Norway's Holocaust inverters
Manfred Gerstenfeld
Published: 12.06.12, 10:11
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61. Nobody is preventing the anyone from leaving.
James   (06.12.12)
62. #55 pharoah - look up the word "shoa"...
solomon ,   bklyn   (06.12.12)
then read some history, not fairy tales. Try to find out that arabs in Israel vote and are on the supreme court, and go to the same hospitals to be treated by the same arab and Jewish doctors. Try to learn that Abbas has said that any state he heads will be judenrein and that Hamas wants to kill the Jews. You have problems? Turn to your own for the solution as it is they who started all this, even before Israel was established.
63. #58 anton
solomon ,   bklyn   (06.12.12)
Sorry, but you are wrong, as usual. The Nazis murder of Jews and the Turks murder of the Armenians was racism. Affinity to one's own, when it results in good, is not racism. Israel did not kill those africans left behind nor did they harm any others (such as Turkish Kurds). Whether you accept my answer or not is immaterial. You are wrong, period.
64. To solomon, bklyn
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.13.12)
Don't waste your valuable time on an intellectual nobody like anton. You have good intentions but you are quite honestly wasting time on him since 1) he is an anti-Semite and anti-Semites only understand the language of the fist and 2) anton lacks the intellecual capacity to debate and provides no proof and evidence for his reality detached comments nor are his comparisons correct - maybe he himself doesn't even understand that. One quick note though: I believe you wrote somewhere that Jews are only a religion. If you say that - even if you mean well, you are giving anti-Semites a perfect excuse to say "you Jews are no ethnic group of people - you are just a religion and/or a religion of converts without any connection the ancient Israelites - therefore you can't claim the land of Israel". If you say solomon that we are Europeans, Africans and Asians with a Jewish religion you'll have difficulties to explain how Europeans, Africans and Asians with no history in Israel can claim Israel in the name of Judaism. Then you are saying that we are "foreigners" in Israel since Europeans, Africans and Asians don't originate in Israel. Truth is, genetically speaking, the Jews are one of the most homogenous groups on earth. Jews are neither African nor Asian. Jews are white Caucasians (as we have been for 4000 years and as most people still are in the Middle East) and the Ethiopian Jews practice only our religon - ethnically the Ethiopian Jews are not our flesh and blood. The vast majority of the Ashkenazim and Sephardim have, based on genetical testing proved to be: 1) extremely closely related to each other 2) their dominant genetical background is Israelite DNA 3) the DNA/genetics of Ashkenazim and Sephardm place both of their origins in the Levant and the broader Middle East 4) both Ashkenazim and Sephardim are closely related genetically speaking to Kurds, Turks, Iranians and Arabs (Ashkenazim have more in common with the peoples of the Middle East than with peoples of Central, Western, Northern and Eastern Europe). And quite honestly: I live in Israel. Most Jews in Israel fit in perfectly in the Middle East, the Levant and the Mediterranean - also as far as their looks are concerned.
65. It is the left wing media in Europe
David ,   USA   (06.13.12)
I am sure the average person of Norway or Sweden is very nice. However, the left media has taken control in Europe and they will never show anything positive about Israel. Shame.
66. To nr 37, 41 - A few questions
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.13.12)
1) Why is "Palestine" a Roman/Latin name? 2) Why is there no letter "p" in Arabic? 3) Nationalism is alien to Arabs who have, for 1400 years, lived as nomads and Beduins in multi-ethnic and multi-racial "Arab" empires whose majority population - locals, subjects, soldiers, mercenaries, scientists, mathematicians, physicians and merchants, were no ethnic Arabs, merely Arab speaking Persians, Kurds, Turks, Jews, Berbers and Africans. Why is that? 4) There is no "Palestine" in the Bible or the Koran. Why? 5) The Bible and the Koran BOTH admit that Israel is the Jewish homeland. How come? 6) Jewish/Israelite history started 2000 B.C.E in Israel (INCLUDING Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Golan)- 4000 years ago. Arab history of the original Arabians, started in the 7th century C.E. 1400 years ago, in the southwestern corner of the Arabian peninsula, hundreds of kilometers away from Israel, 2600 years AFTER the start of Jewish civilization. How can Arabs be the "natives" of Israel? 7) Most Arabs arrived in Israel as recently as the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. How is that ancient history and how does that make "Palestinians" the "natives"? 8) When and where exactly did a "Palestinian" state, republic, nation state, kingdom, city state, duchy, principality or empire exist in recorded history, what are the names of kings and dynasties, cities, towns, villages and currency and why is there not a single ancient civilization mentioning anywhere any "Palestinian" state, civilization, nation or people? What EXACTLY are the Arab/Moslem/"Palestinian" claims to Israel, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Golan and what exactly makes Jews "colonialists" in the very land in which we have lived for 4000 years? We are no more colonialists in Judea and Samaria than you are in Portugal and Poland. Unlike the fake "Palestinians", we have thousands of years of history in Israel, including Judea and Samaria. International law defines occupation as State A as a result of war conquering State B's territory. No "Palestinian" state existed in 1967, 1949, 1948 or 1947 or 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10.000 or 100.000 years ago.
