Rockets explode in Eilat, Aqaba; casualties in Jordan
Ahuva Mamos
Published: 02.08.10, 14:31
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71 Talkbacks for this article
31. Terry # 24
Bystander   (08.02.10)
Israel didn't withdraw from Iraq's land, yet some missiles were shot at Israel also? it could be the easiest way to say hi?
32. to #23 oh dear you r lost in translation.
ghostq   (08.02.10)
33. #23 Hakim
Omri ,   Israel   (08.02.10)
How is this the jews foult some fanatics fire rockets at us? IF you're palastinian leaders would agree to Israel's right to exist and to live side by side then the violance would end. However it seems one of the sides dont want that to happen. Geuss who
34. Observer
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (08.02.10)
The Arabs always claim land owned by someone else. That is why at every Arab border there is a war with a non-Arab nation. Not only Eilat, but Sinai are Israeli territory and have nothing to do with Egypt or any Arab country. Read Egyptian tourism publications where they emphasize that Mount Sinai in Sinai is where the Jews received Torah as confirmed in the Koran. Even if you do not accept the Koran, the Egyptians lost Sinai due to their genocidal racist aggression in 1956, 1967 and 1973. The only reason they control Sinai now is because Jimmy Carter (under Saudi instructions) forced Israel to surrender Sinai to draw Egypt away from the Soviets. We can also discuss your Judea and Samaria fantasies, but what should be concerning you is the big picture. The fact that the Iran-supported Jihad is shooting rockets from Sinai (strategically close to Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia) is a sign that Mubarak will be dead soon and the Brotherhood will take over. Although you hate Jews and Israel, I do not know who you support. Unless you are a member of Jihad, you should start worrying.
36. (great video clip NOT~!)
37. Egypt: Missiles not from Sinai.
Terry ,   Eilat - Israel   (08.02.10)
Egyptian official, speaking on condition of anonymity so as not to be embarassed for saying something totally stupid, says the missiles were fired from Mars or possibly fell from the moon. Meanwhile, the mayor of Eilat, who really has nothing important to say, is sure tourism has increased & that missiles falling on our heads are good for business. He added, ''I looked out my window & didn't see anyone leaving.'' Pres. Peres, never one to miss an oppportunity to seek attention, is still looking for ''moderates'', unicorns, chimeras, & dragons. Pres. Obama was not available for comment, someone unplugged his teleprompter. The Arab League condemned the Israeli aggression on Jordan & the UN is demanding an investigation as to why tourists in Eilat were shooting missiles at Aqaba.
38. Hit back as hard as you can - dont give them a 2nd chance!
Jaacov Baumann   (08.02.10)
39. Work for real Peace
Haider ,   Gothenburg, Sweden   (08.02.10)
Those extremists are mostly criminals who become easy targets for brainwashing by fanatics and religious zealots. You cannot stop them because they are not a regular army. Israel should not give them any excuses to continue with their heinous acts. Work for an honest peace agreement. People (Palestinians) are in general no ideots when it comes to what is best for them. Israel is the stonger part of this conflict. It can certainly afford being fair.
40. Won't stop me going down there and chillin' out
Talula ,   Israel   (08.02.10)
41. Who expected the Egyptian to tell the TRUTH anyway?
Lee ,   Manchester UK   (08.02.10)
they could have been fired from the centre of busy Cairo and the Egyptian regime would still deny the truth. God is protecting Israel i am certain of it. :O)
42. #10 - If Palestinians are Jordanians, and Israel was Jordan,
lara ,   Australia   (08.02.10)
then how can Israel exist? Jordan wouldn't just hand over a big chunk of land for nothing. They would be fighting Israel to this day, but they're not. Which means it was not Jordan, and Palestinians are a different race. Besides, Jordanians have a different dialect which suggests that they are a different people to the Palestinians.
43. Observer #5: clean your glasses...
Rafi ,   US   (08.02.10)
... then you might actually "observe" something useful. You assert that in 1966, Israel attacked es-Samu (in the West Bank held by Jordan) with 5,000 soldiers and destroyed 125 homes. Where do you get such nonsense? Samu was a small scale retalitatory raid by the IDF involving at most several hundred soldiers... There were probably not more than 50 homes TOTAL in Samu, a small village, at the time. (I've seen it.) Your arguments are strange enough as they are - why do you find it necessary to consistently lie and exaggerate?
