Israel Prize laureates protest for Palestinian state
Yoav Zitun
Published: 21.04.11, 15:12
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61. A Unique Jewish Anomaly
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (04.21.11)
I cannot fathom why there is Jewish Anti-Semitism. Where is the defect among us that breeds this self-hatred? Is there any other people in the world who have among them a group who despise their own people as much as some of these Jews do? Is it possible that these people are not really Jews at all, but parade as Jews to irritate us? If it were up to me, I would excommunicate these people and evict them forthwith from the country.
62. Brave People - Keep pounding !!! ,...
split ,   US   (04.21.11)
63. Read your own op-ed writer
Baruch Jamili ,   Tel Aviv Israel   (04.21.11)
Yair Lapid tells you in his Pesach op-ed that there is no Left worth the name in this country. Why don't you read your own writer? "...rightist publications are the last place where the Left still rules the country. When you read them, you discover that leftists control the army, the courts, the government (that is, the Lieberman-Bibi government!), the media, and US Jewry. If it wasn’t so dangerous and crazy, it would be funny. " Those who demonstrated for the Palestinian UDI are the most authentic Zionists in the country.
64. I cannot comprehend...
Salomoni ,   montreal, canada   (04.21.11)
..that considering the perilous situation of Israel, the obvious dangers i.e. Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO, Iran, Syria, etc., the world antisemitism whose goal is the destruction of Israel, the rejection of the jewish state by the arabs/moslems, these people still behave the way they do. I think these people are being financed by g. soros...I want to throw-up!!!!
65. Ayalon
Baruch Norman ,   Bat Yam   (04.21.11)
What has he actually done to advance the welfare of this nation? What steps has he taken beyond asinine antics, to get us anywhere near the negotiating table? This man has done almost as much harm as his boss Yvet Lieberman to our name and our survival. Together they have promoted paranoia and red-neck reactionaries to new heights. Thanks.
66. The Left Protests Because It Doesn't Have Any Answers
Jacob Blues ,   New York City, USA   (04.21.11)
The political left-wing in Israel is protesting outside the political areana because it doesn't have any ideas that the Israeli public will 'buy' so to speak, with their votes. The mutual admiration society that stood up making a 'declaration' for a Palestinian state, doesn't have a response to the Israeli voter who asks about the rocket and missile fire that are now targeting Israeli school busses. 20 years after Oslo, and this is what the Left has been reduced to. Two-weeks after the anti-tank rocket attack from Gaza and a month after the Fogel murders, and the Left remains silent in the face of increasing Palestinian violence. That silence is why their declarations will remain on the street corner and not in the Knesset.
67. what people really think
Justin ,   USA   (04.21.11)
Does anyone REALLY think that the MAJORITY of Palestinians actually want to see Israeli families murdered and children killed by missiles in school busses? A lot of people seem to think that that is what Palestinians want, and a lot of people seem to think that what Salma (#37) says represents ALL Palestinians. And when she agrees with these leftists, where are all the people who used to insult her for wanting to "destroy Israel"? Obviously, since Salma supports these leftists, she also wants, as do most Israelis (rightists and leftists) two states living side by side in peace with equal rights for all. Why don't people have a little bit of hope when they see that Salma, the Palestinian who we seem to think represents all Palestinians, supports two states living side by side as a final settlement to the Arab-Israeli conflict?
68. #61, C'mon excommunicate me.
Michael ,   California, USA   (04.21.11)
I have done your kind of excommunication by myself already when I started saying "Ata bhartanu IM kol haamim," when I recognized (along with Albert Einstein) that Jewish religion is a bunch of old legends without relevance, and that being a Jew is Cultural only. Now, why would I want to be a Jew in the racist sense of the word along with you? Take a look at the Maranos in Spain. They converted to Christianity in 1492 and are surviving fine till this day. Are they missing anything from the racist and religious Judaism? They are excommunicated by your norms, but can you beat their ability to not suffer the demise of six millions, to thrive as a community, to survive fine despite the upheavals since 1492? What have "you" achieved in the last 519 years by staying non-excommunicated? No "unique Jewish anomaly" here, none at all. Most of the Jewish population in the world is like me, excommunicating ourselves. How else can you explain the dismal growth in the number of race-defined Jews in the world since the end of W.W. Two?
69. they are blind
gays4israel ,   toronto   (04.21.11)
how about seeking compensation for jews who were ethnically cleansed from muslim lands whap part of Hamas' charter dont they understand ?
