Opinion  Giulio Meotti
The boycott war on Israel
Giulio Meotti
Published: 30.04.12, 18:12
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31. To nr 19 - Boycotting Israel because it is Israel is...
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (04.30.12)
...anti-Semitic. The boycotts of Israel has nothing to do with the "occupation" because the people that support boycotts against Israel don't do so out of solidarity with the "Palestinians" but out of hatred of Jews. I never said we are victims, but we are victims of your malice and your false accusations. No "Palestinian" people has existed in recorded history - they are Arab speaking Moslems without history or origins in Israel. Second, no "Palestinian" state has existed in recorded history. Third - international law's definition of occupation is that State A conquers State B's territory as a result of war. Since no "Palestinian" state or people have ever existed in recorded human history, there can be no "occupation" either. The land that is in dispute happens to belong to Israel and we Jews have lived there for 4000 years. And that is not an opinion - that's a fact. Israel hasn't annexed the land yet, but Israel is still the historical owner of the land and also the legal owner of the land according to the Balfour Declaration, San Remo treaty of 1920 and the Anglo-American treaty signed 3rd of December 1924 in London UK where the stipulated borders of the Jewish state were confirmed and agreed upon - including Cis-Jordan, Trans-Jordan and southern Lebanon up until the bend of the Litani river. Denying Jews Judea, Samaria and Gaza (did it occur to you that Israel has left Gaza? Probably not) is a violation of international law. If you have a beef with "occupations" I suggest you fight the Chinese occupation of Tibet, the Russian occupation of Chechnya, the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara or the British colony of Gibraltar in Spain as examples. If you oppose Israel's actions you shouldn't equate Israel with its actions because then it's clear you attack Israel because of its ethnic identity. We Jews have 4000 years of history in Israel whereas the "Palestinians" have none - they do not even originate in this land. Most Jews in this world support Israel and only a minority of Jews oppose Israel and using their Jewishness as an excuse is a classic anti-Semitic argument against Israel.
32. To nr 20 - Why do you ask? Do you oppose freedom of press?
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (04.30.12)
Do you oppose freedom of speech and freedom of thought? Remember that you are a foreigner and a stranger in an ISRAELI NEWSPAPER. Using your logic regarding freedom of press, WHY on earth should YOU be given any right whatsoever to debate in here? You are not Jewish and you are no Israeli citizen and you don't live in Israel and you interfer with a conflict that is absolutely none of your concern. And your country - the United Kingdom, is DIRECTLY responsible for the artificial boundaries of the Middle East and malfunctioning states like Jordan and Iraq for example and the UK is directly responsible for cutting off 78% of the British Mandate of Palestine (that was meant for the Jewish people and the Jewish state) and giving those 78% to Trans-Jordan/Jordan. The borders that were agreed on in the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo treaty in 1920 and the Anglo-American treaty signed 3rd of December 1924 in LONDON, UK are legally binding treaties that confirm the borders of the reestablished Jewish state, and those borders would include Cis-Jordan, Trans-Jordan and southern Lebanon up until the bend of the Litani river. The UK reneged on their promises to the Jewish people. And the UK placed Jews in prison camps on Cyprus because Jews tried to return to Israel and the Brits illegally kept Jews away from Israel in direct violation of Britain's promises to the Jewish people. Pathetic anti-Semites such as yourself are impotent and can only write anti-Semitic rantings - in Israeli newspapers. It is laughable and pathetic.
33. To nr 18 - A few more questions
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (04.30.12)
Explain to me who and what are the "Palestinians" and where do they come from and what is their connection to the land of Israel. "Palestinians" are Persians, Kurds, Turks, Circassians, Africans, Berber, Somalians, Sudanese, Egyptians, Bosnians, Albanians, Latins, Italians, Greeks, Germans, Motawila and Afghans - arriving from ALL these lands, over a long period of time - for centuries - sometimes as Greek Orthodox priests and sometimes as guest workers. Most of these "Palestinians" arrived here as illegal immigrants as recently as the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. The only uniting factors of these "Palestinians" that consist of at least a dozen ethnic/nation groups are: 1)They speak Arabic 2)Most of them are Moslems 3) They hate Jews and Israel and 4) they live physiclally in Israel to take over the land demographcally. Not only do the "Palestinians" NOT originate from Israel, they do not even originate from Jordan/Trans-Jordan either. The "Palestinians" are LITERALLY SEVERAL ETHNIC/NATIONAL GROUPS WITHOUT A COMMON HISTORY, IDENTITY OR ANCESTRY AND LITERALLY WITHOUT ANY PRIOR HISTORY IN ISRAEL. The "Palestinians" come from Afghanistan, Russia and central Asia, Turkey, Iran, the Balkans, Greece, Italy, Germany, North Africa, Egypt, Black Africa. Several historical records and sources agree that Israel was desolate, empty of a population in the late 19th and early 20th century. Even phographs taken in that period prove that. No cities whatsoever. So there were no "Palestinians" there either
34. #19 Boycott is not anti-semitic
Patriot ,   NYC U.S.A.   (05.01.12)
Of course it is! Are you boycotting Chinese goods? They have occupied Tibet for years and murdered and silenced most dissidents. You pick and choose your causes. Europeans for centuries have hated the Jews. And wasn't it classy of you Brits to ruin the BBC Proms broadcast of the Israel Philharmonic last year. The UK is a shell of itself.
