Netanyahu's US speech raises speculations
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 12.05.11, 11:55
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31. #15. A worthless "Palestinian" declaration will happen.
Chaim ,   Israel   (05.12.11)
#15 Chris. Conditions were far more favorable the last time "Palestinians" declared fictional statehood. There were only about 300,000 Jews in Judea and Samaria. Yet their declaration was a complete fiasco. Today, the Jewish community of Judea and Samaria, including Jerusalem, is a strong, vibrant 700,000. Moreover, they have all total Israeli support and the support of Israel's countless millions of friends worldwide. If "Palestinians" are foolish enough to declare fictional statehood this year, it will be a meaningless humiliating fiasco for them. After this fiasco, "Palestinian" statehood will be known as the joke it is.
32. #15; Chris B, WILL IT SOLVE...
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (05.12.11)
Any of the problems between the Arabs and Israel, if not then what's the point? After all we are told, that this is all that's needed for the region to find peace. If we looked into a crystal ball, and saw it made no difference. That after the formation of a new Arab entity that it would be used to continue to attack Israel, would you still support it, and why? Fortunately we don't need a crystal ball, we need only to look at Gaza. Israel left unilaterally, the Arabs destroyed all the settlements...including the green houses to raise crops...then simply used it as a base to launch unrelenting and unprovoked attacks upon Israel. So what makes anybody think this would be different. Especially given the recent statements made by Hamas. Not to recognize Israel, and wanting to reserve the right for the "next generation to take back all the lands". In other words, to destroy Israel. So what is your real agenda Chris?
33. #24 - from comfortable, quiet confines of my abode
seadog1946 ,   ArthurKill, NY   (05.12.11)
in the USA, I also note that Mexico and Canada do not send suicide bombers nor missiles into the US because we do not control access to Canada's/Mexico's airspace or seaports, we do not selectively prohibit Mexico's or Canada's import of building materials, etc., we do not collect their tarriff's and taxes, we do not control the residency status of who can/can't live in Canada or Mexico, we do not drive into their cities, town and villages arresting their inhabitants, we do not control their water/mineral resources, we do not station troops in their countries, we do not set up identity checkpoints on their nation's roads, we do not build nor do we encourage/finance settlements in their countries. We have internationally recognized borders. Sorry for disturbing the denizens of echo-chamber called Ynet talkbacks.
34. To: No. 19
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.12.11)
You really need to go back on your anti-psychotic medication. You are truly delusional. For one thing, do not presume that you have any understanding of the Israeli electorate. Having witnessed first-hand how brilliantly Prime Minister Netanyahu end-played Abbas and Fatah into entering into a "unity agreement" that is destined to fail; having seen how Abbas and Fatah fell so neatly into the trap (of COURSE Israel was going to freeze funds earmarked for PA salaries; of COURSE Abbas and Fayyad were going to protest loudly and for all the world to see; of COURSE everyone understands that Hamas is a terrorist organization and that funds which will likely find their way to a terrorist organization may quite legally be frozen; of COURSE the international community finds this quite reasonable, as nearly all countries in the world (public persona to the contrary notwithstanding) have a similar policy and most responsible organizations and countries regard Hamas as a terrorist organization; of COURSE member states of the European Union with large and unpleasant Arab and Moslem communities would rush to the fore and promise funds which they will never deliver, and make very clear to Abbas and Fayyad that these funds that they promised will NOT be forthcoming thus forcing Abbas and Fayyad into the humiliating step of appealing for help to Arab nations that have absolutely no intention of pouring good money down the deep hole that is the "Palestinian" Authority; of COURSE this has resulted in a great many questions in assorted prominent halls of power as to why 155,000 "government employees" need to be on the payroll when it is clear that there is no functioning government and that it is not possible for there to be that many "government employees" for around two million people, inevitably inviting questions as to where the money is REALLY going) -- I assure you that the Israeli electorate is rejoicing in Prime Minister Netanyahu at the moment, and I further assure you that he is going to Washington not to plead Israel's case but rather to issue Israel's demands and set forth Israel’s intentions in light of recent events which have clearly demonstrated that Fatah is not moderate at all ("moderates" do not form "unity governments" with terrorist organizations). I realize that this is a great deal for you to absorb and that your intellect is not up to the task, but I confess that I do not know how to express all of the foregoing in a manner suitable to your ability to comprehend. I'm just not all that good with smiley faces; sorry.
35. To: No. 15
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.12.11)
First of all, there is already an ersatz "Palestinian" state -- Jordan -- and secondly, the ersatz "Palestinians" now have the opportunity to work towards a second such state, thanks to the "unity agreement" between Fatah and Hamas. Thirdly, "Israel has no choice in the matter" is a nonsensical statement. Israel is a nuclear power. Of course it has choices -- even if those choices may not be to your liking.