67. Why do Jews stay in Europe?
Maurice ,   Los Angeles, USA   (06.13.12)
It should be obvious by now that Europeans hate Jews. The Arab propaganda has done wonders to capitalize on Europe's long hatred for Jews. Their hate is so deeply rooted that they ignore the ongoing Muslim invasion. Please, leave Europe while there is still time.
68. Anti-semites in control
ToreBear ,   Oslo, Norway   (06.13.12)
So according to Mr. Gerstenfelt, anti semites control the Norwegian government, media, the elites. Banks too? This all sounds very familiar to another theory that was very prominent 70 years ago. I mean, if people don't see things the way you see them, there must be a reason for it? Most probably there is some kind of conspiracy involved. Anti-Semites colluding against you. Since there is obviosly no question of you being wrong.
69. #1
Michael ,   Haifa   (06.13.12)
Maybe the Norwegians read the plethora of fascist talkbacks here.
70. Hate towards Jews
Michal ,   Germany   (06.13.12)
I am totally shocked and sad to read this article. I was twice in Norway I felt good there, said that the people are very friendly and that I love the country but after this reading of the article I I shocked. I thought antisemitiscom is dead in norway !!!!! Sorry to hear that .......
71. #47 split
solomon ,   bklyn   (06.13.12)
The computer was not invented by Von Neumann, but it could not have functioned if it hadn't been for his discoveries. Same result: throw away your computer if you want to boycott Jews. He also had many other achievements, one of which was his rigorous mathematical analysis of the structure of self-replication, which preceded the discovery of the structure of DNA. A lot better a record than yours, posting crap on ynet.
72. I must admit that
Sarah B   (06.13.12)
sine the terrorist attack in Kenya targetting Israeli tourists. I make a point of ensuring that Israelis do not frequent the hotel where I will be staying
73. The history seen from Norway
Eivind ,   Oslo, Norway   (06.13.12)
After the establisment of the state of Israel, Norway was one of its best supporters. It was a close relationship between the political leaders in Norway and Israel. It was therefore natural that, when needed, Norway sent 1000s of soldiers to the UN-battalion in Lebanon. And many norwegians have been i the region since then to help the people find a way to live together peacefully. But they came back with an additional story. They were shocked by the way the palestinian refugees were treated. Norwegians are still very engaged in the development in the region. Many think that the policy of the Nethayahu governement will destroy the country. We therefore often engage i debates. We care! The anti-Semite veapon are othen used to stop this discussions. But the discussion is to important to be stopped. Status quo, or even an escalation of the conflict is not a good option.
74. #13 - Only leftists
Trude   (06.13.12)
The leftists in Norway are more anti-Israel than Moslems in Norway. By far. Many of them highly educated, and so most people trust what they say... As a Jew, I know lots and lots of Moslems that I have normal, cultivated discussions with about the Middle-East or anything else. However, to have the same conversations with a leftist - or with someone that thinks the leftists' descriptions are correct... Try to discuss with a Norwegian academic, not to mention professor in journalism - ... you will be shocked! There is no room for other opinions at all!
75. 73 - Another reason ,...
snag ,   US   (06.13.12)
Norway sold heavy water to Israel under condition that it will be used for peaceful purpose only. Israelis lied and used for nukes ,...
76. 64 - Jews are white Caucasians ,...
split ,   US   (06.13.12)
Of course just go to Iran and check for yourself after all you can't deny that they are the ligit Bible Hebrews and dwell there since Babylon ;) ,...
77. #64 alexander
solomon ,   bklyn   (06.13.12)
First you say Jews are white Caucasians, then you speak of Mizrahim, who as I understand are not white caucasians. We can be related by genes but be of different ethnicities. Same with Ethiopians. Or European Ashkenazim and Middle Eastern Yemenites. Even a distant relation is a relation.
