Israel for that matter. He's a power-hungry dictator-in-the-making. This healthcare take-over, in the long run, will hurt far more Americans than it will help - if our economic system survives long enough to see it through.
66. Chaim
Maureen ,   Atlanta - USA   (03.31.10)
Thank you, Chaim! Well said!!
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