Knesset passes 'Nakba bill'
Roni Sofer
Published: 23.03.11, 11:21
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26 Talkbacks for this article
1. "Nakba" Bill
Joe ,   Israel   (03.23.11)
Isn't it interesting that the major complainers against the passing of the bill are those people that vilify Israel in the world at large.
2. The Second Bill
Madeleine ,   Rehovot Israel   (03.23.11)
Every kibbutz and moshav in Israel has a "reception" committee which decides on the suitablility of anyone wishing to move to kibbutz or purchase a home on a moshav. They can reject an applicant on religious grounds - too religious or not religious enough - financial grounds, social grounds - do they think the person/family will fit in with the community - or any other grounds. This applies regardless of the size of the kibbutz/moshav. All the lefties and Arabs are screaming, but let's face it, I should think that any town of less than 400 residents is either kibbutz or moshav or what is commonly termed a settlement but I prefer to think of as a fully Israeli village.
3. There is no Nakba in Israel
Keren ,   IL-BR   (03.23.11)
Arabs who insist in this matter and their similars,must be dropped from the Knesset. By the way,it is disgusting to see the picture of MK Zoabi sitting in Jewish Knesset. She has no place there as well as Tibi and others arabs like them,who fight against the Jewish character of Israel and fight against Jews living in peace with our own culture ,principles and ways in understanding our own problems. If they are happy to tell and re-tell arab problems,they must leave Israel and tell them among their own,because for us there is no such a thing as Nakba-this is not our understanding about their problems,nor it is our history . We have enough of our own problems,and the Knesset is meant to solve our matters and not theirs. If they accept,good;if not ,they should not be in Israels Knesset disturbing our path.This is very clear. Enough of arab disruption in Israel.Or they adapt,or leave!
4. Stop Appeasing Islam! Stop Appeasing Obama The Muslim!
Robert Blum ,   New York USA   (03.23.11)
The hatred comes from the fact that Israelis tolerating 2 so called "Palestinian" states. One is Jordan, which is their true home-land, while the other is Gaza, Judea & Samaria. There is NO Jewish occupation! There is only a Muslim occupation of Judea & Samaria, which the Muslims cleverly renamed 'The West Bank', in order to de-Judaize the area in the world's collective mind. The Muslims of Jordan (formerly Trans-Jordan, which England created), cleverly re-named themselves "palestinians" in the 1960's, and revised history in order to gain world sympathy for their cause, which is the annihilation of Israel, and to teach the great lie, which is, that the Jews stole their land from them! Before Jordan started its war against Israel, they told their Muslims brothers in Jerusalem & in Samaria & in Judea to sell the land to the Jews, because they were confident that they & their co-religionist Muslim nations (Syria, Egypt, etc.), would destroy Israel & so they could thereafter keep the land as well. So they sold & fled & waited for the results of the war. Israel won that war. They recaptured the Holy Jewish land; Jerusalem, Samaria & Judea. They rightfully settled it, even though Obama the Muslim, who constantly quotes the Qoran, (NOT the Bible), demands Israel to stop settling Jewish, G-d-given land. Israel, unlike the Jordanians, allowed Christians & Muslims to come & go freely in those areas. The deeds to the land were and are owned by Jews. They allowed the Muslims to continue living in Jewish apartments & homes as long as they continued paying rent to the Jews. Arafat came along & told the Muslims to be arrogant & not pay! They stopped paying and were consequently evicted. Of course Islam, the revisionist liars, tell the world that the Jews are pushing them out of their rightful land! It is NOT Muslim land, regardless of the fact that the Muslims continue to teach and even believe their own lies!
5. To think that the previous "education" minister Yuli Tamir
Leftist wanted to include Nakba study in Arab textbooks and in Jewish schools, connotes the anti-Israel meshugaim destroyers of Israel the Leftists, is mindboggling.
6. Ridiculous
Ariel Ben Yochanan ,   Kfar Tapuah, Efraim,   (03.23.11)
B"H Ridiculous, as if Jewish Jews could put their feet in Umm al-Fahm (an Arab Israeli town), let alone live there
7. Why are Leftists objecting Netura Karta
if they have the same mentality?
8. Try living in a small village
Georges Bruno ,   US/EU   (03.23.11)
in France, in Austria, in Switzerland if you are Jewish or Muslim! No one will make you feel at home. Small communities are much better off with decision committees, they avoid frustration, anger ater
9. #7
American Sabrah ,   Givas Shmilkeh   (03.23.11)
They may share the same mentality but they hold by a different philosophy which I agree with neither.One group believes we don't have the biblical and political right to inhabit in the Land of Israel till the arrival of Mashiach .The other group holds that we should give back the entire Judea and Samaria to the PA because we are "illegally occupying" their territory.The more land we surrender, the closer we are to making the peace process more viable presumably.We gave back Gaza and now they are shooting kassam rockets into Be'er Sheva, S'derot,Eilat, and Askelon.One can only imagine what will happen if we were to relinquish the West Bank to the Arabs, G-d forbid. One is a estranged delusional leftist hiloni while the other is a zealous lunatic haredi. They both tend to butt heads because they don't know how to deal with their commonality.The leftists may have more political power and a stronger voice than the Netura Karta do.But overall, there is not much of a discrepancy between the 2. I've seen them unite together to protest with the Arabs at the Israeli Day Parade every year.
10. Robert Blum, Israel does not hate Muslims.
noa ,   israel   (03.23.11)
The majority of Arab countries hostile to us happen to be Muslim, but I assure you there are a handful of Christians too. Please take your Muslim hate somewhere else.
11. Perhaps the Arabs should show us a single country on earth
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (03.23.11)
that would finance those calling for its demise!! Yet, this is precisely what the Arab political leadership in Israel is doing daily, and hope to commemorate the proclamation of Israel as a day of morning , to be financed by the nation-state of the Jewish people. There is a limit to cynicism as well. This law draws the red line.
