Erdogan to Israel: Don't test our patience
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Published: 01.06.10, 14:23
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91. to the Doc
Can ,   Istanbul   (06.01.10)
Yeah yeah, numbers are very important in massacres, right? r u serious? We kill most, you kill less or otherwise, does it really matter? Fact: Erdogan is stupid! Fact: Turks did not massacre Armenians (otherwise they weren't be still living in most cities of Turkey, as many other non muslims) Fact: Hamas is a terrorist organization just like PKK cos' they basically kill children Fact: Israel troops killed 10 people in international waters! Fact: Politics sucks! Any problems with these facts?
92. no 69
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (06.01.10)
And still ,the butcher of Sudan and his ragtag bunch of Muslim rapists and perverts ,Janjaweed ,rule through the bullet ,but where is Navi Pillay ,the UN chief commissioner on human rights ,and why isn,t Omar al Bashir behind bars in the Hague on charges of gross crimes against humanity ,Darfur southern Sudan ,the wholesale slaughter of infidels?
93. no 84
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (06.01.10)
Wiliam ,don,t forget the Muslim genocide of Darfur perpetuated by Muslim perverts and rapists against the non-Muslim population of southern Sudan/Darfur ,i say it,s an academic definition ,how say you ?
94. Flotilla of terror
Potvin ,   Toronto, Canada   (06.01.10)
The only way to answer Erdogan is to sink the next ship trying to approach Gaza. Is this guy the PM of Turkey or a turkey of a PM?
95. #22 The proof: last week polls show Erdogan party is #2
Turkish Jew ,   Istambul, Turkey   (06.01.10)
The latest polls show Erdogan party is #2 behind the oposition. This is the first time this happens since the elections. He needed this conflict to raise himself in the polls and of course, get a big pat on the back from his Iranian Masters. The hatred and rage against him is the biggest in the Military where he arrested many of the top officers under the pretext of "planning a coup". He has been cleansing the Army and political arena of his oponents, and planning to modify the Turkish Constitution to fit his Islamic hallucination - exactly like the Republican Guards have done when Humeini started the rape of Iran. He is also hated by companies who are first hit by his limitations and standing of Turkey in the world. Iran cannot import as much as Germany, and Syria and Lebanon cannot afford Turkish goods. Saudis and the Gulf States do not need Turkish goods - they have direct access to superior American, EU and Japanese stuff, so by hurting one of the more profitable markets - Israel and its supporters, he hurts Turkish economy. These actions will cost him dearly in the long run - especially if an armed conflict ensues. He has no support from the Army and no suport from the non-fundamentalistic Turkish middle-class - exactly those parts which are critical for a long-term strategic standing. Politically, Iran, Syria, Lebanon are identified with terror and beligerant dictatorships, and being aligned and allied with them, the long-term Turkish standing in the Western World (NATO, EU, US, etc.) is already damaged. Not that Erdogan cares about this too much currently. He will get his first encounter with this reality in the upcoming NATO meetings. Don't have any doubt. Turks realize that the actions Erdogan has been doing - even those without any relation to Israel - are damaging to Turkey and its frail democracy. Erdogan will fall soner or later. The question is how much damage he will manage to do to Turkey in the mean time. ATATURK LIVES!
96. hey liar zionist
anti-zionist ,   ıstanbul   (06.01.10)
hey liar,cruel zionist wait and see...
97. how pathetic you are!
deniz ,   istanbul   (06.01.10)
Sarah, is he really mass murderer? Then maybe you can tell Turkey has mass d. w. and kill millions of turkish people in a few years as you did in Iraq, supporting this foolish israeli acts doesn't help to save people's lifes, israel is getting hated more everyday
98. UK Ottoman
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.01.10)
Yes you ruled Jerusalem for 400 years but do you remember how were kicked out of there? It was not the Jews who did it, It was the Arabs who kicked you out of there massacring the Turkish troops returning from Yemen with the help of Lawrence of Arabia. You know the saying in Turkey: KORLE YATAN SASI KALKAR. Now you are supporting those who massacred the Turkish military in WW I. They became your best friends and your AKP government is even more fanatic then the Hamas. As that saying, since you have been sleeping with the cross eyed Hamas, you may soon wake up blind.
