Government approves loyalty oath bill
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 10.10.10, 16:44
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OZ   (10.10.10)
every soverign country expects its minorty citizens to pledge allegiance with their new adopted country. why should it be anydifferent in israel? oh, because it' s israel.... and khanae, zl, was right100%
32. re: 10 Name these states that you speak of......
Absolute Crap ,   Los Angeles   (10.10.10)
and show me where they specifically make you swear allegiance to a specific religion. As far the United States our citizenship oath does bring up god (non-specific) and a duty to bear arms against our enemies, both of these are optional and do not have to be recited if you happen to be an athiest, pacifist, or if you just dont want to. So I challenge you to try an equate our oath to your racist one.
33. Loyalty bill -great !
DT ,   TA Israel   (10.10.10)
Anything that opposes the Leftist give -away- the - State must be good. No doubt the Left fear the next stept is swearing allegiance to Israel for all existing Israeli citizens
34. loyalty oath bill
Edmond Silber ,   Montreal QC Canada   (10.10.10)
Immigrating from France to this beautiful country, when I became a Canadian citizen I pledge allegiance to the Queen of Canada Her Majesty Elisabeth II. If I decide to make aliya, even if I am Jew, I’m ready to do the same to the Jewish state of Israel. As a Jew, I’ve anyway already did it in my heart. Edmond Silber Montreal, Canada
35. I take it back...
John   (10.10.10)
Earlier I said "good" to the new bill but the more I was able to read about it, the more I realized that I am not fully in favor of it. I love Israel and I understand why the leadership made such a move but In a quasi-democratic country such as Israel, it is not commensurate with democratic values. If you are going to stand by Israel being a democratic nation-state among other democratic states of the world, then you cannot have a bill like this. However, if you decide to move away from democracy and into some other type of political form, then a bill like this would be fine. You would be saying, Israel is a Jewish State with full rights for all citizens but a Jewish State above all. Like I said, you really can't be both - Israel has to choose.
36. To @ 16 Ezra yes About time this law was passed.Especially>>
KATE ,   ISRAEL   (10.10.10)
Especially for the Arab/Israelis who act as enemies within with the like of Zoabi,Tibbi et al. As the original title expressed YES KAHANE WAS RIGHT after all and the powers that be have just woken up.A bit late in the day,but better late than never. What I wish is for Barak to shut up for once.He keeps on changing every single day.Now he is trying to moderate the law,why is that.You either accept it or not meddle in its application. And there's sour grapes Livni putting her oar in it,by calling it a disgrace. I will say to bravo to mike(formerly usa) for his longer than usual response applying the crux of the matter as he says: i.e as undemocratic as this is, it beats the alternative. Since this law will most probably stop the traitors who are Arab/Israelis in the Knesset and yet act as traitors to the country they receive their benefits from that gives them the right iof free speech whereby they would be unable were they living in any other of their Arab brethren's country. They know it,for otherwise they'd move without a second thought. That they prefer not to speaks volumes. As you say mike,this is the lesser of two evils(tho' I would not call it evil). Example of USA that all immigrants or in the military have to take the oath "In god we trust".When supposedly they do not call their country Christian? Isn't it odd when the majority of the populace are: Christians. In the uk (discounting the few millions)all are Christians . End of story/. In England the queen's oath is: DEFENDER OF THE FAITH. Except the whimp Charles who will never be king,trying appeasement said:Defender of all faiths.Didn't get him far though did it?
37. Better believe it: Rav Kahane,ZT'L, was right!
Uri Dayan ,   TA, Israel   (10.10.10)
Israel is a Jewish State! Love it or leave it!
38. not all, but only American Jews
observer   (10.10.10)
because you are in dire need for them taking the oath in that important turn in Israel's history. more needed than American money! may be they will too call it democracy American style.
39. #25
Tomek ,   Poland   (10.10.10)
You are missing the point. Many states require an oath of loyalty to the state but the Israeli version calls for an oath of loyalty to 'the Jewish state' instead of 'Israel'. Why on Earth would a non-Jew plead his or her allegiance to anything Jewish is beyond me. In no country do you have to plead loyalty to any particular religion or ethnic group. Israel is not even recognized as a Jewish state. Of course, Israel's long-term intention is to prevent the return of the displaced Palestinians as they would not be able to make this oath. What next? A requirement for Arab Israelis to wear a badge with the crescent moon on it?
