Palestinians want 'day of rage' against US
Elior Levy and AFP
Published: 19.02.11, 14:11
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31. #19
Jorge el judio ,   Israel/USA/Argentina   (02.19.11)
So why Brazil has so many illegal constructions? Are you also shame of Dilma? Remember who she was.
32. Israel's day of rage will come some day.
Gabe Yakmore ,   Canada   (02.19.11)
Erekat and all the rest of those illegal Arab settlers will be sent over to Jordan to live in peace ever after in the land that was designated for them a long time ago.
33. A proposition
Madeleine ,   Rehovot Israel   (02.19.11)
To all you who are so disgusted by America's show of support for Israel, how about this: we'll get out of Judea and Shomron when the U.S. returns the land to native Americans. America took it by force, killing thousands whereas Judea and Shomron were legally given to Israel under the 1922 San Remo Treaty. But I guess you have a hard time with that.
34. Another "Day of Rage", big deal
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (02.19.11)
That's all they know, "Rage", for anybody that dare disagree with their pathetic lies. They thought they could intimidate the USA with a preemptive PR attack. The enemies of freedom always accuse others of what they are guilty of. According to the article: Saeb Erekat said: "It appears the US does not see the dramatic changes going on in the region, which are bringing freedom and democracy," When the opposite is true, it is the Palestinians who do not see the changes. They believe democracy is mob rule, with a lynch mob mentality, it reveals their total ignorance of a true democracy. They think it just means instigated lynch mob hate. Also Hamas held a press conference : "The American veto is an oppressive decision which disgraces the rights of the Palestinian people and reveals the truth about US support for all of the crimes the Zionist enemy commits in its service," Of course that is a another lie from Hamas, like people are starving in Gaza (they are NOT). The proof of course is, Hamas cannot even say the word "Israel", instead using the term "Zionist enemy", proof positive of their true intentions, to destroy Israel. So they're mad that the USA wouldn't be intimidated by their threats. They've become so used to controlling their own media they thought they could control ours! So they thought the UN would give them a false legitimacy. That's what they use the UN for, and with 57 of 192 countries in their control, they thought...and still think... they can gang up on Israel 57 to 1. But the bullies got stopped, this time!
35. Ah the old failsafe when facing domestic unrest
Danny   (02.19.11)
find a way to blame Israel. According to the Palestine papers the Palestinians already agreed these settlements will be part of Israel.
36. Day of rage, again?
GOOD ,   USA/IL   (02.19.11)
What is the rage about now? Abbas got exactly what he wanted. He wanted to put the U.S on the spot and either get a vote against Israel or isolate the U.S and make it look bad. So he made the U.S look bad in the eyes of the Arabs and their supporters but the scumbag forgot that he also spat in the face of the most anti-Israel, American president ever. The only reason the "Palestinians" have for rage is the alienating of the first real pro-"Palestinian" American president. Stupid low-lives.
37. Why do the Haters Demand Jews Not Build in their Own Land?
Linda Rivera ,   New York, USA   (02.19.11)
It is the same as demanding Muslims not build in THEIR top religious cities of Mecca and Medina. End the venomous Jew-hate Now!
38. To #16 That resolution is now history
Seppo ,   Finland   (02.19.11)
War was between Jordan and Israel and in the peace agreement in 1994 Jordan accepted that the new border is no more armistic 1967 line but the river Jordan. That ended the occupation. Jordan gave Judea, Shomron and East J'lem to Israel. Somehow Palis seem to think that they have some kind of right to 1967 line. Their asking should be how much of Israeli land Israel would give them for their autonomical area and thank Israel after this is done.
39. Don't bite the hand that feeds you
Albrecht Klein ,   Germany   (02.19.11)
40. A day of rage against US...
ORA ,   Jerusalem   (02.19.11)
What is the plan for the 364 other days?
41. US veto of UN Resolution
Susannah ,   Israel   (02.19.11)
Israel and direct negotiations is like saying Washington is a non partisan player in the mediation. Right.