99. #22 Turks
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.01.10)
Unfortunately for you and many other modern secular and educated Turks, you are being represented by AKP and Erdogan. This is your misfortune. However Israelis and Jews do not hate Turks. In fact historically they have been the strongest allies of Turkey in the most difficult times of Turkey. It was eh Jewish Lobby in the USA (Me an active member at that time) that helped the removal of the US embargo to Turkey established after 1974 Cyprus invasion. It was the same lobby that prevents the Armenian Genocide bill every year in the USA. While all Arab nations are on the Greek side in the Cyprus conflict it is Israel that support Turkey. During the Balkan wars Jewish subjects of the Ottoman empire supported the sultan and because of that they were massacred along with Turks. It is not Isral that is testing the patience of Turkey or Recep bey, it is Recep Bey testing the patience of Isarel since his tirade at Davos. Iyi geceler dostum.
100. #91 to "Can"
The Doc ,   Travelling the USA   (06.01.10)
Yes, as a matter of fact I do have problem with some of the facts that you put on "paper", and the definition of a few things. Numbers of victims (and purpose) do count. That's what makes the difference between a "kill", a "massacre" and a "genocide". There is a very good definition for each, and numbers are important in these definitions. Otherwise, why do Israel haters call the 1600 killed in Gaza war "genocide"? Everybody knows that Genocide means millions murdered - like in the Kurdish and Armenian and yes, the Jewish Holocaust - with the purpose of making an entire race, entity or people "disappear". Hitler wanted the Jews to disappear and so does Ahmedinejand and too many of today's politicians and dictators world-wide. Massacre is when somebody targets and kills discriminately without any reason. Like it happened in Columbine, USA and so on. Hence you cannot call Gaza a massacre either since the IDF did not fire indiscriminantly and did not specifically target civilians. The few civilians killed by mistake have a name in any Book of War : collateral (I would also say - undesirable) damage. However, the deliberate targeting of civilians with rockets, bombs and suicide bombers is a real massacre. Yes, FACT. Now, after we put in context your vocabulary, let's get to your facts: Fact: Erdogan is stupid! *Reply*: Agree. He will destroy everything that Turkey has achieved in the 20th Century. I feel sorry for the Turks! Fact: Turks did not massacre Armenians (otherwise they weren't be still living in most cities of Turkey, as many other non muslims) *Reply*: The fact that Turkey did not manage to massacre ALL the Armenians does not make it any less of a massacre. Actually it was not a massacre at all. When one looks at the numbers, it was actually a GENOCIDE. I know, for a Turk it's hard to acknowledge that, but read the history and you'll see. Fact: Hamas is a terrorist organization just like PKK cos' they basically kill children *Reply*: Agree. Fact: Israel troops killed 10 people in international waters! *Reply*: Israel killed 9 (NOT 10) armed and attacking IHH activists who attacked, maimed and intended to kill unarmed soldiers while the solders were attempting to perform a perfectly legal and legitimate boarding of a ship which, by International Law, has defined itself as an enemy ship. Read the International Maritime Law and see. As a matter of fact, the plan was not to kill the occupants and sink the boat - like it is usually done to enemy ships. The plan was to tow the ship to a harbor and pass the "human relief" to Gaza. But the IHH armed activists sought war - and they got it! Fact: Politics sucks! *Reply*: I cannot agree more with you on this point! LOL!
101. is there any logical man overthere
AKIN ,   ankara   (06.01.10)
first many of israel people talk about armenia and kurds i strongly recommend that if you dont know history dont talk on it . second every country should show recpect others security however this is not to reason to kill innosents . By the way i am a TURK and married with a KURDISH lady there is no real separation in TURKIYE as you think . more than 25 million of TURKIYE's citizen are already KURT . Finally I am not islamic people and i dont like our PM . I mean this is not islamic view all Turkiye get start to anger to Israel also i strongly bealive that rest off wold. I hope peacefully lives for both Israel and Palestinian
102. #28 Mehmet from Vienna
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.01.10)
Yes Turks were in Jerusalem and Israelis were in Antalya. We know the first is history since WW I when the Arabs joined with the British back stabbing Turks. Soon the Israelis in Antalya also might be history depriving Turkey from sweet dollars that Israeli tourists spend. Hosca kal
103. Israel has been patient TOO long
Lioness ,   Israel   (06.01.10)
about time we stopped being so and unleash our real strenghth!
