Obama’s gift to radicals
Guy Bechor
Published: 03.04.10, 13:59
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31. TALKBACK 21.
Arn. ,   SWEDEN.   (04.04.10)
32. Watch him closely...he's sneaky.
T ,   USA   (04.04.10)
#26 is right on for the most part. But, to get to my point, BO knows exactly what he is doing. A lot of us here know what's going on, you just have to watch. Just look who he surrounds himself with for starters. He has never been pro-Israel, unless there is no Israel. He has "changed" things very quickly, and it's for a reason. He knows that he has to before most wake up and realize what just happened, like driving Israel to war, and trashing the US economy, so to set the stage for his agenda (many included). And he thinks he's right is the scary part.
33. On the contrary, Mr. Bechor
Salma ,   Palestine   (04.04.10)
Palestinians before the creation of "Israel" were more people in the region secular, away from the religion but because of your insistence on to bring religion into this conflict Many Palestinians have turned to religion as a shelter...so the opposite is true, the sooner we resolve this bitter conflict between us people will automatically move away from Hamas and Al Qaeda and Yehudit HaTorah etc.. Obama's only yesterday at the White House, remind you that the conflict began much earlier
34. There will be no effective peace between
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (04.05.10)
Israel and the Westbank Palestinians unless Arabs are allowed to have a contiguous piece of land which can support their own people. There is also a good case to be made for (East) Jerusalem as its capitol given the importance and history of the al-Aqsa Mosque. For the information of the Reader, the Westbank represents only 22% of the whole land of the (former) Palestine. To make this happen, Palestinian leaders will have much greater success by utilizing non-violent methods of persuasion both within Israel itself and throughout the global communities as well. O'Bama has employed two very influential Jews in his inner circle, David Axlerod and Rahm Emmanuel (former IDF soldier), a longterm friend to Israel in Hillary Clinton not to mention close associations and friendships with Jews during his (O'Bama's) years in the senate in Washington and in his time in Chicago. But O'Bama is determined to be as far-reaching as possible to insure a more peaceful and just situation in Israel/Palestine just as he has been justifiably determined to enforce much required healthcare in the USA. I think he is willing to put his political career on the line for peace in Israel/Palestine just as he was for medical coverage for indigent Americans. Israeli diplomacy faltered when it embarrassed vice-president Biden by announcing new construction in Jerusalem just as it faltered when new construction in Jerusalem was announced just as PM Netanyahu travelled to Washington to meet with Mr. O'Bama. Were these announcements made purposefully or were they examples of increased diplomatic clumsiness on the part of Israel (see Danny Allon's contemptuous treatment of the Turkish ambassador)? In the world of diplomacy, these actions become trenchant signals. O'Bama had every right to feel insulted! I do not see any progress in foregoing peace efforts unless Israel makes it clear that it is willing to make substantial concessions. Of course, no progress will ever come about unless we (Israelis) feel secure within our boundaries and that will only occur a respected and non-corruptible Palestinian leader is able to destroy the iniquitous influence of Hamas and its associates. Such a leader would probably have to risk attempts at assassination by members of extreme Arab groups.
35. #27 and 32
Ben ,   USA   (04.05.10)
#27 - You are ocrrect, Israel must act on the interest of its citizens. The negative impact to Americans is of importance as we are allies and friends, but ultimately, the issue to Israel is existential! Iran poses an unignorable threat. The US will do what it will do. Hopefully my countrymen see through the ruse and my fears listed above do not come true, but I think Obama is counting on short memory and fear to make his agenda work. And for the record, I don't believe BHO views himself as evil or hateful, he sincerely believes the marxist/socialist way is the right way and will pursue any manner to get there. His intentions are good in his mind, but a famous road is also paved with those intentions. Bottom line, for any revolution to take place you need chaos and anarchy. The left/marxist always use this strategy to get power and BHO is no different. Israel/Iran is the easist path for him, but rest assured, if the pro-democracy folks in Iran took power tomorrow and there was no Nuclear threat from there, BHO would find another oppertunity for chaos. (China/Taiwan, The Koreas Columbia/Venezuella are all readily available pawns)
36. to salma palastine
sara ,   jerusalem   (04.05.10)
i think religion is in the heart but seculism is on the toung i think what is in the heart is always presented but you can put whatever you wan on your toungue so religion is older than seculism ... before israil initiation people here in palastine said it is god will to have this conflect and they defended with little means ..now the means is not changed but people become more adherent to te land becouse of bad experiance before ..religion do not change people but it is the life days change people more than religion even they do in the name of religion what they think it is the better to them ... i think religion must be stable to do your best and believe it is god will at last
37. Israel is also radical toward Arabs
Sari ,   West Bank   (04.05.10)
That is the case; Israel is also radical toward Arab Peace Initiative "Saudi Plan". It was rejected by Israel which I think would have made the Middle East a better place for ALL. The blame and the different interpretation of any event or statement do not make things more peaceful.
38. #34 Haymond. Do you have a deathwish for Israel?
Chaim ,   Israel   (04.05.10)
Robert, In the name of sanity, how can you call for still more Israeli retreat when every single Israeli retreat has been a total disaster? Every single peace agreement has brought Israel mass suffering? What possible benefit would Israel experience by signing another agreement with "Palestinians" involving still more retreat from our already tiny Homeland? What is the problem with Jews like you, Robert? Is it a death wish for Israel?
39. Obama’s gift to radicals and Netanyaho /Lieberman
Sami ,   Lebanon   (04.05.10)
alliance is gift to peace no doubt. Garbage analysis nothing more.
40. To: No. 33
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.05.10)
Stuff and nonsense. Iran used to be more secular than not. Same for Pakistan. Then came the wave of highly radicalized Islamic fundamentalism. Stop blaming all your woes on the Jewish people. You and your brother Arabs and fellow Moslems are the architect of your plight; not the Jews.
