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The churches against Israel
Giulio Meotti
Published: 03.07.11, 20:02
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61. #1 Dovid - HELPFUL to list some good EXAMPLES
CK Tan ,   Singapore, Singapore   (07.04.11)
As you say, NOT "all Christian critics of Israel are antisemites". Perhaps you can SHARE some specific EXAMPLES of criticisms by Christians or Christian org that ARE and that are NOT antisemitic.
62. Birdi / 36
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (07.04.11)
The only thing wrong about post 15 is saying Christians that do not love Israel are bad. The truth is that they most likely are not Christians at all. If they are hostile to Israel then they are definately not Christians. If they say they are they might as well say they are donkeys too because that would be much closer to the truth.
63. More people died at the hands of the Church...
William ,   Israel   (07.04.11)
in human history than at the hands of any other religion. A cruel, horrible religion that was taken up by despots and power-hunger racists to push their agenda. And while today many acknowledge this, very few would hold the Church accountable even when their racist actions persist. In a close second and soon to surpass the blood-shed, we have Islam where many useful idiots rush to justify or cover up their crimes of mass death.
64. stupid people
fad egypt   (07.04.11)
they dont understand that by attacking the jewish people and the state of israel which is the vision of god on earth they are attacking their religion because the christianity is based on the judiasm jesus christ the jewish messiah and those who formed the first church were observent jews they were zionist believing that eretz yisrael belongs to em yisrael and jesus himself who is god is the form of man is the one who promised the land of israel to the forefathers of the jewish people it is a covanent between him and the jewish people and will never be changed or be replaced the jews will remain the chosen people of god through them the bible reached billions of people around the world including these so called christians instead of apologizing to the jews because of the pogroms and massacres and incitment against them which waged by the church they are still attacking israel shame on them please jews forgive those who attacking you shalom
65. There is a VAST difference
John ,   Alaska   (07.04.11)
between authentic Christianity and the churches of this world system. You can tell the difference between the fake churches of this world and real Christians because real Christians believe the Scriptures and support G'd's Chosen, the Jews.
66. to #25 Gracek
John ,   Alaska   (07.04.11)
You are to be commended for your consistency. I have learned that when i see your name, the post will be anti-Semitic. But that is not the reason for my response. You said: "The article's author, Giulio Meotti, given his views, is a gross heretic who would have been dealt with sternly in times past, and may yet be." The threat you make is thinly veiled. You talk like you think you're a Christian, but your anti-Semitism and incitement to violence is in lockstep with the Islamists of this world. Happily, according to Scripture, you will not win. Here in America, the real Christians will oppose you, and in Israel, the Jews will rest in the victory that the LORD has promised them.
67. The World Council of Churches and what they say.
Shelly ,   Belgrave Canada   (07.04.11)
God tells us" I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. ISRAEL IS THE APPLE OF HIS EYE. I ask a question . Just how many people and nations are being blessed?? As Jesus said on the cross " Father forgive them for they know not what they do " Shiloh Israel
68. full of lies
efrat ,   new york, USA   (07.04.11)
wow, where do you get your information? do you check your facts??. . . most of it sounds totally absurd and untrue . . . the catholic church has actually been very supportive of Israel, most christians want the state of israel to protect their christian sites, most of them do not trust islam . . . this article is spreading lies
69. Chrislam!!
Dallas ,   Canada   (07.04.11)
Leftist alignment with Islam for political ends separates these deluded groups from real Christians. They might as well just convert to Islam and get it over with because anyone who harbors hatred in their heart like this is NOT a Christian. Unfortunately there are many incredibly nasty people who exemplify the worst of humanity in the way they run their lives, all the while professing to be good Christians - here in Canada I have met surprisingly many! They have no business hiding behind their so-called "religion" because they have no concept of what religion really is.