78. #76 split
solomon ,   bklyn   (06.13.12)
They are also those Hebrews that have dwelt in Israel (the area the Romans renamed Palestina, after the Philistines, who were Greek) for millenia. That is also the area into which the moslems first came with the moslem conquest of 676AD. Must you always show off your ignorance of history?
79. To nr 77 - solomon
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.13.12)
Yes Jews are white Caucasians and we have been that for the past 4000 years. European and white Caucasian are not the same. Whereas all Europeans are white Caucasians all white Caucasians are not Europeans. Jews are not Europeans but Jews are white Caucasians. White Caucasians live in Europe, Russia, central Asia, Turkey, Mediterranean, North Africa and the Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India. Yes Mizrachi Jews are white Caucasians. The Jewish people is a Mediterranean/Mid Eastern people - this includes Ashkenazim and Sephardim but not the Ethiopians - who have genetically almost nothing in common with us. It's not good or bad - it just is. No my friend: we do not have different ethnicities for then you are implying that we are not the same nation. How many ethnicites do Japanese people have? Despite some mixtures among the Japanese, they share a common ancestry. That's this common ancestry that makes them an ethnic group of people. We Jews have this common ancestry too but it includes only the Ashkenazim and Sephardim/Mizrahim and the Yemenites. The majority of the Jewish people is one ethnic group where groups within the Jewish people might have either been partially mixed with their Mid Eastern and European neighbors, but doesn't change the fact that the bulk of the genetics of Ashkenazim and Sephardim is Israelite DNA and proves their common Mid Eastern ancestry. The supposed differences in outward appearance between Ashkenazim and Sephardim do exist but are clearly exaggerated. The similarities are bigger then the differences.
80. To nr 76 and 47
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.13.12)
What's your ethnicity split? I will not answer a single of your questions until you answer mine. If you don't answer mine - forget it. Check wikipedia and you'll see that John Von Neumaan indeed was a Hungarian Jew, he was involved in algorithms which form the basis for computer programming and wikipedia admits he is one of the founding fathers of computer science. A book called "The Israel Test" by George Gilder (who is not Jewish by the way) claims that John Von Neumaan invented the computer. And like solomon said: without John Von Neumann's scientific contributions the computer wouldn't exist. So go ahead split and boycott the very computer you use to write your anti-Semitic talkbacks.
81. To nr 68 and 73 - A few questions
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.13.12)
1) Why is "Palestine" a Roman/Latin name? 2) Why is there no letter "p" in Arabic? 3) Nationalism is alien to Arabs who have, for 1400 years, lived as nomads and Beduins in multi-ethnic and multi-racial "Arab" empires whose majority population - locals, subjects, soldiers, mercenaries, scientists, mathematicians, physicians and merchants, were no ethnic Arabs, merely Arab speaking Persians, Kurds, Turks, Jews, Berbers and Africans. Why is that? 4) There is no "Palestine" in the Bible or the Koran. Why? 5) The Bible and the Koran BOTH admit that Israel is the Jewish homeland. How come? 6) Jewish/Israelite history started 2000 B.C.E in Israel (INCLUDING Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Golan)- 4000 years ago. Arab history of the original Arabians, started in the 7th century C.E. 1400 years ago, in the southwestern corner of the Arabian peninsula, hundreds of kilometers away from Israel, 2600 years AFTER the start of Jewish civilization. How can Arabs be the "natives" of Israel? 7) Most Arabs arrived in Israel as recently as the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. How is that ancient history and how does that make "Palestinians" the "natives"? 8) When and where exactly did a "Palestinian" state, republic, nation state, kingdom, city state, duchy, principality or empire exist in recorded history, what are the names of kings and dynasties, cities, towns, villages and currency and why is there not a single ancient civilization mentioning anywhere any "Palestinian" state, civilization, nation or people? What EXACTLY are the Arab/Moslem/"Palestinian" claims to Israel, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Golan and what exactly makes Jews "colonialists" in the very land in which we have lived for 4000 years? We are no more colonialists in Judea and Samaria than you are in Norway. Unlike the fake "Palestinians", we have thousands of years of history in Israel, including Judea and Samaria. International law defines occupation as State A as a result of war conquering State B's territory. No "Palestinian" state existed in 1967, 1949, 1948 or 1947 or 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10.000 or 100.000 years ago.
