Jewish Scene
Israeli Jews at odds with liberal US brethren
Associated Press
Published: 19.11.10, 14:21
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69 Talkbacks for this article
61. Crocodile tears
Israeli Mother ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (11.23.10)
If you were not born to a halachically Jewish mother and you want to be a part of the Jewish nation you have to actually become Jewish and to do this you must commit to following the Torah that Hashem gave to the Jews and commanded them to live their lives by. You don't want to really trouble yourself so much? So stay non-Jewish and zehu. But don't complain afterwards when the rabbonim in Israel are not stupid enough to allow you to make the same muddled mess of things that your kind has done in the US. Here in Israel, Baruch Hashem, because the rabbonim are careful we have a situation where even someone who is 100% chiloni can be sure that they are marrying a partner who is an authentic Jew and not a fake imitation....
62. Not surprising
Israeli Mother ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (11.23.10)
I am not surprised by the viciousness of the comments here against Judaism and Jews -- there is nothing more anti-Semitic than a gentile who is denied false entrance to the Jewish people in order to destroy Judaism from "within", sort of like a Trojan horse.... Authentic Torah Judaism and Jews will still be around when Moshiach comes while those non-Jews who hang around in the false "R and C movements" will be long gone from the scene
63. 59 Robin
ORA ,   Jerusalem   (11.23.10)
I was told,the older the Ketuba,the more value it has. Ketuboth from the 18th century are priceless.Therefore grandmother s Ketuboth are so in demand.
64. Fusion
zichron   (11.26.10)
Fusion produced the Ullam-Teller defense weapon of the jews and the coalescence of the best in the religions and the benevolent humanitarians will bring forth the better world .
65. Response to #57
Gila ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (11.28.10)
The fault lies in the way the article was written. The halachic status of those involved was certainly not made clear, hence the confusion in responses of what the point of this article actually was. To avoid such problems in the future, I would suggest to the Ynet editors when exploring similar subjects that they make the actual halachic status of all parties involved crystal clear. However, that said, you need to be aware that there are various others who cannot prove they are Jewish even though they are, who then have to go through the conversion process. That is the case also for many anousim as well as many others whose family hid their history. Also, given the plethora of non-halachic "conversions" in non-orthodox circles, and the many non-Jewish descendants nowadays stemming from these who sadly believe they actually are Jewish, unfortunately it has become increasingly difficult to determine who actually IS Jewish and who is not. The stringent demands to prove one's Jewishness - which can be very difficult to meet with records from the time of the Holocaust - are nevertheless an understandable response to the move away from the halachic norm by the Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist movements. Had every Jew remained orthodox, ie continued to follow halacha, we would not be in the mess we are now in. Don't blame the orthodox for the problem! For those who find they need to convert so there is no doubt of their Jewishness officially and in the wider Jewish community, bureaucratic obstacles need to be reduced to a minimum and the system made far more sensitive and human. However, while a commitment to become hareidi is not actually required, a conversion HAS to be halachic ie orthodox and the person concerned HAS to accept to abide by all the mitzvot and put Hashem first, otherwise frankly the "conversion" is not worth the piece of paper it is written on. Jewishness is not a game: there are real and irreversible spiritual consequences to having a Jewish soul.
66. Stupidity of CIVIL MARRIAGE... #%$! CYPRUS!
Yitzchak Micha'el ,   Melbourne, Australia   (11.28.10)
What does going outside of Israel and getting a CIVIL MARRIAGE prove? NOTHING WHATSOEVER! The RABBINATE is still not going to recognise IT. CIVIL MARRIAGE is simply a clone of ancient ROMAN CIVIL LAW. ... GET IT? It is not a Jewish Document so nothing is Chaged but your sense of false ACHEIVMENT!
67. And Even More So...
Nicole Czarnecki ,   B'HaGalut   (11.28.10)
Nobody has stepped forward to give back to the Palestinians (Pleshetim) the State of Philista (Pleshet, Palestinia) in Judah (Yehudah) as it was when we first came into 'Eretz-Kena'an and made it 'Eretz-Yisra'el. If we just give back Medinat-Pleshet and let it run itself as the district within Yehudah that it was, we might be okay.
68. Besides Rubin,a Relative of Yoshua Rusnak Wouldn't Be Let In
Nicole Czarnecki ,   B'HaGalut   (11.28.10)
And one knows that Medinat Yisra'el has problems when a relative of Zionist and Orthodox haredi Yoshua Rusnak, who was a Diasporan Jew in Kassa, Austria Hungary (later Kosice, Czechoslovakia) wouldn't be let in- and Yoshua lost three of his children (at least two of whom wrote to my great-grandmother, Marysia "Mary" Rusnak Gajdos, begging for help) during the Shoah. By the way, I am ashamed of Great-Grandma Gajdos' (Gaydos') actions: when they wrote to ask for money so that they could smuggle papers, etc. and get out of Kosice; she stopped writing. Meanwhile, the haredim would hold me and the rest of the Jewish people as though we were all Franklin Roosevelts and George Soroses, or enablers thereof like Great-Grandma Gaydos. What a shame that the haredim would do that.
69. They Reject Even Patrilineal Jews!
Nicole Czarnecki ,   B'HaGalut   (11.29.10)
So of course they'd reject Ruth.
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