Jewish Scene
Rabbi: Bnei Brak won't be hit by missiles
Tali Farkash
Published: 20.11.12, 06:38
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66 Talkbacks for this article
61. An apples and oranges, pinhead ,...
snag ,   USA   (11.22.12)
That was WWII, they were subjects of her Majesty, they were drafted, these "Canadians" volunteered to serve in foreign army while their countryman serving and dying in NATO mission.
62. #24 -NO it was because of secular Jews
Taxpayer ,   Hod Hasharon   (11.23.12)
The reason that the Nazis did not invade the Land of Israel was nothing to do witht he unanswered Prayers of religious extermists - it was everything to do with secular Jews like my uncle who fought as a Lt. Colonel in the Artillery under Montgomery at El Alemain. And skipping a generation - the reason that we are now safe has nothing to do with stupid statements by people like Mr. Kanievsky - and everything to do with secular Jews like my son - who is also an atillery officer - except this time in the army of the People of ISrael.
63. Insane Rabinical Statements
Chaim L ,   Modiin   (11.23.12)
First I'd like to identify with the anger that Al feels, although my kids arent army age yet they will definitely be serving in the IDF. To all those who talk about achdus. Chareidim are the last group to recognize this. They hide in the yeshiva and condem all those who are less observant. I do respect those who dedicate their life to torah but not at my expense or at the expense of my childrens future. This is not something any of arm chair quaterbacks from outside of Israel can understand. With that said the comments about the Holocaust are uncalled for out of respect for those who went through it and those who died during. My message to all those who choose to shirk their duties to their country is to either get with the program or get the hell out. Take an example of out tzaddikim from history, they all picked up the sword when needed and they all had jobs.
64. #23 is correct
chana ,   jerusalem, israel   (11.25.12)
And a rabbi who sticks is head in the sand is an idiot. In addition, there is no reason that all the "yeshiva bochurim" and "kollel men" shouldn't be fighting. Most of them aren't fit for kollel anyways. I have never been formally taught Gemara; I have sat with a Steinsaltz for five days, and that's about it. Guess what? My Gemara learning is at the level of most of those yeshiva bochurim's. My halacha is much higher. Plus: I am a girl. Maybe I'm smarter than most of those guys, but it makes no difference. Anyone who knows as much as me or less after over 10 years in yeshiva, should get out of yeshiva, be kovei'a itim, and work. Or join the army. But not wasting all of the taxpayers' money sitting and wasting time.
65. #62 - arrogant secular jews make me sick
jojo   (11.26.12)
Why did Lt. Colonel Taxpayer not manage to stop the Nazis elsewhere in N Africa, or before the Nazis had overrun the whole of Europe? - why only at the entrance to Palestine? Do you not realise you grandad and your son are just puppets in the hand of God. Your arrogance will lead to your demise. Foolish thinking. Do you think a sovereign army is the answer to keep a country safe. There is always a winner and a loose in war, and one day after israel is eliminated I hope you will blame yourself and not God like you do for the Holocaust.
66. #30 movie theatres
sunny ,   dc, usa   (10.11.13)
maybe they should ban movie theatre's from all of israel...then no rockets will fall anywhere.
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