36. To: No. 21
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.12.11)
Israel is pretty sick and tired of fighting wars (there have been six; all started by the Arabs and won by Israel). Israel is also pretty sick and tired of having to combat nearly seven decades of Arab terror. We don't think that the ersatz "Palestinians" should have endless bites at the apple. As to "negotiations" -- how much "negotiation" did the Allies permit Germany following World War II? The ersatz "Palestinians" are a vanquished people. It is not for the international community to make ridiculous demands of Israel that not a single nation in the world would allow to be made upon itself. It is time for the ersatz "Palestinians" to fade gently into oblivion. They've had many opportunities for a two-state solution and have rejected them all. Sorry, but they have only themselves to blame. The United States would not dream of being forced into making concessions to Al Qaeda. Israel, like the United States, is a sovereign nation. Do not presume to attempt to force us into making concessions to the terrorist rabble that is the ersatz "Palestinian" people.
37. Guarantees by Obama is a bottomless pit
Brod ,   USA   (05.12.11)
Guarantees by Obama is as hollow as a bottomless pit. It is meaningless. It is just a trickery to fool Israel into a pathway of no return. Israel must not be fooled by any Obama's hollow guarantees and must not accept any such crap. Beware of the Tsunami of Lefism, AntiSemitism and Islamist-Jihadism.
38. #33, kelev yam
Chatich   (05.12.11)
You've got to be kidding, even you can't be THAT stupid. Can you? Do Canada and Mexico have charters and constitutions calling for the destruction of the United States, and the genocide of its population? Do Canada and Mexico indiscriminately launch rockets filled with wood screws into American civilian communities? Do Canadians and Mexicans fire armor-piercing guided missiles at clearly marked American school buses? Do masked Canadians and Mexicans kidnap American soldiers and hold them in solitary confinement for five years? Do Canadians and Mexicans blow up American restaurants, buses and night clubs in suicide attacks? Do Canada and Mexico stage elaborate campaigns of disinformation, lies and propaganda for the purpose of falsely depicting Americans and their military as ruthless oppressors? The real irony here is that the Mexicans - an actual people that genuinely exist - have more legitimate claims against your country, which did confiscate lands from them, than the so-called 'palestinians', whose greivances are entirely based on projection, distortion and outright lies (see any post by "Noor" or "Salma" for an example).
39. #33 - Comfortable when you terrorize the world
Danny ,   Albany, USA   (05.12.11)
over a one time event called 9/11. Americans have no place to lecture Israel about human rights violations, killing innocents, civilian casualties, enslaving people and countries for economic gain. Native Americans, African Americans, Japanese Americans, Appalachian Americans, Arab Americans, Afghani civilians, Iraqi civilians, Libyan civilians, Nicaraguans, Chileans, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Cambodians, just to name a few, have felt the lovely comfort and beneficence of American injustice, bombings, exercise of military invasion. Please spare the world your smug armchair lectures on injustice and human rights. You live in the world's biggest glass house.
40. Seadog #33
Brod ,   USA   (05.12.11)
Your knowledge of History, the Bible and Biblical Archaeology is zero. Judea and Samaria belong to Israel since ancient time. They are GOD-GIVEN and GOD-RESTORED to Israel. Israel liberated Judea and Samaria-Land of Israel from the Islamist-Jihadist occupiers in 1967, just as Spain liberated their historic homeland of Spain from the Islamist-Jihadist occupiers in the 15th century. Israel has all the rights to defend the Land of Israel from Islamist-Jihadist terrorists, usurpers and occupiers.
41. # 24; # 28 & # 36
Jon ,   Baltimore US   (05.13.11)
# 24, Danny from Albany: Before I retired to my nice little home in Baltimore I spent 25 years in the US military, 15 of it in military intelligence and am very aware of what we have done and continue to do. Have you ever done anything but rant from Albany and send money to support settlers and racist groups? # 28, Solomon from Brooklyn: I did not claim to speak for everyone; read what I said to Danny and substitute Brooklyn for Albany. And yes, I have worked counter-terrorism as well as counterintelligence. # 36, Sarah B from the USA; I believe that many Israelis are sick and tired of succesive governments of Israel that will not actually make an agreement and stick to it. The one PM who actually tried to do it was assasinated by a settler. Maybe it is time for a right wing PM to actually do something besides trying to prolong an occupation that is legally and morally wrong?
42. To: No. 33
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.13.11)
Of course you do realize that Canada and Mexico are sovereign states. I find it necessary to underscore your stupidity by pointing out that Gaza is nonsovereign territory and, as such, has no territorial waters or sovereign air space; the same holds true for areas controlled by the "Palestine" Authority. Moreover, I remind you that there is a burgeoning crisis along the United States' border with Mexico with respect to illegal gun trafficking (drugs as well, of course), and United States customs officials now conduct impromptu checks on BOTH sides of the borders (supposedly with the tacit approval of the Mexican government, but who knows?). Clearly you are also blissfully unaware of the fact that while the United States does not have military bases in either Canada or Mexico, there are quite a few nations throughout the world where there is an American presence; in many cases, an unwelcome one. Just ask the Afghanis, the Iraqis, the Pakistanis and, yes, even the Japanese. I remind you as well that the Oslo accord entered into by the "Palestine" Authority with Israel REQUIRES Israel to collect customs duties and taxes on behalf of the "Palestine" Authority and there is a clause which prohibits the "Palestine" Authority to enter into agreements with terrorist organizations openly hostile to Israel (the "unity agreement" executed by the "Palestine" Authority and Hamas qualifies as such. There is more I could say, but suffice it to say that everything stems from your ignorance of the difference between a sovereign state and non-sovereign territory.
