Bulldozer driver: I didn't realize I crushed Rachel Corrie
Ahiya Raved
Published: 21.10.10, 18:04
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61. # 51
Birdi ,   Israel   (10.21.10)
Kudos to you Mark, you're wearing your clever cap again !! Suits you well.
62. Sarah B why do you hate so much?
jason white ,   afula,israel   (10.21.10)
Why are your posts always filled with gloating and hatred? If you had ever lost a child you would not be calling the Corrie family “disgusting” simply for wanting justice
63. Sarah B tells every thing like Monica L
64. #48 - she never should have been there in the first place
William ,   Israel   (10.21.10)
As a fellow American, I am ashamed at comments like your's. You are quick to protect the rights of those who make stupid decisions and take the rights of others, but decry those who defend themselves. Rachel never should have been there. Had it been a civilian family's home, I can see a moral need for her action, but it was a known weapons smuggling tunnel she was protecting which results in the death of many other civilians on both sides when weapons get through. There's nothing moral in that. Your ilk would scream if a company made money on a faulty product that hurt someone, but Rachel's agenda was on the same logic - fully selfish with no real motive to make anyone's lives any better - and for that, you honor her with god-like status and a Broadway play. Your same ilk decry Jews being in Sheik Jarrah again even though a court gave the green light for it. So, do you really care about court rulings??? If so, then you should wait for the verdict rather than scream that it doesn't meet your pre-determined hate-filled agenda. Explains why you support such an immoral and very stupid family such as the Corries.
65. #49 - typical Leftist jerk from SF, CA
William ,   Israel   (10.21.10)
You are patently wrong. A pedestrian does NOT have the right of way when crossing the street all the time. Maybe in SF, CA where anyone who isn't poor, retarded, a minority, or a homosexual is considered "the establishment". But in the rest of the country, a person who crosses a street some place other than a crosswalk is essentially jay-walking and that is against the law. If they are hit, it must be proven that the driver knowingly was not paying attention. Good luck with that.
66. 60 - tell me the dates she si coming so i can leave
Nachum ,   Ramat Gan   (10.21.10)
this woman is a nut job and you sound like one as well. We sabras don't want people like you here, take your hate and go back to where you came from.
67. Common sense...don't lie in front of a bulldozer
A.   (10.21.10)
I don't see why they should be blaming Israel for this incident. If I were to run out into a busy street and get smashed to pieces by oncoming traffic, would I expect my relatives to sue the country for me? Absolutely not... I understand that she was fighting for a noble cause, but lying down in front of a bulldozer is insane - tantamount to suicide. How can anyone claim that the driver was homicidal? I think that while her parents have a right to be upset, they're abusing the incident as an outlet for their anti-Israel sentiments. It has nothing to do with the country. If Rachel were looking to have even a limited chance of success, she should have at least stood upright where she had a chance of being seen.
68. A Poor Citizen
Adam Neira ,   Melbourne, Australia   (10.21.10)
Consider a “Good Citizen Scale”. It rates all people in a nation on a scorecard from 1 to 100 based on how well they further the general welfare of the place. At the bottom are the traitors, those individuals intent on inflicting harm on others and destroying the state, even the good parts of it. At the top are the tzaddiks, the righteous souls. Those who exhibit true courage in fighting evil. Those great, often unheard of people who do an enormous amount of chesed (kindness) work amongst their peers and community. Rachel Corrie was a seriously disturbed individual who adopted a toxic political philosophical position. Her unfortunate death was a result of her being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Many people just hate the fact that the Jews have a real presence in the Holy Land at this time in human history. It is hard for people to understand that others do not even recognize your right to exist. In a well known photo taken a week before her death in March 2003, she is seen burning a mock USA flag in a satanic cult-like pose in Gaza. If you look at the demeanour and faces of the children around her, they are actually embarrassed by her actions. Never underestimate the wisdom of children. In the last week of her life what rating would you have given Rachel Corrie’s mindset ? I have great respect for the dead and we are reaching a point in time when all the crimes of humankind are being considered in the divine court. All instances of unnecessary death and injury can be deconstructed. There is a reason for everything that happens in the universe. All behaviour is a result of mindset and setting. Change both and you change the course of human history. P.S. What happened to little Rachel between the years of three and a half to eight ? Her father might know the answer to this question.
