Peace Now: Investigate MKs for incitement to violence
Moran Azulay
Published: 24.05.12, 13:42
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31. PIECE Now (funded by George Soros) wants nothing less than..
Aviva ,   Israel   (05.24.12)
the total destruction of Israel. THEY should be investigated for their money sources and tried for INSITEMENT against Jews. We are sick of them and they have gotten away with way toooooo much for way toooooooo long.
32. Then too we must investigate Yariv for incitement
William ,   Israel   (05.24.12)
Through Peace Now's actions and declarations, usually based on conjecture and very supportive of demonization of population groups ensuring future attacks, Yariv has committed incitement that translated into violence, and must be investigated.
33. Resides in Great Briton
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Gush Etzion   (05.24.12)
Yes, Yariv Oppenheimer, that great defender of the downtrodden, resides in England drawing his fat executive salary while advocating how Israel should treat their own illegal immigrants.
34. likewise you!!
shalom ,   london   (05.24.12)
then let the whole world send all the jews out of their countries. what will you call that - anti zion or jew haters or another incoming holocoust?
35. #26
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (05.24.12)
Joseph entered Egypt legally on a slave visa and worked years, paid his taxes and never commited a crime. He was even accused of rape and jailed once, but was fully acquitted by a court. Later, when there was famine in Israel, Joseph applied for a visa for his brothers from Pharaoh and received it. No one is saying that these people can't apply for visa, just that they can't enter illegally. What you should demand (and I agree) is that instead of wasting money of keeping these people to clean toilets for rich Leftists, Israel should teach them a trade and then repatriate them to their homeland.
36. Investigate foreign funded extremist left fifth column
A Very Heavy Stone ,   Florida   (05.24.12)
So when are the foreign funded fifth column extremist left traitors going to be investigated for incitement against Jews who settle in the land ? What a major disappointment the spineless coward Netanyahu has proven to be.He's noting but a tool of the globalist agenda and that's why the light is always green to go after 'settlers' and never the enemy within.
37. They want israeli girls. Get it?
Rio ,   New York   (05.24.12)
38. 36. A Very Insidious Tone. 5 Well done Peace Now!
Pinhas Bayit ,   Bet HaKerem   (05.24.12)
Don't you just love some American throwing stones! When Members of our Knesset call migrants a cancer and then declare they do not condone violence, someone has to hold them to account. It isn't that illegal migrants should be allowed in with no clear policy on immigration like other countries who rightly call themselves democracies -ours is a pale shadow of one. We elect MKs and we have the right to expect a level of responsibility to us. We do not expect them to be economical with the truth when they do indeed condone violence by appearing at a protest whose violent turn they nurtured with their irresponsible rhetoric. We are lead by right wing xenophobes who promote the worst instincts in us and it is quite right that someone stands up and challenge those MKs.
39. Meanwhile: Peace Now is the WORST offender
So Israelis got sick of the threats from immigrants and want them out. BIG DEAL. No one was hurt, killed, maimed, raped, beaten, etc. But Peace Now supports people who rape, murder and are clearly terrorists. They can go to hell and burn there in agony. Absurd hypocrites.
40. When does Peace Now...
M. Davison ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (05.24.12)
Demand that Ahmad Tibi and Haneen Zoabi be investigated for the same thing? Until they do, Peace Now is just a bunch of hypocrites as far as I'm concerned.
41. Infiltrators and Refugees
Lou ,   Israel   (05.24.12)
If Yaniv Oppenheimer is so concerned about these pleople, let him do the right thing and invite them to his home and his neighbourhood. I'm sure they'll be very happy to go with him.
42. To Pinhas Bayit
Gábor Fränkl   (05.24.12)
I'm NOT American you buffoon, never was and never will be! So much about your nonsense.
43. Treason charges for Peace Now.
Chaim ,   Israel   (05.24.12)
For Peace Now to pose as champions of the law, after decades of treachery, is the ultimate hypocrisy. . Photographing our communities and handing information to our enemies...these are but a small sample of Peace Now's treacherous activities. It's way past time those who betray Israel were made to pay a big price. Peace Now to trial now for treason.
44. Incitement
Michael Pielet ,   Israel   (05.24.12)
Haim, Yariv, lapid should all be charged with incitement, jailed, and then deported to their countries of origin.
45. Migrants.
Michael Pielet ,   Israel   (05.24.12)
Illegal Migrants are a cancer that must be removed along with their supporters.
