Jewish Scene
Being a religious single mother
Gilit Chomsky
Published: 25.08.10, 13:22
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31. 9 # You lack kedusha -
too many single men   (08.27.10)
That's why you suggest nonsence. G-d created a human half man half woman. Later he parted the body into two, but we still share our soul with only one woman. You belong to Arab mentality. I'm Jewish, hence cant think other than kedusha. Plus you are promoting bachelors once another guy feels entitled to more than one woman. You want to deprive some of their rightfull partner. G-d created 50% women 50% men exactly.
32. Fine with me
rivkah f. ,   jerusalem   (08.27.10)
This is a personal choice with many good and bad points. Many two parent families are dysfunctional, while many single moms do very well. If the child is one with special needs, then it is very hard to be alone. I go to a shul in Jerusalem where there are several single moms with their own or adopted children. They are part of the community. That's our world today and there is no going back.
33. Whose your daddy?
Rabbi Small ,   Modin Israel   (08.27.10)
Halachic issue: who is your daddy? That is right. The child's father is a test tube sperm and when called for an aliyah is a safek. Is it Kohen, Levi Yisrael ? Is the father even Jewish? What about a child who grows up without a daddy will he or she marry or also have a sperm bank child. This so wrong on so many levels. I agree with my colleague Rabbi Ashkenazi
34. Simpe solution...
Orly ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (08.27.10)
...return to allowing polygamy among Ashkenazim as with Sepharadim. There would no longer be the lone "over the hill" 26+ year old girl in the women's section saying the entire Tehillim while the Torah is out, desperately hoping that God hears her prayers. She could easily be taken on as a second or third wife by men who are qualified to handle a polygamous family. There is no reason for this "old maid" crisis, and there is no reason to have to go through the hate-slinging from both sides of the "single mother" issue.
35. #33 other possibilities
Sue ,   Los Angeles   (08.27.10)
I agree with you. Even for secular single mothers, there are plenty of practical issues: from the child not knowing anything about his/her father and his family's health history to the possibility of the woman picking up a sexually transmitted disease from the one-night stand (it happened to one of my cousins). I thought of another (although remote) possibiltiy: that the child could grow up and unknowingly marry a half-brother or sister. Or if a girl, her own father.
36. 35 Sue, Los Angeles: You did not say what kind of
Rivkah   (08.28.10)
STD your cousin got, but if it was herpes or even HIV, tell her to take 2cc Cellfood and 2 teaspoonsful Detoxamin Silver solution (nanoparticlized) in a cup of water twice daily until there are no more relapses. That can take up to two years since some of the virus might be encapsulated in deep tissue and organs, but she can accomplish a permanent remission. Silver and stabilized liquid oxygen are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal which covers a lot of diseases. Add to that 10 gm daily in divided doses of bioflavinoid full spectrum vitamin C to boost the immune system. It is an out of pocket expense, but that has worked on people who tried it at my suggestion from M.D. newsletters from many sources.
37. 34 Orly, Jerusalem, Israel: The Bible in Isaiah says
Rivkah   (08.28.10)
polygamy will return to Israel since so many of the mighty men (IDF) will be killed in wars. Seven women will take hold of one man, just asking for his name and not his support for the children they would have. For Israel to recover from the next holocaust, polygamy will be necessary. King David and King Solomon had many wives. God's plan is for one man to have one wife, for life; but that is in normal times. The troubles that are coming are not normal times. Also, King Solomon said only one man in a thousand is worthy of the name, man. Rabbi Yeshua was called Chiefest of 10,000. So there are some males that should be polygamous so that women don't have to settle for a man who does not love the Lord or remain single.
38. Husband Sharing
M. Martin ,   NYC/Tel-Aviv   (08.30.10)
So to evefyone suggesting lifting teh ban on polygamy I ask you: 1) if you are a woman, are YOU willing to share your husband, having his 2nd and 3rd wife and their children in teh house with you? 2) if you are a man, well, it's obvious why you might think polygamy is a godo idea, but are YOU willilng and ABLE to support multiple wives and children? To teh same standard? Islamic law dictates that a man with multyiple wives must treat them equally, which also means financially. Can YOU do that? Do you WANT to do that? Are you ready to manage teh competition ebwteen these woves and children for YOUR financial resources? Polygamy is NOT just about the sex, guys.