35. # 18
Birdi ,   Israel   (04.30.12)
If it allows you & your friends to sleep better at night, go ahead, boycott Israeli settlement products. We will manage to survive here. There are so many more Israeli products that you could boycott, think about this when next using your mobile phone, etc, etc.
36. #33 So what?
Mbuji-Mayi ,   World   (05.01.12)
The same arguments could be used by the Native Americans to tell all the Europeans, Africans and Asians to leave North America.
37. To nr 18 - A few questions for Simona
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (05.01.12)
1) Why is "Palestine" a Roman/Latin name? 2) Why is there no letter "p" in Arabic? 3) Nationalism is alien to Arabs who have, for 1400 years, lived as nomads and Beduins in multi-ethnic and multi-racial "Arab" empires whose majority population - locals, subjects, soldiers, mercenaries, scientists, mathematicians, physicians and merchants, were no ethnic Arabs, merely Arab speaking Persians, Kurds, Turks, Jews, Berbers and Africans. Why is that? 4) There is no "Palestine" in the Bible or the Koran. Why? 5) The Bible and the Koran BOTH admit that Israel is the Jewish homeland. How come? 6) Jewish/Israelite history started 2000 B.C.E in Israel - 4000 years ago. Arab history of the original Arabians, started in the 7th century C.E. 1400 years ago, in the southwestern corner of the Arabian peninsula, hundreds of kilometers away from Israel, 2600 years AFTER the start of Jewish civilization. How can Arabs be the "natives" of Israel? 7) Most Arabs arrived in Israel as recently as the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. How is that ancient history and how does that make "Palestinians" the "natives"? 8) When and where exactly did a "Palestinian" state, republic, nation state, kingdom, city state, duchy, principality or empire exist in recorded history, what are the names of kings and dynasties, cities, towns, villages and currency and why is there not a single ancient civilization mentioning anywhere any "Palestinian" state, civilization, nation or people?
38. #33
Fritz ,   Ge   (05.01.12)
There are medicines you know for whatever has deranged your mind. Israel is desolate all right and that's for sure.
39. If you only boycott Israel boycot is antisemitic. Hello
"intellectuals"that means you.
40. Boycott Israel?
B ,   USA   (05.01.12)
For the people who want to boycott Israel do realize how Israel has helped people of world before any country has even the US. For example Israel was first in Haiti after the earthquake and in Japan helping know for well about the dangers. What boycott Israel go ahead. Get rid of your computers, your phones , do not go to your hospitals. Israel is about helping people. what have the countries around have done to help people in another countries. NOTHING . So you want to boycott Israel go ahead. Israel will still be around helping people even if you are the boy-cotters are anti-Israel. For small country Israel has taken what they have and made area livable , while the surrounding countries destroyed their own land.
41. #18. Israel "occupies" her own land.
Chaim ,   Israel   (05.01.12)
#18. Judea and Samaria have belonged to Israel for more than 3,500 years. Israel "occupies" her own land. Countless international law experts have proven Israel legally owns Judea and Samaria. You are definitely on the wrong side of history. You'd be wise to keep your nose out of Israel and start worrying about Sharia Law. It's gaining steam in Europe and I'm sure you won't like it.
