Quartet launches last-ditch efforts ahead of PA bid
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 19.09.11, 01:21
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15 Talkbacks for this article
1. Fool me twice
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (09.19.11)
The Palestinian leadership are fools for not going to the UN in the first place.
2. We continue to await the plans of
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (09.19.11)
others as opposed to taking our own initiatives. It's time we stop fearing what the Westbank Arab authorities will do and let them fear us. No more work in our Yishuveem for Arab residents of a foreign entity; no more work on our projects and developments. Let Jews hire Israelis. We have enough difficulties making a living. And stop fearing another uprising. Let's just prepare ourselves, refuse to be intimidated and give out with more force than anything they could ever imagine. We've lost so much respect (based on the fear factor) all over the Mideast because we constantly react and appease. The Mideast population will never love us anyway but if we are forceful and take the initiative they will fear and respect us. And the Jew hatred in Europe won't change if we become toadies to our own weaknesses. In fact, it will only grow. So let's stop letting them call the shots. Anti-Semitism is a virus which results in a plague every century. That's the bottom line. We Jews do not have to explain ourselves, fawn nor excuse our actions. What we must do is survive and make it clear that the world will pay a terrible terrible price before we become extinct. Wake up, Jews!
3. This land is ours. Tell Quartet to mind it's own business.
Chaim ,   Israel   (09.19.11)
The Quartet has no business interfering in Israel's affairs, as Israel never interferes in their affairs. The Quartet's proposals are always highly toxic for Israel. Tell the Quartet to mind it's own business. It has failed socialist European states to bail out. Israel has no need of it's worse than worthless help.
4. Bas, Abbas! Bas! It is the end of the road.
Israeli 2   (09.19.11)
5. Suddenly all the useless scumbags became so terrified
from Abbas !!
6. Let my people go
Tambour ,   Eilat   (09.19.11)
Let the man submit his application for heavens sake. What's new in an Arab statesman to lead his people astray ? If he wins , he loses, and if he loses his people lose out. What a no brainer!
7. They've got it wrong.
Nadya ,   California, USA   (09.19.11)
The pressure needs to be on Bibi Whois inflexible and arrogant, a real diplomat!
8. Tell the Qartet to get a tuba, then they'll be a Quintet and
tom ,   tel aviv   (09.19.11)
can blow it out of their derriers with more efficiency!
9. Palestinian leadership makes sure they never get a state!
Jouko ,   Finland   (09.19.11)
It is sad for the palestinian people but their poor leadership quarantees they will never get a state of their own. Just think how generous bid the palestinians got from Israel during Clinton - 97,5 percent of their demands were met - but unfortunately Mr. Arafat turned it down! Palestinian worship Arafat as a hero but actually he turned out to be the greatest enemy of palestinian state.
10. A question:
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (09.19.11)
Israel has been sitting at the table for years now, eager to resume negotiations with the PLO, without any preconditions, yet the PLO's head refuses to return to the table. Why? Is it possible because the PLO knows that Israel, at the end of the process, will expect the PLO to accept Israel's right to be, to exist as the independent nation-state of the Jewish people along side an independent nation-state of the Palestinian people; and, because Israel, at the end of the process will demand that the PLO accept a peace treaty as the end of the conflict and the end of all future demands...??
11. How absurd, world leaders dance in a frenzy because a
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (09.19.11)
murderer in charge of terrorists demands they be given a state of their own. If this were not at the UN, it would be a reading of a fairy tale at the local library.
12. Here we go
David ,   Haifa, Israel   (09.19.11)
13. They've got it right!
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (09.19.11)
The pressure needs to be on Abbas, who is inflexible and arrogant, a real diplomat! Well duh, Nadya. So now what do we do? Let's just close Israel and move all the Jews to your backyard in California, because according to some Palestinians that's where Jews come from. Or Siberia. We know that Abbas is bypassing the peacetalks because he is powerless to negotiate. This is the easy way out, and he's taking it.
14. Yep! Abbas will go "all the way" to Jordan.
Harry Wright ,   UK   (09.19.11)
15. #10
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (09.19.11)
Abbas has repeatedly declared that negotiations must lead to ethnic cleansing of Judea and Samaria, unlimited Arab immigration to what is left for the Jews and a complete stop to all Jewish immigration to Israel. He has always been clear and consistent.
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