Israel is always your home
Tal Raphael
Published: 05.12.11, 21:09
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SO I DECIDED TO SEARCH LIAD ON FACEBOOK AND WRITE HIM. I AM SURE HE PROBABLY WONT EVEN READ IT. "hi Liad... after reading your article on Ynet.co.il I decided to write you. I want to begin by saying that I too am an Israeli ,but, I am also an American so I hope this message helps you make a decision. So you say that living in Israel is a financial burden...you're absolutely right! why do you think so many Israelis come to America? however at the same time a lot of Americans are moving to Israel. let me go into details about my calculated assumption as to why: the Jewish nation has always been a wandering nation, we have been exiled since the beginning of time, and continue to do so. I personally had the decision made for me when my parents moved to America when I was 5 years old. My dad first came out with $300 in his pocket, started working, then flew my mom, my sister, and I to New York. Ellis Island is indeed the gateway to America! Growing up in America is an experience but it is also privilege and one must earn that privilege. I am fortunate to have a great life here in America and consider my love for America equal to my love for Israel. However, a couple of years back I reached a stage in my life where I was yearning for my country! I actually considered moving back and enlisting in the IDF (a few years back they released me from military duty- since I have been living here my entire life) and living there for a couple of years. My parents, of course, thought this was a joke but I was very much serious about it. Needless to say I didn't go back and serve in the military but now I have an even greater yearning to go back to my country!! who knows? I might live here for awhile but when it is time to retire I will DEFINITELY move back to Israel! America is my temporary home and Israel is my permanent home! ...CONTINUED IN A SEPARATE TALKBACK...
...CONTINUATION OF MY PREVIOUS TALKBACK.... as for conflict? there will always be war against the Jewish people...it's just what we signed up for when we took Hashem's torah without questioning what is in it for us! I am certainly glad we did because I am so proud of being God's child. We have God on our side and while sometimes I too don't understand Him, I know there is a reason for everything He does. The Holocaust was one of the most horrific acts the Jewish nation has endured thus far. However, as sad as this might sound if it wasn't for the Holocaust we wouldn't have our Israel back! we were forced to leave but now we are back to where we are supposed to be... and shall remain there! I do however encourage you to live here for awhile and get acclimated to the American lifestyle. It might seem nice and you're making great money but you will definitely miss your family...no doubt! I have Israeli friends who have moved back because they were stressed for not being able to see their families whenever they wanted. Money is great but money isn't everything...my parents had wanted to move back to Israel after 20+ years of living in America. I agree it would have taken some time to adjust but honestly? isn't family worth more than money? my sister lives in Haifa with her 4 children, my grandparents also live in haifa, and I have family all over Israel as well. Do you think it is easy to go YEARS yes YEARS without seeing them? trust me you think you will be able to visit them twice a year without a problem...think again! a flight costs between 1500-2000 and taking time off work is the hard part. Respectable jobs wont let you just take time off whenever you want! they will give you a week or two vacation once a year and I mean 2 weeks in Israel is not nearly enough time! I have lost a part of my roots growing up here...a part that will take some time to obtain again when I move back to Israel. I dated non jews and celebrated christmas, easter, etc. with them! (I was young but now I try to only date Jewish men) never in a million years did I think I would do that but... I did because I wasn't constantly surrounded by my people! I am also losing the little hebrew that I know from my parents and the 5 years growing up in Israel that I am now taking hebrew at a local community college. You don't notice these things until it's too late. I am not saying America isn't the place to be because, it most definitely is, but it is not home to the jewish people. if you have a moment I'd like to speak with you a little more about this subject." Yael Markovich
33. "This home already chose us", BEAUTIFUL, G-d bless!
Jerry ,   The Netherlands   (12.06.11)
34. #10 AND #16
#10: I don't really know how to respond to such nonsense but I will say this: ignorance is NOT bliss and because of this you have never felt connected to your roots...shame! #16: please take your liberal shtick elsewhere. I AM A PROUD JEW, A PROUD ZIONIST, AND A PROUD RIGHT WINGER! oh and btw if some of you have seen the latest commercial that supposedly is telling Jews they aren't welcome in america... you will quickly understand that THAT is not the case! the message is this: the Jews need to conserve their future and being in America, marrying non jews, celebrating holidays we never did before (trust me I know from experience), etc. will definitely reduce our future generation's population number... and I will not be a part of that!