42. The Attempted UN Vote to Condemn Israel
Douglas Fireman ,   Chicago, Illinois   (02.19.11)
"On Saturday morning Hamas held a press conference in Gaza aimed at criticizing the US as well. "The American veto is an oppressive decision which disgraces the rights of the Palestinian people and reveals the truth about US support for all of the crimes the Zionist enemy commits in its service," said spokesman Fawzi Barhoum." The Gazan people should rise up against Hamas. Leadership has disgraced the people; run roughshod over their rights. Let their be a people's revolt against these thugs and their cohorts who have prevented peace loving Palestinans from living amicably with their neighbors. The Anti-Israel UN should not be condemning Israel. They should be condemning Iran, Lybia, and Bahrain from murdering peace loving folks who want to be free from Leaderships' dictatorial control. So many have died at the hands of these tyrants. Shame on the United Nations for not speaking out against This human tragedy. The Palestinians should resume direct negotiations with Israel. Condemnation of Israel by an Anti-Israel United Nations should be a slap in the face to all peace loving people in the region.
43. How will this differ from any other day?
Linichka ,   Gdynia, Poland   (02.19.11)
The Palis are always raving, rioting, ranting or whining about some imagined wrong. Why don't they do something different - such as attempt open dialogue with Israel? Oh, right, I forgot: Pond Scum Arafat himself years ago said this couldn't be done because "I would be shot". Abbas is no braver, and his "people" have evolved no further during the last several years. They'd rather gather smelly crowds, screaming, shaking their fists and shooting at the sky, anything other than something constructive, like building a genuine, self-sufficient autonomous region or country.
44. Palestine is not on the moon
Nora Tel Aviv   (02.19.11)
The UN can not recgnize a Palestine without recognizing its borders. What the Palestinians (Sic) call the 67 borders are in reality the 1948 armistice lines proposed by the UN as borders but rejected by 5 Arab states that tried to invade with their armies the Israeli side of the armistice lines. THEY LOST.
45. #3 wins.
noa ,   israel   (02.19.11)
46. #26 nuclear war?
observer ,   cyprus   (02.19.11)
you seriously think israel will be able to use nuclear weapons on 2 nations that are 70 million plus each? that means minimum 20 million civilian dead! you think israel will do this and yet survive? israel will be digging its grave if it did this! dont forget the muslim nuclear power. if egypt or iran was hit wih nuclear israel will be hit with 10 nukes. sadly inocent civilians of Iran, Egypt, Palestine and Israel will pay the price of the israeli government arrogance.
47. They lost their supporter in Egypt, Mubarak. They lost...
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (02.19.11)
...their assumed support in the US. Now they are likely to seek the support/collaboration with the Hamas! They would do everything just to avoid reaching a peace agreement with Israel in which they will be asked to accept Israel's RIGHT to be, to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people and to view a peace treaty as the "end of the conflict".
48. # 47
Palestinian   (02.19.11)
will never ever happen, I will remind you one day insakel
49. US was never a friend
Joseph ,   West Bank   (02.19.11)
The US was never a friend of the Palestinian people anyway. All the US has done is help subsidize the occupation with aide (which only propagates it further) and helping to shield Israel from any and all international condemnation. With "friends" like the US, who needs enemies?
50. Palestinians not raging against the US....
William ,   Israel   (02.19.11)
they just feel upset when world attention is drawn elsewhere, like earthquakes in Haiti or riots in Libya. ""Palestinians" are not necessarily calling a day of rage against the US, they just want to be in world attention again. They're lonely because they have nothing else to do with their lives - never had to for 63 years.
51. #49 - actually, the US was your friend, the Arabs the enemy
William ,   Israel   (02.20.11)
The US provided aid, training for police forces, extending visas to the US, and scholarships to study in the US. They worked to provide coexistence on issues like the environment, agriculture, and infrastructure. You repay them by cursing them based on race (they didn't forget the hateful things you said of Condolezza Rice as a "black female" either). Conversely, what has the Arabs done for you? They promised aid but never delivered. They torpedoed any movement you made towards peace. They threatened you if you make peace with Israel and funded Hamas to launch suicide bombers in Tel Aviv. They use you as human shields and when you get hurt honor you with the title of "martyr". They were the ones who began their genocidal war in 1948, ignored past UN resolutions to YOUR determent, and and though causing your refugee problem refuse to reward you with citizenship or even a work visa in some cases. In Lebanon, you live like dogs!! If these are your "friends", then you're in a codependent abusive relationship and need to see a psychologist, collectively.
52. #48 looks like your god is on vacation...