46. To: No. 38
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.24.12)
Funny, I've never read any comments from you when Arab MKs show up at so-called "peaceful" demonstrations and incite riots with inflammatory accusations against Israel. I don't recall a post from you when MK Zoabi sailed aboard the MAVI MARMARA, which made plain its intent to break a fully legal and internationally-recognized blockade, in clear violation of Israeli law -- a law she took an oath to uphold. And I very definitely have never read a "contribution" from you expressing your view when several Arab MKs traveled to Libya to meet with Qaddafi, and applauded when Qaddafi announced that a state of war exists between Libya and Israel. The very fact that these MKs traveled there was a gross violation of the laws of the State which took oaths to uphold. Seems to me YOU are the one being very economical with the truth and have a very subjective view of what constitutes a violation worthy of challenge. But you live in a very expensive and exclusive neighborhood in Jerusalem, so the suffering of the Israelis living in South Tel Aviv has no meaning to you. It must be nice not to have to duck pandhandling Sudanese or drunken Sudanese sleeping it off in public parks. Don't you think that the good Israeli citizens in South Tel Aviv deserve better? Perhaps a few Sudanese can be convinced to take up residence in Bet Ha'Kerem. You can welcome them into your home with open arms and introduce them to your daughters. That would be the "democratic" thing to do, wouldn't it?
47. To "indignant" human rights "champions" and Leftists
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (05.25.12)
20% of Israel´s population is non Jewish. Claiming that we don´t allow non Jews to live in Israel is simply laughable. Israel is faster and quicker than any nation to send humanitarian aid and medical aid to people who suffered from wars, famine and natural catastrophes. Israel has sent on numerous occasions medical teams to Turkey, even offered to send one to Iran (but Iran declined any help from the "Zionist entity") and Israel has sent medical aid and doctors to Haiti, Taiwan and Japan as well. The big difference between Jews in non Jewish countries and the illegal immigrants in Israel are: 1) Jews are few in numbers and cannot possibly destroy or take over those countries demographically and create sovereign and independent Jewish states in them with a Jewish majority population. The illegal African immigrants, provided more of them come (which I hope they won´t) could potentially pose a lethal demographic threat to us considering that 20% of Israel´s population is Arab. Asking us to rely on our Jewish ethics to commit national sucide is simply dishonest. 2) Jews are CITIZENS of those countries. The Africal illegals are not citizens in Israel. Mexicans are illegals in the USA and France has expelled many Gypsies to Romania and the EU has expelled many African illegal immigrants as well - for the same reasons: demographics and crime. Do you criticize USA and the EU? Of course not. 3) Jews of those countries usually follow the law. The illegal Africans have committed several crimes and spread fear in southern Tel Aviv. Commiting crimes and rape - are these the trademarks of destitute people who cannot possibly survive? Are they "victims"? The only reason you ask Israel to be flooded with non Jews is because you want Israel gone and destroyed. What you cannot do militarily you want to do demographically. Nice try but it won´t work. If you care so much about the illegals, then accept them into the EU or the USA.
48. #15 - gee, would you be referring to a certain point in time
William ,   Israel   (05.28.12)
"pogrom, deportation en masse" Is this like the "Palestinians" or Jews under Hitler? Not at all, though most with simply brains have tried to make the connection. Jews were loyal citizens of the countries when they were attacked by Nazis for simply being Jews. "Palestinians" - that is, just Arabs who started a genocidal war, mostly ran without ever seeing a soldier, so not much of "deportation" there. These immigrants, who do not belong in Israel and are not really in danger of being killed back home, are being asked to leave. Israel is comfy compared to most places and that's why they pass right through Egypt to get here. No surprises there, Jack. But as was case in UAE when Indians were deported en masse in 2008 following the collapse of the housing boom around the world, these economic migrants too are being asked to leave. Sadly, humankind seems to move only as fast as its slowest-minded citizens, you included.
49. #34 - it would be racist...if the Jews are their citizens
William ,   Israel   (05.28.12)
How can you equate forced expulsion of Jewish citizens from countries they hold citizenship to illegal immigrants who provide nothing to the country? Israel should treat illegal immigrants the same way every other country is dealing with illegal immigrants. It is not the color of their skin that is the center of debate here but rather the unfair burden their economic dreams place on the rest of us. And the UK is a good example of a country shaking under the weight of illegals as they rush in through the Channel tunnel from Calais.
50. #38 - what is the exact translation of the MK's comments?
William ,   Israel   (05.28.12)
Did they call the specific ethnic group a "cancer" or did they call the phenomenon of illegal immigration which has reached alarming levels from one specific country a "cancer"? There is a big difference in context and tone between these examples. I for one agree that the situation is a "growing cancer" but not the specific immigrants themselves. Acting childish and giving in to knee-jerk responses by calling everyone racists just makes you look retarded.
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