US memo: Israel bombed Syrian reactor
Published: 24.12.10, 06:45
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31 Talkbacks for this article
31. Sarah's upscale diet and othersuch triffles
Mumbo Jumbo ,   on top of old smoky   (12.25.10)
Sarah you have been outed as a liar, you were asked to substantiate your outrageous claims but offer none, and hiding behind a mythical top secret position is pure hogwash and proof that you know nothing about what really happened in '73. The other truth of the matter is that you obviously haven't a clue about what war is or is not. To little kids like you it's a an abstract video game or worse, a side show until dinner is ready, since you are so fixated on food supplies. Time to grow up and face your unreality as you add nothing to these threads but incitement and acrimony. Why is that Sarah,? Why so scared of your shadow that you deal in outrageous language and clownish chest thumping? Calm down gurrl, the real shooting hasn't even started yet. What are you ever going to do when it does?
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