82. #73 elvind
solomon ,   bklyn   (06.13.12)
Thank you for the reminder of history. Many Israelis (and Jews living outside of Israel) recognize Norways efforts. Your post, however, spotlights the break in the connection between what was then and what is now. Your post, and the shock in the way the "refugees" are treated, makes no mention of the causes. Namely rockets, bombs, terrorists, murder. Remember bus bombings? They virtually stopped after the wall was built. Remember Israel withdrawing from Gaza? How did that turn out? And from Lebanon? Also not a good result. The status quo, or even an escalation of the conflict, is what is sought by the "Pals". Abbas states that any state they have will be judenrein. Hamas has sworn to kill all the Jews. Not a mention of this in your post, or in Norwegian media. How many times have the "Pals" been offered a damn good agreement, and have walked away without even a counter proposal? Yes, anti-Israel need not be anti-semitism. But the opposite seems to be the norm these days. You will be able to tell if you open your eyes and ears and listen for the telltale "innocuous" inclusion of the word "Jew" in lieu of "Israeli". Wrong doing can be hidden by anti-semitic demonstrators seemingly disagreeing with israel while actually speaking against Jews. Much of this can be heard from Norwegian politicians. I urge you to look at the other side and ask them questions as well. Remember; terrorism, murder, etc, began before the Six Day War, even before the establishment of Israel. It has never stopped but has been continued by the actions of the arabs (including starting many wars). The “Pals” are treated the same as any entity that continually threatens the existence of a nation and acts towards that end.
83. #82 solomon
Eivind ,   Oslo, Norway   (06.13.12)
Thank you for your comment. Oh yes, many of the things you mention has been written in norwegian newspapers. But, as in many israeli papers, people tends to argue either for or against the israeli governements handling of the conflict. Status Quo almost always benefits the strong side. The longer you can hold on to the settlements, the more difficult it will be to leave them. And it is almost always the strong side that come with proposals. I am fully aware of the history. Many terrorist actions has been committed from both sides. And , as you mention, they began before the establishment of Israel. Remember that the first car bomb was committed by a jewish terrorist group, the Stern Gang, in 1947, against the british. Of course a wall helps, as the Berlin Wall effectively stopped people from escaping from the east. But that does not make it right. I think it can be worth mentioning the saying of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the "spiritual father of the Israeli right, in his "Iron Wall"-paper from 1923: " ...We must either suspend our settlement efforts or continue them without paying attention to the mood of the natives..." May be it is time to pay attention now. Make the pals feel that they have a future, alongside the jews. You have got your country. Don't loose it!
84. Norway's antisemitism
Miles ,   Kapaa, USA   (06.13.12)
Perhaps you might offer your wisdom as to what may be reflected off of the mirror? Nice excuse for Norwegians - are they incapable of seeing people as individuals? You Krauts never seem to amaze me with your intrinsic disdain for G-d's chosen people.
85. To nr 83 - you didn't respond to my talkback nr 81
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.13.12)
"Oh yes, many of the things you mention has been written in norwegian newspapers" Such as? "But, as in many israeli papers, people tends to argue either for or against the israeli governements handling of the conflict. " That's usually the case in most conflicts. All conflicts have two sides but it takes courage to look at facts instead of being blinded by ideology as you clearly are. "I am fully aware of the history. " Are you fully aware of Israelite/Jewish, Arab, Moslem, ancient Mid Eastern and modern Mid Eastern history? "Many terrorist actions has been committed from both sides." Arabs attack relentlessly Jews independently of them being civilians or soldiers. Funny, you mentioned no Jewish "terrorist" attacks against Arabs. Jews attacked mostly British soldiers and very seldom British civilians. Jews were freedom fighters fighting against British imperialism in the same way as the Polish and Norwegian resistance fought the Germans. "And , as you mention, they began before the establishment of Israel. Remember that the first car bomb was committed by a jewish terrorist group, the Stern Gang, in 1947, against the british. " They attacked British occupation forces - and usually warned the British prior to the attacks. The last time Israel commited "terror" attacks was more than 64-65 years ago but Arab terrorist attacks go on daily in our time. The Berlin wall split Berlin into two cities - it protected nobody - it was supposed to keep Germans in a big prison. Israel's wall is supposed to keep the Arabs out and prevent them from entering our country to protect the very Jewish lives you claim you care about. In what sense does 4000 years of Jewish history make us "settlers" and why is it that not a single ancient civilization has mentioned anywhere any "Palestinian" people, culture, nation, state or civilization? And what has a Norwegian got to do with the Arab-Israeli conflict?
