The war on de-legitimization
Gerald M. Steinberg
Published: 12.08.10, 18:29
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31. #23 I don't think so
Menachem ,   Israel   (08.13.10)
Don't make me laugh about your moral rantings against Israel. You should be more concerned about neo-nazis and islamo-fascists in a Germany which still harbors a lot of bias against Jews and other minorities.
32. FIght Back
Ken ,   AUstralia   (08.13.10)
Its obvious this is another front on bleeding the jewish state drop of blood at a time, untill the wound is so great that they can then blood let the state and make her lifeless. This has been the case all along with muslims, its a muslim curse placed on the state. No longer are they interested in attacking jews, there target is the state. Its time to fight back , the flotilla de-barcle was a mistake it should have not been treated as such, the IDF need to combat this blood-letting of the state by putting us in a position where they can tie our hands whilst there next response will be , slapping us in the mouth. Its always the case. THERE STRATEGY OF CRYING POOR, works for them, OH the Poor arabs can some-one help us against these terrible jews. If we are Smart- We would not let them use these childish propaganda tools and also understand there impacts on us underneath the surface. They know where to attack us, SO - Why give them the options, Its time to take controll of the situation, SwItch these guys off, do not give them a voice, and also stop them in there actions, every time we can do this gives us an opportunity to put them out of the de-legitimization business and promote israel directly to the world, and protect israels identitity down the track , you see there attacks are a long term strategy, that the arabs can use for benefits down the track, they always wait for the right time to take an advantageous time to use these weapons, So we should know when there comeing.
33. Whose World?
Christy ,   Boston, US   (08.13.10)
Guess it must be in the circles I find myself in. I don't know anyone who hates Israel. On the contrary, people I know support Israel. You obviously know a whole set of people I've never met to make a statement like that. Sounds like a bleak world with so much hate in it.
34. #17 Pure Pallywood posting....
Mark ,   Lodz, Poland   (08.13.10)
Do you sincerely believe what you're saying, you sorry case?
35. Everyone 'thinks' their correct. Meanwhile...
iObserver and News ,   US-Israel   (08.13.10)
Some of the posters here are arrogant, self-righteous fools! NO DOUBT! a) The UN/EU ARE ANTI-SEMITIC. b) Anti-Israeli-ism IS Anti-semitism due to the simple fact that no one is ANTI-SOMALIA, ANTI-PAKISTAN, ANTI-SYRIA, ANTI-TURKEY, ANTI-SAUDI-ARABIA, ETC. But the UN/EU pass hundreds of resolutions against Israel but NOT against the worlds worst human rights offenders. Anti-Israel IDIOTS are anti-Israel ONLY BECAUSE IT IS A JEWISH STATE; NO OTHER REASON. There is NO logic behind bashing a tiny country that the arabs have tried and still try to annihilate. There is NO LOGIC behind the INSANELY false claims of 'illegal' nuclear weapons, 'Illegal settlements (when Jews paid for the land over a hundred years ago for instance), human rights violations during a war when a million leaftlets were dropped with warnings and thousands of phone calls were made which WERE NOT HEEDED, etc., etc. Libtards are libtards: liberals are terrorists and haters. NO HUMAN BEING CAN TOLERATE THE ABUSE THE ISRAELIS/JEWS HAVE GONE THROUGH WITHOUT BECOMING DEEPLY DEFENSIVE, PROTECTIVE AND ALWAYS FEELING AS IF TODAY IS THEIR LAST DAY. Well, thanks to the f-in world, they've CREATED an AGGRESSIVE STATE called Israel. THAT IS THE RESULT OF THE WORLDS TREATMENT OF THE JEWS: IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT; LOOK IN THE THE MIRRIOR AND SPIT IN YOUR OWN FACE! In the meantime: we will kick @$$ on ANYONE who screws with us in ANY way...PERIOD. Get used to it you arrogant wafflers out there. And if you are a Jew and live in Israel but speak out against it: your days are numbered too: soon there will be legislation to boot your sorry butts out of the land so you can live among the HATERS in the EU or ME. Time to call a spade a spade; ANTI-ISRAELI IS ANTI-SEMITISM. IF YOU ARE AN ANTI-SEMITE, WATCH YOUR MOUTH IN FRONT OF A JEW OR YOU'LL BE COUNTING YOUR TEETH. WE'RE FIGHTING BACK FROM THIS POINT FORWARD. SUKKERS.
