Jewish Scene
Poll: 72% in favor of haredi recruitment
Published: 29.04.12, 07:26
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31. 4% said the Torah protects the State of Israel?
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (04.30.12)
Well, if it is working at the level that it did during 1933-1945, thanks, but no thanks.
32. The ultra-orthodox are not homogeneous
Maurice ,   Montreal   (04.30.12)
Is the intention to draft also Neturei Karta members? These people are enemies from within Israel, friends of Hamas and Iran's mullahs! I agree that no special treatment should be given to these parasites, but what is the solution if no exception is to be made? Maybe they should be deported to Gaza or Iran! They do NOT deserve to live in Israel.
33. 31 Dorothy Friend, TA: The sacrifices of the Hebrews in
Rivkah   (04.30.12)
ancient Egypt whose male babies were killed led to the miracles of HaShem leading the people out of slavery by Moses into the Promised Land. The slaughter of the Jews in WWII Europe led to the miracle of the re-forming of Israel, something that has never happened in the history of mankind, for HaShem to so favor a people who have preserved the Laws and Commandments of God. You notice that although 12 million Christians were slaughtered in the WWII death camps, no country was formed for Christians to find a refuge in. Why? Because the Christians have mostly abandoned the Laws of God which are the Torah and Tanakh, not the commandments of rabbis and men in other works such as the Mishna and Talmud. But because the Jews preserved the Commandments of God and because the Messiah of the Jews Yehoshua said those who love Him would love His commandments, He gave the Jews a nation again after 2000+ years. Many don't know yet that Yeshua is the Messiah who will come again as the Lion of Judah to protect and defend Israel, but He will come. You sneer at the very thing that re-established the nation of Israel, the keeping of the Torah and preserving of HaShem's laws. That was at a great cost over the ages and now a nation that shines in the glory of prosperity with the return of the latter rains is the reward of those sacrifices. Thank HaShem instead of sneering at Him, for goodness' sake.
34. Mother of Hareidi Soldier
Riva ,   Betar Ilit   (04.30.12)
LET'S LOOK AT THE FACTS! More Hareidim are enlisting in Nachal Hareidi that ever before to the point that this division has received more recruits (including many Chassidim) than most divisions in the army! So many guys want to join that some are being turned down. My son who was a former Commando in this unit along with training new recruits was asked to return to the army because of the great need for trainers of Nachal Hareidi. He trained quite a lot of Chassidim. The preformance of these guys has been outstanding as well. So, it seems to me that even if it became mandatory, the IDF would not be able to handle it. The way the population is growing, things will change without the law having to change. Plus there are in fact some guys who are just not suitable for the army. The IDF has plenty of guys who can and want to serve. There is no more need to force guys from learning to serve if it's not what they want. Let us not forget that learning Torah also protects Israel and is crucial for our survival as a people!
35. #30, what you say is NOT true!
Riva ,   Israel   (04.30.12)
Often guys in the Nachal Hareidi are given less than other non religious areas of the army. My son who was in this division was transferred to the regular army for a time where he witnessed all the perks.
36. Either serve the country in some capacity or be denied any
Al   (05.01.12)
benefits. The same should be applied across the board to all population segments Israel is being used as a dumping ground by many who simply pass thru Israel dump their old parents there and move on to greener pastures. This must end...If you havent worked, paid taxes or served in the IDF or any public institution you are denied any and all benefits. China Vietnam and others are booming thanks the fact that welfare does not exist. Either you work or you starve. When god threw Adam out of the garden of eden, there wasnt a welfare office for him to go to.
37. #34 You speak much like my ex in Israel who caught religion
Al   (05.01.12)
like the flu. Please...was Israel not so generous in her welfare payments, all segments of the population would be doing their mandatory service inorder to progress in life. 'Learning in the Yeshiva saves Israel'...please dont insult us with this nonsense. Going to work everyday, and teaching your children by example that being productive, is the way to go. That, will ensure Israels survival more than anything. Your kids will even admire you. Finally having guns ammo and a bit of self worth does the job of protecting the Jews of Israel. My late granparents all very frum Yidden went to the gas chambers in WW2 without a whimper. If true that your son serves as do mine then I commend him. Thank god your son uinderstands that without god guns and guts Israel is fried.
38. Thousands Ready to Serve
Noah Lev ,   LosAngelesUSA   (05.06.12)
I've heard this comment before. I know many US citizens who enlisted in the IDF...some wounded fighting the Arab wars. And, US Jewish/Christian groups contribute billions to Israel's thriving and survival., as well as join lobby groups, to counter the sophisticated pro-Pales lobbies and Saudi Arabian money and advertising. But, in fact, only 25% of US Jews have ever been in Israel. Few have in fact joined the military. (one reason why the Arabs dreaded 1m Russian Jews moving to Israel years ago). There are thousands of US Jews who would give their lives for Israel..given the opportunity. Israel says it doesnt need us. My relatives fought in the Rhineland and Guam during WW2..and bravely. They wasted many of our enemies..and were in army intelligence, supervising prisoners of war. (Always arrogent). 600,000 US Jews fought the Krauts..600,000 Jews are prepared to aid our brethren if asked. That would beef up Israels reserves to 1.3. Get it.
39. Where Was G-d at Auschwitz?
Noah Lev ,   LosAngelesUSA   (05.06.12)
During WW2, 14m men and women were drafted. Many had reservations about fighting the "Jews" war., until Pearl Harbor. There was a draft during the Korean/Vietnam Wars. Many of my friends were drafted..and hated going. But they did. Assuming everyone thought like the Charedi, we would see a jihad, similar to the persecutions in the Reich ( beard shaven..people forced to sweep the streets of glass, pictures taken by the SS of mikvahs..rabbis shown circumcizing..Orthodox loaded into trucks like sardines..beaten later to death or gassed. In Flossenberg, 50 people hung daily...for all the 10,000 inmates to see. Piles 20 feet high of dead bodies. Basically, I am convinced the Arabs desire the same goal., a Judenrein Israel. This is what must be taught those that want others to protect them, and fantasize about Torah protections. In Auschwitz people also believed in the Torah.
40. Halacha
Leah Lesserson ,   LA/ CA/ Israeli   (05.09.12)
It's a mitzvah tp protect our country. We also have to keep the Torah. If the Israeli Army is running according to halacha and laws of sneatz then we should serve to protect our country. if not there are huge problems. I would not want my 18 year old girls serving in the army but if it WERE appropriate from a halacha perspective then i would be very proud.
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