12. Stop teaching hatred
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (03.23.11)
Here in the USA you can burn the flag as a form of free speech (protest), but most think it's about the stupidest way to get anybody to your cause. But in Israel their our entire towns that celebrate the destruction of Israel. I have a problem with that. It's true we have our Farrakhan's. David Duke and so on, but I've never seen entire towns of people who consider themselves foreign. Then pursue ways to destroy our country. If a town, mayor, city council decided to celebrate July 4th every year by burning our flag, the town would boycotted (once it hit the news). I suspect there would be those who would want to attack the town. It's never happened, so it's hard to say how violent the reaction would be, but their would definitely be a reaction. The Nakba is a false history, as written by the Arabs, if they were willing to use the time to let both sides be presented it might benefit their people. Instead it is used to drum up (incitement) of hatred towards the Jewish people and Israel. So I'm fine with taking funds from towns that incite hatred towards the Jewish people. The second bill I'm not quite sure what it is exactly? If a town has fewer than 400 families what happens exactly? Do they get to review who can move into the community, and if your refused you lose any ability to challenge the refusal in court?
13. When you truly believe that you are the
seadog1946 ,   ArthurKill, NJ   (03.23.11)
light unto the world and the chosen people living in the promised land, you can make up any law you want.
14. "nakba" Bill
Ste   (03.23.11)
What are they complaining about, they can still mark their "nakba" day, if they wish to as long as they do it peacefully. The bill said they would only be fined if: "by supporting armed resistance or racism against Israel, or desecrating the state flag or national symbols."
15. No Nakba
Avi ,   Washington dc   (03.23.11)
MK TIbi: it seems the Knesset learned Jewish history so well, that they're now using those same laws against the Arabs. Because it's 'Kill or be Killed' for Israeli's. Democracy in Israel is only as great as how it's interpreted, and today, Israel interpreted a Democray to mean segregation. Jewish Israeli's can thank the Knesset for putting Jews back into Fascist Europe.
16. Mozel Tov
Brazen   (03.23.11)
passing the bill is wounderful news, now the law has to be inforced. Subversion by arabs Must Be Ended. Just today a bomb went off in Jerusalem injuring INNOCENT Civilians. Lets see who claims responsability ???
17. MK David Rotem: Jewish? What about the Russian Non-Jews?
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (03.23.11)
"I am not ashamed for wanting to protect this state as a Jewish and democratic state," You voter base is mainly Russian immigrants a vast number of whom are NOT JEWISH! How are you going to explain this you your own people? I agree with the Nakba Law and that small communities should be allowed to choose their members but it should not be be based on skin color, religious belief Each application should be assessed on its own merits and what the applicant can contribute to the community. It should be evident to anyone with a modicum of intelligence that this will not fly in the High Court of Justice and it was stupid to bring this legislation to the Knesset. It is even more stupid that the Knesset approved such stupidity and one would have thought the our Prime Minister had more sense than to allow his major coalition partner to even propose nonsense like this. It is another absurdity which will only add to the hatred of Israel and Jews by most of the world and certainly it will justify the calls that "Israel is an Apartheid State" by people who don't even know what Apartheid was!
18. Nakba
Tom ,   New York, USA   (03.23.11)
Arabs not only shouldn't be allow to commemorate Nakba or wave Palestininian flags. Nakba , is the failed attempt by the Arabs to destroy Israel in 1948 ; it's interesting that there is no mention of the expulsion of 1,000,000 Jews from Arab countries.
19. I dont want my tax money being used to fund nakba events
zionist forever   (03.23.11)
These people are allowed to hold their nakba events but all this bill is saying is if they want to hold them then let them pay for it themselves don't ask taxpayers to. I cant imagine a country anywhere in the world where the state would fund events whose purpose is to undermine the state We have worried about political correctness and not upsetting the arabs for to long and bills like this should have been introduced decades ago. Liberman has more than his fair share of faults and things to dislike but he has been responsible for some good legislation like this for which he should be commended. Tibi should go to Ramallah and take the likes of Zouabi with him.
20. Hypocrisy
Michael ,   Paramus, NJ   (03.23.11)
The Arabs want Israel to pay for events that honor the Arab's losing the war in 1948. The same Arabs cry racism that Arabs would not be allowed into a Jewish city if they had to go through an admission committee. Yet, these Arabs never said a word when Abbas says in no uncertain terms: "There will not be ONE Jew allowed to live in Arab Palestine". Yes, Israel is a democratic state but these Arab ministers are the ultimate 5th column. They are not for Israel at all.
21. charge Zahalka as enemy of the state,
ralph   (03.23.11)
traitor, not loyal opposition. he crossed the line.
22. Why are you celebrating such an event
Ypip ,   Canada   (03.24.11)
Does Israel proclaim the Olympics?
23. Zoabi: "Nakba a historic fact"
William ,   Israel   (03.24.11)
Absolutely. Written in documents and in blood, the Nakba, the point of failure of the Arabs' attempt to destroy a nascent State and murder its entire population, is a historical black mark on the Arab people. Both the intent by Arabs and the massive failure at the hands of their racist, greedy leaders, are all historical facts.
24. Isn't Sheik Jarrah a "small town"?
William ,   Israel   (03.24.11)
Yet both Leftists and Arabs want to determine who can live there.
25. "Nakba" bill
Thanks for translating, so that people abroad will see how rediculous these Arab MPs sound.
26. They need to be glad that they don't live in an Arab state
George Spiros ,   Athens Greece   (05.14.13)
Where they wouldn't have any rights at all.Definitely not as members of parliament.They never stop whining,these miserable ingrates.....
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