43. 32 Yes it will solve...
Chris.B ,   Australia   (05.13.11)
Israeli involvement with the Palestinians for good.There will be no need for the Israelis to have anything to do with them.Secondly it will defang alot of hostility towards Israels occupation and control of the Palestininan territories.I agree that Hamas are a problem but they will be made accountable by the Palestian people beacause they wont be able to blame Israel anymore.Israel has extreme elements in its government as well but they are brought into the fold Hamas is no different. My question to you is what was Israels agenda in creating and financing Hamas in the first place?
44. #33 what's your point?
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (05.13.11)
As #38 points out, the democratically elected government of Gaza has declared its intention to perform genocide on Israel and attacked Israel's civilian population. Israel owes them nothing. In any case, Gaza has a border with Egypt. The Gazans can use Egypt's airport and seaport in Rafiah which are less than 5 km away to import anything they want with no Israeli interference. If Hamas want, the Egyptians can collect taxes instead of Israel. If you want, go complain to the Egyptians. By the way, you were always preaching to Israel, where is your condemnation to Obama's extrajudicial murder of Osama Bin Laden?
45. #41 jon
solomon ,   bklyn   (05.13.11)
The phrase "The American people" intimates "all the American people" As recent surveys have shown, this is not true. I sincerely thank you for the time you have spent in the service of our country. Kol hakavod that it was in counter-terrorism as well as counterintelligence. I only served a comparatively short stint in the IDF. That said, I urge you to read my post #28 again. When you state that this is "an occupation that is legally and morally wrong" you are obviously not well versed in the history of the region, especially in the immediate history, as you blame Israel for there being no deal on the table, when it has been the arabs who reject everything and propose nothing. Israeli demands of "controlling airspace, borders, water resources" are the direct result of arab statements that their goal will remain to annihilate Israel, that any agreement will not mean recognition of Israel nor will it mean the end of demands. This will lead to a viable peace? Would any nation other than Israel even think of an agreement with such statements from such an enemy? In counter-terrorism and counterintelligence one must know the enemy. You can start with reading statements and Charters of both Hamas and the PA. Also read about what they teach their children (!). I urge you to pay more attention to facts, and not put blinders on to fit preconceived notions. I must say again: 1. Read some history of the area and people . 2. Read about the indiscriminate killing of people, bus bombings, etc. 3. Read about any countries that have survived after giving the enemy everything they wanted without receiving promises of 'no more demands'. 4. Read about negotiations where one side says they will negotiate only AFTER they get all they want. Hopefully, even you can learn something.
46. #43; Chris B., WHAT?????????????
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (05.13.11)
First what are you talking about? You Write: The Myth "My question to you is what was Israels agenda in creating and financing Hamas in the first place?" That is a pure lie, stop drinking the Kool-Aid. The FACTS: ", Hamas was founded in 1987 (during the First Intifada) as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.[18][19] Co-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin stated in 1987 and the Hamas Charter affirmed in 1988 that Hamas was founded to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation and to establish an Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip" So your question is unexplainable nonsense. Chris writes: "There will be no need for the Israelis to have anything to do with them" But that's NOT what happened in Gaza, is it Chris? So if Israel were to take your advice, then the Arabs proceeded to attack Israel from their new entity, in your opinion, what rights does Israel have to retaliate? Can they wipe them off the map? I glad you agree Hamas is the problem, but there is NO moral equivalency between Hamas and the far right political party in Israel. First, Hamas won major elections, second for instance, 73% of the Pals approved of the Pizza Cafe bombing that killed 21 teenagers. According to Palestinian polling! That's 3 out of every 4 Arabs living in the disputed land. By contrast, the far right only makes up between 5%-7% of the Israeli public.That's a huge difference. What proof do we have the Israel accepting a new Arab entity will change anything? None! What proof do we have that things will remain the same? Gaza! Plus the recent Hamas statements. Reserving the "right" of the "next generation" to take back all of Palestine, as al-Zahar, clearly stated two days ago.
47. Thank you #21 - #41 Jon,
Danny ,   Albany, USA   (05.13.11)
for stating your own bigotry towards those of us who support Israel's right to exist and to arrive at a just peace with her neighbors. Sorry to disappoint you but I do not send money to settler groups or bigots but certainly your presumption that I do just goes to show that you are what you see in others. Though I respect your time in the military and counter-intelligence, I can only conclude with regard to your biased statements about Israeli policy, that you learned little about the realities and exigencies of maintaining a diverse, democratic tiny country such as Israel in the midst of hateful, despotic, threatening nations comprising a land mass and population hundreds of times Israel's size.
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