70. I fully support the laureates agenda....
American Sabrah   (04.21.11)
to help establish a Palestinian state in Jordan. This way there will no longer be any bitching about apartheid.I'd go even further to put in an open lesbian to be the leader of the Palestinians. How does that sound to you,Salma? They may as well reciprocate the tolerance that homosexuals show them. After all, wasn't Arafat a flamer?
71. Intelectuals think the rest of us should bow down to them
zionist forever   (04.21.11)
The Nobel Prizes and other awards go to the heads of these people and as a result they think they have all the answers and we must all bow down and say you know best so we will do what you think is best. The intellectuals live in a theoretical ideal world where its all black and white. All we need to do is create a palestinian state and Israelis and palestinians will be having group hugs and singing koombaya together. Somebody needs to teach them the real world is full of shades of gray.
72. Leftist - sons and daughters of Esau
Marek The Gentile ,   EU   (04.21.11)
73. Lunatic Left: Not Nazis-JudeoQuislings,there's a difference
tom ,   tel aviv   (04.21.11)
74. Same People
A.C.Guard ,   USA   (04.21.11)
These are the same type of people backing Obama in the U.S. and look what is happening to the U.S.
75. Fools or Treason ?
Dan ,   USA   (04.21.11)
Don't these people see what has happened in Gaza ? This just shows that education and/or artistic ability do not make a person intelligent. In fact it sometimes takes them out of the real world into a world of their own, which is what has happened to these people. With Israel being surrounded by hostile countries bent of destroying the Jewish state, these people should be looked upon as committing treason.
76. to#65
Jennie ,   Israel/US   (04.22.11)
And what have the palis done ? Did they change one hifen in their charter towards even contemplaiting to accept the right of Israel to exist, at all ? Yes, they showing it every day by bombing our sovereign land, but we do almost nothing, but argue about helping them to create a pali state. How ironic !The palis don't want to negotiate, why should they .. The last thing they want is a state...How many times they left the negotiating table, how many times they refused to accept the most attractive and self sacrificing offers from Israel? When will you get it, that all they TELL us, Israelis,that they want palestine without Israel. Believe it already !
77. "Leftist rally incites murder": more appropriate title
EZ ,   US   (04.22.11)
These people are clueless about the ethos, mindset and plans the pals have for Israels demise. Even if they did, they'd still sympathize with them like all hopeless romantics (including the dead Italian activist)...they just refuse to get it, even on the most sophisticated level, such people are not found. These people are as guilty of murdering the likes of the fogels as the perpetrators themselves and should be held accountable. It's the same as anyone in the US supporting the KKK, Neo-Nazis or Wbite Supremists: you'll wind up in jail because you are an enemy of the state. The pals REFUSE to recognize the Jews right to anything, let alone their indesputable homeland. It's their religion, ethos, beliefs, etc: that the Jews are defended from pigs and monkeys and that it is a mitzvah to kill one. That is who these leftists are supporting...they're murderers.
78. #23 - as the Left did in the last US election?
William ,   Israel   (04.22.11)
Equality usually means for everyone and not just selected groups - that's what Leftists and Arabs are demanding. Had it been equal rights, then their demands would have included denouncing Arab terrorism including the anti-tank attack on a school bus and the massacre at Itamar. As we have seen, these same Leftists and Arabs justified the killing of a settler family in their sleep.
79. #34 - as a self-righteous Leftist....
William ,   Israel   (04.22.11)
would you not agree that rockets coming from West Bank and targeting flights at Ben Gurion would destroy Israeli society more than the so-called "occupation"? We tried your stupid experiment already in Gaza and now we have an Iranian-backed terrorist group there, oppressing both Gazans and Israelis. In 1999, we also offered 99.6% of everything Arafat demanded and he still launched a violent terrorism war. So it just goes to prove, simply giving in does not make it work, and being "prouder, smarter, and bigger" won't protect you from a terrorist in the night or a qassam coming through your roof. Face it, the Left was voted out in Israel because of people like you with pipe dreams based on ideology while sacrificing real lives for it (but not your own).
80. #68 - guess what - nobody cares what you think
William ,   Israel   (04.22.11)
You're one person of many in this world, wrapped snuggly in your own narrow-minded perspective, willing to "offer" people your stern advice while rejecting others. You, like other so-called Leftists, believe you have all the answers, that you suddenly saw the light, and must educate the rest of the "ignorant" masses. Case in point - you cite Jewish converts to Christianity in 1492. Nope, many of them were actually tortured and killed despite the conversion. Some even converted to Islam in places under their rule and were met with the same fate. The moral of this story is - a Jew must change his identity to those around him to be "safe" even though its against their very being and the demand of conversion is extremely racist. There are plenty of self-hating Jews out there. Who cares? Get over yourself. If you don't feel comfortable with Judaism, go find what you feel comfortable with rather than attack those you dislike. Part of being "non-racist" is allowing everyone their right to seek the best identity for themselves, whether they choose Orthodox Jew or Tibetan Monk, or Atheist. All you are is a bitter man dealing with personal issues that is nobody else's but your own, and I pity you.