35. #10:You just stay confused mate,Some of us are born that way
tom ,   tel aviv   (12.06.11)
36. i faced more persecution in Israel than the US
Yoni ,   NY formerly Israel   (12.06.11)
As a jew and as a gay man i faced more persecution in Israel than i ever did in the US. Ultra orthdox parties regulary insite hatred and violence to Israels gay community and the goverment does nothing. I have even been attacked physically, death threats from religious people and so on. Home for the jews ? Theres more hatred in Israel than anywhere i have ever been. Even after the hollocaust, where also the Nazis murderd 6,000,000 jews (members of my family as well) including 250,000 gay prisoners, we have learnt nothing from this and the hate and intollerence to those who are differnt continues and this time its from our own people. Moved back to NY and got my life back.
37. to Yael
E. G. Marsch ,   Nahariya, Israel   (12.06.11)
You have nice thoughts and sentiments, but are they perhaps wasted on Liad? He doesn't care about being Jewish, Jerusalem, our holidays, the land, flowers blooming in the Galil in spring, and so on. He cares about "quality of life"--how much money he has. There are enough people like him that I would call it a failure of our education system. Perhaps we can improve it so that there can be fewer Liads. No, I do not mean everyone has to be religious, I mean Zionism--not having to spend twenty years in Los Angeles to understand that we have some very special things here. And by the way, the material "quality of life" really isn't too terrible here, is it? Even outside of Tel Aviv? Is Modiin a terrible place? Haifa? Ashdod? To Liad, unthinkable. On to Toronto! Los Angeles! Berlin! Brussel! Goodbye Israel! Mamash mag'il.
38. Perhaps his grandson will be a goy.
Leonard ,   Carmiel, Israel   (12.06.11)
39. mike and alana from the UK:
pinchas ,   boston   (12.06.11)
2 snotnosed shallow Jews looking down mockingly at the author and Israel generally. Mike and Alana, please do NOT even think of moving to Israel, you're both toxic and full of germs--rather, stay in the muck of the UK, that swamp of atheism and antisemitism, marry out, and when you die, make sure it's a non-Jewish cemetery.
40. wonderful
avi   (12.06.11)
Thank you for the clarity
41. To number #10 Media Sucker
Andi ,   Israel   (12.06.11)
Good example of experiencing Israel through the media. I didn't notoce Israel was on a "knife edge" as I sipped my latte in the glorious Tel Aviv sunshine on Friday. Nor did I notice it as I took my daughter to her ballet class, or when my older duaghter walked back alone in the dark fron her friend's without my worrying about her safety. Theocracy? I didn't notice any Rabbis the last time I was on the beach, or in our 5 star municipal swimming pool, Religion might be a more prominient feature in Israel than in the UK- I guess amongst other things it gives us out unique identity, But unless you have just been born, getting married or have just died, you can take it or leave it. and even then for most who are traditional, its tolerable. And our festivals are much more fun and numerous that the UK's single festival of Xmas which is basically one big materialistic consumerist drunken binge. Israel is great, warts and all.
42. other versions; shministim was against war of attrition,
observer ,   Egypt   (12.06.11)
Israeli beauty Esti Ginzburg lammed her fellow model Bar Refaeli for letting down their country by wangling her way out of the military service. Working at an IDF reception base, Ginzburg was explaining to new recruits why joining up is "so important". Aren't lots of Haredim refusniks!
43. Both are right and that's why:
Noa   (12.06.11)
Of course life here is hard for everybody and no one should be run away...It is extremely important though, to have Jewish communities all over the world. Because it is the Jews, especially the Israelis abroad, who protect us from evil - kind of the way how Esther helped the Jews against Haman (while even being married to a non-Jew!) Tal thinks she trusts in God, but she does not. Trust in God is letting Israelis go and trust fully that they will make a difference abroad.
44. #15 Best talkback! 100% right!!!!
Noa   (12.06.11)
from the first to the last word
45. kol hakavod
itzik ,   NYC   (12.06.11)
That was perfectly written. I wish there were more women like you in New York.
