Jewish Scene
Rabbi Ovadia : Selling homes to non-Jews prohibited
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 28.10.10, 22:15
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45 Talkbacks for this article
31. Will next generation be able to afford?
Roland Seener ,   London England   (10.29.10)
32. Hmm this reminds me of something.
Sharon ,   Orlando, FL   (10.29.10)
Ah yes, being a german-jewish by birth I can not help but be reminded about what I learned in history lessons when I still lived in germany... so basically you are doing what the Nazi's did back then and now it is ok? I guess I am going to have to rethink my own religious choices I do not wish to be part of such bigotry.
33. To Jake #16
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (10.29.10)
1.I don't need to have read this site to know what it feels like to live in fear. Does the word “Mischling” mean anything to you? 2.I don't apologize for my opinions. I'm entitled to those, whether anyone else likes them or not. 3.Wanting to “protect their kids” sounds just like one of the justifications for all the laws in effect against Blacks in this country until the 60's and ineffective police protection will not improve by restricting people to one place or the other. The latter falls into the realm of politics and that is strictly up to the people, who elect and/or appoint that police force. 4.I most certainly will not apologize to anyone for my last paragraph! Rabbis calling for questionable behavior toward Non-Jews by invoking the name of God are no different than Popes, Emperors, Imams,Reichskanzlers, etc.. using the same God to go after Jews. It may play well to the choir, but it doesn't make it right.
34. Its all fun.
Dungarees ,   Kibbutz Dalia Israel   (10.29.10)
This clown is our number one "stand up rabbi", not to be taken seriously. A weak dope ,something like asprin.
35. Israel is for Jews and NO ONE ELSE
Moshe ,   Kiryat Arba   (10.29.10)
36. #33 Hartley
Jake ,   USA   (10.29.10)
You are not a Jew, you have been a Christian, and I find it rather opportunistic the way you fly your "mischling" and "war victim" banners every time it seems convenient to you. Your comments are highly inappropriate just the same. I find this discussion pointless because of your utter failure to grasp the dire situation of Israel and the Jews. During the Holocaust years many German Jews in the Diaspora fought tooth and nail against the creation of a Jewish state based on ideals similar to yours. They did not want to hurt the Arabs by daring to reclaim ancient Jewish land. Those German-Jewish roots are your roots too, Hartley, so I'm not surprised.
37. #33 Hartley, my response to you was censored
Jake ,   USA   (10.29.10)
So here goes a milder version. I said that it is rather opportunistic of you to fly your war victim and Mischling banner now that you've said something offensive against the Jews or Judaism. You don't want to apologize. Fine. I hope, however, that you will reflect on the fact that you can't apply the conditions, circumstances or principles held in other non-threatened countries and societies to besieged little Israel. You ask what would happen if people in the US decided not to sell houses to Jews... Well, it happens all the time. Furthermore, if you really want to mount on your high horse, you could ride to Islamberg, NY, a walled community where nobody but Muslims are allowed to live. Right in New York State United States of America. Google it. A few Jews wanting to keep their tiny country Jewish and their people safe after they have been almost completely exterminated should not be regarded as racism but as a simply protective measure to make sure that the present generation survives.
38. Ovadia is much more edgy than any Islamic extremist
observer   (10.29.10)
Jews follow Talmud where as Zionsists follow illuminati, but both parties have supremacy that is much bigger than any faith else.
39. #13 it wasn't said: THE land flowing with milk and honey
observer   (10.29.10)
Jeremiah 11:5, where God says: “I will fulfill the oath I swore to your forefathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey...” That resolution needs really the French interpretation!
40. I agree with Shas.
Joshua ,   Berlin, Germany   (10.29.10)
In the spirit of fairness, Jews outside Israel should be forbidden from owning real property. Jews should be banned from living in European cities. If they're already there, send them to the ghetto. I'm not racist. I'm just following socialistic, nationalistic spiritual law the creator (blessed is he) revealed to us through the creator's (blessed is he) chosen people, the Aryans.
41. The brain a precious commodity....!
jojo   (10.29.10)
This senile ovadia sounds more like hamas, fatah, every day. He only has to add " under the death penalty " in order to complete the required Fatwa. And Israel has to put-up with this deranged mind?
42. To #36 and #37
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (10.30.10)
First of all, you need to update your file on Islamberg. That was never a town, where real estate has ever been sold to anyone. It was/is supposedly a terrorist training camp. Now, please, give me case #'s for instances, where someone in the last 10, 20 years refused to sell a house to someone, because they were Jews and got away with it. The brothers of my best friend, who happens to be Jewish, are lawyers and I'm sure they'd be happy to explain the intricate legalities to me. As for the dire situation of Jews in Israel, I agree with you to a certain extent. However, why did it take thousands of Qassams and several years before Israel reacted and why did it not finish the job, when it had every ligitimate reason and the means to do exactly that? Gaza should be a parking lot today, whence nothing could ever again be lobbed into Israel. That comment, I'm sure, will be considered "inappropriate" by some other people. Well, they, too, can go and fly kites. After getting the shaft time and time again by the UN, why does Israel still bother to look for redress there, knowing full well it won't happen? Wasn't it Einstein, who said that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity? Also, you can't grant full Israeli citizenship to Non-Jews and then treat them as if they're second-class, because it was a colossal blunder and things didn't work out as expected. Anyone not living up to their obligations as Israeli citizens should be dealt with by the courts on an equal basis. From the outside, it just seems that the extent to which laws are enforced in Israel depends on who has the most political clout and on whose toes one shouldn't step this month or year for whatever reason. \What's really outrageous in my book are Jews, who say they don't want their kids to play with other Jewish kids, because their standards are not up to their own. As a Jewish acquaintance once said, "It takes a Jew to show the world real Anti-Semitism." I'm starting to think she's right. BTW, I swore off religions, because the BS of one is no better than that of the others, but if you want to believe in the Tooth Fairy, that's fine with me as long as you don't threaten me for not agreeing with you.. Last but not least, why are you telling me that German Diaspora Jews fought against the creation of a Jewish State? Hitler didn't give a rat's a-- about a Jewish State. He wanted to rid the world of Jews, not pack them off to some other place. I'm sure, though, the few remaining Holocaust survivors will be just thrilled to hear how their Diaspora kin worked against them. As for my "ideals," you don't have a clue. I don't believe in presenting the other cheek when someone slaps me and my idea of an eye for an eye has nothing to do with measured response. If you slap me and/or punch me in the eye, I'll do my damnedest to make sure you'll think long and hard before you do it again. Now can I, please, go back to playing the war victim? Do I do that before or after I ride those misguided German-Jewish roots around on my high horse?
43. Jake !6
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (10.30.10) live in fear of their lives walk down the street ' You wrote . Where does this happen ? People here move around without even thinking about a danger . You have only to see the people at the shopping centers , streets , markets . You talked about something you don't know . When still living abroad i wanted to rent a place as office . I talked by phone with the owner , and everything was OK ...untill he asked my name , a Jewish sounding one . This happened in a west European country in 1978 .
44. To Chaim@#6
Sean ,   Montreal, Quebec   (10.30.10)
You are renting perhaps?
45. Israeli law is already adapted to prevent gentile foothold
Faruq   (10.31.10)
only a small portion of the land is private, thank goodness this crackpot is not in charge otherwise there would be very little investment opportunity. Granted, if the said buyer is an enemy of the state then stop him from buying land .. but really...
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