Jewish Scene
Young Palestinians visit Yad Vashem
Zvi Singer
Published: 23.07.10, 07:52
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31 Talkbacks for this article
31. Possibly a propaganda tactic?
Lee ,   U.S.   (08.15.10)
In the past 20 years the Arab propaganda machine has been taking the true stories of the Holocaust and using the events and vocabulary of the Holocaust to claim that theirs is the Holocaust story. They are making up stories from whole cloth and making totally false accusations and scenarios that did not happen and putting it into books, speeches, articles, TV. The comparison is false and obscene. A few security checkpoints are an inconvenience to Arabs and Jews - not a Holocaust. Have the Palestinians had 6,000,000 starved and then slaughtered? Is their population hiding in self-dug graves underground and in forests night and day for five years eating bugs to survive and dying from starvation and disease with nowhere safe to go, because their towns have been razed and their populations exterminated? Let's hope this group wasn't a set-up and doesn't go home and announce, "We saw the Holocaust at Yad V'Shem and that's what's happening to us. Let's build a museum just like that for our Holocaust." Let's hope that this group is not part of the propaganda lies, but a group of independent thinkers who realize they have been lied to and brainwashed by their own Palestinian Arab political and religious leaders and are making it their business to educate themselves independently. If that's the case, then much credit to them. Let's hope they are safe to tell others what they have learned about what the Holocaust actually was. If they are honest, they would never claim that the word Holocaust has anything to do with the Palestinian Arabs.
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