46. A Great Response But The Trend Is Real
EZRA ,   USA-ISRAEL   (12.06.11)
A brave, courageous response: full of passion and kindness. And BRAVO to the Aithor for doing such a terrific job in her retort. However: the trend of people leaving Israel or not making Aliyah is only growing and will continue for some time. It is clear that terrible, undemocratic decisions have been made in Israel recently and the "protest" generation there is almost as equally lost as the "occupy" thugs in the US. I believe that the trend has a clear and recent culprit: the strong hedging towards unregulated capitalism sows the seeds of greed as it has in the US. The US is NOT a Capitalist nation but rather a 'market-based' economy which is heavily regulated. Yet due to the deep and severe lack of regulatory oversight, wall street murdered the economy over the past two decades. Israel may also fall victim to this: indeed, many say "the US is here" in Israel, referring to it's economy. Perhaps Israel (which has very little union activity or Representation) needs to learn from the US and it's shortcomings in the realm of finance. One GIANT PROBLEM in Israel, which will DEFINITELY DESTROY IT, is the REAL ESTATE GREED AND CORRUPTION. While the size Of the State is indeed small, it should bear ZERO consequence Concerning real estate prices for citizens. It's just sinful to pay so much for so little: and herein lies the whole problem: there must always be virtually COMPLETE government price control over ALL living necessities in ANY healthy economy. Rent control: real estate price control and NOT SELLING TO FOREIGN INVESTORS would help enormously. If these things are tossed aside: MOST people will want to leave. Survival trumps ALL: if u can't survive in Israel... People will get the heck out. In fact, the prices for MOST things should be extremely low (necessities) to ENSURE staying power and drawing in the Talented Olim from abroad. It's economics 101. With the terrorism and bombings, the incentive for finical security is not only a MUST: it is a no-brainer.
47. Israel country forever for jews
Sami ,   İstanbul Turkey   (12.06.11)
There are countries founded for economic reasons and there are ones established with ideals and principles, Israel is a country of belive and fate (Emuna).... Sami Aker
48. Tal, Bless You
Pauline ,   Israel   (12.06.11)
Your words ring true .... especially about grandchildren feeling the want and the NEED to return. My parents left Israel over 40 years ago with the dream of making some money and then returning. Well, the money they never made, at least not as much as they dreamt they would, BUT, the dream of one day returning came true three years ago. They didn't come back on their own though, they brought with them 2 children, spouses included, and 7 grandchildren. We children and grandchildren were all born in the diaspora and there are those that I am sue will say we are stupid - but damn we are so proud to say we are finally home.
49. well written article
sas ,   israel   (12.06.11)
BUT we do not need people like Liad. why give him full medical coverage. why offer him the bst of the best and all he does is complain. let him leave. he is immature,, far from intelligent and very selfish. i refuse to encourage people to live here. if he is happy abroad let him live abroad and let his "son" hear jew-boy or whatever. People like Liad are not assets to israel. they only cause us damage.
50. Let's talk FACTS !
aline silverman ,   israel   (12.06.11)
We in Israel have never had it so good! According to world statistics over 70% of people in Israel are happy with their lives ( in spite of the difficulties which have by the way NOTHING to do with economy). 2 weeks ago , again according to world statistics, Israel came 5th in life expectancy. Long before France and Britain which by the way came 10th and 20th respectively...and mainly thanks to our medical care which most of us in Israel complain about...without having a clue about what happens in other countries( and I am talking about England and France where I lived for MANY years, no offence!). We have a strong economy,,,Europe and the USA are crumbling...No poor people there???? no SLUMS ? no Corruption? No inequality?no homeless etc...the list is long... I do not live in a POSH area.,in Gedera to be precise....Ordinary people came to live here and LOTS of young people. I invite you to come and visit ...People live in nice homes...from apartments...to private homes.... THe shops in Israel are full of goods and people buy..... Unfortunately , there are poor people like everywhere in the world, mainly people who do not work....for one reason or an other.... You want to leave the country because of certain politics you do not agree with? certain people you have nothing in common with? Would you agree with ALL the politicians in another country??? When you live in France, England or wherever are you friendly with everyone???? Do you mix socially with everyone? Here in Israel, with all our differences, we still manage to live in a certain harmony... In conclusion...HERE is my HOME after having been a guest everywhere else...and I am proud of what we have achieved here,,,even though not everything is PERFECT !!! Have a good day....From BEAUTIFUL ISRAEL
51. Markovich
Giliboy da dudey lad ,   dudin it around town   (12.06.11)
You're such a brat.