40. DT Good and I agree with your points.But >
KATE ,   ISRAEL   (10.10.10)
But there is Barak trying to subvert it on the other forum(have only read title) That makes me livid with that man who is a lobarite and why is BB keeping him in his cabinet? he is always trying to upset the apple cart..I mentioned him because of the comment on the LEFTIST and Barak is a proper lefty,under the guize of what? methinks I am confused. I also agree with your last sentence.
41. blash, JerusalemI call this:ISRAEL'S RENAISSANCE
KATE ,   ISRAEL   (10.10.10)
Since every world country carries this law --At least I am assuming Arab/Muslim countries do as well, why should Israel be different? Sorry,I only arrived ,did some here say it is "fascistic "? I will leave it till tomorrow before I make up my mind on some who responded negatively. Hey,just saw marco's caption: Sad day for democrcy...Why so marco?
42. Steve Benassi #2
Steve Klein ,   Ocala   (10.10.10)
Loyalty to one's own country is a good thing Steve.
43. lieberman is showing israel´s real face
ivan ,   haifa   (10.10.10)
44. we have just witnessed democracy in action
zionist forever   (10.10.10)
The majority of the elected government of the jewish state have just voted in favor of a bill that not everybody supported. Thats how democracy works... you have winners and losers. Its not about voting and when you don't win you whine about how its not fair. This looks to me like the actions of a jewish and democratic state
45. DAVID , JUDEA : Hold your horses.Israel is not an atheist >.
JAMES ,   Israel   (10.10.10)
Atheist country.Only in your mind. I honestly cannot fathom what you are trying to imply or presume that all Jews in Israel are atheists? You will not pledge ,okay,but as yet we don't know whether there will be reppercussions by your ilk if you refuse.
46. Short reply Edmond Montreal Canada: Good for you!
KATE ,   ISRAEL   (10.10.10)
I did say directly on the Queen's Oath. Canada as well as Australia I believe take the same oath. Defender of the Faith. Bravo to you and blessings. It only takes willingness to achieve. It is only a small,but crucial adherence to the state you live in. Au-revoir mon cher
47. No loyal citizen should object to this.
The 11th Man ,   London   (10.10.10)
48. Are american fascists?
Miguel Katz ,   Buenos Aires, Argent   (10.10.10)
I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God
49. U.S.A. has a loyalty oath for new citizens
Yacov ,   Chicago   (10.10.10)
All new citizenship applicants in the U.S.A. have to take the Oath of Allegiance (Loyalty Oath) at their naturalization ceremony BEFORE being granted citizenship.
50. Aisha No You are wrong.Please desist trying to be >
KATE ,   ISRAEL   (10.10.10)
Trying to be melodramatic. It will apply to all citizens who will reside in Israel.Since you are in Yaffo,(more correct name) You should know better than that.
51. #2 Benassi in the USA
Yacov ,   Chicago   (10.10.10)
Like desperation of the Black community in the USA with 12 million Blacks surrounded by 290 million non-Blacks? Arabs in Israel have a lot better life in general than Blacks have in the USA. How about you clean up your own back yard before you take 4 cheap shots at Israel.
52. Short reply to Lynn US >
KATE ,   ISRAEL   (10.10.10)
Answer to all those aforementioned coutries in your post ,the answer is: NO,NO,NO You will not be accepted at all. Unless of course you convert to their religion. Are you "our Lynn" who faught with that woman whos' moniker was "ballistic"?
53. #1
Rosie   (10.10.10)
What is "undemocratic" about the bill? What is democracy? It is the rule of the majority. In absolutely FREE election process in which EACH and EVERY citizen, Jewish, Arab, Druze,etc., etc. could participate, the present government was voted in by the MAJORITY. The bill was approved by the MAJORITY of the ELECTED government. How is it "undemocratic", for God's sake? How could anti-Israel propagandists sit in The Knesset, were it not a DEMOCRATIC state? What is wrong about taking a loyalty oath to the state of which one wants to become a citizen? Why would any country GRANT citizenship to someone that is UNLOYAL to it, in the first place?
