Ahmadinejad: Obama needs Iran
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 16.04.10, 21:37
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31. Organ grinder's monkey
Cynthia ,   USA   (04.17.10)
Trying to divert attention from the mess he's made of Iran. Escalating unemployment, inflation, import dependence, toxic pollution, ongoing political unrest and supporter of global terror. The 30+ year quest for nuclear power is draining Iran and Ahmadinejad must point the finger away from himself.
MMAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (04.17.10)
It does not harm or make me sensitive at all,but it is the same God who has made him who made you as well.Another angle of you stating that he acts like a monkey is also welcome.Is that the reason why you have been able to do nothing?Of course you haven't and you will not be able to as such.
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (04.17.10)
At diverting the attention.Oh!! I now know that it is not your monopoly.Of course Mahmoud Ahmedinejad is a popular President of Iran and as much as you tried during the last 6 months or so, to disrepute him,you failed miserably.So, why get upset and draw such a dreary scenerio of Iran?Iran is a strong and solid nation,much to your disliking.............but they are a resilient group,aren't they Cynthia?
34. #33 Islamic Regime Occupies Iran
Cynthia ,   USA   (04.17.10)
And remains in power by murdering, torturing and locking up opposition. The nation has been torn apart and problems have compounded under Ahmadinejad. You blindly support this regime because you're an Islamist. Ahmadinejad has done everything to divert attention from his failure including make a mockery of the Holocaust. You can imagine how bad things have become when gas is rationed, food subsidies are taken away from the poor and more companies are backing out of doing business with Iran.
35. #31 Cynthia. You are as clueless as usual.
Persian CAT   (04.17.10)
You keep bringing up the economic problems Ahmadinejad's policies have caused the Iranian people. You are right about those problems and for your information, MOST nations are facing those problems today including the US, except for your brainfart about supporting "global terror" for which you have provided no evidence. The issue, which you have missed as always, is not Iran's economy. The main point is Obama and the US will gain a lot of credibility if he can manage to solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem which requires a solution to the dogfight between Iran and the US in a peaceful and diplomatic way. Capiche?
36. #24 Chris. Your comments about Muslims are proof why...
Persian CAT   (04.17.10)
there were/are so many Nazis in Germany!
37. #35 Dear Kitty
Cynthia ,   USA   (04.17.10)
Spend a little time studying the Islamic Regime. Your first assignment is to read Khamenei's website and listen to his speeches which are translated in English. He advocates jihad against the west and his primary target is the US or the Big Satan. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is just a diversion. Notice how Khamenei mistreats Muslims in Iran. The Palestinians, particularly Hamas, are useful shahids Iran arms to fight Iran's proxy wars. Hizbollah serves the same purpose. Khamenei is trying to provoke a conflict with the US to establish supremacy. Let me know when you're ready for the next assignment. Mevin?
38. #37 Cynthia, dear
Persian CAT   (04.17.10)
I don't have to read Khamenie's stuff published in English, I can read Farsi and I KNOW what he's talking about. Khamenie as the head of the current regime has lost a lot of credibility as has the regime lost legitimacy among huge sectors of the Iranian people. But you are dead wrong in depicting Iran's dedication to defend the victims of Zionists' aggression as "just a diversion". Opposition to the Zionists' occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem are supported by the majority of the Iranian people whether they are among the supporters or the opposition to the regime. Maybe there are some people who want to use Iran's support for the Hezb or the Palestinian liberation forces as a tool to defend Iran's interests - don't forget that Israel has been used as a proxy for the Western colonialist also - but Iran's historic role in helping the Lebanese to liberate South Lebanon from the Zionists' barbaric occupation has been a successful moral and humane cause. The fact is Israel's occupation and its Apartheid policies have hurt American geopolitical and overall national interests more than anything Khamenie could have done in his dreams. The American people have realized this fact and I think you need to get ready for what is to come to a theater near YOU.
39. #33, If I were you, I wouldn't...
Persian CAT   (04.17.10)
refer to Ahamdinejad as a "popular President" of Iran. He sure IS Iran's president, but "popular" he ain't. So If you haven't been to Iran lately and cannot speak from your first-hand experience about his "popularity", then I suggest that you do so or be careful because you may have to eat your words later. I do agree with you that Iran is a solid and strong nation and the proof of that is Iran is the main topic of almost every gathering of those who want to hurt it but CAN'T. Look at poor Israel is trying SO hard to push for war, but gets laughed out of every meeting as soon as it brings it up.
40. #38 Iran is one big prison
Cynthia ,   USA   (04.18.10)
The West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem are the least of the average Iranian's worries. They may be exposed to a steady stream of government sponsored anti-Israel propaganda but I suspect they're more concerned about being unemployed, being employed but unpaid, worrying about their son, husband, wife in prison, the rising cost of food, housing and gas or Iranian agents showing up at their door to haul them off for interrogation. Israel is a tiny country whose history predates many of her neighbors. Israel didn't ask to be attacked nor did she cause the refugee problem. Iran could serve a leadership role to solve the conflict but instead, the Regime fuels the conflict for political gain. Today Israel, tomorrow Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. You're obsessed with the occupation. Israel left Gaza in 2005 but the Palestinians won't let go.
41. I HAVE TO CORRECT YOU.........#39
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (04.19.10)
One would not expect the entire population of the country enmass to support a leader.I am keeping a close track of happenings in Iran and can comfortably say that a man on the street will be looking from the point of his sustainance and not from the policies of Mahmoud Ahmedinejad.This is true in many many countries.On the other hand the so-called moderate group supporting Khatami also have difference of opinion in conduct of Iran's foreign policies but these are signs of democracy,aren't they?Ahmedinejad's present input of over 14 hours of daily routine and him summoning various Ministers and indulging in minute details of rural area development and also having to face daily threats from the likes of Israel and the USA does not make life of a President too comfortable.The governing of 'sharia' overshadows the daily routine and Ahmedinejad has to tread very very carefully.Anyway, I give him my marks for the way he has managed overall under the circumstances and he will be remembered more when he finishes his second term.
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