41. To: No. 37
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.05.10)
Your problem is that you seem to think that the Palestinians and Israel consistute equal negotiating partners. Nothing could be further from the truth. For starters, Israel has emerged victorious from all six wars -- you are a vanquished people. Deal with it. Moreover, the Palestinians have on three separate occasions walked away from a two-state solution, including one which would have awarded them over 90% of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a capital. The only possible interpretation is that you are not interested in a two-state solution; you want the whole thing and that is never going to happen. So it really is up to you -- if you prefer to remain in those squalid refugee camps, that's your choice. Then there is the matter of over sixty years of unrelenting terror. It has bought you nothing but universal revulsion. I will tell you a necessary first step: each and every one of the Palestinian organizations (there are around thirty of them, each purporting to be the sole true representative of the Palestinian people) will have to repudiate their charters, which call for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people. Furthermore, these organizations must recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist in its ancient homeland. Nothing goes forward without these de minimis gestures. Alternatively, stay and rot in your squalid refugee camps, and wait for Israel to annex the West Bank and send all you Jordanian citizens packing. And you know what? Mark my words. It will happen. And the world will pay a day or two of lip service, and then you will be relegated to old news. Do you understand how sick to death EVERYONE is of your violence, your hatred and your unremitting terror?
42. Chaim: "Jews like you"
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (04.05.10)
You mean you have to lower yourself to insults when you come upon a Jew who doesn't see things the way you do? And as for a "death wish", kindly read my post with a bit more diligence, especially the last two or three lines, before you make such accusations. In short, I believe that Palestinians have a right to this land and there is a surfeit of historical evidence to prove it. We need to find a way to allow them (Palestinians) to form their own (small) nation while preserving our own integrity. A real "death wish", as you call it, would mean, in my estimation, to continue the status quo. We all suffer as a result, Israelis and Palestinians alike. As stubborn and persistent as we (Jews) are, it may well be that Palestinians are nearly our match. Do you think the current situation will be healthy for your grandchildren, Chaim? Can you suggest ways we might extricate ourselves from this mess? I would be interested in any positive responses from anybody.
43. Wake Up: Obama is anti-semite
Avi ,   NY   (04.05.10)
If Jews don't get out of this tough love fantasy that they keep believing that Obama is anyhting less than an anti-semite then Israel is doomed.
44. Obama and Israel
Don Ferrill ,   Greenwood USA   (04.05.10)
All I can say is Israel should not complain. The Jews in America helped elect Obama the Communist, so maybe they need to keep quiet. Hopefully the Jews will not vote for him again. Who am I kidding, a Liberal is a Liberal first and foremost, above all else.
45. #42 Robert. Status quo INFINITELY better than your proposal.
Chaim ,   Israel   (04.06.10)
#42 Robert. Remember the last time we heard "the status quo isn't sustainable"? It was during the Oslo Disaster. The result was infinitely WORSE than the previous status quo in every respect. Before Oslo, Israel suffered an average of a dozen terror casulaties annually. After Oslo, casualties rose to the tens of thousands. Robert, I never lowered myself to insults. However, I vehemently disagree that "Palestinians" have any right to the sole, tiny Homeland of Jews. This land has been ours for more than 3,500 years and always will be. Our Arab neighbors have more than 600 TIMES our tiny land mass. There is no sane excuse to cede more of our land. The status quo is INFINITELY better than what you propose, Robert. Today, Israel has Jerusalem, a tiny bit of strategic depth and our cities are mostly free of rocket attacks. Under your proposal, Israel would lose ALL of this! How do we extricate ourselves? The answer is simple, but requires enormous effort. Settle 1,000,000 Jews in Judea and Samaria. Compensate Arabs to leave. Arabs are already emigrating permanently from Judea and Samaria at the rate of tens of thousands annually. THAT is the real solution.
46. to 45
simsim ,   jerusalem   (04.06.10)
if they emmigrate by their choice --it is not the case as in last gaza war -- it is their sin but if israil see that emmigration is the real solution it is israil stupidity
47. #3: Abu Mazen does not represent the
Vardina   (04.06.10)
Hamas and Hizbollah who continue to threaten with terrorism and their agenda includes the elimination of the state of Israel from the geographical map. Israel had retreated from Lebanon and Gaza as gestures of peace. What have we received in return? Rockets from Gaza and threats from the whole Arab world, supporting the agenda of eliminating Israel. What have you got to add to this? Or, perhaps you are selective in memorizing facts.
48. Obama's submission to Muslims humiliates
Vardina   (04.06.10)
the USA. As time goes by, America will be ashamed of having elected Obama for presidency.No former US president would have bowed before a Muslim leader. A state president is equal to a king, therefore he should never bow to any other leader.However, Obama still suffers from the inferiority complex of his ancestors from the African jungels.
49. #7
Evi ,   U.S.A   (04.09.10)
Ali ,Even if you have a state with half of Jerusalem ,you all people still going to want to destroy Israel and the Israeli people.You celebrated and reworded every suicide bombers you serve sweet on your street ,after 3000 people killed in N.Y.You are very thing Israel can have one peacefully day with Hamas and other terrorist groups setting in Jerusalem Good Bless Israel and keep Jerusalem United
50. Obama is a radical? Hardly.
Nick ,   Devon, PA USA   (04.09.10)
I love reading the radical, reactionary and racist comments that inevitably follow just about any Ynet story on Obama. It's hardly "radical" to demand accountability from Israel. Obama is actually more positively disposed toward Israel than the majority of Americans. I know certain Israelis (especially many Ynet posters) would love to think that Obama's views on Israel are "radical," but they aren't at all. The US will no longer support expansionist Israeli policies that are starkly against US interests.
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