Opinion  Ron Ben-Yishai
Israeli deterrence gone?
Ron Ben-Yishai
Published: 18.03.12, 12:08
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18 Talkbacks for this article
1. What's in a word?!
Jack B. ,   USA   (03.18.12)
The word "deterrence" is overrated, because when the show gets going, you don't fight with words (politicians do that...warriors don't!).
2. You can win every battle and still lose the war...
esnuffnstl ,   USA   (03.18.12)
Just as the US did in Vietnam. It is not just the "deterrence war" that Israel is losing, but also the "PR" war. What's going on between Israel and Iran is not helping: Iran, if nothing else, has succeeded in showing how easily Israelis can be scared--not to mention Iran is driving a wedge between Israel and its last ally. By continually threatening Iran, Israel is showing itself to be something of a paper tiger (this could change if Israel ever actually attacks Iran--and is successful at it. An unsuccessful attack, one where Iran sustains little damage and Israel loses pilots would only reinforce this paper tiger image.) There's also a much bigger war going on, one that is much more important to Israel's long-term survival. Most Israelis don't even realize they are in this war, content instead to tell themselves they are "winning" these little small battles against the Palestinians. Although much of the Mid East may be stuck in the Mid Ages, Israel still needs to realize its fighting a war in 2012. How a nation's actions looks to the outside world DOES matter.
3. Victory????
Max ,   Gaza   (03.18.12)
who said it was a victory for Israel ..... ;-)
4. An eye for an eye
Beverly L ,   Toronto Canada   (03.18.12)
I think Israel needs a new weapon. It should be some cheap rocket that makes a lot of noise and is full of confetti or dye. Every time a rocket or missile is fired at Israel, they should fire a multiple possibly 1,000 like the prisoner exchange ratio and make life in Gaza as miserable as it is in southern Israel. Anyone who thinks that the Iron Dome is the solution has not lived in the south. There is a long term effect to the abject fear and tension caused by the sirens and the incoming rockets. Constant fear of being in a car, fear of going to sleep are not anyway to live.
5. satanas kingdom
cristian ,   argentina   (03.18.12)
one day we will fall bombs in other countries,one day there will be more attacks,a day will drop a nuclear bomb and then if that we worry meanwhile everything gives us equal,we put face of penalty but does not suffer,people have forgotten of other wars,of the thousands of dead,of a dictator puppet that despite is determined to crush his opponents,and is doing while at the un and nato is shit scary or perhaps they are thinking what slice it will draw the oil and as they are not in agreement therefore they do not intervene and after all people are numbers and more poor,or we unite all as or one day in which all as we regret and no longer can do anything more than survive,beg,live in our parents house again,steal,kill for money or go to greener,more civilized lands and with more culture and wisdom,once again i say NO to nuclear power,radiactive waste,oil,war,selfish money business and the human shit nature which seems to never end
6. "Deterrence" is a Western idea
Dan ,   USA   (03.18.12)
"Deterrence" is a Western idea that assumes that the enemy wants the same thing that you do: to live a comfortable life. The concept of "deterrence" does not apply when fighting an enemy for whom death is an incentive. They best that a Western army can do when fighting such an enemy is to help that enemy achieve its goal of getting killed.
7. It's the other way round
W. ,   Beirut, Lebanon   (03.18.12)
In fact Israel's deterrence got eroded following its loss of the 2nd Lebanon War. Since then, Hizballah amassed large quantities of missiles, which he uses as a deterrent against Israel.
8. #7 Israel has no interest in bombing Lebanon
Sam ,   Canada   (03.18.12)
Israel is not interested in bombing Lebanon or any other Arab country. It's the Palestinians in particular and the other Arab countries who are trying to get rid of Israel because it is a Jewish majority country and not Muslim or Arab majority country. Israel needs deterrence to keep the Arabs from bombing and terrorizing it. What did you think?
9. Deterance always works
Joe Sombrero ,   USA   (03.18.12)
Thanks to the Left the US the EU the Brits and our scared PM more afraid what the west thinks than what is best for Israel we have lost it. Deterrence prevents wars lack of it will be disastrous.
10. #8
W. ,   Beirut, Lebanon   (03.18.12)
I know that Israel is only reacting to others' aggression, but that's not enough to secure peace in such a region. Israel's deterrence got eroded following the 2nd Lebanon War and that's why an investigation was launched by the Wynograd commitee. You're no longer willing to embark on campaigns that might turn to be costly, both, in terms of human casualties and economically. It's very obvious and your enemies know it., and that's Israel's Achille's tendon.
11. # 7
Birdi ,   Israel   (03.18.12)
You think you can come to an Israeli news website & post lies. Israel did NOT loose the Lebanon war. No go crawl back under your rock.
12. Deterrence is THREAT of use of force
Prof. M. Cohen ,   Miami, FL USA   (03.19.12)
Deterrence is based on the principle that an enemy will not want to risk force being used against it and therefore will be inhibited by the threat of the use of force from attacking. Once force is actually used, as it has been by Israel in both Lebanon and Gaza, there is no more threat (it has already happened) , therefore deterrence is gone.
13. #8 Israel will do anything to protect itself
Sam ,   Canada   (03.19.12)
The bottom line for Jews and Israel is that Israel will remain a Jewish majority state. Jews will do anything to protect that. They have no interest in changing Israel and living under Arab or Muslim rule. Are you still ready for peace and how so?
14. deterrence
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (03.19.12)
Deterrence comes only when your opponent thinks you will win. Ever since Israel gave up on victory and defeating the enemy, it is impossible to have deterrence.
15. Really well said, Dan #6!
RobertHaymond ,   Israel/Canada   (03.19.12)
16. to 10
gaza   (03.19.12)
yes ..do you know about the angry one who can not do anything only to bite his finger but they bite my finger
17. Ron. We have a higher purpose here: Teheran!
18. Deterrence?! BIG ISRAEL,nonviolent transfer,BUFFER&BALANCE!!
Jerry ,   The Netherlands   (03.19.12)
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