Obama's failed Mideast record
Shoula Romano Horing
Published: 30.10.12, 11:37
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81 Talkbacks for this article
61. #50 Never believe in Obama the deceiver.
Mel ,   Chicago   (10.30.12)
62. #15 Sol - Obama is Second to Carter as the Worst President
meir elazar   (10.31.12)
NO ONE IS WORSE THAN CARTER. Carter enable the rise of Khomeini in Iran and propelled Radical Islam to be the Worst Threat to the entire World. Carter has continued to globe trot against the US Interests and Foreign Policy to support terrorist regimes. Carter continues to work against Israel. For anyone thinking of giving Carter any credit for the Begin Mubarak accords, it was Mubarak who was the initiator of the accords from top to bottom and Carter did little more than to host the event. He might have been a waiter or butler. In short NO PRESIDENT WAS MORE INCOMPETENT AND HARMFUL TO AMERICAN AND ISRAELI INTERESTS THAN CARTER PERIOD,.
63. There are no Honorable Good Candidates -The Difficult Choice
meir elazar   (10.31.12)
There was a time when political candidates were honorable idealistic people who were driven by what is good for their country and people. Today the electoral process is driven by media broadcasts, political robocalls, and internet. The honorable candidates do not have the financial ability to run for office and we are left with people rich is support but poor in honor and character. There was a time in both Israel and USA when we had palatable candidates but those day are long gone. Obama has been a total failure and accomplished virtually nothing of what he promised. The Republicans seem to want to stick their noses in places that it shouldn't be such as women's rights under the influence of their respective religions contrary to the principles of separation of church and state. Recent broadcasts attempt to diminish the extremist anti-abortion image of Romney that the Obama propoganda machine is broadcasting. On the other hand, there is no way to mitigate the extreme anti-abortion posture of Ryan. The end result is that Americans are confronted with the choice of voting for what is best for them: economics or social values. I would gladly turn the clock back to the days with honorable candidates who were driven by what was right and not their "political agendas".
64. Horing article
nadya ,   California, USA   (10.31.12)
This is one of the most dismaying articles I have read in a long time and I absolutely disagree with it. I was proud of Obama's Cairo speech, it was about time an American President reached out to the ME people and not just to their corrupt leaders. Yes, it may have been naive, but it was refreshing. Mubarak had to go, the Arab Spring was budding and a new reality with it. Why hold the U.S. responsible for the many ME problems? We are not the dictator of world events nor should we be. Israel needs to take responsibility for it's relationships with it's neighbors, you picked the neighborhood now live with it and stop looking to the U.S. to solve your problems. It's because of our relationship with you and backing you up in situations we know are wrong that we end up in hot water.
65. Obama is a total failure in every respect.
Chaim ,   Israel   (10.31.12)
Whether you look at jobs, the economy, foreign policy or anything...Obama is a total failure in every respect.
66. Shoula Horing gets a "Pants on Fire" rating for her rant
Rachel ,   Tel Aviv Israel   (10.31.12)
By all means no one should take such poorly-researched and defamatory op-ed pieces seriously. No one that lives in Kansas City has a clue what goes on here or in the inner circles of US government power. Nor is she an expert on international relations with an objective point of view. The facts which are not in dispute are that President Obama has never "apologized" for anything the US ever did nor would he ever do so. That horsecrap was started by none other than the neo-con engineers of the disasterous Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Politifact, The Washington Post and Slate and other legitimate news sources have all disproved such comments when made by Romney. Horing is not off the hook for mouthing Republcian talking points. As for arming Syrian rebels? Who knows when they will use a rocket-propelled grenade to take out a civilian airplane after Assad is gone. Obama is playing Syria correctly and no attorney sitting in the safety of Kansas City has any clue about his methods. As for the Palestinians? The Obama Administration has not now nor will it ever permit them from using the UN to bypass direct peace negotiations. her Muslim Brotherhood comment just shows how clueless her comments really are. She must be a subscriber to Michelle Bachmann's foreign policy ravings. Good thing she will be gone in January. I wish Ms. Horning the same fate.
67. #64 So much for groveling in Egypt
Cynthia ,   USA   (10.31.12)
Egyptians showed their support by burning our flag and chanting for our demise. Egypt is not better off under Morsi. The Arab Spring was Obama's pipe dream totaling 30,000dead Syrians and more anti-US sentiment. The Islamic Regime does not chant "Death to America" because of Israel. You need to face reality, nadya. Scapegoating Israel will not help you. This election Obama has a record. We must judge him by his lack of accomplishment and the problems he's created through poor leadership.
68. Obama's Foreign Policy
Ahmed m Ibrahim ,   Bangalore/India   (10.31.12)
Israel and the Palestinians have to adopt a policy of give and take and settle the matter once for all otherwise it will lead to more tension and further rise of extremism. Nonetheless it has to be admitted that Obama has miserably failed to deliver all that he promised.
69. #18 all the world
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (10.31.12)
If by "all the world" you mean the European government, Al Qaeda, Turkey, Sudan and Iran, you are right. You are wrong if you include some unimportant countries like Russia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Byelorus and Poland.