86. #17
Miles ,   Kapaa, USA   (06.13.12)
Another fine example of Polish ignorance! You seem to write English perfectly yet you don't seem to have a grasp at understanding the language. #8 was perfectly clear to me!
87. #79 alexander - disagree
solomon ,   bklyn   (06.14.12)
No one has pure blood lines. We Jews are a mixed lot. Combine that with different definitions for Caucasian, and disagreements as to whether all Caucasians are white, and disagreements as to the words ethnic and ethnicity, you don't have much of a case. The Japanese, BTW, were never scattered among the nations of the world, but lived on their own group of islands. This is what kept them mostly of one ethnicity. Conversely, those peoples who were scattered are not that "pure".
88. #83 elvind re: #85 - 3rd try
solomon ,   bklyn   (06.15.12)
Your post spotlights another break in the historical connection; your refusal to look at history, but only to look at events beginning from your own convenient time line. Each side is expected to participate in negotiations. Neither side is given carte blanche to say "no" to proposals without coming back with a counter proposal. Egypt and Jordan both participated in negotiations, with the give and take this necessitates, after being defeated time and again on the battlefield. The first acts of terrorism began in the 1920's, when the arabs forced the Jews from Hebron (where they had been living for generations) with pogroms. History did not start in the 1940's. The Berlin wall was not constructed to prevent terrorists and suicide bus bombers. The wall in Israel was. It works. The Berlin wall didn't. You are fully aware of only your myopic view of history. Read some more, well beyond your self-limiting dates, then post. The Pals have to make the Jews feel they have future alongside the Pals. Right now what the Jews see (and what you are blind to) is Hamas’ goal to kill all the Jews, teaching their children the same, Abbas stating that any state will be judenrein, Hezbollah, murder, etc. I would go into more detail, but #85 does an excellent job. I first wrote you thinking you an unbiased observer with a good heart. I was sorely mistaken. I see instead a very biased observer swallowing the tales of exaggerated woe from the Pals while totally ignoring their actions which result in Israeli self-defense. Self defense to prevent their annihilation by those who show their intentions in broad daylight. No apologies.
89. To nr 87 - solomon - I disagree
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.15.12)
But thanks for defending me in your talkback nr 88. "No one has pure blood lines." No ethnic group has - and that includes the Indians, the Chinese, the Russians, the Arabs, Kurds, Turks, Iranians and most European national/ethnic groups. We are not speaking of cloning people. We are speaking of ethnic groups and complete "purity" is no prerequisite to be an ethnic group. "We Jews are a mixed lot." Depends on what Jews you are refering to and what your definition of a Jew is. The intermarriage rate in the US is well over 50%. It's a safe bet to say that many American Jews are mixed - therefore I don't consider many of them to be Jewish. If having one Jewish mother (according to Jewish law) is enough to be Jewish then it is no wonder that if the father can belong to any ethnic group, the children will be genetically mixed and have a different outward appearance. Jewish to me means two Jewish parents and then all of the sudden Jews are much more homogenous -both as far as their genetics, ancestry and outward appearance is concerned. Most Jews in Israel are ethnic Jews. We are not very mixed but slightly mixed. Mixed to what degree? Genetical studies reveal that Ashkenazim and Sephardim are very closely related to each other, that their dominant DNA/genetics is Israelite DNA (stressing the word "dominant" DNA), that their origins is absolutely traceable to the Middle East and the Levant - even if you can find minor occurences in the DNA that suggests some intermarriage with non Jews in diaspora for 2000 years. Race= Caucasians, Africans and Asians/Mongoloids. Ethnicity= a group within a "race". White caucasians= white skinned people with neither African nor Asian features. Most Jews in Israel are white Caucasians of the Mid Eastern/Mediterranean type - Ashkenazim and Sephardim included. Japanese and Icelanders are ethnically mixed despite their geographical isolation since other tribes entered their territory.
90. #89 alexander
solomon ,   bklyn   (06.15.12)
I don't agree with your personal definition of Jewish. I also don't agree with you expanding the definition of ethnicity as "a group within a race" without defining the word 'group'. Yes, genetics may show we are related. I do not count that as ethnicity. I propose we agree to disagree. Peace.
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