69. 62 i am not a leftist but hving same question
Dan ,   Kiryat Uno   (10.21.10)
reading her posts. sounds she might have some personal issues and is venting out here.
70. To: No. 66
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.22.10)
I'll be arriving for a long-term stay one week before Pesach, staying (work depending) through the end of August. I will also be there the first week of December. Have nice flights, wherever you are going.
71. You're a racist. Congrats?
asdf ,   USA   (10.22.10)
Labeling all Palestinians as terrorists is part of the problem. It is our problem since support for Israel leads to so many problems. Israel's days of carte blanche are coming to an end, thankfully.
72. sarah, you go girl
Eyal ,   usa   (10.22.10)
don't listen to the compassionate terrorists loving posts and the leftist Israelis who just don't get it, in fact I am ashamed at them for being just plain stupid typical Israelis, which is why Israel continues to struggle in the media. Corrie wanted to be a hero and she got what she wanted and to the Pals she is a hero. Let the Pals pay her parents like they pay suicide bombers who kill Israeli's or Jews.
73. Bulldozer driver: I didn't realize I crushed Rachel Corrie
E ,   Los Angeles   (10.22.10)
The Corrie's should have engaged a jewish attorney to represent them!
74. It's her parents who should be put on trail,for gross neglec
Stuart Chan ,   Hong Kong/Singapore   (10.22.10)
They are more to blame than anyone else,they encouraged her to go to Israel to cause friction between the Israeli's and the palestinians.She was a hate monger,Israel should never allow anyone like her into Israel.Her parents should be ashamed of themselves.Trying to get money out of Israel.Disgusting.
75. Quickly dispatching murderers is an act of supreme humanity.
Chaim ,   Israel   (10.22.10)
Rachel Corrie aided and abetted murderous terrorists, who pursue Israeli civilians to maim and murder. Israel owes the Corries nothing. In fact, Israel should publicly warn everyone entering our country to do harm that they do so at their own extreme risk. To quickly dispatch murderers to the next world is an act of supreme humanity.
76. Next time send your daughters to Iran for protests!
77. Stand in Front of a Moving Bulldozer ..
Christy ,   Boston, US   (10.22.10)
.. is a sure-fire way to get killed. It's ridiculous this is even going to trial. Did Rachel believe the bulldozer driver was Superman - able to see through steel?!?
78. #66 - "we sabras"??
William ,   Israel   (10.22.10)
First, I'm disgusted at your very apparent discrimination against anyone who is NOT a so-called "sabra". Israel is a nation for Jews and immigration, like in any Western country, thrives on it. You've just displayed the ugly side of selfishness that some Israelis have against others. Second, my family hails from Jerusalem and Hebron for many generations until we were attacked and ethnically cleansed by the Arabs in 1929 and 1948. My question for you - where was your family in 1929? Finally, let's just say that Sarah B. can show up at any time, so my advice for you is to leave ASAP...just in case.
79. #62, #69 - Glad emotions don't rule our justice system
William ,   Israel   (10.22.10)
Otherwise, any feeling of anger or betrayal would end up in convictions of innocent people. What you claim as "justice" is still unknown. From your post it seems you already made the decision that Rachel was murdered before the case was even closed. I call that discrimination! Sarah, as well as many other posters here, are not happy a life was end prematurely but neither should we have to pay for the stupid mistakes of another person. Western-style freedom is built on the premise of self-responsibility, for our successes and our failures. What you, and other Leftists demand, is to make successes personal and failures a problem of the community, just as Wall Street did when the sub-prime mortgage disaster happened. What is disgusting is the Corrie's insisting that their story is the correct one no matter how much proof to the contrary - and yes, we should ALL feel upset with this.
80. #71 - ah, so "Palestinians" didn't kill us?
