Jewish Scene
Montreal Jew sells concentration camp soap
Roni Rachmani
Published: 28.03.10, 15:07
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25 Talkbacks for this article
1. Give the "soap" a proper burial
rht ,   Jerusalem   (03.28.10)
If this was made from Human remains it should be accorded a proper burial. These are remains of people who died al Kiddush HaShem. They deserve better than to be "collectables"
2. Soap that floats..
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (03.28.10)
This brings back one of my most horrible memories. Although back then - 1945 - and there - Germany - soap of any kind and the occasion to use it had become rare, one day my mother made me promise that I would never, ever wash with soap that floats. I had never paid too much attention to what soap did or didn't do and when I made what I assume was a smart-ass remark along that line, mother sat me down rather unceremoniously and with a frightengly disgusted expression on her face explained that soap that floats is made from the fat of humans that had been and were being murdered. Since I was a very young child, the tull meaning didn't quite sink in, until she added that these humans included Mischlinge. I didn't understand the biology behind that, either, but I knew I was one of those. This may sound odd now, but no child was as happy as this one that all of us were skinny as rails, even if it was from lack of food. What is not funny is the fact that to this day, I cannot use a certain brand of soap, because it floats, nor will I stay in a hotel that uses that brand. As for the soap in the article, it shouldn't be displayed in museums. It should be stuffed down the throat of every Neo-Nazi rearing its ugly head.
3. the horrors of the Holocaust
Barney ,   USA   (03.28.10)
are unfathomable. Makes you appreciate the stance of Netanyahu. Stay the course. Israel is the home of the Jewish people and Jerusalem is their undivided capital forever.
4. History Lesson
David ,   New York,USA   (03.28.10)
This article fails to mention that Nazi Death camps did not begin the massive extermination of victims until 1942, two years after this human soap was supposedly made. The soap is most likely a fraud. But the incident is still shameful
5. Another Myth Of The Holocaust
World Citizen ,   the world   (03.28.10)
I thought this fairy tale had been laid to rest years ago. Why not test the soap to see the origination of the fats used? I'll bet you 100 Euros to your bagel that the oils used in the soap are synthetic.
6. M. Hartley your not trying to start that thread
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (03.28.10)
about all the christian victims of the holocaust are you? Historic revisionism is so much en vogue in the country now. The ahnernerbe or Saddam Hussein had nothing on these tea-bagging evangenitals. For crying out loud in Texas they've replaced Thomas Jefferson in relevance to the constitution with William Blackstone - Blackstone was a swell guy but, as far as I can tell his only contribution was using the epithet papist (even then it was in the British sense NOT American) All these revisionist evangenitals use T. Jefferson for is the tree of liberty quote. What a sorrow and a shame these zealots wield so much authority and power. Liberal pacifism and pragmatism has failed to act aggressively to stop their egregious historic distortions.
7. and what if?
tom ,   toronto, canada   (03.28.10)
and what if these bars of soap are "only" those given to the victims to lure them into t he gas chambers that were disguised as "showers"? does that make it right to traffic in death camp memorabilia?
8. Ay Lamb at # 6 . 100 % WRONG
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (03.28.10)
Don't you know Miss Hartley ? Where did you take that she talks about the Christian victims of the Shoa ? Her mother told her that "mischlinge were victims too" , and she is one . They were not Christians . Nothing to do with revisionism .
9. A myth long disproved
Ibrahim Ibn Yusuf ,   Rosario, Argentina   (03.28.10)
Yehuda Bauer, professor of Holocaust Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, definitively established 20 years ago that, contrary to the widespread belief, no soap was made from Jewish bodies during WWII. It is regrettable that a credible media outlet like Ynet should continue to peddle such a long-disproved myth.
10. For Number 9, Response
Richard ,   USA   (03.29.10)
Sir- Also read the testimony of Sigmund Mazur, a laboratory assistant at the Danzig Anatomical Institute, from the Nuremberg Trials, and the writings of Holocaust Historian Robert Melvin Spector, who wrote about human fat being used in making soap, and several other historians and authors who provide powerful evidence that you willingly chose to ignore. Next time, when you make a statement, make sure that you know what you write about - don't spread lies.
11. 2 M.Hartley...GREAT POST!
12. SICK!
A Jerusalemite ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (03.29.10)
He probably has Alzheimer's disease. Sick, sick mind.
13. "They belong in a museum...
Orly ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (03.29.10)
where they can be used as educational tools," said a source from the Montreal Holocaust museum that rejected the offer to purchase the soap!
14. To #6
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (03.29.10)
I don't believe in ANY religion, but living literally on top of die Wacht am Rhein, mistakenly called the Siegfried line, I had seen more horrible things before I was 7 than most people ever see. I don't have a clue to which religion any of those people-tormented or tormentors- subscribed, but when slave laborers built an anti-tank pillbox on our property, they were indiscriminately worked, starved and beaten to death. One day, when my mother cut up a blanket, and handed out the pieces, so those poor people could wrap their frozen feet, she was beaten to a bloody pulp. So please, spare me the religious and/or political BS. Not a single Good Book did a thing to alleviate the suffering of the Jews, Ukrainians, Poles, Russian POW's and of those Germans,who happened to have had a Jewish grandparent.