42. There is a viable reponse
Tim ,   Brighton   (05.01.12)
Through the media especially the Jewish Media Israel must systematically compile all the Companies targeted as well as the Companies involved in targeting Israel on a REGULAR BASIS and updated How else can the Jewish Buying Public and our Non Jewish Friends make decisions about a counter boycott? It was only through the media publicity that we decided to boycott the Coop Insurance UK and not renew our Insurances with them and encourage others to do so It was only for example through the media that we have resolved never to watch any so called artistic work that Miriam Margolies or Emma Thompson attempt and encourage others to do so We need to know any Unit or Investment Trusts actively boycotting Israel. Those Unions boycotting Israel or Universities boycotting Israel so we can choose to either distance ourselves and campaign vigorously against them for Israel and encourage others to do so Agreed that some of this boycott is dark and insiduous and even racist in its tone...but we need now to mobilise to fight back
43. To nr 36 - Wrong
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (05.01.12)
The difference between the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural population in the USA and the Arabs and Moslems in Israel is that the USA didn't steal the land from the Native Americans. Native Americans were few in numbers, had no history of sovereign and independent states and they were mostly nomadic peoples. North America prior to the existence of the USA was sparsely populated. Israelites/Jews were and are still on the contrary a resident civilization which had and still has an independent and sovereign Jewish nation state and physical infrastructure. You asked "so what"? Because the "Palestinians", the Arabs, the Moslems and the anti-Semites claim that "Palestinians" have a right to claim the land since they are a "separate ethnic group of people" and that they are the "historical and native population" of Israel. These are the two key arguments enemies of Israel use: "we have a right to claim the land Israel holds in possession because you "stole" it from the "Palestinians" and the "Palestinians" are a distinct and native population of the land." That is the anti-Semitic/anti-Israeli argument in a nutshell. The problem is: we Jews haven't stolen our land from anybody. We have lived in Judea and Samaria for 4000 years. We didn't conquer it from anyobody. We didn't steal it from anybody. And there has never been any distinct, defined, homogenous ethnic group of people by the name of "Palestinians" ever in recorded human history. "Palestinians" are Arab speaking Moslems and therefore no natives of Israel. And no "Palestinian" state, kingdom, kings, dynasties, republic, nation state, city state, duchy, principality or empire have ever existed in recorded human history. Conclusion? There is no "occupation" and there are no Israeli "settlements". These are Israeli cities in our ancient homeland.
44. #19 your arguments don't hold water.
Paul ,   Liverpool   (05.01.12)
Anti semitism is not measured by the fact that someone is born Jewish or not, your so called Jewish friends are in a small minority. The Palestinian arabs are the ones who have been crying the poor me narrative incessantly for 64 year , yet continue on a path of self destruction through their actions. Instead of towing the media news lines where you obviously get your opinions, you should read a few documented facts and if you find that you are still of the same opinion consider yourself a bona fide Anti-Semite.
45. Only 1 answer: FORTHRIGHTNESS, SECURE BIG ISRAEL for peace!!
Jerry ,   The Netherlands   (05.01.12)
46. #38 if you can't argue with 33's facts, call him names
YankevUSA ,   USA   (05.01.12)
And you can't argue with them, because they are true. Which must be why you did not even try.
47. #19. La: Viva Las Malvinas!
Tom ,   USA   (05.02.12)
We should support the Argies and let's kick out the Britons from the Malvinas.
48. #43. You're wrong! Learn history!
Tom ,   USA   (05.02.12)
The USA forcefully occupied Hawaii, overthrew and imprisoned the legitimate queen, Liliuokalani and made it a "state" as recently as 1959. Same with the South West, grabbed it from Mexico and subjugated the indigenous Spanish population that now is fighting for their own self rule. Unlike Jews who has cultural connections to Israel, the Anglos are simple colonizers in the Americas.
49. Meotti
Roy ,   USA   (05.02.12)
Bravo, Mr. Meotti! Keep speaking the truth!
50. To nr 48 - Judging by your answer it is clear you didn't...
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (05.02.12)
...understand my point. First of all: I know history very well. Second: yes, Jews are the natives and historical population of Israel. And Anglos are colonizers in North America. I think these are very fundamental and basic facts - known by me and many others. But USA itself despite being established by British colonizers on a foreign continent did not steal the land from the Indians since no Indian state or kingdom existed there - with few exceptions. Despite being newcomers in America, when they colonized America, much of it was empty of population. The Indians were few in numbers, mostly nomads and scattered all over North America. This does not justify what the USA did to them, but it does not mean USA invaded a dynamic, rich civilization teeming with people, buildings and cities. Nr 36 wanted to imply that since Europeans, Africans and Asians are newcomers in USA as well, Arabs and Moslems have a "right" to conquer Israel. I told him that Europeans, Africans and Asians didn't steal a land that never belonged to the Indians - they were nomads and few in numbers and nomads don't claim territorial ownership, whereas Arabs, Moslems and other civilization have no right to invade Israel because Israel was in ancient times and Israel still is a resident civilization teeming with people, cities and physical infrastructure. With all due respect: borders change between nations - including European nations. So the fact that the US-Mexican border has changed doesn't mean that existence of the USA is all of the sudden "illegal" - it is not. Maybe it is you who should learn history since the Spanish are as foreign in North America as the Anglos. The Spanish come from Spain. But the Indians of Mexico are the indigenous population -yes. I don't claim that USA is infallible but how many percent of the USA is Hawaii's territory?
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