William ,   Israel   (02.20.11)
for decades you've been saying "Israel will die, Inshallah" and all that's happened was your asses getting kicked very easily. Perhaps Allah is really Jewish (giggle).
53. Wonder when Pallys will have "Day of Love"
William ,   Israel   (02.20.11)
when that happens, they might see peace. They rage today in hopes to mimic the outcome of the Tunisian and Egyptian protests, except they forgot two vital components of those incidents: 1) the protests were peaceful - no weapons, no molotov cocktails and no foreign instigators. 2) it was directed at their own govt, not another sovereign nation The "palestinians" real problems stem from their own corrupt govt and not anyone else, which leads to another issue - lack of self-responsibility and introspection. It's like a kid believing they can drive a car simply by mimicking an adult turning the wheel, without the other intricacies that are involved in the entire process.
54. #16 - so you support ethnic cleansing?
William ,   Israel   (02.20.11)
Because what you state is that these lands are "occupied Arab lands" of which a good part were Jewish lands, stolen by Arabs in 1948 after ethnically cleansing the Jews from them, including in Jerusalem. Interesting that you cite the Geneva Convention to support your claim against the settlements (built specifically on stolen Jewish land) but seem to be comfortable with the ethnic cleansing of those lands 63 years ago, which is a war crime and against the Geneva Convention. We won't even get into the forced immigration of Arabs INTO the West Bank by Jordan from 1948-1967, which itself is a violation of the Geneva Convention, but today you accept them as "native Palestinians". As #38 has accurately stated - the resolution you cited is dead and gone.
55. #22 - Fatah gained power through negotiations with Hamas
William ,   Israel   (02.20.11)
after the election, Abbas (PLO) was given the presidency as a power sharing measure. Right now, the PLO is more legitimate than Hamas, who lost their ruling mandate after launching a bloody coup in Gaza resulting in Abbas dissolving parliament - according to PLO Election Law (which Hamas agreed to prior to elections). So neither are really legit and both are perfect examples of dictators which should be the target of "palestinian" rage.
56. #29 - "Arabs hate Israel with a passion"
William ,   Israel   (02.20.11)
Is that why I got a very warm welcome in the Gulf States as an Israeli Jew? If that's hatred, then there wouldn't be any Muslim-instigated wars, would there? Truth be told, many Arabs have visited Israel from other lands and were very impressed at how different it truly is compared to the State-sponsored propaganda. When Israel was in Lebanon, NO ONE lifted a finger to help Hizbullah. Same with Cast Lead in 2008 against Hamas. Hmmm. However, I've heard a great deal of cursing against the "Palestinians" from Gulf Arabs. But perhaps the Egyptians would want a war against Israel and perhaps the Army could try again. Doubtful as police presence diminished in the Sinai and Egyptian infrastructure is in chaos while GDP has sunk due to the protests and loss of tourism. Last thing an Arab dictator needs is to get his ass kicked again by a bunch of Jews. Didn't work out well for Nasser, did it? So you might want to check your "source" which seems to speak to you only as I haven't seen a similar claim as your's from any media outlet.
57. Abbas is terrified of his own people
Christian ,   USA   (02.20.11)
ANYTHING to distract them from the truth...he is an utter, abject failure...a sixth grader would have brought resolution and peace to the Pals sooner, but since the neon lights screaming, 'I'm a Failure' are hovering over his head while he is casting about, desperate to find ANYONE to pin the blame on before the fury of his people lands on his head as it should and would be utterly justified. Because he is a failure, and he hasn't the brain to figure this out he cast about for SOMEONE and something to lob up to take the hit for him, and came up with Obama...the one person who supported him here...but everyone has a learning curve and obviously, this is Obama's (he may think he is a good Muslim president but the Arabs don't really care what he thinks as long as he provides a lightening rod for their 'FURY').
58. Why do?
Why do people say make a palistinain state from jewish land why not take jordan which has no legal right to be a state and make that a palistinain state?
59. "Day of Whining"
KB ,   US   (02.20.11)
Whhaaaa...Whhhhaaaa (:( Whhaaa "I Want My Maypo" Sniff, Sniff, Sniff, Snuffles, Sniff. (:( Where is my violin?
60. "Day Wetting Their Pants
KB ,   US   (02.20.11)
Shouting "Martha, the kids need their diapers changed!!!"
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