54. To nr 39 - Tomek, Poland
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.10.10)
Am I really missing the point? What is the point of declaring loyalty to a state if you cannot even accept its identity? What is the point of declaring loyalty to Poland if its identity is not Polish and minorities demand a multicultural society and/or an extension of their home countries - say Germany, Ukraine or Russia? Declaring loyalty is not an abstract notion of merely paying taxes and obeying the law but siding with the host nation and with the host people - the ethnic group that owns the land. Poland has evicted many Jews in 1968-69, despite Jews being loyal to Poland. And Jews accepted the Polish identity of the people and the state. How do you justify that? Accepting Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people is not more strange than accepting that Poland is the homeland of the Polish people or would you like Jews, Russians, Ukranians, Germans, Swedes, Danes Czechs, Slovaks claim Polish land? Arabs live as a minority in the Jewish state of Israel. This is not more strange than Jews living in the Polish state of Poland or Turks living in the German state of Germany. We are not asking Arabs to become Jews. We are demanding them to be loyal and to accept that Israel is only the homeland of the Jewish people. Only the Jews have national rights in Israel. Minorities have citizenship rights as individuals but no national rights. If Arabs are looking for national rights, they are welcome to do so in 22 Arab states.
55. To nr 39 - second response
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.10.10)
If you claim that there is a "Palestinian" nation then please refer to their "Palestinian" kings, dynasties, palaces, temples, cities, towns and villages, capitals, language, alphabet, religion, philosophy, philosophies, territory, borders and neighbors of ancient times. Explain to me why no "Palestinian" race of people, nation, ethnic group, tribe, kingdom, republic, duchy or principality have existed in recorded history. Explain to me why Arabs use a ROMAN/LATIN name - "Palestine" - Palaestina. Explain to me why Arabs use that name when no letter "p" exists in Arabic. No "Palestine" is mentioned neither in the Koran nor in the Bible. In 1969 Poles told Jews to pack their bags and go to "Palestine" - meaning Israel. Even Polish anti-Semites agreed that "Palestine" is in reality the homeland of the Jewish people. As a Pole, you should be very careful dealing out judgments against people - especially against Jews and Israel. Poland has 1000 years of anti-Semitism. Remember that poor treatment of one's fellow men can go in both directions. Not only Poles can harrass and bully Jews - Jews can also harrass and bully Poles.
56. Kahane
Mark ,   USA   (10.10.10)
As a former member of Kach, Kahane was indeed far ahead of his time. He used to say that Israel was schitzophrenic, when it talked about a Jewish and democratic state. What happens if and when Jews cease to be the majority? This is a move in the right direction, of safeguarding the Jewishness of the State of Israel, but Israel needs to make all citizens pledge allegiance, not just new citizens. Anyone, Jewish or not, who will not pledge this allegiance, and serve in the IDF, should lose the right to vote Israel out of existence.
57. 6
Rosie   (10.10.10)
Israel was created as Jewish state after 6.000.000 Jews, religios, secular, mixed, intermarried, with only a Jewish Grandmother or Grandfather (even children of non- Jewish parents), - were SLAUGHTERED, including 1.500.000 children. So, how being Jewish is JUST a RELIGION? As to the "first world", by which my guess is, you mean Europe, not only did it watch the slaughter of ITS Jewish CITIZENS without stirring a finger, but also participated in it. This "first world" very successfully got rid of its 6.000.000 Jews, and got many more millions of Arabs in lieu. Congratulations. May they enjoy it. This "first world" has been on the descent for decades now, and Asia has been on the rise. China WILL be the FIRST World economy, leaving ALL the rest behind, and very soon. China is a military power as well, BTW.
58. Hey ho Everyone It seems the majority are quite intune and
Stephen/Albany ,   USA   (10.10.10)
Reasonably using their advanced thought process by admitting the truth rather than hiding it behind their bushel.While others are the types you cannot deal with. Among the good and sensible ones are:Alexander who took the words out of my mouth @ 56 Very well put Alexander. Then the ever patient Steve Klein who tries to explain it to Benassi.Now that one is a bit difficult Steve.No matter how well meaning your intentions are,as the saying goes: You can take the horse to the trough,but you cannot make it drink.That about says it for Benassi. And there are more I admired even repeating verbatim the American Oath in detail to some who may be inclined to dismiss or have forgotten it.(Think it was chap from Chicago)And so say all of us.We'll see won't we?
59. loyalty oath bill
Dan ,   Brossard Canada   (10.10.10)
All citizens : jewish and non-jewish, of the state of Israel should pledge allegiance to the jewish state. this will iliminate non sense critics.
60. Dont trust the politicians.
TzVi ,   NY U.S.A.   (10.10.10)
They are liers and deceivers. Always stabbing the Jewish nation in the back.
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