15. Soap should be given a proper burial and the Jew excomunicat
m   (03.29.10)
16. Nazi Germany Concentration Camps
Joshua ,   DC   (03.29.10)
It's worth to mention that those were Nazi Germany concentration camps, which were built in occupied by Nazis Poland during WWII. Not as author suggests that those were simply "concentration camps in Poland", therefore hinting that those were Polish concentration camps.
17. #5: May be this sope is not authentic, but
Vardina   (03.29.10)
the fact that Nazis made sope of Jewish human fat stays. I wish the same experience to those who deny these tragic facts.
18. #10: Asking a Muslim not to spread lies
Vardina   (03.29.10)
is a request he can not fulfil. It is genetic.
19. Contemptable beyond words...
Paul ,   USA   (03.30.10)
#1, my thoughts are the same.
20. Soap
lusty91a ,   UK,Brighton   (03.30.10)
I am left puzzled here. I really fail to grasp the holocaust exchange rate. Apparently, to ethnically cleanse Palestine in the name of the holocaust is ‘totally fine’. To keep Palestinians in concentration camps, starve them and pour white phosphorous over their heads in the name of the shoa is ‘kosher’. To invade Iraq or nuke Iran in the name of Jewish suffering is ‘totally acceptable’, yet, pocketing $300 out of a ‘shoa soap bar’ is regarded as a crime by some Jews in Montreal.
21. Just sick
AlexB ,   Toronto, Canada   (03.30.10)
22. The shoah was horrible enough
Michael Davison ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (03.30.10)
Without having to lie about atrocities. While there is evidence that experiments were made to try and make soap from human fats (not specifying whether Jewish or not), they were abandoned as industrially and financially impractical. The only ones still using the soap myth are Holocaust deniers, who use the story as a "straw man" to disprove the Holocaust on the theory that if one detail is proven untrue, then the entire Holocaust narrative must be questioned. There is no evidence at all of soap being made of human fats on anything more than an experimental scale. Google "Danzig Anatomical Institute" for over 5,000 articles on the subject and decide for yourselves. No serious Holocaust historian believes the story. That doesn't make the Canadian shopowner anything less of a vulture for advertising the soap he has the way he does, whatever it's made of. The whole idea is disgusting, as was the entire Nazi "philosophy".
23. Despicable
Hassan ,   NYC   (03.30.10)
This is profoundly hurtful and goes beyond despicable. Have you no decency? Millions of human beings were murder and you are trying to profit from their suffering? Shame on you.
24. To #6
Norman Gellman ,   Rehovot, Isreal   (03.31.10)
What professor Bauer established that there was no industrial manufcture of human fat soap, not that it did not exist, he also said that the Germans were ready to start making human fat soap. Here are his exact words: "The reason why no historian has ever claimed that Germans made industrial use of human bodies for the production of soap is also contained in those very testimonies. They show that the "Institute" was established in the course of 1944 by a Danzig Nazi scientist (Dr. Spanner) who invented the method by which this could be done, and persuaded an apparently enthusiastic Berlin authority (we do not know who it was) to support his experiments. According to the somewhat contradictory evidence, 25 kg. or perhaps more of this horrible substance was made, and one source claims that it was used experimentally in Danzig itself. It emerges very clearly that this was a first and unique experiment and that it was in its experimental stages. The bodies used may have been those of prisoners of war and forced labourers from the immediate vicinity. It is also clear that had the war continued, the Nazis were certainly capable of turning this into another mass horror. "
25. M. Hartley / Charles PT, IL
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (03.31.10)
YNET didn’t publish my response because I posted on a Sunday early AM EST, USA and since I have a few other things to do other then monitor a propaganda outlet 24/7; I so insensitively failed to respond. Didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings – Mishlinge roughly ~ means Mulatto. Mishlinges’ were given a category / status but first and foremost they had to abandon Judaism maybe “Anusim” at most – with absolutely vital skills would’ve been allowed to serve in a non-slave capacity. Heinrich Marx was allowed to practice law once he converted to Lutheranism (early example of this sort of ethno-typing prevalent in 18/19th century Europe - correct?). Now this is just history and it is of course subject to some interpretation but, right now “in the present”, in America, there is an insidious, nefarious, complex, comprehensive and thorough effort to revise, reverse and obfuscate history with the distinct purpose of marginalizing the contributions of ethnic and particularly religious minorities in America. The semi-legitimate face of this movement or the “political arm” is an organization known as the Tea Party movement and at this point all Americans of conscience are morally obligated to “call them out” on their distortions, inaccuracies and indeed “vituperations”. Actually the point to “step in” and actually “do something” and employ some academic / intellectual honesty is long past. Like my liberal and just fellows I, too am pacific, I find it difficult to even respond to violence with violence however, I have no problem apologizing especially if I took something incorrectly and inadvertently tarnished ones character. If your intent was not to stimulate the recurring “false debate” about the role Christianity played in the fostering of enmity, or if you weren’t trying to reiterate the oft stated thesis that in fact Christians were the victims of the events that took place predominantly in and around mid 20th century Europe, specifically what is referred to as the “holocaust”; then I sincerely apologize for misunderstanding your meaning and any distress that caused.
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