36. Professor Steinberg: The choice for our ambassador to the U.
Professor Edgar Pick ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (08.13.10)
Professor Gerald Steinberg has been fighting for many years the just cause of Israel on the foreign and internal arenas. He has been and is the only clear and emphatic voice demonstrating the danger of the unfair and highly biased NGOs. The most important point stressed by him is the need for a Knesset resolution on the transparency of funding of these NGOs by foreign governements and "neutral" funding agencies. The most blatant is the New Israel Fund (NIF), an organization which exploits its positive-sounding title to exploit the naivity of many Jews living abroad who donate generously to the NIF in the belief that it is meant to support Israel when, in fact, it is mainly supporting extreme anti-Israeli causes. Professor Steiinberg is a scientist, an intellectual and one with a superb possession of the English language, spoken and written. Wouldn't he be the NATURAL choice for our next Ambassado to the United Nations? At this time, Mr Netaniahu and Lieberman should forget about party interests and other deals and invite Professor Steinberg to serve this country at this important forum. I am sure he will apply his extraordinary talents to this job to the benefit of Israel at this difficult hour.
37. #34;Mark,Lodz, your right about #17
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (08.13.10)
We live in a time of sound bites. #17, follows that method, Steve brings up 3 incidents, but , without context. People only read or hear an outcome, without cause and effect. 1) the 2006 war with Lebanon Steve writes 1200 civilians dead, First Nasrallah admitted starting that war with his cross border attack on the IDF where he killed and kidnapped IDF soldiers. Second the civilian deaths is highly disputed because Hezbollah lied about how many fighters they lost, some estimates as high as 680 fighters. 2) The 2009 bombing of Gaza, again Steve fails to mention it was in response to Hamas attacks, 8-10 thousand rockets and mortar shells. 24 Israeli civilians died in those attacks, how many countries would have waited as long as Israel did before responding? 3) The flotilla, as we all know the video evidence is overwhelming and completely exonerates Israel. It clearly shows the 6th ship started the fight, and the leader's admitted the flotilla was NOT to deliver aid, BUT, to break the naval blockade. But that's the point Mark, Steve writes one brief paragraph of distortion, and I to to write all this to prove he is full of crap.
38. #37 + you're doing a swell job, Mark ; )
Mark ,   Lodz, Poland   (08.13.10)
In fact, what I've noticed over the couple of years or so since I've been frequenting YNET is that these Pallywood victims pack up and take their tripe with them when faced with the irrefutable truth
39. Yes, More… But Not Less.
k1w1 ,   NZ   (08.14.10)
I agree with some of the author’s opinion here. Human rights infringements are being committed wholesale in many countries on earth, most notably by the US and NATO in countries far from their own borders, and they should be condemned with the same emphasis and vigour as the human rights abuses committed by Israel. Yes, it’s a bit rich, hearing some of these politicians from certain European countries condemning Israel’s record and actions without mentioning the atrocities and human rights abuses their own governments and states are complicit in committing. However, that’s not to say that criticism of Israeli inequities should be any less. Our opprobrium for all abuses of human rights, no matter who commits them, should be loud and clear everywhere, not only in Israel.
40. #29 & 37. Bringing Up Gaza… Like a Bit of Sick.
