Response to ‘Zionist BDS’
Asaf Romirowsky
Published: 25.03.12, 18:03
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28 Talkbacks for this article
1. post zionist and revisionist?
avramele   (03.25.12)
What a crock! Beinart whether one agrees with or not is a Zionist in the tradition of Ben Gurion who understood that one cannot dominate another people and that the borders of the state must be defined by concerns over practicality and sustainability. It is the right and the messianic settlers who have abandoned that foundational vision. Disagree with us on the Zionist left if you wish, but our claim to zionism is at least as strong as those of the right .
2. Echo of 1917. Russia: lessons of History
Tom ,   USA   (03.25.12)
There was the "Yevsektsiya" - the Jewish section of the Communist Party - which fought against the Zionists whom were called as "bourgeois nationalists" . Bolsheviks Jews set up a "new Jewish homeland" in E. Siberia, named Birobidjan and discouraged the idea of a future Israel. (Google). A segment of the American Jewry is the direct descendant of the Bolshevik "Yevsektsiya" and it's pursuing the same goal as to eliminate Israel as their forbearer did some 90 years ago. The modern name of these people: "red diaper babies". Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) an infamous Jewish Communist leader clearly expressed her disdain for her people. Her view is shared by the Haaretz-Jstreet-Beinart clan: "“What do you want with these special Jewish pains? I feel as close to the wretched victims of the rubber plantations in Putamayo and the blacks of Africa with whose bodies the Europeans play ball… I have no special corner in my heart for the ghetto: I am at home in the entire world, where there are clouds and birds and human tears.” ― Rosa Luxemburg
3. UN
ghj ,   Passaic, USA   (03.25.12)
Danny Ayalon says that Israel will keep the UN out of the territories. In responsento the UNHRC, Israel should kick all of the UN trucks driving around Jerusalem out
4. Leftist anti-Zionists like Beinart are not well-meaning
elhrac ,   USA   (03.25.12)
They want only the destruction of Israel!
5. settlements?
JEFF ,   MIAMI/JERUSALEM   (03.25.12)
6. They are not open minded
Phil ,   USA   (03.25.12)
These Jewish haters of Israel, like Beinart, are anything but open-minded, Rather, they are empty headed and delusional. They are not decent enough to understand that the BDS campaign is not for peace. It is a front for the antisemites to destroy Israel as a Jewish state. With nonJewish Jews, no matter how many facts are apparent and available to them, they refuse to even acknowledge reality. For example, when one cites the refusal of Arafat to even make a counterproposal to Clinton and Barak's offer, it doesn't matter. When Oslo was breached by launching a murderous intefada that targeted innocent Israeli civilians, they don't hear. When they learn of the refusal of Abbas to even make a counter-offer to Olmert's peace plan, they rationalize that Olmert and Abbas were "too weak"> for an agreement to be put in place. When the issue of Gaza is brought up, they excuse the rockets because Sharon never had the Palestinians sign on the dotted line that they wouldbe peaceful. Some people cause great suffering by their misplaced good intentions.
7. jews who are anti zionism are victims of antisemitism
mira ,   israel   (03.25.12)
they are so scared of antisemites that they will say whatever in a hope that in the next round the antisemites will leave them alive.
8. Stop excusing traitors as "open minded".
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.25.12)
We must stop excusing leftist traitors as "open minded". They are no such thing. They are servants of Israel's genocidal enemies and we must deal with them as such.
9. Beinart Hypocrisy
DavidM ,   USA   (03.25.12)
Peter Beinart's call for a boycott is an example of hypocrisy at its worst.Beinart demands that the only democracy in the entire middle east be boycotted but has no problem purchasing items from the murderous Assad regime. How easy it is to demand the children of Sderot accept living in bomb sheleters when you live in a luxury coop in Manhattan.