70. I Am Disgusted With My So-Called "Co-Religionists"
Dallas ,   Canada   (07.04.11)
Good becomes evil and evil becomes good and half the world can't discern between the two. Morality has been diffused in today's world - true religion's meaning has been politicized and it's looking like half the world has lost its moral compass. It's disappointing to see that half the human race can so deluded, and very concerning that we have forgotten every lesson of history.
71. #34,M J Ejenbaum, A Lot of Hatred in Your Post
Dallas ,   Canada   (07.04.11)
Careful, it's caustic. Something must be bothering you and it isn't Christianity.
72. No. 52 - hoax?
Shaul R ,   US   (07.04.11)
Actually, Amram, the conference is all over the Internet, just need to google it. I quote: "The five-day conference, which was sponsored by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Volos Theological Academy, was held 19-23 June as a follow up to a WCC Central Committee statement adopted in February on the presence and witness of Christians in the Middle East."
73. Sadly the world association of evangelicals signed up w/ WCC
Henman   (07.04.11)
Only a few days ago the Evangelicals signed up with the Roman Catholics AND the World Council of Churches to a document uniting them in their "respectful" approach to Evangelism. There are now only a handful of churches which are not apostate, these include the Southern Baptists and Calvary Chapel, that's about it I think...
74. Without the Jews we would have no God
Robert ,   Twin Falls, Idaho US   (07.04.11)
So, are you stating that God is hand cuffed and had to lean on the Jews in order to create the Universe or did God choose the Jewish People and the language of Eden .. to record his relationship with his created? His Son had a variety of blood lines that certainly were not Hebrew. God was everyones from the beginning. I will love them that love me and I shall curse those who curse me and those who seek me early shall find me.
75. 38 Sobieski, Germany: Thank you for saying AMEIN!
Rivkah   (07.04.11)
The word Amen is another pagan apostasy that reflects worship of Amen Ra, the Egyptian chief pagan diety. AMEIN is the correct word to use. AMEIN! All the English translations Holy Scriptures should be changed so that AMEIN is said instead of Amen. Bible is from the Greek goddess of lust, Biblia, so I prefer Holy Scriptures when refering to the Tanakh and Torah and the Ketuvim Netzerim. You are so right in your post which was a joy to read. Thank you, thank you.
76. I am sick of my own people.
John ,   Us   (07.04.11)
Thousands of years of murder in the name of G-d based on texts stolen from the children of Israel. They are not even able to read the book and see it was the children of Esua and Rome that killed Yeshua. They are blind, evil and I cannot stand them.
77. Another Article Full of Deliberate Lies
John ,   Jerusalem   (07.04.11)
Giulio Meotti can't be stupid so I presume he is purposely misrepresenting the truth: 1 - "Not a single world of criticism was uttered there against the Islamists who are persecuting Arabs". Lie. Day two dealt with the plight of Arab Christians in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Turkish Cyprus. 2 - "The conference declared the Jewish state "a sin"". Lie. It didn't. 3 - "The conference denied 3000 years of Jewish life...". Lie. 4 - "...imagining it to be a mixture - Islamic, Christian and perhaps a bit Jewish". Lie. 5 - "It even legitimised terrorism". Lie. The conference explicitly denounced all forms of violence and spoke of non-violent resistance only. As I say, Meotti can't be stupid but he must think his readers are. Ynet on shaky ground publishing his libellous attacks.
78. What is this BS howl against various Christian Churches?
Cameron ,   USA   (07.04.11)
True, serious Christians are the firmest, most fervent supporters of the Israeli state to be found on the planet. In truth, they are quicker to rise to the defence of Israel than are a great many Jews living outside of Israel proper. I read through the posting, and found myself wondering what are Mr. Meotti's motives in assembling this sort of dubious anti-Christian bile? What gives here, Meotti? Are the assorted Churches the ones with a deep-seated problem? Or are you the guilty party?
79. Family of Nations
KampungHighlander ,   UK   (07.04.11)
The Author States "They are paving the way for a new Jewish bloodbath by the theological exclusion of Israel's Jews from the family of nations." When in fact it is the Israeli Governments policies towards the Palestinians that are making the rest of the world turn away in disgust.