104. Onur #65
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.01.10)
Your government killed about 30 thousand Kurds and destroyed hundreds of Kurdish villages in teh 1980 and 1990ies. But why not letting the inhabitants of Magosa (Famagusta) of Cyprus go back to their homes. You kicked out from their homes in 1974 and still you keep the city a ghost town. Depriving people to go back to their homes for over 30 years, how can you defend that?
105. #99 Hypocrite
Airborne ,   Jerusalem   (06.01.10)
David, it's leftist Jews like you that give the rest of us a bad name. Why on earth would you prevent the Armenian Genocide bill to pass? Why would you promote hyporcrisy? You want the whole world to know about the holocaust but not the Armenian Genocide? The lives of Armenians are not as important as the lives of the Jews? Also, why would you support the Turkish invasion of Cyprus? NOw an island is divided because of YOUR support. Once again you are a hypocrite. Do us all a favor and don't do a damn thing. You lack the intestinal fortitude to know what the difference is between good and evil.
106. Erdogan is mad
ezer   (06.01.10)
Erdogan has no business preaching ethics to Israel. Turkey the perpetrator of genocide against the Armenians now wants to teach ethics to Israel's Jews who were on the receiving end of genocide. The only massacre was attempted by the so called mainly Turkish sponsored 'humanitarians' who ar e anything but that
107. hey #66 are you speculator???
108. Yes Can, I have a problem
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.01.10)
After what happened to Mavi Marmara isn't it obvious that if there is another attempt like this same will happen? Then why is it that immediately another one of these convoys is prepared in Turkey to sail very soon? Let's say the first was not a provocation (it was but I am just making brain gymnastics) isn't this second one a very clear provocation? Your powerful leader Erdogan knows how to stop opposition by putting all who oppose him into Silivri detention without any charges for years even respectable child doctors like Turkan Saylan who was fighting cancer but when it comes to a bunch of ball bearded, knife holding YOBAZ agitator somehow he becomes impotent. Think about it my friend. Iyi geceler
110. incident
anton ,   istanbul turkey   (06.01.10)
well ı must say the current israeli goverment is the worst administration israel had, such a poor handling of the every political issue hamas or any other couldnt have done better this time you killed turks as well as the last hope and good feel some of us had about you I personally suport the idea that turkey should close down its embassy in tel aviv and put an end to this humiliation by the way hello david israel long time no see
111. hey #66 are you speculator???
Onur ,   Istanbul/Turkey   (06.01.10)
franks is saying truth.. but you want to hide truth.. we know that mossad supports many terrorist organizations in iraq and northern iraq.. you wont be hide truth this time.. not anymore!
112. #91 to "to The Doc"
Can ,   Istanbul   (06.01.10)
Systematically killing millions of Jews is the definition of GENOCIDE, I think no body would have a problem with that in this century except for some lunatics like Ahmedinejand. And I never mentioned Israel is doing massacre in Gazza while they are being bombed constantly and there is a so said government which swear they'll wipe out Israel. But I do have a problem with Armenian Genoside, cos I happen to be a Turk whose grandfathers were also living under Ottoman Empire Government just like Armenians and when someone blames me for what happened in 1915 (arguable) I can not stand still. Considering white flag and statements about being unarmed it is hard to call it enemy ship. I don't like IHH at all, but they have organised something international and they were in international waters hading to Gazza which is NOT under Israel occupation, it is just a blockage. Israel would stop them and after searching the ship let them pass or would come with an idea something more smarter than shooting. It is hard to call IDF soldiers as unarmed, they happen to be soldiers. As Erdoğan is destroying Turkey, Israel Government is not staying put. They may be the worst government ever in Israel. I really feel sorry for citizens they must feel lonelier than ever. But I know that governments are not stationary they will change eventually and Israel and Turkey will be allies again later sometime.
