Abu Marzook: Hamas won't honor peace treaty with Israel
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 20.04.12, 10:47
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66 Talkbacks for this article
61. Bible Prophecy
Joe Green ,   Chattanooga, TN   (04.20.12)
The statement by the senior Jewish research fellow that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring peace to the Middle East is right on target according to Bible prophecy. Dr. Max Singer, the founder and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, believes that if Jewish ties are restored to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem, there will be peace in the Middle East. Bible prophecy reveals that Dr. Singer is correct in the final outcome in the end of time scenario written by ancient Jewish prophets 2500 years ago. The prophet Samuel wrote in II Samuel 7 that one of King David's descendants would rule the world from a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that descendant will be Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah. Isaiah wrote that when the Temple, the house of the Lord, will be established in Jerusalem, nations would turn their military weapons into farming equipment and they would learn of war no more, thus peace in the world, Isaiah 2:1-4. As the quest for peace in the Middle East continues, all must agree with the Bible, Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will indeed bring about peace.
62. No it was not Jews
Ben Eli ,   USA   (04.20.12)
who kicked you out of the Holy Land, the land belongs to Allah, God, and it is he who desired to return his covenant people to their heritage according to his will. Islamic politics aside, you know this is true and accordingly.......SUBMIT to the truth. God loves his people Israel.
63. #2. Palestine is forever fictional.
Chaim ,   Israel   (04.21.12)
#2 Fictional Palestinian. You don't get it. Palestine never existed and never will. It's completely fictional like Oz, Neverland and Atlantis. If you pass Israeli security checks, you may be able to visit Judea and Samaria: which will soon have more than a million Jews. If you like, you can pretend you're in Palestine. However, it won't make the slightest difference.
64. # 37 Khaled
Bad Assed Jew ,   United States   (04.21.12)
Arab Spring is smart? Who wins here? How many dead muslims at the hands of other muslims, or is that remotely important to you? You seem stuck on stupid, Sarah's running circles around you. Good for her.
65. Cast Lead act two coming
Bad Assed Jew ,   United States   (04.21.12)
Israel only stopped early due to newly elected obama and his urging to end any pain to the pro pals he prefers over Israel.
66. To: No. 28
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.21.12)
A "just peace?" What is wrong with you? Why are you so determined to rewrite the rules of international engagement at Israel's expense. The ersatz "Palestinians" have had numerous opportunities to acquire a "just peace," and have rejected them all. They have resorted to war and terror and intifadas -- none of which have worked out terribly well for them -- and there are consequences to the decisions one makes. That applies to the ersatz "Palestinians" as well. They will not rest until Israel disappears. And that simply is not going to happen. Can you wrap your so-called "mind" around that? And, assuming you achieve that monumental task, can you explain to me why a different set of rules should apply to the ersatz "Palestinians" than that which applies to every other country on the face of the earth? And shouldn't you start a little closer to home? You know, with all those native American tribes who were pushed off their land and herded onto reservations? In an odd sort of way, I respect your starry-eyed idealism. I also think that you are a fool, and a blinded one at that. If you want to exercise your warped principles, do so in the United States. Start rewriting international law and convention there. Restore their lands to the native Americans. For that matter, restore the seceding states to the Confederacy. I'm sure they didn't mean to lose the Civil War, either. Then, you can launch yourself on the restoration of 25% of Germany's land mass to Germany. And the restoration of Istria to Italy. And 90% of Okinawa to the Japanese. I strongly suspect that none of the foregoing intended to lose the wars which they initiated, either. Stop making a special case out of Israel. All it does is point up your foolishness and complete and total lack of knowledge of international law. Wars matter. They have consequences, particularly for the aggressors when they happen to lose.
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