Jewish Scene
Rabbis launch war on self-locking doors
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 13.11.12, 13:34
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51 Talkbacks for this article
31. Go get a real job buddy
Haim ,   TA   (11.14.12)
Obviously these lunatics have nothing better to do with their lives, sad really
32. William, you forgot one thing
Vlad   (11.14.12)
The Talmud can sometimes have almost nothing to do with the Torah. For example, as I said before, Judaism does not prohibit premarital sex, and it is quite common in the Tanakh. It is only the rabbis who wrote the Talmud who came up with all these "modesty" laws and prohibitions, and never even cited any Torah passage other than one that says not to turn your daughter into a whore (which can mean a bunch of stuff). All this don't look at a woman stuff, don't listen to a woman singing, etc, is the brainchild of the rabbis who took a very radical interpretation. Oh, and Dov, if you are so religious, why are you online? You might see immodest pictures in the commercials on this site, or you might *gasp* hear a woman's singing voice when listening to a commercial.
33. petraeus affair
Ilan   (11.14.12)
If he had avoided yichud he would still be head of the cia
34. Its really funny to me..I look at these RABBIS as if
Al   (11.14.12)
they were mere entertainers. They are nuts...I cant believe people take them seriously. I was raised in a very traditional home My parents were survivors and what they taugh me was that true Yiddishkeit is simple Menchlichkeit. That is what is missing from these so called learned RABBIS. They are missing menchlichkeit and for that I ignore them. They are lunatics, nothing more nothing less.
35. Why should a man lock the himself alone with a woman?
Mordechai   (11.14.12)
I seem to have read one or two articles in Ynet about secular Jewish politicians raping female employees. Are the posters in posession of a solution ending sexual harrassment in Israel. I've never had a reason to be in a locked room with any of my coworkers male or female. Can't see why that would ever be a good thing. One of the rules any HR dept will tell you to avoid sexual harrassment at the office will be not to lock yourself alone with a employee. It seems that ynet and the secular radicals knee jerk reaction to attack and demonize the Rabbi's is a sexual predators dream. Just imagine the feminists screaming that bosses should have the right to assault female employees because the Rabbi's are against it.
36. Moses never mentioned locks but did warn about adding
Josh   (11.14.12)
Apparently the direct prohibition of adding words to Torah id not as important as controlling match making. I remind the false ones, this is asure to add. Additionally I warn the victims, Jewish Israeli men this is to control you and to the Jewish women, this is to make you objects to be rewarded to men for caving into anti Torah messages. Be free Hebrews, Free to choose life. My opinion anyways....
37. These Rabbis preach to their followers
Zev ,   Israel   (11.14.12)
No one is forcing any "enlightened" person to follow their rulings. So why all of the rantings? What is the real purpose of ynet to bring these rulings to the general public? Those that follow these Rabbis do so at their own free will.
38. to #33: rubbish!
red ,   toronto, canada   (11.14.12)
petraeus went much further than "yichud", all the way to "schtupping". and not because of automatic locking doors - the head of the cia can probably figure out how to lock the door himself, if required. no halakhic psaq required.
39. to #17: try thinking for yourself
shloime ,   toronto, canada   (11.14.12)
first of all, do locked doors really facilitate rape? then there should be no rape at all among the bedouin, whose tents do not even have doors. obviously not. those self-locking doors that are causing the elderly rabbis such tzures, were made to prevent rape, actually. they came into use precisely because a woman sued a hotel for not providing sufficient security from a rapist. they are designed for the security of those inside, to allow entry with a key, and to keep out people without a key. if you would think for yourself, you would realize that a potential rapist also needs to keep his victim inside, and doors that are open from the inside do not do that. this non-issue is just more futile ranting against ANY modern technology, based on a world view of insularity and panic. there is nothing halakhic or jewish about it.
40. #18 and the falsification of history
shloime ,   toronto, canada   (11.14.12)
actually, it was the "pashuter yids" (plain jews) who kept judaism alive through the centuries. before the reform movement started, there were NO ORTHODOX JEWS! such a term simply didn't exist - there were just jews. the orthodox movement started as a reaction to the reform movement. (note that in the 19th century the jews of hungary identified officially as "status quo", "neolog", and "ortodox", with the "ortodox" being the NEWEST group!) if you look at authentic illustrations form the middle ages, you will see that jews DID NOT dress in the "uniform" of the hareidim. (and yes, we do have illustrations from the time of rashi, and earlier.) so stop lying to yourself.
41. #10: no man-made laws in halakha?!
shloime ,   toronto, canada   (11.14.12)
there are no man-made laws in halakha? are you serious, or just making a joke? let's just start with kitniyot. how can peanut oil be kosher le'pesach, with orthodox hekhsher, 50 years ago, but be not kosher now? and quinoa, which was neither kitniyot, nor hametz, just 5 years ago, has now suddenly become kitniyot? but how can sephardim follow the torah, and not prohibit kitniyot on pesach at all? and how can a milk product in the united states be kosher, but so unkosher when imported into israel, that the rabbinate will remove a supermarket's hekhsher for selling it? (see haagen dazs ice cream and R' Moshe Feinstein's rulling on "halav stam".) are there two torahs? these are not god's contradictions, but those of man-made laws.
42. Do they lunch war anything they incapable of using?
Tayfun_Turkey ,   Istanbul   (11.14.12)
Provide them detailed and illustrated opening instruction
43. other problems unrelated to yichud
chava ,   yerushalayim   (11.14.12)
But there are lots of other problems with self-locking doors. One is what happens when someone leaves the room & the door closes, and he or she is locked out. Another problem is if a young child goes in & the door closes, and the child is too young to know how to open it. A third problem is if someone falls or has a heart attack, & people can't get in to help. Doors that lock need to be intentionally locked, not accidentally when the door closes.
44. You gotta luv 'em.
They don't only care about how things really are, they care about how things look and the potential for inappropriate behavior. And when they guide in appropriate manner, the inappropriate doesn't stand a chance. This is how I see them.
45. Orthodox religions
Seth bullock ,   Abq USA   (11.15.12)
All orthodoxy sucks. It's a nice way to say extremism. Hopefully, one day, such foolishness will end.
46. What next?
Norman Gellman ,   Rehovot   (11.15.12)
The modesty regulations are not in the Torah and represent 16th century attitudes. These rabbis need to get their mind set out of the "gutter" and come into the 21 century. Self closing doors are used to keep out unwanted intrusions, preserve the state of heating/cooling in the room, and add some safety to the occupants of the room. It's time to stop this nit picking and get in touch with the modern world.
47. Dov calm down
TAXPAYER ,   hod hasharon   (11.15.12)
Dov nobody hates Mr Wosner or Mr. Larelitz - we understand the serious problems that they face coming up with more attempts to look ridiculous and their deep concern about doors - especially those that lead to a wothwhile existance contributing to society - we just object to havign to pay to support people who choose to waste their lives in this way - but rest assured its pity not hatred.
48. accidentally clicked recommend/elecronic doors
Ellen ,   Arad   (11.15.12)
I would never have recommended such nonesence meant to click talkback. Yes the rabbis must have dug very deep to find a reference to electronic doors in the Talmud.
49. #1 You said it all
Sidney ,   USA   (11.15.12)
I wonder if there is a maximum IQ for rabbis. They seem to strive to outdo each other in stupidity.
50. Oh my!
Carl ,   USA   (11.15.12)
What is this world coming to. Such a terrible condition must be rectified immediately! Remove the doors now.
51. Coming soon.
Inventor ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (11.16.12)
A cock lock that is in sync with automatic locking doors.
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