113. to all turkish
JEROME ,   NICE,FRANCE   (06.01.10)
dear friends, you are giving lesson to Israel about occupying territories, but aren t you occupying Cyprus. You re still giving lesson to Israel for killing palestinian, but everybody knows that your government and army kill more kurdish each month that we kill palestinian during the last five years. And first of all, you have made one of the most important genocide in all the human kind history, by killing 1.5 millions children, old people and men and women just because they were not muslims. And you want to give lesson to Israel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have been considered a modern state beacause of your great leader ATATURK , that knew how to stay away from radical islam. Now with your new allied, islamo fascist allied like amadinejad, it will take only a few year before you economy, your people right and everything fall apart, and then you ll go back to stone age like Iran, Syria and all these country. The only meanings of their existence is JIHAD. ........
114. #104 David
Onur ,   Istanbul/Turkey   (06.01.10)
Firstly you must clean your hands, and look yourself. After that you can say something about Turkey. Some of the people in here say Turkey is racist state!.. Maybe you dont know.. Yesterday in the same hours of Israeli attack on the ships, Pkk attacked Turkish Navy garnison in Antakya.. Our six marine were killed there. 2 out of 6 soldiers was Kurdish origin and they may rest in peace now.. I want to ask something.. Are there serve any people from arabs in the Israeli Army.. Not matter land,sea or air.. You should look yourself before saying Turks racist! Greetings
115. the world is still quiet about the kurds in turkey
Ari   (06.01.10)
Well erdogan, your country killed about 1.5 milion armenians, and since 1923 until today you are killing kurdish people and forbidd the kurdish language, then what gives you the right to even talk?
116. Erdogan = Ahmadinejad = Hitlers successors!
Period!   (06.01.10)
117. #114 , YES, we have Muslims in the IDF!
The Doc ,   Travelling the USA   (06.01.10)
Onur, yes, you your question, we have many Muslims in the IDF and the Police and Borders Police - Beduins, Druze, Circassians, and yes, some Arabs too! There is no mandatory Army Service fvor Arabs in Israel. That means that those who do join the Army are volunteers. We are looking at ourselves and we like what we see: a true democracy, where even the worst enemies of the State are accepted in the Parliament despite the fact that some are documented traitors (Balad leader who ran away to Hezbollah), and others are just as bad, or worse, than Israel's worst enemies. In addition there are many Bank Managers, Medical Doctors, Professors, Business Owners, etc. Actually in many senses Arabs have MORE rights that Jews in Israel. While Jews fight to defend their country for 3-4 years, Arabs go to University and work. They actually have a head-start in life, better than in ANY ARAB COUNTRY! So yes, we feel great about ourselves. What about you? Do you have any more racist questions? I suggest you try gathering your information from OTHER sources, not only from your government TV, Al Jazeera or Racist TV Shows.
118. # 15 Don't mess with Turks
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (06.01.10)
Ottoman ! Before you embark on the adventure to reestablish the Turkish Empire under Sultan Erdogan the first,you should first provide food and housing to 80 Million Turks,there are starving Turks residing iliegally in Israel looking for work,it's time Turkey should mind it's own business,and not try to run other peoples life.
119. Onur from Istanbul
JUDAH THE LION   (06.01.10)
I forgot to ask you how many JEWISH Member of Parliament in the arab world.The answer is NIL NIL NIL How many Jews In Saudi Arabia. Jews from arab or muslims land were treated very badly and I am one of them. Israeli arabs are free and there is no time when they must be at home. Sorry about the arabs are the biggest racist on earth. Greeting first cousin from the land of ISRAEL
120. To #113 Jerome
Onur ,   Istanbul/Turkey   (06.01.10)
You killed 1.5 million Armenians you said.. We dont run from this issue. Our president Gül was send to Armenian pm about this unrealistic claims.. We offered to built international history community which includes all related nation's historians for the discovering the happenings in the 1915. but they didnt reply and they still rejected this offer. we want solve this problem but armenians not.. what can we do?
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