10. Whining Beinart knows nothing
Gershon Moshe ben Yi ,   Fairfax, VA, USA   (03.25.12)
Thank you Mr. Romirowsky for writing this article. I am just back from my 7th trip to Israel. I understand the knife's edge upon which Israel exists, but whining peacenik leftists like Beinart do not. They are uncomfortable with Israel and Zionism and Judaism. They would rather throw in their lot with Code Pink, the EU, BHO and J Street than the State of Israel. Serious lovers of Israel pay them no attention.... only the NY Times listens to them.
11. Their minds are so open
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (03.25.12)
That their brains fell out a long time ago. Can't reason with stupidity.
12. "open minded Jews" are narrow-minded anti-Semites
And yes, Jews can be anti-Semites. Good examples are George Soros, Henry Kissinger, Bruno Kreisky, and of course all the Kapos and collaborators with the Nazis +60 years ago, and those who cooperate with the worst enemies of Israel these days: BTselem, and all the Islamo Leftist Jews whose main purpose is to demonize Israel, for as long as they get a bone from their Jihadist masters.
13. Amazing how much hatred they spread in the name of "freedom"
These closet anti-Semites are unbelievable. They lie, demonize, distort and promote the ugliest forms of racism and bigotry, in the name of... "liberty". They are the best examples of what is worst in human nature. They and those who support them deserve the worst fate too. No, not death. But to see Israel grow, flourish and advance, despite their barbaric efforts to kill it. The worst fate for these death worshipped is the failure to kill.
14. Sad
Ussishkin ,   Bat Yam   (03.25.12)
The Talkbackers so far mostly reflect the predictable paranoid dismissive stance to ANY criticism of Israel under Bibi, even if it comes from a Zionist and an orthodox Shul-going Israel-loving and supporting Jew. And the article's opening premise is basically that there is no Green Line, and that the West Bank/ Judaea & Samaria settlements are a legitimate expression of and part of the sovereign State of Israel and further that this is Zionism. It isn't. Nor is the particular Zionist referred to adopting a Palestinian narrative. The occupation and everything that goes on beyond the Green Line is not an expression of the true values of the State of Israel, a majority of its citizens, or the Zionism that was and is its founding philosophy. Those who blindly support the twisted and corrosive philosophy that recognises the occupation, are party to the growing demise of the Zionism that founded the State, and the State itself. Beneath the grandiloquent sounding Foundation for Defense of Democracies is a team of lovely neo-Cons. And that's the trick of this article. It attempts to con readers into believing how reasonable its author is when in fact he represents a view that is ideologically opposed to Liberal anything - Liberal Zionists especially.
15. awareness of the occupation
James ,   EDin   (03.25.12)
limit the power of israeli myths about the conflict.
16. #2 "disdain for her people"?
Rosa Luxemburg writes in this letter that all humans have the same value to her. Does she "disdain her people" because she thinks that Jews are not more important than other humans?
17. Beinart and his ilk give cover to anti-semites..
Steven Gilbert ,   TEANECK   (03.25.12)
A witting or unwitting collaborator? Some are anti-semites in their own right. Not just Beinart, also Tom Friedman, Roger Cohen, Gil Atzmon, Chomsky, Goldstone, Soros, etc.
18. #1#6. nameless: can you undertand English?
Tom ,   USA   (03.25.12)
"I have no special corner in my heart for the ghetto:" (quote). You must be from the same conviction than her and other self-loathing and other assorted antisemitic scum.
19. #14. Ussishkin: Haaretz misses you.
20. Irony
David   (03.26.12)
Again and again on these Talkbacks we hear from people who claim to carry the torch of "true Zionism" but who nevertheless live outside Israel, have no intention of ever making the effort required to live in Israel, and whose command of Hebrew is so poor or non-existent that they have no choice but to post their pearls of wisdom on the Ynet site. Is it any wonder that Arabs whose families have lived in Palestine/Israel for centuries roll their eyes in disbelief.