81. Remember the names of these useful fools!
82. #68 Good for you. Now take your arrogant ass...
... and leave us alone. Nice theory too! I'm happy it works for you but but I really, really don't care what you think, say, do or eat. If you missed the latest news, during these "519" years, we outlived all the empires which raped us and all the enemies which attempted to commit genocide against us. And yes, we re-built Israel on our rightful ancestral lands. Small feat indeed! What did YOU do during these "519" years? You were busy dancing in the "rain", eh? In case you forgot, a Jew remains a Jew even if he converts to, well, ANYTHING! He will be spit upon, despised and called a "Jew" by others regardless if he wears a cross, a crescent or a Svastika. So my friend, you can't hide and can't run. What's worse, you lost you dignity too and joined the enemy. But don't worry, we really do not need the likes of you. You are now a Jew without anything. You are despised by your new friends - because you are still a Jew - and despised by Jews, because of your shameful behavior and back-stabbing. You are a "Judah" in reverse. And now, after seeing yourself in the mirror, just get out of my living room and do let the door hit you on the way out. And don't ever come back and bark your racist rants at my door.
83. Hahah...I see the obvious is hard to take ...
Edithann ,   USA   (04.22.11)
There is nothing you can do to take over all of Palestine anymore...and that realization if finally being understood...even to your so called britest ..... So catch up with reality and not what you want it to be.. Just as you don't like Palestinians, they too don't like you...However, they have a 'right' to their lands....and you still don't... TATA
84. 76 - His-terry-kol
Baruch Norman ,   Bat Yam   (04.22.11)
This is really just that and the word is HYPHEN
85. #83; Edithann, Clearly you fall into...
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (04.22.11)
A different category, don't you? To quote your remarks: "There is nothing you can do to take over all of Palestine anymore". Where have you been? Since 1967, Israel has given back almost the land it won in the defensive war they were forced to fight? So Israel has literally been cut in half (actually a little more) in size since 67. Which makes the above quote what exactly? Is it ignorance, stupidity? I don't know maybe you can enlighten us. But clearly Israel is not trying to expand, unless they have come up with a new way? Expand by getting smaller? Hmmm. Is that anything like "ethnic cleansing" where the Arab population TRIPLES? Funny way to do that as well? Back to the books little girl, TATA!!
86. to#83
Jennie ,   Israel/US   (04.22.11)
Yours is the stupidest post,I have ever read, Edithann..Congratulations! And you reversing your facts... BTW, Laughter belongs to those, who laugh last...TATA....
87. to#84
Jennie ,   ISrael/US   (04.22.11)
Thanks for your reply and your spell check, Baruch; I don't think, that a little review of historical facts about the so-called palestinia nation is hysteria on my part. It is my personal memory.I lived that history in Israel, since the time they were only refugees in Gaza, numbering a few hundred, then a few thousands and now they are a nation...And while you are quick to judge Ayalon and Liberman, I am surprised you are have nothing to say about Ehud Barak...
88. #80, 82: Good replies
Michael ,   California, USA   (04.22.11)
You both are what you accuse me of: wrong and arrogant. You specialize in twisting historical facts to your points of view. But you wrote well, made you points clear. We will go our separate ways and I will not miss your narrow mindedness at all. There was time when I cared about people like you. And I continue to care for the thoughts of many of my enlightened Israeli brothers. This is why I will be lurking on here and I am glad you cannot stop me. Also, I will continue coming back home to Israel. Davka ...
89. #34
Melody ,   Emeryville   (04.23.11)
And where exactly did being prouder, smarter & bigger than "them" help our people 70 years ago? Read some can only fight fire with even bigger fire or you wind up in the ashcan of history. The "palestinians" want NO peace...they want ISRAEL!!!
90. Value of considering all alternatives
Howard Cort ,   Chicago, USA   (04.24.11)
Certainly an independent Palestinian State, alongside a strong, independent Israel, is one of the very best options . Why not take hold of it and together help make it a thing of strrengh, beauty, and well-being for all concerned?
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