70. #20 what he was supposed to do
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (10.31.12)
One option is what he did in Iran, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia: support a massacre of innocents to keep a cruel dictatorship in power. Another option is what he did in Afghanistan and Pakistan: wholesale indiscriminate targeting of civilians. Or he could have given Mubarak support, allowing him a respectful retirement, an ordered transfer of power to democractic elements amongst the protesters and a real effort to root out corruption in the Egyptian military.
71. #39 only one option
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (10.31.12)
Both your options have been completely rejected by the other side, and have been proven to guarantee war until Israel no longer exists. A few months ago, in a series of articles in a competing English language Israeli paper, Martin Sherman outlined and proved the only solution for the war.
72. Nr 25 and 53.
Arn. ,   Sweden.   (10.31.12)
Give all of Hungary to Serbia, and the Hungarian-Avarian and Magyarian Crisis would be over. I Suggest you hastily leave for Central-Asia, and you will survive. And I am not Joking !. Arn.Sweden.
73. His failures are legion, his successes singular
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (10.31.12)
Just this week Odumba through the Kurds in Northern Iraq under Shia and Turkish Caliphs feet. He has engaged in an illegal war in both Yemen and Pakistan. He has done everything he could to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons - with only Congress imposing sanctions that he fought against. Any aid to Israel has been opposed and exists solely because Congress went over his head. He opposed Congress imposing a cut off of funds to UNESCO. He violated US law by declaring National Security to fund the terrorist organization in Judea, Samaria and Gaza after Congress stop those funds. Now on the plus side the military did kill Osama Bin Laden. Can anybody else name a single success?
74. #73. Obama left golf course to take credit for Bin Laden..
Chaim ,   Israel   (10.31.12)
The U.S. Marines killed Osama Bin Laden. Obama was golfing when he got the news. Obama promptly left the golf course to take credit for it.
75. President Obama was not golfing. He was at the Annual White
rachel ,   tel aviv israel   (10.31.12)
House Correspondents' Dinner. Get your facts straight before saying something which millions of folks have already viewed the video of before showing us how idiotically biased you are.
76. #52 second attempt
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (10.31.12)
"Why don't I see any Swedes, Poles, Danes or any other people bitching about Obama's (or any president) foreign policy demanding a special status and treatment or meddling in our election business?" Pretty funny coming from a foreigner on an ISRAELI website who tells us what to do on a DAILY basis. I am going to educate you because you seem to have a very low level of knowledge. Israel is a democracy and we have something that you might of vaguely heard of called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. We can say whatever we want about whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want. Just because the racists in Europe support the demise of the United States under the current Racist-In-Chief does not mean that they have not expressed an opinion or not interfered in your elections. The opposite is the case - they have expressed an opinion and it is against Governor Romney. They also were against Senator McCain four years ago. So just because your fellow racists support your current President is not indicative of their neutrality - this has been proven. And if hypocrites like you come here to an Israeli website and tell us what we should do or think - don't be surprised when you get it back.
77. Rachel # 75
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (10.31.12)
He was pulled from a golf game. It was in the news. The operation had already started and he knew nothing about it. Panetta and Clinton had to go behind his back to get it done because Obama refused to make a decision. Obama took the credit for other people making a decision he either wasn't able or willing to make himself. You need to get your facts straight before you start screaming bias at people who are only telling the truth. The only mistake in post 74is that Navy Seals did the job not Marines but the point is that the job got done in spite of Obama.
78. Response to #67, Cynthia
nadya ,   California, USA   (11.01.12)
Cynthia you were right when you stated I shouldn't scapegoat Israel. I should have stated that ONE of the reasons the U.S. ends up in hot water in the M.E. is because of our relationship with Israel and the unconditional backing we provide even though that backing sometimes goes against our national interests.
79. Rachel. TA
Birdi ,   Israel   (11.01.12)
Indecisive Obama was playing golf at the time. Clinton & Panetta made the decision for the Navy Seals to go ahead. This was in all the newspapers & you are the one who is shooting herself in the foot by getting your knickers in a total twist.
80. #78 - not even within a country mile
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (11.01.12)
First off there is no such thing as unconditional backing by the US. It is VERY conditional and most of the time non-existent. Second the reason you in hot water has absolutely nothing at all to do with us - it is has to do with you. Unless you feel that we were the cause of the Muslim pirates attacking American vessels and enslaving crews and passengers starting on October 11, 1784 to be because of us that it. The US has been at war on and off with Muslim terrorists since then. Somehow that might pre-date the re-establishment of the State of Israel by a day or two. The Muslims hate you because you are not Muslim and do not allow them to impose their barbaric cult upon your citizens. It is that simple and they say so. Listen to what they say.
81. #78 Benghazi had nothing to do with Israel
Cynthia ,   USA   (11.02.12)
Radical islamists want the US weak and in submission to Islam. They use violence to wage war against us. Very naive of you to believe it's because of support for Israel. But that's what they want dhimmis to believe.
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