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Report: US downsizes military drill with Israel
Published: 01.09.12, 06:56
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39 Talkbacks for this article
31. they will leave us high and dry....we are surrounded....
name witheld   (09.01.12)
by bloodthirsty enemies who want to exterminate us.... even those in TA, it matters not what side of the line you live on, it matters not if you are religious or not, if you are a jew you will be marked for death my the fanatics that follow the cult of death. Prepare yourselves.... our neighbors will be watching for the moment they can pounce
32. #26, words in my mouth, mate.
Henry from New York ,   By the Roman Ghetto   (09.01.12)
I said training for a ballistic missile attack. Did I use the proper noun Iran at any point in my post? I was actually thinking about DPRK at the time of that post (if they ever manage to get those things working) or any rogue group that manages to get a hold of some means of launching ballistic missiles. However, I didn't indicate any enemy or anything else you have stated in my actual post. My American passport stating my birthplace in New Haven says otherwise. I fly a Betsy Ross flag, say the pledge of allegiance, and sing the songs of our country like any patriotic American. With regard to Israel, please remember that Israel is an important strategic asset to the US (also where my girlfriend lives, so an important strategic asset for me). Defending Israel is important for our country because it ensures us a beachhead in the Middle East in a stable country if the others were ever compromised. As for the will of the American public, we all differ in our views, but as US taxpayers, my family and I are entitled to our opinions as to how our tax dollars are spent and the actions of our government and military. I would not recommend speaking for the American public yourself unless you come and live in the country for a few years and get a large sampling of opinions (though it would be hard to get into the proper mindset). Sometimes a balanced approach isn't always the best approach. Now you have some things to comment on.
33. This is a Psyop
jAGOFF ,   Guantanamo Bay, Cuba   (09.01.12)
Dempsey is trying to create the impression of a rift between Israel and America. Trying to make the Iranians breathe a sigh of relief and let their guard down. This tells me more than ever that Iran will be attacked very soon.
34. Israel's Right Wingis leading the
J ohn robey ,   austin, texas   (09.01.12)
country in a direction that will eventually loose the support of more and more American Jews as well as others (Methodists, Presbyterians). Keep on going and you will lose the last friend you have in the world.
35. 34-you're right-Israel should
Stephen in New York   (09.01.12)
cooperate and wait first for Tel Aviv to be nuked. Then Israel will have the world's sympathy and support. Including yours, right?
36. #26 wrong
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (09.01.12)
As a Muslim, you should know better. Iran needs nukes for only one reason: insurance against America when Iran attacks Saudi Arabia to seize the oil and to get revenge for the murder of Hussein. Apart from that Iran has a lot against the US. Have you forgotten Operation Ajax, the mustard gas on Iranian civilians during the Iran-Iraq war, and the 66 children of flight 655? Iran has nothing against Israel, but is using the visceral hatred Leftists and Arabs have for Jews to buy time to get nukes. Israel has nothing to do with the story, except that she has two stupid leaders with big mouths.
37. Anton - It is USA s business
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (09.02.12)
America is a super power weather you like it or not. USA donates billions of dollars every year to underdeveloped countries from federal money (tax Money) as well as from rich individuals such as warren Buffet and Bill Gates. But when a country is a superpower other world issues also are among her responsibilities. If Iran is a threat o an ally or even another country then it is America's business. Just like in Bosnia when the Christians were massacring Muslim USA went to rescue and let me remind you that there is no oil in Serbia or Bosnia. I asn understand you hatred for Israel and Jews and therefore you are trying to make propaganda against Israel to Americans sensitive to the current economic hardship. But most Americans understand the responsibilities that come from being a superpower. History showed that when USA is reluctant to intervene in world issues that are far away, a time comes when the conflict spreads to inside USA. Example: WW II USA tried to stay out but Pearl harbor happened. Example 2. When the taliban was taking over Afghanistan city by city and there was pressure on USA to intervene, USA did not do it. Then the 9/11 attack 500 meters from my office happened. Wouldn't it be better if USA had intervened before pearl harbor or 9/11 happened?
38. #37 - on Pearl Harbour
Henry from New York ,   By the Roman Ghetto   (09.02.12)
Well we were intervening to a small extent, actually. We had imposed an oil embargo on the Japanese after they invaded French Indochina and were planning on heading further. They attacked us because they were worried we might enter the War and so they wanted to knock us out with one before we even started in earnest.
39. #37 Anton
Justin ,   USA   (09.03.12)
Dont forget my tax$$$ waisted on the search for allegid WOMD in IRAQ. Now some more tax$$$ to be waisted because Netanyahu wants to flex his little muscles so that we can come to the rescue. Yes we are a super power but what use is it if unemployment is so high and our people are needing the defence budget to defend us from hunger.
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