Obama open to talks with Iran
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 05.08.10, 21:47
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31. And the BS hour moves ever forward
Cameron ,   USA   (08.06.10)
Cannot wait till we grab this smiling, idealistic twit by the ear in 2012, and run him right out the door. I swear, he seems to have an aura of disaster forever about him.
32. Continuing naivety of US foreign policy
Joe ,   Canada   (08.06.10)
To believe the sanctions will drive a fanatic regime like Iran's to make a 180 degre change of direction & make the required concessions is dreaming while awake. No dictatorship can make a sincere compromise that threatens its ability to reach a major goal of its expansionary ambitions. It will play fox all the time even when giving the appearence of ceeding & wait for the next favorable occasion to make an arrogant return to its bellicose stand.
33. Obama's excuse ...
DT ,   TA Israel   (08.06.10)
To do absolutely nothing. Come on Israel - do it because if you don't rest assured Iranian nukes "will be done unto you "
34. #12 Obama approval ratings
bob ,   New Zealand   (08.06.10)
I'm even starting to bore myself with my constant replies to claims about Obama's approval rating. I am not unconditionally pro-Obama but false claims about his approval ratings irk me - I know not why His current approval rasting is not in the 30% range as you claim - it has been in the 49%- 44% range since Jan 2010 If you compare his approval graphs to earlier US presidents there is nothing remarkably amazingly about it. Furthermore...Israel and the Middle East do not figure in the top ten issues which US voters consider to be important These facts can be found here-
35. The time frame for talks with Iran ends
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (08.06.10)
BEFORE the midterms... Irans nuclear sites MUST be taken out BEFORE the November elections, otherwise the Muslim in the White House can no longer be forced to join ranks with Israel...!!! This is the basic line...but Hussein Obama still tries to pursuit his deceptive strategy of SUPPORTING the mad mullahs by the means of a neverending BLA BLA BLA... Israel must take action now...the demise of Irans dictatorship AND the demise of the TRAITOR still occupying the Oval Office , will follow soon...
36. To: Malone at No. 13
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.06.10)
Obama's support among the black community has eroded as well. But you are obliquely correct in one regard -- in our zeal for political correctness, people are avoiding stating the obvious -- that the emperor has no clothes -- because they do not wish to be perceived as "racist." Obama is just a national embarrassment; a fraud and a phony. And -- heavens! -- it has nothing to do with his race. He's given the American people so much to be disgusted and angry about that have absolutely nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with our expectations for our elected president to comport his actions with the expressed wishes of the people who voted him into office. The last thing on earth that the American people want is to abandon Israel, a loyal and true ally, in favor of closer ties with the Islamic and Arab world. The former is important to Americans; the latter generates absolutely no enthusiasm. We have NOTHING in common with Arabs and Islamofascists. We do not want to be their friends -- the things they have done to the United States are unspeakable and horrific. If Obama survives impeachment, he will not be re-elected in 2012. Unless he really has no pride, he will not even run. He is the Antichrist, and most voting Americans know that he is taking the country down a path leading to certain ruin. It isn't accidental either -- he has made a conscious choice. He is not President Obama; he is Hussein Obama. And everyone knows it.
37. To: No. 34
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.06.10)
First of all, the accepted way to look at approval and popularity ratings is to take the results of ALL the major polls, and find the mean. Clearly, you are looking only at the Gallup polls, which have a higher margin of error than most and are consistently considered to be -- er -- optimistic. That said -- are you somehow under the impression that 49% and 44% are good ratings? LOL!!! Boy, do YOU have a great deal to learn! You need to look at splits, by which I mean narrowed poll topics. Don't look at the "overall" ratings; they tell you nothing. Look at the breakdowns, or splits -- How is the president performing with respect to the U.S. economy? How is the president performing with respect to the growing issue of unemployment? How is the president performing with respect to foreign policy? Gallup studiously avoids splits. But even overall -- and even in the Gallup polls -- the president is doing terribly. His worst numbers, by the way, are when measuring responses to expectation versus reality. We expected a great deal from Obama, and he has disappointed the American people to a greater degree than ANY prior United States president. That's saying something.
38. To: No. 17 and No. 18
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.06.10)
Is that the best that you can do? Churn out pithy one-liners that mean nothing and address no issues? Why am I not surprised. Clearly, both of you lack knowledge of the American political system and you are each completely uninformed as to those issues which concern the American electorate. Neither of you have offered anything substantive. Are you incapable of composing cogent and coherent opinions? Never mind. I just answered my own question and -- sadly for you -- the answer is "yes." Okay, boys, go out and play -- try not to get too dirty -- and leave this forum to those with sufficient intellect to meet our very high Jewish standards. Neither of you make the grade. Sorry.
39. To: No. 27
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.06.10)
Are you so naive that you expect Arabs and Moslems to seek peace? Haven't the last sixty-odd years taught you anything? Go back for a second look. You'll find your warmongerers, terrorists and jihadists, and -- guess what? It isn't Israel. What the Islamic and Arab world wants is an unbroken sea of Islam -- fundamentalist, primitive and ruthless Islam -- from Indonesia to Morocco. Of course, they haven't quite figured if they want it to be Shia or Sunni, or Wahhabist or Bathist, or Alawite, but let's leave all that to your alleged peace-desiring Moslems to figure out. These animals brought their conflict to the shores of the United States. How can you believe a WORD they say? Just wait until the U.S. exits Iraq -- then you will see all to well just what it is that Islam and the Arabs have to offer civilization. You won't like what you see. Grow a brain, sir.
40. #37
bob ,   NZ   (08.06.10)
Not at all. They are average ratings. They are not remarkable in any respect -if you compare Obamas first 18 months in office to the first 18 months in office of all US presidents since WW2 you'll find that his graph is no worse than that of many other presidents ( about half of the ones mentioned to be roughly precise ) and is better than a few of them. Other point about splits taken on board. As far as the economy goes I think Obama inherited a mess which will take years to fix no matter who is in charge.
41. #37
bob ,   NZ   (08.06.10)
oops...#40 was my answer to your question -- ''are you somehow under the impression that 49% and 44% are good ratings? ''
42. Sarah B. - I wish I could offer you...
Persian CAT   (08.06.10)
a tissue to wipe the foam off your mouth. Tell you vet to change your meds. Whatever you're taking is not working, dear.
43. Couscous, don't worry. Be happy...
I wish I could be there to fluff you up, dear. I know you're trying to be funny. But you don't have to be so sour about it. I'm sure some good med would do wonders for you, dear. Take as much as you need to cheer you up! Hurry...
44. To #17 Austrias contribution to the world
A ,   Belgium   (08.06.10)
Well, little Peet, considering that the only thing Austria has contributed to society in the century has been a little corporal with a little moustache and a sick mind, and and ex-Nazi president...oh right, the Governator too...I wouldn't act like I was actually PROUD of anything if I was you.
45. to #36. Sarah B.
A ,   Belgium   (08.06.10)
Right ON! You go, girl!
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