News  World News
US to allocate $1B to Iron Dome
Associated Press
Published: 07.05.12, 19:40
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39 Talkbacks for this article
31. Why not us some of our foreign reserves?
jason white ,   afula, israel   (05.08.12)
Let the bank of Israel give $10 billion to the defense budget. We must stop being "aid junkies" and use our own money to defend Israel.
32. The post at No. 2 is not mine
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.08.12)
As anyone who is a regular on YNet threads knows, I am one of the biggest fans of Iron Dome around.
33. To: No. 17
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.08.12)
Well, let's see. The United States gives Pakistan around $3.8 billion a year. That's the country that sheltered and succored Osama bin Laden for ten years. American aid to Israel -- most of which takes the form of joint venture investment capital -- has produced an amazing assortment of developments in technology, computer software and medicine, to name but a few. What do you have in return for helping Israel? How about (in the case of Iron Dome) a short-range missile defense system? Just the thing for deployment in South Korea. The U.S. has no short-range missile defense. Let's see -- what else? How about facial recognition software? How about sophisticated computer worms that can disable your enemy without firing a shot? How about nearly 70% of all the chemotherapy protocols in use throughout the world today? All those advancements in battling breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer? Those were all developed in Israel. Hey, here's another one! Do you like your cell phone? That's Israeli technology, too. Developed in a joint venture with Motorola. And these are only the ones we know about. Rest assured that there are many, many more, so highly classified that we may never learn about them. On the other hand -- what have the billions -- trillions, actually -- poured into Egypt bought you? How about Jordan; what's that gotten you? It costs at least $30 million a day to keep the entire United States Fifth Fleet berthed off Jeddah, protecting the Saudis and the Kuwaitis. How have they thanked the United States? I'll tell you: by reducing production and by jacking up the price of crude oil. Wow! That's gratitude for you! The list of countries into which the United States pours endless streams of money is quite long. What does the U.S. recoup from Russia? The U.S. feeds China and outsources most of what used to be U.S. factory jobs there. How have we recouped our investment and our generosity? By having China deliberately vote against the United States position in the Security Council on the last eleven occasions? By the way, Israel is a democracy. That's a shared value with the United States. Most of the countries that America pours money into are repressive, tyrannical regimes. And if you think that Israel is not essential to United States strategic interests, you need to look at a map. Israel is the ONLY natural land bridge connecting three continents. Get an education.
34. Sugar Daddy to the world
Cameron ,   USA   (05.08.12)
No one ever turns down the money. They all line up at the door.
35. To: No. 34
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.08.12)
Would you lump foreign aid to Israel in the same category as foreign aid to Pakistan? Egypt? Jordan? Russia? Uzbekistan? Kazahkstan? Armenia? Romania? Hungary? Spain? Portugal? Morocco? How about 99% of the African continent? How about Latin America? The Philippines? Indonesia? And why is the United States still bankrolling all those members of the European Union?
36. To: No. 27
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.08.12)
That's pretty rich, coming from a citizen of the country that massacred tens of millions of native Americans, stole their land and herded them into concentration camps called "reservations;" imported and enslaved over a million Africans and detailed tens of thousands of American-born people of Japanese descent during World War II. What was that you were saying about a racist state? Is that REALLY an argument you think you can sustain? By the way -- Israel does not flout international law or convention. Must I remind you that all six of Israel's wars were started by the Arabs? Must I remind you that Israel acquired non-sovereign Judea and Samaria in the course of fighting a defensive war against Jordan? Six wars. Seven decades of unremitting ersatz "Palestinians" terror. There are consequences to bad acts. Just ask the Germans, Italians and Japanese about what happened to them following World War II. You are painfully ignorant.
37. Sarah of #35
Cameron ,   USA   (05.08.12)
Why not? Israel shoves it's arm as deep as any of the others into the US coffers to grab as much as it can. As a part-time Israeli, you should applaud this state of affairs. By doing so, Israel avoids laying an even larger tax burden on it's citizenry who are already taxed to the hilt.
38. #26
Walt Gee ,   Copperhill, TN USA   (05.08.12)
Great Comment! In fact, I am very disappointed that it is only a measly 1 Billion! Anyone with "Walking around sense," knows that Israel is soon going to need 100 batteries. If we can spend $550,000,000 on endangered species how come Israel is not included?
39. #35 "the US bankrolling the EU?"
Robert ,   Australia   (05.09.12)
You've got to be kidding! Any bankrolling is initiated by China. The US merely disperses Chinese aid.
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