Syria: Scud warning 'slander campaign'
Published: 01.05.10, 17:26
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12 Talkbacks for this article
1. Iraqi WMDS were sent to Syria with Saddams female family
members!   (05.01.10)
in the same convoy.
2. It was a "slander" in 1948; a "slander" in 1967; a slander
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (05.01.10)
in 1973 - all dates at which the Muslim-Arab world, through coalition of Muslim-Arab states and armed forces set out to annihilate the nation-state of the Jewish people. Now, that the new coalition of similar dark forces, i.e. Iran-Hizballah-IslamicJihad-Hamas-Syria, has been gearing up to annihilate the Jewish state through the use of short, medium and long range rockets and missiles loaded with warheads that include biological, chemical and nuclear materials, it is still a "slander". It is time the international community put an end to this on-going attempt to eliminate through war a fellow member state of the United Nations! It is time the Obama administration, instead of dealing with telling Jews where not to reside only because they are Jewish - a pure form of anti-Jewish racism!!! - should focus on the strategic security matters of America's most loyal ally, Israel!
3. This is what fm. Muallem can do,Denial &distance education
Salma ,   Palestine   (05.01.10)
When you and your Syrian President will become a man to say to America it is our right to fight for the Golan Heights, instead of supplying arms to Hezbollah!!!!
4. #2 Most loyal ally??? You must be joking !!!
Peter ,   Vienna-Austria   (05.01.10)
"It is time the Obama administration, instead of dealing with telling Jews where not to reside only because they are Jewish - a pure form of anti-Jewish racism!!! - should focus on the strategic security matters of America's most loyal ally, Israel! " I don't see allies spying on one another(John Pollard). I don't see allies attacking naval fleets belonging to the other side( USS LIBERTY). What sort of an alliance is this??
5. Peter-Go back to your Haiderists.Haiderists not wanted
Alan ,   SA   (05.01.10)
6. Jehudah # 2: Spot on!
Fred ,   UK   (05.01.10)
7. And the US is about to send an
Allan ,   Ft. Lauderdale   (05.01.10)
ambassador to Syria? SMH...
8. Peter do you actually believe Allies dont spy on each other?
Shame   (05.01.10)
Israel has done more for the US then nearly any other country in the world. If you were looking for the truth you would know that by now. Israel has tested US technology in battle, helped their arms industry while destroying its own, given US a Soviet Tank, Radar and Plane which changed the balance of power, and has even stepped in to fight americas battles. A Prime example would be when Syria attacked Jordan US asked Israel to step in and they did. Israeli tech is used in Iraq and Afghanistan, Israelis trained marines in urban warfare, Israel became Americas B**ch when it took the money and signed a peace agreement with Egypt. US only became interested in Israel after 1967 when it became a regional power.
9. # 4 To Peter from Austria
Birdi ,   Israel   (05.01.10)
Anti-semitism is a main ideological component of most extreme right-wing groups & their publications in Austria. Extreme rightist & neo-nazi groups have intensified their activities since 2000.
10. We don't need a war
Yossef ,   Rehovot, Israel   (05.01.10)
Salma, we don't need another war. Not you not us. The Golan fate can be negotiated, no need of war, no need of more american soldiers on our middle-east. They are not welcome. We need to talk, but not via the american or european, but direct talks just between arab countries and Israel, to find a way for developing economical and cultural relationships. I know a lot of academics who will be ready to help and go and teach in arab countries, if it could help, myself first. I know that a lot of doctors, intellectuals, musicians, would be happy to develop cultural exchanges with arab neighbors. Without need of wars or more blood. It is a long debate, and this talkback is not a real place for that. But you have no reason to be afraid by jews, the majority of us want just to live in peace in this so small land called Israel. Look around Salma, take a map of the middle-east, tell me sincerely what you would feel if you were a jew.
11. #10 This is not an answer.
ben Ish   (05.02.10)
You suggest that war is a choice. Your neighbor decides to throw rocks at your house. Is that your choice? How can you "choose" for your neighbor to stop attacking you? He hates the very fact that you even have a house. The only "choice" or action you can take that he will accept, is to abandon your house. Is that how you would "choose" peace? If not, then explain yourself, how can YOU choose what your NEIGHBOR feels and believes? More US military is not needed either, but there is "choice". MORE of them are coming. Either accept it as fact, or drug yourself into a coma. War is not needed or wanted, but IT IS COMING. If you want to live your life pretending that being peaceful will save your life, I say lets test that theory. You sit and meditate peacefully, while some indoctrinated extremist pulls a trigger on you. Will your peacefulness stop the bullet from shattering your skull? Peace is a goal, not a reality. You can send all the ambassadors of peace and love that you want, but they never have, and never will stop rockets and bombs and tanks and bullets.
12. The Assads
Ron B. ,   Lod   (05.02.10)
Syria seeks to use terrorists to defeat the United States in the region, thwart the development of democracies in Lebanon and Iraq, and to employ terror as a means of waging war against Israel. By supporting insurgents and terrorists and allowing radical Islam to show its head inside Syria, Assad makes clear that there is no viable alternative to him and that it is he who must be courted if the West is to be successful in the region. To know the truth about Syria and the Assads :
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