44. @39 Haider
Zvi   (08.02.10)
Unfortunately, the jihadis do not need excuses to try to murder Jews. And Israeli concessions just make them bolder. Israel has tried to be fair and generous. All it has received in return is suicide bombers and rockets.
45. #5 Observer- More Information
Yaakov ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (08.02.10)
You dare quote Finklestein a known anti-semite self-hating Jew? Can't really rely on that information. Even if that were true according to interantional law everything west of Jordan belongs to ISrael. So Israel acording to historical right AND INTERNATIONAL LAW would have acted within its right to liberate the occupaied territory. This is only 23% of the Jewish homeland as in a perfidious act the UK gave away 77% of Israel (east of Jordan river...yes I am sure that many uneducated people were not aware of this) in order to appease a spoiled Saudi grown-up who also wanted a Kingdom at the expense of the Jew's land. So there already was a two-state solution. 23% of Jewish land for Jews and 77% of Jewish land for the Arabs (to make 22 Arab states and may more Muslim).
46. #12 Observer
Yaakov ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (08.02.10)
Also it should be mentioned that Jews do a history there in Eilat dating all the back back to anquity. in 1948-1948 Egypt, (the new Arab state on Jewish land) Jordan and Syria occupied Jewish/Israeli territories which had to wait 19 years (1967)to be liberated.
47. Observer, why not comment on today's war crime?
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (08.02.10)
Firing anti-personnel weapons at civilians is a war crime. Care to explain why you have nothing to say about the murder of an innocent Jordanian? Care to pretend you're a Palestinian propagandist and say these were only "firecrackers"? Are you observing from some cave in the mountains of Afghanistan? A war crimes was committed, yet warmongers like you start flipping through your history books as if the political manifestations of 60 years ago were the root justification. There is no justification. You're one helluva a lousy observer. Especially since you link today's war crime to Jordan acting in self-preservation 40 years ago against a vicious enemy that lead to the deaths of thousands. Somehow that relates to the border in Eilat and it's ok to observe terrorism? Just observe? Nothing else? Shows how empty you are...
48. Jordan, Palestine, let's get this straight.
Madeleine Lewis ,   Israel   (08.02.10)
In 1922 British Manadate paelstine included what today is Jordan. Then, by the San Remo Treaty of that year, TRANS-Jordan - i.e. ACROSS the Jordan, i.e. all of Mandate Palestine East of the Jordan River (hence the name Jordan in case you didn't yet figure it, Lara) was given over as a homeland for the British Mandate Arabs, who until then were part of Palestine, hence, by definition, the citizens of the newly-created (thank-you Britain - what a mess)nKingdon of jordan were Palestinian. Call them what you like, the facts remain. So stop spouting rubbish and trying to twist words. Go and read UN and British history - it's all there. If either of those two bodies was going to lie, it would certainly lie in favour of the Arabs, not the Jews. Maybe just keep your head where it belongs - 'down under'.
49. Lara - Australia exists through occupation and settlement
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (08.02.10)
How can Australia exist? It should be called whatever its true owners called it before they were invaded and occupied by you and your neighbors. Yes, Lara, you are an occupier and a settler. You are not an Aborigine. Is Australia going to close down. Are you going to be sent back to England where you came from? Of course not. That's just a stupid argument - exactly like saying Jews in Israel should be sent back to Poland and Germany, where almost none of us come from. The only option available to Palestinians is direct peace talks leading to a treaty and their own state on part of what was once ancient Israel. Most of us are willing to give up part of our national homeland so that Palestinians can have their own. It's not exactly what we want, but we feel that the only other choice is total war, leading to unconditional surrender by the Palestinians. I know you're in Aussie, but do what you can to promote peace instead of war, will ya?
50. to #42 the queen of jordan is a pali
ghostq   (08.02.10)
jordanians and palis r both arabs aka the same race, and they even got the same flag.
51. to #49 don't be stupid brian
ghostq   (08.02.10)
Australia used to be prison for brits criminals, you see it was suppose to be like saint Helena or the rock, all the criminals from the uk were send there, the grandmother of margaret thacher was Ausis, she was panties theif, so you got alot to learn, the brits really abused the native Aborigines,
52. #5 - "the Jordanian auth did all they could - to prevent "
William ,   Israel   (08.02.10)
infiltration of Palestinian terrorists". First, you cite Finkelstein which has always released slanted stories against Israel. Second, you conveniently cite a portion of text devoid of context. You would be much more credible if you listed the events leading up to the Israeli response, and cite the number of times the Fahyadeen crossed into Israel, across the impossible to secure 1967 lines, and slaughtered women and children blindly. Any action of Jordan was not to keep peace or aid Israel, but to punish the PLO who turned their attention to Amman, which ended with their expulsion in 1972.
