PM: Strike on Iran – good for Arabs
Published: 30.10.12, 19:33
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38 Talkbacks for this article
31. Before the United states invaded Iraq
Sarah B ,   Tel Aviv/London   (10.31.12)
Dick Cheney predicted that the Iraqis would greet American troops with flowers as they overthrew Hussein. 4000 dead Americans later, the United States cut and run. To stop Iran's nuclear programme (not delay it stop it) you would need to invade Iran and occupy it. There is not a country on Planet Earth that would be prepared to do that, and Israel does not have the capability. And therein lies the crux, Netanyahu hasn't attacked Iran because it wouldn't fix the problem, he is bringing Iran up now in an attempt to brush under the carpet his promise at the last election to halt Iran's nuclear programme. It's silly season in Israel again, I expect an invasion of Gaza to prop up the opinion polls.
32. So far, a war of words
Bad Assed Jew ,   United States   (10.31.12)
Iran will be struck, now, later, it is inevitable. Iran sponsors the murder of millions of Muslims. ( and is now attacking American's in the ME) the only reason Iran hasn't be struck is obama who wont agree to release the larger airplanes to deliver the bigger bombs needed to penetrate the depth of their burial. A whole different story when Romney becomes President. It's bitter sweet as it stands, who wants to interrupt a 'love spat' amongst two factions of Islam? They murder one another and we, stand on the sidelines cheering them on. Bibi might have a valid point, how many Iranians would welcome a real change in their brutal government? One way to find out.. meanwhile the other Arab states might secretly sign on to defeat the mad mullahs promoting genocide on fellow Muslims. Very interesting. Thanks obama for making Israel a forgotten ally and making the muslims your only focus. It will cost obama the election, that and the 4 unprotected Americans in Benghazi crying to Washington for help as obama slept and flew off the Vegas for a campaign stop. Rome had Nero and his fiddle, we have a sleeping obama on a campaign trail.
33. Nr 31. You Err !.
Arn. ,   Sweden.   (10.31.12)
I Quote - To stop Iran's nuclear programme (not delay it stop it) you would need to invade Iran and occupy it. Comment - There will be no invasion of Iran neded, and Iran will still be deprived of Nuclear Wepons. When Gog and Magog comes for Israel and the World, Shia-Islam in Iran will be finnished. Ezekiel chap.38-39. Daniel chap 11:44-45. The character in Daniel above is the Shiaislamic Al Mahdi, as also belove Esajah 14:12-15. Arn.Sweden.
34. #31 no no no
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (10.31.12)
American politicians look for simple answers without understanding the subject, have contempt for other peoples and are often corrupted by Saudi money. Iraq was a failure because the US tried to preserve Iraq as a single country and ignored otehr countries' interests. Iraq should have been split into a free Kurdistan as a full American ally, a free Shi'ite Iraq as an American protectorate to destabilize Iran and a Sunni country under Saudi control. As for Iran, the only long-term way to stop their nukes is to replace Ahmadinejad with a pro-US/pro-Israel government, something that Obama prevented when he helped Ahmadinejad destroy the Green Revolution. Since no one trusts Obama after what he did to Mubarak, hope that Romney is elected and that Romney has enough guts to ignore Saudi Arabia, lose some arrogance, and engage Iran as equals, not sahibs like Obama likes to do.
35. BiBi..Christian Right..also Arabs..LOVE you..SAME OBJECTIVE.
Harvey G ,   Chadds Ford USA   (10.31.12)
BiBi..You are 100% CORRECT.. Both..The Christian Right, who want to save the Jews AND the Arabs who want to finish the Jews..WILL GET THEIR WISH...and YOU WILL BE THE CHAMP that did the JOB... FOLKS...ARMAGEDDON on WAY.. and it will be VERY SOON..
36. Take 2
"Israel is not popular in the Arab world, far from it, and some governments in the region, as well as their citizens, have understood that a nuclear armed Israel would be dangerous for them, not just for the world," he said.
37. #5
Rottweiler, you are so simple minded. Did you take your meds today?
38. When we he learn
Jules ,   Calgary, Canada   (11.19.12)
When will Netanyahu learn that it is his government/country that is causing all the unrest in the Middle East!! He's the one bombing and wiping Palestine off the map, he's the one chanting for a war against Iran. They're the ones who haven't signed the nuclear proliferation treaty, they're the ones who aren't members of the IAEA! When will he learn?
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