52. Home
Jarda ,   Czech Republic   (12.06.11)
Other people called Palestine "our home". Then, you came and expelled them. But justice will prevail and the rightful owners will get their land back.
53. Tal, kol hakavod, but...
Ze'ev ,   Nbg, germany   (12.06.11)
a brillant speech will not solve the issues israel is facing now. And I fear not solving them will surely lead to more people leaving Israel. And the ones leaving will be the good educated, it will be a heavy loss, I think. And to be honest Tal, I cant find any solutions for the issues in your great speech...sighs sadly. From the outsiders point of view, Isreal is in danger of falling apart! It seems there will be a great struggle between ultraorthodoxs and seculars, between leftists and rightists and between the rich and the poor. In addition this all will get served among the constant threat of terror and war... So, let me finish, with the words of mine, that many people in the world are feeling concernd about Israel. Layla Tov @#24, Jael: hm? Sorry, but it hardly possible to loose your health insureance in germany , you can always ask the state for help? Just visit the "ARGE"!?
54. How can you consider stolen land as your home?
Marcus   (12.06.11)
For sure some Jews live under the delusion that Israel is the promised land delivered by some fictitious God, but for those raised in the light of reality, that's just religious fantasy. The man has every right to emigrate to a real democracy, where he can still practice his religion, have a higher standard of living, with the added benefit of not having the state and rabbinate dictating every aspect of his daily life - he won't be the first to do that, and he won't be the last.
55. Liad's grandchildren: will they still be Jews?
Yitzhak ,   Israel   (12.06.11)
Not only will they be named Jimmy or Jessica or Jeffrey but they may just as likely be raised as followers of Jesus. That is the real price of Liad's leaving. But really, whose failure is this? Liad's alone? No, no, no. We all must take a good hard look in the mirror and realize we all own a share in contributing to Liad's despair.
Sarah B. ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.06.11)
What a blessing. Please, go on building the State with stamina and faith. We here in the galutz will pray for you. Let me go shopping now.
57. Doesn't necessarily makes her a "religious nut"...
rindd   (12.06.11)
...Or "crazy right-winger", as some are saying. No one says you have to live in Israel, but people are simply protective of it and want to continue to make it a better place because Jews have serious reasons for wanting a country in which they are a majority...Not to be exclusive and not to "doom" Jews to living there, but because being a minority EVERYwhere (and, due to widespread religious texts, a VERY well-know, "exiled" minority who denied the majority religions) had not worked out well for the past 2,000 years. The Holocaust isn't even the most recent persecution of the Jews. Besides, they've been expelled, at one point or another, from almost every area in the mid east and europe and it was often very difficult to find another place that would take them in. Not everyone will agree with this but, in my opinion, there is a difference in confidence level between Israelis and some minority Jewish communities around the world. For example, there's less of this sense of being somehow odd, weak, bookish or awkward - - the "class nerd" of the world. While Israeli humor can often be self-depricating, it is not ALL about these types of stereotypes, while much of American Jewish humor is. .....Anyway, there's NOTHING wrong with trying new places to live. But I think there is a fear that those who are not in Israel simply for religious purposes will give up on it. However, you can't force them to stay for the sake of "responsibility" to other Jews if they aren't happy. This is an issue that must be considered by Israel's leaders.
58. Sarah B.: judging by the number of impostors in your name
tom ,   tel aviv   (12.06.11)
maybe it's time to change to a symbol?-"Formerly known as Sarah B." ...?
59. Israel is like no other land
AB ,   TheRock   (12.06.11)
It demands something from its inhabitants. It demands faith in G-d and if you don't have it, you'll find it impossible to live there.
60. stupid...
steeve ,   ahdod/ tel aviv   (12.06.11)
israeli way of life sucks...everything is freaking expensive/ rabbi's are taking the power/ maskorot are lesser than other countries/ arabs are everywhere/ security sucks/ and when you are doing miluim , you never know what will hapenned...so...no reason to live here
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