'Israel's Triangle area plagued by environmental terror'
Alpha Shauli, Hassan Shaalan
Published: 10.12.12, 07:35
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1. why blame the Arabs?
anon   (12.11.12)
maybe because enforcement is impossible, especially until the shooting ceases in their towns. For example, there were hundreds of shots fired in Qfar Qara this weekend alone. I don't want to be the policeman responsible for enforcing trash burning in the middle of an Arab on Arab war zone. And let's be real - if Jews are in fact illegally dumping trash in the Triangle area, and I would be ashamed if we were, out trash accounts for only a very small percentage of the total illegal refuge. It's Aras dumping their trash, burning it, and for some reason blaming us. I've never visited an Arab town or village without seeing veritable mountains of trash in the streets, agricultural fields, and surrounding areas. Maybe they should learn to live like they're not in a third work country before they blame us for "putting them" in a third world country.
2. No one's blaming u anon
J ,   ISR   (12.11.12)
they simply want the government to pass a law which would ban the burning of trash in residential areas. this is the sort of thing they do in the developed world in order to have clean health environments. passing such a law is beneficial to everyone - arabs and jews alike. So support the cause.
3. thanks but
anon   (12.12.12)
I don't need laws to tell me not todo stupid things. it's common sense to not burn garbage
4. If Israel isn't going to enforce its own laws...
William ,   Israel   (12.13.12)
they can't claim "unfair" when other elements like Arabs question Israeli sovereignty over an area. Act like a real govt, dammit, and enforce the laws that need to be enforced. That goes for all types of crimes. If Israel refuses to protect all of its citizens they shouldn't be surprised when some citizens don't feel part of the State, This includes the need to officially unify Jerusalem and officially provide services and security there.
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