Hundreds protest cost of living in Tel Aviv
Roi Kais
Published: 29.07.11, 11:49
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31. 14
Sam M ,   UK   (07.29.11)
The bad news for the arab world is that when your oil and gas run out your future prosperity will depend on brain power alone. Unless there's a totally unexpected global demand for sand, camel meat or dates you're all heading for the high jump!
32. Not one Israel cannot agree with these people
israel   (07.29.11)
The cost of living in Israel has reached ridiculous proportions. Salary increases are far and few between, but rent is sky-high, food, electricity and all other bills just keep going up and up. I don't think people asking for an easier life is such a difficult thing.
33. we are all making the same experiences
Yael Schlichting ,   Raubling - Germany   (07.29.11)
Prices go up and the value of our salary is going down. Our governments can influence this spiral only in parts. Main influences come from the world economy. With every liter gasoline you burn, you only make the Arabs rich. I live in Germany and about a year ago I was one of those who made best income, until I became sick. My health insurance fired me with the hope, that I couldn't sue them....They counted the chicken before they hatched. I do, but it takes time and until then I live at the lower end of the social ladder, here in Germany with only a minimum of resources left. And? It works! I live in the countryside but I don't have a car any more. I go by bike or on foot. I am using car sharing opportunities or try to get a ride. Of course this doesn't help somebody who is disabled, but: supply and demand regulate the price (okay, not for all products) And there is another problem: Those who have good relations can get an unfair advantage. This is not uncommon and it's not the governments problem. Nevertheless the government should regulate what information a landlord can rightfully ask for and what information must remain private. Please be aware, that it is not exactly a comfortable situation, if a government regulates everything, like the German government does. This is hell. You end up with laws, nobody can understand. It should be the governments job to make regulation as simple and as comprehensive as possible. At the end it comes to a weighting of values and whatever a government regulates, it always will be somehow unjust, because justice is an oxymoron! Finally I have to say: As our standard of living was rising, prices rose, too!
34. #32- perhaps but from whom?
William ,   Israel   (07.30.11)
These protesters all want an easier life..from whom? From the govt. And how will the govt cover these added expenses that these protesters demand? From taxes...coming from people like these protesters. But here's the catch - the protesters want lower taxes too. You don't need an MBA to see this equation doesn't work. Plus, many prices in Israel have to do with external factors, like conversion rates, high petrol used in transportation, etc. These protesters have a long list of social demands that can never be met. They should choose 5 important ones and work on solutions.
35. 2-I agree. They'd better have a business plan.
Ypip ,   Canada   (07.30.11)
36. Th5ree years ago when the global recession started
Al   (07.30.11)
I warned people to save save save. I saved my ass off. You aint seen nothing yet. America is tanking, oil prices are rising. Canada's wheat growing prairies have had major long term flooding that will only increase global wheat prices over the next year. Get ready to one owes anyone a living. Buckle down and live low. No one government anywhere is going to house and feed you. These protests are political BS and anyone who has a brain understands this. A lefty government under a Livni will do no better. They will not feed and house you. It was a right wing government in Canada under PM Harper that enabled Canada to ride thru the recession relatively well as compared to the USA. The USA is bankrupt and is sinking thanks to entitlements and an uber lefty moron at the helm.. Think about that before you spew populist BS. When a buck is in your pocket, you're the 'BOSS'.. When you take out that buck and hand it over to the next guy, thay guy becomes the 'BOSS'. Save save save for a rainy day. Those rainy days are today..Its raining..its a bloody flood ou there.
37. POSITIVE Solutions
Dotan ,   Canada   (07.30.11)
Go to the NEGEV. Where is it written you have to leave in TV? USE YOUR AMBITIONS TO CHANGE THE DESERT AND BE HAPPY.
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