k1w1 ,   NZ   (08.14.10)
Yeah, let’s bring up the recent role of Israel in Gaza… let’s discuss the fact that Israel designated Hamas a terrorist organisation only after they won the (Israeli endorsed) election in 2006. Lets discuss the ceasefire that was in effect between June and November prior to the invasion of Gaza, and the number of rockets that were fired, and who was firing them into Israel from Gaza during that period. Let’s discuss how that effective ceasefire was broken when the IDF launched a raid into Gaza. Let’s compare the largely ineffective kassam rocket to the flechette and phosphorus weapons used by the IDF during Cast Lead (and who supplied the IDF with those terrible and wicked weapons?). Let’s discuss the wanton destruction of infrastructure, and the thousands of homes that were deliberately destroyed by the IDF in the days immediately before the IDF knew it was withdrawing from Gaza in 2009. Let’s discuss the hundreds and hundreds of Palestinian civilians who were slaughtered during Israel’s paroxysm of destruction that was Cast Lead. Let’s discuss the blockade of Gaza, which has done nothing to prevent weapons getting into Gaza through the tunnels but has had a terrible effect on innocent people in Gaza, mostly children who had no part in electing Hamas or ever fired a rocket into Israel. Let’s discuss how government officials said, “the idea [of the blockade] is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger” (that from Dev Weisglass, the man who defended the criminal Lieberman in court for assaulting a child). And let’s discuss the fact that, as a result of the IDF’s inept handling of the humanitarian flotilla Israel has been forced to ease, or at least has made a pretence of easing the blockade on Gaza. Let’s discuss, well… I could go on and on about Israel’s recent brutal role in Gaza.
41. #40, except not a single thing you said is true
Danny   (08.14.10)
42. #37 that is what libel courts are there for
Danny   (08.14.10)
At the moment these groups can lie with impunity. This is why they make such great sound bites. Raise the financial cost of brazen lying and then suddenly those soundbites have to be hedged and cease to be soundbites. There is an instinctive reaction to blame the bias on the writer's ideology but look at it from a NGO/journalist's point of view - they get next to no money from Israel, there is zero consequences to lying, not even basic credibility consequences and on the other hand Hizbollah and Hamas at a minimum can ban them and regularly threaten and intimate them as well as killing them. Whose story you going to tell in that situation?
43. Get real!
Thomas ,   Dixieland USA   (08.15.10)
Take a close look at the Israeli press: the majority of TB posters are rabid, vicious members of the international antisemitic mob. Yet they are the favorites of the editors and no slander and lie is vile enough for them to discard the regurgitated hate. Conversely, pro-Israeli posts are scrutinized for Political Correctness and deviation from the Leftist line will be mercilessly deleted. As a frequent reader and poster I conclude that it's meaningless to provide pro-Israeli URL-s, or other informative recourses because it will be deleted anyway. Remember Dante's: "Abandon hope all ye who enter here"
44. ignore the NGOs
izwick ,   NYC   (08.15.10)
I support the alternative plan. Our efforts and money should go towards building Israel and the liberated Jewish lands into a country where people want to live and visit. Arabs don't want to leave b/c they like it here. Eventually these NGO's will lose their credibility when the truth is revealed. confronting them will only enhance their legitimacy instead of revealing their Jew-hatred
45. You can go on and on K1W1 #40 but, as
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (08.15.10)
usual, you're short on facts, high on drama. Here's a real fact (reference Shin Bet): During the six month "ceasefire" ending in December 2008, Hamas & Associates launched 361 rocket attacks and 303 mortars into (southern) Israel. Incidentally, your indignant writing style suggests there is something other than moral and intellectual purity guiding your comments. By the way, try referencing your socalled "facts". As always, Robert.
46. #45. Robert.
k1w1 ,   NZ   (08.15.10)
I certainly do not condone any terrorist attack against anyone anywhere and you certainly have my sympathy and empathy if you and yours have ever been subject to the horror of rocket fire, as I have recently come to understand could be the case. The period I referred to is between June 18th and the 4th November IDF raid into Gaza that effectively ended the ceasefire, during which, at least according to Wikipedia, 37 rockets and mortars were fired into Israel from Gaza. These attacks were the result of Fatah-affiliated militants outside Hamas control, and did not result in any deaths or significant damage. I’m sorry that you somehow read some sort of esoteric meaning to my writing style… Perhaps this is the result of a paranoid mind that sees conspiracies everywhere - I don’t know, but you’re the mind “doctor” so you might know more about that. Anyway, I’ll take into consideration your delicate sensibilities in any future postings I think you might take the time to read. As always, Robert, shalom from Godzone.