80. Ugly Turth: Muslims Hate Chistians More Than Jews
EZ ,   USA   (07.04.11)
This is an old, underhanded hat trick: the christians even FUND TERRORIST ORTANIZATIONS (ESPECIALLY THE CATHOLICS) SIMPLY TO DEFLECT ISLAMS HATRED FOR THE CHRISTIANS. Please look at the FACTS: Christians are openly persecuted in almost EVERY Muslim nation and the Muslims have EFFECTIVELY ROUTED VIRTUALLY ALL CHRISTIANS FROM MUSLIM COUNTRIES AND OPENLY COMMIT GENOCIDE AGAINST THEM. It is no secret that the catholic church funds Hamas and Hezbollah simply to deflect Muslim hatred for them (and their "idolatry"). Jews know this well: I was just speaking with a Rabbi and PhD in religious history who is writing a book on this subject. Even though we Jews are currently enjoying nice terms with the Catholics and Christians currently, it will always be a relationship of convenience (namely for Christendom) but the truth is, Christians in Israel are losing all of their influence, property (which they can no longer afford and sell off) and won't be around much longer. You'll note that the secular intellectuals throughout the world incessantly bash Christians for their unsophisticated interpretations of science and their block-headed approach to their faith while they hold Jews in high esteem because we are the most prolific and industrious people in the world. They KNOW we are leaders and our entire culture has survived due to our strength and intelligence, not because of rape and pillage. You'll also note that when anti-religious people talk about "religion", they're speaking about ONLY two things: CHRISTIANITY & THE VIOLENT SIDE OF ISLAM: THEY ARE NOT TALKING A OUT BHUDDISM (worlds largest religion) HINDUISM, JAINISM, TOAISM, SIEKS OR JEWS. The sad, sad truth is, Christians should never be trusted by Jews or any other religion and the Jews are closer to Muslims (and vice-versa) than ANY religion. True monotheism is only found with these two and Zorastrians: no where else. Christiandom is a failure and a farse, albeit a more calm and powerless one nowadays but with "conferences" like these cropping up, the religious Jews should simply stand up and condemn Christianity as a blood-thirsty farse whove murdered more people than one can count. It's based on lies and silly concepts and we anews should sever all ties with them: let's start by ANNEXING ALL "CATHOLIC" HELD PROPERTIES IN JERUSALEM: JEWISH RENTERS SHOULD NOT BE SIGNING AGREEMENTS WITH THE CATHOLICS!!!!!!! PERIOD!!!!!!
81. the British prist who deneid the holocaust
ghostq   (07.04.11)
was just tip of the ice berg, antisemitism in the UK goes for more than 1000 years, they were the first one with race law, that long history cannot be ignored over night it is too embaded in the cultur.
82. to #40 zionism isn't ideology,
ghostq   (07.04.11)
ideology is marxism or capitalism, but zionism isn't one it isn't political movmen, you be suprised to know that chritian people r also zionists and both left wingers and right wingers can be zionists, as for Jesus, he preached to Jews when he was alive, and among his 12 messengers you can find jews, sad when idiots think they know more than the new testament, if you will bother to open the new testament.
83. to #42 the Torah religious jews r in the Israeli gov
ghostq   (07.04.11)
and as far as I know during the mandath there was ultra religious zionist movment the leader was Brener who was murdered by an arab. (just proves British education worth nothing).
84. to #79 the last gov was 3 years ago and it wasn't
ghostq   (07.04.11)
right winger, before that it was labour party that was in the gov in Israel, r you sure you even know what you r talking about, I got a feeling you don't.