53. observer
avi ,   haifa   (08.02.10)
What you call elath does not bother me but even your finkelsteins would admit that is was part of the mandate area and not of egypt. since your source is from 1974 you may not be aware of the fact that there is now a peace treaty between irael and jordan and mutually recognised and drawn borders. not a soul in jordan or anywhere else laid claim on elath. get your facts straight.
54. #12 - well, just let the Egyptians/Pals battle it out
William ,   Israel   (08.02.10)
then we'll kick the ass of the winner. Eilat, just like Ashkelon, Haifa, Jerusalem, and Golan, are Israeli and will stay as such. First, solve the issue of Kashmir or Western Sahara borders before you come to us.
55. #20 - just pointing out context you purposely ignore
William ,   Israel   (08.02.10)
In other words, the Black September incident was the climax in PLO/Hashmite tensions. The PLO didn't just start aggressions in was pressuring the Hashemites since 1948 and even attacking its soldiers. Israel didn't anticipate that the PLO would head to Lebanon, take part in the civil war there, and carve out an autonomous criminal enclave of its own, either. But knowing the PLO criminals and the fake "Palestinian" narrative, we all should have predicted it.
56. 42
zionist forever   (08.02.10)
Palestinians are simply ARABS they can call themselves palestinians or anything else they want they are still only arabs same as the arabs in Iraq, Syria, Jordan and all the other arab states. Dialect doesn't mean anything you go to most countries and you will find they have regional dialects. I am sure even in Australia there are some regional dialects. The idea of palestinians is because prior to 1948 this area was called Palestine which is a result of the Romans renaming the kingdom of Judea Philistina. The original palestinians were jewish but today they are called Israeli. The League of Nations planned to create a jewish homeland in all of Jordan, current Israel, and parts of Syria & Lebanon. In 1922 the British against the terms of their mandate gave 80% of the land that was supposed to be part of a jewish homeland they imported a Heshimite prince from Arabia and made him first king of Transjordan. The British later did more illegal deals like trading the Golan to France who had a mandate to create Syria in exchange for Mousal because the British had a mandate in Iraq After the 1948 war of independence Jordan was the only arab country willing to take in the arab refugees from whats now Israel and about 80% of its population class themselves as palestinians Mostly since WW1 the entire Middle East has been carved up by the colonial powers and just about every state in the region has either artificial borders or have never existed in any border like Jordan, Kuwait and other Gulf states.
57. Everyone here seems to tell half-trues to push their views
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (08.02.10)
I have been trying to dig through a lot of history only to find both sides telling half the true, the half the supports their views or goals. The Jews never seem to fully lie but also never give you the whole true, while Arabs seem to either give you the whole true or a total lie, some times both a the same time. The UK seems to be one of the main causes for problems in the ME, their policies after WW1 and redrawing the map of much of the area. The Jews needed a homeland after WW2 so the Arabs living there got screwed and still 60+ yrs later few truly want to solution the problem except through war, due to radicals on both sides.
58. israel must stop playing dangerous games
59. why does not Israel allow probing Eilat's mass grave?
observer   (08.02.10)
these remains found in Um Rashrash last December 2007 are the remains of Egyptian Soldiers and officers who were killed in March 1949 in the small costal village by the IDF in the operation Uvdah as there was an Egyptian battalion consisting of 350 officers and soldiers guarding the Um Rashrash harbour during that time. In March 1949 despite the UN orders to cease fire between the fighting parties in 1948 and no further Israeli expansion, the IDF continued its campaign of expansion and occupation of the Arab land in what was known as operation “Uvdah”. The front which includes Veterans, generals and military historians says that there was a massacre committed against that Battalion by the IDF. Israel has not either bothered deciding that the IDF make the probe.
60. #59
avi ,   haifa   (08.02.10)
this is getting more ridiculous with every post. a link - even to a neonazi or hamas site would be nice. BTW there was no such thing as a um rashrash harbour.
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