William ,   Israel   (10.22.10)
I guess the polls are wrong when they show a majority of "Palestinians" want violence against Israeli civilians to continue, and support the destruction of Israel. Not really a chance from 1920, which should raise a red flag among anyone looking at this situation. Sadly, your ilk are always ready to hand a life preserver to even the most violent in the world and for the life of me I just can't figure out why. Let's look at it more logically. Who brought new forms of airline terror to the world that now causes you to disrobe at the airport? Palestinians. Who has so far publicly rejected every offer for a State in the past 62 years? Palestinians. Who has helped create some of the most violent ideology in the world today which has been a basis for groups like Al-Qaeda, which incidentally are targeting US soldiers? Palestinians. Who continues to commit war crimes by targeting civilians, Christians, and danced while handing out candies on 9/11? Palestinians. Who, as a population, has been the first to be stripped of citizenship and forced to leave the country by Arabs who have issues with them? Palestinians. While not all "Palestinians" are terrorists, those who are in charge absolutely are, and these lemmings follow them ad nauseum. Should a "Palestinian" group appear demanding co-existence with Israel on the order of the many we have in Israel, I would be inclined to support it fully. But if being aware of my enemy so I am not attacked by surprise makes me a racist, then so be it.
81. #73 - maybe none wanted to take the case
William ,   Israel   (10.22.10)
After all, who wants to take on a losing case, for a cut of...$1? I take it from your post title that you do not believe the bulldozer driver. Do an expert tomorrow: take an egg and place it under your tire, now drive over it, and report back if you felt anything. That's the same thing as a 115lb person up against a loud, multi-ton vehicle.
82. the soldier shoul sue them!
the militant ,   the land   (10.22.10)
he should sue for the physiological stress that he's probably going through because they didnt raise their kid normally no normal person goes and jumps in front of a huge military bulldozer in a place where she shouldnt have been to start off with
83. To: No. 18
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.22.10)
Ignoramus is the perfect name for you. The students protesting in Tienamin Square did not rain missiles into any country bordering China. They did not engage in terrorist activities. They did not hurl boulders, or blow up innocent civilians. They were not members of a known quasi-terrorist organization, actively aiding and abetting a known terrorist organization. Your analogy is therefore inapposite and fails on all counts. Care to try again?
84. Suicide Activism = Good Political Capital
Dallas ,   Canada   (10.22.10)
That's all this is. ISM used her as a pawn, actually directed these pawns to go into a military operation, and they got exactly what they wanted. It's similar to the "dead baby" tactic, and is political spin to the extreme. The ISM is the entity that needs to be brought to justice, not the IDF. The purpose of the operation was to destroy smuggling tunnels, what's more to say.
85. #34: Ahmad
Israeli 2   (10.22.10)
If I were the tractor driver, and I see this Corrie girl or people like you in front of me (in my way), I will oblige you. I am very generous. You ask for it and I shall give you good.
86. Sarah bashing was popular as far back
Israeli 2   (10.22.10)
as 4000 years ago only because they knew she was great.... and she was. No woman since did what she was capable of. I am soooo glad that she donates her precious time to explain and respond.
87. regarding the usage of the word "hate"
izzy d   (10.22.10)
I have found that when people use the term "hate" it usually means they have no real counter argument to your facts and instead resort to character attacks. I mean you may be right Sarah B but your still wrong. Yes you have the facts, yes I read about rachel corrie for the first time in this article, but your wrong because. just because i dont agree with you. so there.
88. Rachel Corrie
Denis MacEoin ,   Newcastle, UK   (10.22.10)
The trial should really include in the evidence the well-attested fact that the drivers of large trucks with high windscreens quite often capture cars and drag them for miles. It happens because the drivers can't see the cars right in front of them. There are films of such incidents on YouTube and other places. If this can happen with something as big as a car, it's not surprising it happened with a small woman.
89. Sarah B .
Matt ,   UK   (10.22.10)
No way in hell would she have been prosecuted in the US for her action , this is a total fabrication. No way!! Your attack on her family is insane and insensitive. Maybe she was naive, since when did that deserve the death sentence. Get that driver out from behind his screen to face the parents of the woman he killed. Has he got a backbone ?
90. No 67 you are lost.
Matt ,   UK   (10.22.10)
She was standing up in a high Visibility Reflective Jacket, not lying down. Don't you know anything about this ?
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