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'Boycott law – huge step toward fascism'
Eran Baron, Liron Sinay
Published: 13.07.11, 14:10
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39 Talkbacks for this article
31. That's right, the lefstist are an endangered species.
usa   (07.14.11)
Your extinction is at hand.
32. Left wing persons
ako   (07.14.11)
Left wing persons hate their self, they hate their culture and their nation. This is the same for all leftists Specialy in western nations, israel included. they hate everything that has to do with their own nation! Every nation should be proud of its culture and history, language. Democracy has limits, we are in a time where rules must be created because its needed. And special rules are in need depending on locations. middle east is totaly diffrent from europe or america. Diffrent systems and diffrent way of life needs diffrent laws.
33. the left in Israel is minority how can it be facism
ghostq   (07.14.11)
when they and their own instituts can be boycotte by people from out side of Israel, the arab world still do not recognize jews right to their own state. is that like shooting your own foot and cry how much it hurts... brainless people indeed.
34. to 24
nusa ,   jerusalem   (07.14.11)
iam not leftlist but i like lemon tree and like its fruit ... it is fact real it is not boycott so the new law will not affect me
35. You can not selectivly choose the laws you will obey
Eric ,   Tel Aviv & NY   (07.14.11)
In a proper democratic country you do not get to pick and choose which laws to obey. You can fight laws you do not agree with, challenge them in the courts, try to get them declared unconstitutional - but with the known risk that you are breaking them and can be held accountable for your actions should the law be upheld.
36. Similar laws in US and Japanese did not lead to fascism
Eric ,   Tel Aviv & NY   (07.14.11)
Many countries have anti-boycott laws, these include the top democracies in the world.
37. The "Left" abandoned democracy. Voters abandoned the left.
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (07.14.11)
There is no shortage of narrow-minded, myopic simpletons on the left wing. Once upon a time they actually outnumbered the right-wing myopic sillies. However, the democratic electorate of Israel changed their minds and stopped voting for the left. In fact, in the next elections I doubt that Meretz will even be in the Knesset, and Labor will struggle to get 10 seats. Israelis as a whole appear to be fed up with the double standard of the left - that promotes boycotts against their own people while ignoring the war crimes of our enemies. Two of the most profound proofs that 1984 is upon is are ACRI and B'Tselem. ACRI is supposed to protect the rights of Israeli citizens. However, when those rights are attacked by Palestinian terrorists, ACRI simply ignores the plight of Israeli citizens and says that the problem is "outside of Israel's borders and therefore not in our jurisdiction." Yet when Israeli troops go to defend Israeli citizens who are attacked from Gaza, ACRI gets very involved....on behalf of the Palestinians and not on behalf of Israelis! Then there is B'Tselem, which claims to be a "human rights" group in the "occupied territories". However, when the human rights of Jews are attacked, B'Tselem is deaf, dumb and blind. They do not advocate for "human rights" for Jews in the "occupied territories", but only for Arabs...making them a pro-Arab lobby group that has nothing to do with universal human rights. Now comes a law that is designed to protect Israelis from mass attacks against their livelihoods. The Left, however, is more concerned that Palestinians have the right to attack Israelis. They don't. These are the same leftists who many years ago said that "settlers" were "legitimate military targets. These are the same people whose parties keep losing seats in the Knesset, yet instead of finding out why the voters continue abandon them they blame everybody else for not thinking like them.
38. @#37 Brian Cohen: Whe I vent the eway you do ....
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (07.14.11)
The Editor censors me! So much for YnetNet's Freedom of Speech policy! The Anti-Boycott Law, which is what it is, is bad legislation. The reason is that it protects one part of Israeli society - the Settlements and the residents of Judea and Samaria. Where the law fails is that it does not stop the Haredim for forcing their views on others by boycotting Dan and Egged Bus Lines, El AL and supermarkets that are only kosher and not Mahadrin! A far better solution would have been to deny Government funding to those organizations which boycott Ariel and other cultural organizations in the Territories. The left, by its vicious maligning of Israel and fueling the fires of Israel's enemies has driven the voter to the right and the result is that the right is retaliating by legislating stupid laws like this. Many seem to forget that this law does not attach any criminality to boycotters but has fed the fires of hatred against Israelis and Israel. Our politicians would be well advised to use a little common sense and to follow the dictum that it is good to be right but better to be wise! Israel is under total attack by an very Antisemitic world and laws like this one play right into the hands of the left and their Arab friends. This law also makes a fool of the Prime Minister who, when heckled while he addressed AIPAC, by an Israeli, was proud to tell the world of the freedom of Israelis to express themselves and not to live in fear of reprisals like in the Arab world. We should also note that one other country does have a law like this one and that is Venezuela!
39. To #4
Stan ,   Israel   (07.14.11)
Let me explain it to you David. I am a ZIONIST not a Post - Zionist or Anti Zionist. In 1920 David ben Gurion wrote his programme for Jewish Settlement of Aretz Yisrael. He said that the areas to be settled should be those where there are no Arabs or are sparsely settled by Arabs. The areas he chose were The Galilee, the valleys, The Sharon and the Negev. HE SPECIFICALLY SAID TO AVOID THE MOUNTAINOUS AREAS OF SAMARIA AND JUDEA. ( Where there were many more Arabs.) Many people, myself included, realise that continued settlement of S + J will lead to the demise of Israel as a Jewish State. To understand this, you should read up about what brought about THE FALL OF WHITE SOUTH AFRICA. So try to understand David, that what we feel is more frustration and dispair than hatred, that you and others like you cannot see the writing on the wall. MENE MENE TIKEL UFAR SIN
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