Despite talk of truce, Gaza rockets fired at Ashkelon
Ynet reporters
Published: 21.06.12, 14:17
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38 Talkbacks for this article
31. Observer Try making sense instead of polemics
PETER SM ,   AUSTRALIA   (06.21.12)
Jews are there they have been there for millennia long before the Arab invaders took over Egypt Now when are you going to answer the issues raised instead of covering your retreat by saying nothing of substance or inventing things about Jews as you often do.?
32. To: No. 8
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.21.12)
Gee. The Jordanians blew up 48 synagogues in Jerusalem alone, including the beautiful Hurva synagogue. What's your point?
33. Sarah the Bee #32, you are challenged
observer ,   Egypt   (06.22.12)
no single synagogue was destroyed in the Arab or Islamic countries after 1948. But according to a book by Dr. Meron Benvenisti, of the 160 mosques in the Palestinian villages incorporated into Israel under the armistice agreements, fewer than 40 are still standing.
34. To: No. 33
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.22.12)
You're the challenged one, oh blind observer. Something on order of twenty-six synagogues were destroyed in Constantin, Algeria alone when Ben Bela came to power. Many more, elsewhere, long after the War of Independence. But you are the one who raised the issue of one entity destroyed in 1948, and I countered by pointing out that 48 synagogues were destroyed in Jerusalem alone in 1948 -- including the Hurva Synagogue. And all of a sudden, you are now talking about "after 1948." So you are obfuscating. You are also being intellectually (not sure that that is the word to use in your case) dishonest. That said, what is the point of maintaining a mosque in a village where every single inhabitant has voluntarily left to make way for "conquering Arab armies" that never came? The people that left did so voluntarily at the urging of their leadership, with the added incentive of being promised first crack at the plundering of Jewish homes and businesses once the owners of those homes and businesses had been "pushed into the sea." It didn't quite work out that way, but since those Arabs did leave voluntarily -- eagerly, one might surmise (starry-eyed and foaming at the mouth at the prospect of stealing Jewish property) -- and will never be allowed to return, what's the point of keeping an abandoned mosque? Your "argument" -- such as it were -- fails on all point. Hurry up, dear, it's Friday -- time for you to run out to Tahrir Square and wave at the cameras.
35. #34 can a bee see?
observer ,   Egypt   (06.22.12)
Israeli 1948 documentation declassified over the past decade indicates that Alexandroni’s commanders didn’t want Tantura to surrender, as this might have entailed its continued existence behind the Israeli lines (like Fureidis, further inland). The May 22, 1948 operational order for the conquest of the village, by the commander of the 33rd Battalion, made no mention of what should become of the inhabitants. The initial post-battle report, apparently from May 23, by “Avraham,” the brigade intelligence officer, reported that the enemy had suffered “about 20 dead” and that 300 adult males and 200 women and children had been taken prisoner. A follow-up report, by A Company’s deputy commander, written on May 26, said nothing about the fate of civilians, though it mentioned the need to put an end to the looting by troops and civilians from nearby Jewish settlements.
36. #34
observer ,   Egypt   (06.22.12)
On the 6th or 7th of February 1948, Ben Gurion gives a speech in which he says that in western Jerusalem there were no Arabs left anywhere. And he adds this sentence if we continue as we are (fighting) and we hold fast to our positions and fight properly, there will be vast demographic changes throughout the country. Ben-Gurion was ‘a transferist,’ someone who recognized that it was ‘necessary’ to uproot 700,000 Palestinians from the incipient sovereign Israel — because ‘without the uprooting of the Palestinians, a Jewish state would not have arisen here.’
Chuchsie ,   Jabotinsky Bnei Brak   (06.25.12)
Lama ani tamid haidiot haaharon she iodeea al ze?
38. wrong direction guys. not enough scum killed by idf wipe the
RALPH   (06.29.12)
them all out.
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