21. Beinart bashers haven't read his book
Neal ,   Minneapolis, USA   (03.26.12)
Unlike many of the flamers posting here, I've actually read Beinart's book, and to my great surprise, I found much with which I agreed. Beinart is not some loony leftist but a self-defined Zionist who doesn't deny Israel's legitimacy or even its claim to Judea and Samaria; the problem, he said, is that holding those territories means ruling a people as subjects. That creates two Israels -- one that has democracy and one that doesn't. He says that's eating away at Israel's democracy. He says American Jewish "estabishment" organizations are out of touch with most American Jews but presents scant evidence in support. He says Jewish education in the USA is of a very low level, inspiring neither Jewish practice nor love of Israel. It's hard to disagree He says the Modern Orthodox support Israel strongly but are less concerned about Israeli democracy. And unlike others who dislike the occupation, he sees Israel's many virtues, is unhappy when people question Israel's legitimacy and is quick to point out that the Arabs share responsibility for their problems. If I recall his boycott idea, it's only for products made by Jews in the territories. I oppose such a boycott and I oppose pressure on Israel by U.S. Jews; it's arrogant and insulting, telling Israelis they're too stupid to govern themselves and that people 7 to 10 times zones away know better than Israelis what's best for them. I believe it immoral for Americans who don't share the consequences to tell Israelis what risks to take with their lives and the lives of their children. I can agree with Beinart's analysis of U.S. and Israeli problems without agreeing with his proposed solutions. I think many fair-minded people who will take the trouble to read his book will do the same.
22. 20.
Ussishkin ,   Bat Yam   (03.26.12)
Their English isn't too great either.
23. #18 Yes, I do undertand [sic!] English
But you obviously don't. Once again: "I have no special corner in my heart for the ghetto" means that the Jewish suffering (=the ghetto) is not more important to her (=no special corner in her heart) than the suffering of any other people (=e.g. the blacks of Africa). She doesn't disdain her people, but only says that the Jews suffering is not more important than that of others. Got it?
24. To my brother Chaim
Luiz F Haddad ,   Niteroi, Brazil   (03.26.12)
Brother Chaim. Forgive me if I am boring you, but, as a firm friend of Israel, I don't understand why moderate leftists and moderate rightists, and centerists, can not work together, while so hostile forces endanger very much the Jewish State. Of course, traitors have to be punished, but they must not be confounded with political opposers. I am sure you are a Democrat. God bless you, your family and all your people.
25. #1 you are wrong
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (03.26.12)
In the past maybe, but there is no such thing as a "Zionist Left". There is no difference in opinion between "Zionist Left" and Holocaust Denier Abbas. All blame Jews for crimes with no evidence, be it crop burning or graffiti, and demand police violence and disproportionate punishment. At the same time, these people all demand that Arab criminals, land-thieves, cattle rustlers, rapists and murderers not be punished. Name one achievement of the "Zionist Left" in the past 20 years other than violence against Jews, jailing of Jews and destroying Jewish homes.
26. David #20 try again
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (03.26.12)
"Is it any wonder that Arabs whose families have lived in Palestine/Israel for centuries roll their eyes in disbelief." I will roll my eyes because they haven't lived here for centuries. Keep on repeating the same pathetic Arab propaganda doesn't help. If they lived here for centuries - why is it that the UN had to create a special definition for them to become refugees? Hint it is because over 80% would not qualify as refugees otherwise. Over 95% of them weren't even legally here nor did they own a single millimeter of land.
27. 20 u r the definition of a "revisionist"
TRUTH is my path   (03.26.12)
u twist truth to fit ur own personal warped agenda. AND u have one set of rules for ANY person who defends Israel and whole different set of rules for ANY person who agrees with ur intent to belittle, diminish and destroy Israel.
28. #24. Blessings to you too, Luiz Haddad.
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.27.12)
#24. Blessings to you too, Luiz Haddad. You are absolutely correct that all Israel's friends should work together. However, traitors, as you've noted, must be dealt with harshly.
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