47. alone
olim hadashim ,   tel-aviv/israel   (08.15.10)
we are a people who dwells alone and surely do not need the love of the haters of our nation.we need to be strong and thats all.
48. Go for the big fish!
Observer ,   Jerusalem, Jerusalem   (08.16.10)
Just a tip. Why limit the delegitimization campaign to a few idealistic if marginal HR groups. Who do you think financed the violent resistance against the removal of civilian settlers from occupied Gaza, and the vitriolic attacks on then elected PM Ariel Sharon, the Israeli supreme court, Israel's law enforcement agencies and the IDF? Yes, "charitable" tax deductible American NGO:s: American taxpayers financed the delegitimization of Israel's democratically elected government and democratic institutions. And, it is not history. Travel the West Bank – Judea and Samaria. Who are the "Hill Top Youth" that actively defy Israeli law, build "outposts" on land that is not theirs, attack and delegitimize the military and police forces that are there to defend them and to uphold the rule of law, destroying private property and attacking civilians to provoke unrest that put Israeli boys in uniform – and, by fostering more hatred, also the Israeli population at large – in harms way. Who are these zealots? To a large extent fundamentalist American yeshiva boys, funded by American, and to some extent European, tax exempt "charities" backed by extreme right wing Jews and fundamentalist Christians with only scorn reserved for the democratic institutions of the Jewish state, and as far as the fundamentalist Christian goes, only contempt reserved for the Jewish faith and Jews in general. So instead of going after the small fish, professor Steinberg and his foreign financiers could go straight for the jugular by investigate the activities and finances of the NGO:s that does more to delegitimize Israel and Israelis in the minds of the world than any "left wing", "peacenik" NGO ever could.
49. An Atheist on your side
Tim Morgan ,   USA   (08.16.10)
I may not be a Jew, but I wholeheartedly believe not only in your right to exist, but your right to defend Israel as you see fit, and build anything, anywhere you want. I cannot stand the way my own government's actions undermine yours. As a conservative Libertarian from NY, I will continue to speak out about Israel, and her fight against the REAL monsters in the world
50. charles did helen thomas teach you nothing
Tim Morgan ,   USA   (08.16.10)
Remember your history charles, unstable economy, impending inflation, weak leadership, and helen thomas saying what most lefties think. If you don't remember what happened in germany, you won't be able to stop it when it starts here.
51. Hey YE from Canada, I'm with ya...
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (08.16.10)
I kinda like my pseudonym (no, I'm NOT the messiah!!! I'm a very naughty boy!) I belong to a national political party and am working to effect change here. So yea, I'm a tachlis guy (aka putting them into practice and not hiding). If you wanna fight for the cause, my first suggestion, of course, is that you visit your local aliya office and get a one-way ticket....but failing that, I suggest you lobby the major national groups in the great white north (CIC and CJC) to get them to change their tactics from defense to offense. Let's see Canadians start pressing charges against Palestinian war criminals, and filing civil claims against them. Too many innocent Canadians have been murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the urging of the Palestinian leadership. Go for it... email me updates, please.
52. 2001 UN “World Conference Against Racism”
Josh   (08.18.10)
Israeli Gvernment needs to pay for and run add campaigns against racism here. One trip down to Herzliya at business lunch hour and it is clear. No Blacks to be seen. Before we spend time and effort fighting people who have mixed a valid point with their evil ones to sell them all, maybe we should sqaush racism and bring racist/spiritual teachers to justice. We can't point a finger at those demonizing others when we allow it to happen here. Why are natives so threatened and fear mongering others. It is hard to legitizmize when racism not rhiteousness is allowed to prevail. But before anyone misrepresent, Palestinians want a Jew free state. I see extreme racism over there.
53. why we lose the PR war?
Eshkol Hakofer   (02.09.11)
very simple, our problem is not simply a queston of who will win the pr game. as long as delusional olim from the us (say geralds and dores) not only think that they have the same rights to the place as the native arabs, but that their right is superior, and that we have the right to remove the palestinians (ahmad and ali) from eretz yisroel, we will be losing the public opinion. we may be the oly idiots in this tragic game & we convinced ourselves of what we set to convince others .
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