39.  Let us not be guilty of claiming the forbidden is permitted
A woman w/experience ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (09.01.10)
I personally think polygamy is the answer but it takes very giving and cooperative people to be in such a situation. That is the only halachically responsible answer to the shidduch problem in my opinion. Not all men are wanting to get married. Some men are capable of handling more than one wife. There is nothing halachically wrong with it, and even the Ashkenzi ban is over for several years now. The fact is that it's happening anyway already. Rav Ovadia permitted it 10 years ago already. Dveed Davash also got a Heter from a well known rabbi and has two wives publically acknowledged. Women always argue they want their men to themselves...but it's not true. We often want down time as well, whether we admit it or not. I much prefer polygamy to the nightmare of worrying if my husband is having an affair. Kiddushin is holiness. more kiddushin is more holiness. We're Jewish, not Catholic. We believe everything can be holy depending on how it's used. Let's stop being scared of our shadows and take some leadership in this world for a change! Muslims are making headlines for marrying 8 yr old girls by force. Catholic Priests make headlines still for molesting boys. The point of Judaism is to sanctify life. To put men with a huge yetzer in the closet and force them to take mistresses is equally irresponsible when Judaism allows polygamy and there are so many single women walking around who would be open to it. Let us not be guilty of claiming the forbidden is permitted and the permitted forbidden..
40. Well if male Rabbi's feel fathers aren't needed.
adam ,   clifton, nj   (09.05.10)
Then maybe they aren't needed. The community should be run by women and let them give up their jobs to women. It is sad we have so called male religious Rabbi's who work in an all male profession and try to undermine other men. They don't want children having other male influences other then themselves. These women aren't victims. The victims are Jewish men who have to live alone. These Rabbi's that fall for these fake damsels in distress are not fit to be Rabbi's as at the end of the day they want to undermine men which to have a few men control everything is not good for society. Rabbis sadly most don't believe in property rights and like communism.
41. #15 singles can't adopt in Israel
Yael ,   Israel   (09.30.10)
Adoption is not available to people who are unmarried in Israel. There are precious few children available for couples who want them here. I've a set of married friends who have been on the waiting list for more than 5 years and are still hoping, as they cannot afford the costs of a foreign adoption.
42. to #9
Yehudit ,   US   (01.04.11)
You advocate that religious Jews take more than one wife??? Israel already has a problem men who have only one wife who cannot support their large families. Now you advocate that they take additional wives and have additional children for the state to support. Bad decision, unless you, personally will support these children.
43. Can't have it both ways #33
Yehudit ,   US   (01.04.11)
Rabbi Small, according to halachah, a person't "Jewishness" comes from the mother and not from the father, so the question of whether or not the father is Jewish or not is not valid, and in the grand scheme of things, it does not matter if the child is a Cohen, Levi, or Yisrael. No religious man would be donating to a spermbank to begin with because it would be against Halachah.
44. to #34
Yehudit ,   US   (01.04.11)
So, Orly, then what would be the criteria with which a man could take another wife, wealth? Are you ready to support this family with your tax money while the father sits in a Yeshiva all day?
45. old maid
marilyn rosen ,   jerusalem Israel   (10.23.12)
B"H If you really want to change people's minds try avoiding phrases like OLD MAID . I personally find it offensive. It's comments like that that drive women to AT LEAST be mothers so they can fit somehow into the mainstream.
46. No paranoia.
someone ,   Brazil   (10.24.12)
answer is Reform and Conservative Judaism.
47. Married man's wife?
Akiva ,   NYC   (10.25.12)
Does this married man have regular contact with his mistress's child? Does his wife know and accept the situation? Do the wife's children know about their half-sibling? There are a lot of issues in such a relationship. When the time comes the children will have to know to avoid incest.
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