85. #11 Let Christians learn of Historical Judaic Pharisee Ribi
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (07.04.11)
It's one part of the education of Christians into 1st-4th century history, which is the ONLY solution to the ages old conflict. Christians claim to follow a 1st-century Pharisee Ribi--that would be an Israeli Jew who spoke Hebrew. In the 1st century, Hellenists were not tolerated in the Pharisee community and the Pharisees openly loathed the Hellenist Sadducee "Wicked Priests" of the Temple. An analysis of Dead Sea Scroll 4Q MMT (see Prof. Elisha Qimron, Discoveries in the Judaean Desert) demonstrates that the Oral Law was the core belief of the 1st-century Jewish world. It is unavoidable that Pharisee Ribi taught Torah--NOT Hellenist mythology (Christianity, which first emerged in 135 C.E.). So, what would Ribi Yehoshua have called it? Christians claim to follow him so they should do the same!This is especially true of Christians tourists to Israel because they come here trying to get closer to the truth. Keep the truth in front of Christians so that it will be there for those who are genuinely seeking truth. Don't keep concealing the truth like Christian tradition has for the last 1,876 years. Christians come to Israel to get closer to the truth and you advocate continuing to conceal the truth from Christians rather than requiring them to learn. Let Christians find out that their Christian J---s was defined by Hellenist Roman Christian redactions in the 2nd-4th centuries (see Oxford historian James Parkes, The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue), syncretizing their Hellenist mythology into their new Christian religion long after the 1st century Torah-teaching Pharisee Ribi was crucified. Church historian Eusebius documented (EH IV.v.3) that the first gentile and Christian "bishop," Markus, became leader by force in 135 C.E.--following the Roman crushing of the Bar Kokhva Rebellion and the expulsion and forcible ouster of the 15th and last Netzarim Jewish Paqid, Yehudah, from Yerushalayim. The unhappy truth is that, again documented by Eusebius (quoting Hegesippus, EH IV.xxii.3), the succession of popes was Εποιησαμην (epoieisamein)--fabricated--well after that (between 142 and 168 C.E.)! See our website (below) for further information. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Torah-observant Jew: Teimani, Baladi, Dor Dai Advocate for Discrete Logic as Hermeneutic Halakhic Authority Welcoming all who choose to keep Torah (When questions to me go unanswered, they have refused to post it. Find our reply in our Web Café at
86. #74 Let's face it, he was known as the "King of the Jews".
Joe   (07.04.11)
87. The christians don't know
Kurt ,   USA   (07.04.11)
They don't know why they support Israel except that some words of Torah seeped into their new testament. Otherwise, they have no clue. They still think they, even though they are not Jewish, have a messiah and he's coming twice. some even entertain the idea of an escape rapture which will relinquish their responsibility for future events. The concept of messiah is Jewish-only, just as Shabbat is also only a commandment for Jews to recognize. . The important thing is that Torah is a basis of their belief system. That alone will provide wisdom to those who open their hearts.
88. churches against Israel
H.E.Dobson ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.04.11)
Please believe that not all Christians accept the foul slanders against the Jewish people promulgated by this horrendous gathering. I have the honour to be both Christian and carry an Israeli ID as a temporary resident. I am proud to belong to the state of Israel and I refuse to deny or bastardise the Scriptures on which my faith is based which speak overwhelmingly of Israel's place in the plans of the Almighty. They should repent in shame.
89. Sheep & Goats
Yohanatan ,   La Jolla, USA   (07.04.11)
Jesus (Yeshua) will hold people responsible for how they treat his brothers, the Jews, as is seen in the Sheep & Goat Judgement of Matt 25:31-45: “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ God's everlasting covenant with Jews for the land of Israel cannot be broken. By claiming otherwise, these revisionists are making God a liar, and they will be held accountable. And this WILL lead up to the tribulation, which will be worse than the Shoah (holocaust).
90. 42. u shame ur self with ur hatred
a Zionist is ANY person who believes Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish state. nothing more nothing less. I am a proud Zionist and i bleed just as red as u...even though my blood, pain and tears matter nothing to you. G-d Bless Israel. Am Israel Chai
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