E1 not Israeli territory
Miriam Leedor
Published: 22.12.12, 14:50
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109 Talkbacks for this article
91. #47
Peace   (12.25.12)
You're right.And anything that goes against the interest of the jews are labelled as anti semitic, jew haters,anti israel etc. To all Israeli out there, wake up will you. This is new millenium.
92. international law
Sarah ,   Jerusalem Israel   (12.25.12)
"According to international law, publicly-owned areas in the West Bank also belong to the Palestinian population that resides within them." No, that's not correct and it's not what international law says. Publicly owned areas belong to the sovereign--which under international law, the Palestinians are NOT. Nice spin, lady.
93. This will give B'¨tzelem a lot of money!
Ralph Haglund ,   Sweden   (12.25.12)
Do you know how they work? Here in Sweden we have Diakonia, a major donor to them. Why? Because when they publish in Sweden, they cite the contents of this and similar articles with "israelis say" or "an Israeli NGO says" and then the whole pile of lies, that most here in Sweden swallow like honeyed ash. Diakonia lives to a major part on my tax money...... Sorry I cannot do more than expose them now and then on my blog.
94. #90 peace
Mickey ,   Sydney, Australia   (12.26.12)
The 4th Geneva convention does not apply as the Israeli government has not forcibly transferred its citizens to Judea and Samaria, mistakenly known as ,the West Bank. The Jews who went to live in Judea and Samaria have gone here voluntarily and were not transferred or forced to live there in any Wayne by any Israeli government
95. International law
relch ,   Jerusalem   (12.26.12)
Miriam, It is new to me that philosophers have become lawyers. As a HR madam, i would advise you to focus on the HR violations that are happening in Seria and stop creating non existing violations.
96. Drlheart, INTERNATIONAL LAW CANNOT be applied in a SELECTIVE
sus   (12.26.12)
Nazmi Jubeh: "Any Jew who wants to live in our community, following the rules which this entails, must be free to do so. It’s quite a different story, however, to request that the settlers who arrived here by force and in defiance of international law can ipso facto be entitled to see their actions justified. In other words, those who want to live in a future Palestinian state must do so under the law and not as colonialists. When Israel was created, the Palestinians were already here, and accounted for the vast majority of the local population. This is why there are now over one million Palestinians in Israel, many of whom are known as ‘internally displaced persons’ [IDPs]. In constrast to this, settlers arrived in the Palestinian territories through violence and incentives received in recent years from Israeli governments. Equating the former to the latter is not only simplistic, but also morally reprehensible.”
ros   (12.26.12)
the "white mans burden approach" created enough crimes and that the a world in which only the "whites" have a say is a dangerous world
98. #96 sus - details
solomon ,   bklyn   (12.27.12)
I am wondering why you leave out the following, relevant details: 1. International law cannot be applied, because even though you don't like it, the area is Disputed Territory and was referred to as such in Resolution 242. 2. There were always Jews living there; when the Romans took Jerusalem, the Jews went to their brothers and sisters in Judea and Samaria. 3. Following your own line of reasoning, the arabs should leave, as the Jews were there before the arabs. 4. The settlements were not built as a result of throwing arabs out of their homes, unlike 1948, when many arabs moved to Jerusalem under Jordan's behest, to take the place of the Jews so they couldn't return. 5. The devil is in the details, and oh my, you ignore so many.
99. #47 @, #1, #91 "peace" - congratulations!
solomon ,   bklyn   (12.27.12)
You have made it clearer than most others, why there is fighting and killing in the ME. With such unfounded, blind hatred as yours, how could peace stand a chance?
100. #96 sus
solomon ,   bklyn   (12.27.12)
And how did the arabs (from arabia, remember?) arrive? In the Muslim Conquest. With pogroms against the Jews years before an Israel was ever mentioned. In 1948, by attacking Israel as they did not like a decision by your vaunted UN (that supposedly keeps your vaunted international law). By starting every war we have seen in that area in modern times. And you have the chutzpah to say that the settlers arrived through violence?! LOL !
101. #91 - Actually, anything against Jews but for everyone else
William ,   Israel   (12.27.12)
is what's considered "anti-semetic". You should try some objectivity lest you be labeled again as a racist jerk. There's too much "blame all on Israel and support blindly the Arabs" actions, mostly by Leftists following their own doctrine that "anyone successful is enemy#1".
102. #43 - you're citing a non-binding advisory position
William ,   Israel   (12.27.12)
What intl law exactly is Israel violating? You may claim its the Geneva Convention but according to the Convention Israel has a very good claim on the disputed land which was ethnically cleansed of Jews and annexed illegally in 1949, and was part of land granted to the Jewish homeland 27 years earlier. The ICJ gave only a non-litigated advisory position on the the post-1967 situation at the behest of Arabs who were unhappy with UNR242 which didn't find Israel 100% at fault and demand a return to a pre-1967 situation. Pretty sure such a request would have never occurred by Arab or EU had Arabs gained land in 1967. That being said, I do also hope the Pallys head to the ICC. They put themselves in the bulls eye of lawsuits for their recent war crimes, and the fully investigation of the issue will take into account the 1949 Arab war crimes which will work against them (and you). All this is in addition to the real icing on the cake - the "Palestinians" own signature on previous agreements which already gave Israel E1 in return for 1:1 land elsewhere in final peace agreements.
103. #26 - not true
William ,   Israel   (12.27.12)
Other nations are not supporting this on a legal basis but rather on a political basis. If it were on a legal basis, then those other countries wouldn't have caveated their support at the UN with negotiations being the only path for a "Palestinian" State, and land swaps to a final border. Only a few zealots and Arabs claim 1967 lines are the border, but no one else is - and there is no legal basis for turning an armistice line into a set border. The only legal basis in play here is that the border can ONLY be set by the sides on either side of that future border, and not by external players. You should well know that the ICJ ruling was only a non-binding advisory position and holds ZERO legal implications as it was never litigated, and was limited solely to the issue of land after the 1967 war victory and not historical issues such as the 1949 illegal annexation by Jordan which changes the entire dynamic. Miriam of B'tselem, an NGO which still claims 1000 civilians died in Gaza during Cast Lead despite Hamas' admission in Dec. 2010 that only 300 civilians died there, is quoting an opinion and not actual law. And so too is your argument weak when you divert from actual law to "rules from moral and humanity", i.e. your opinion of what "should be" aka blahblahblah
WM ZEV BERNICK ,   Toronto Canada   (12.27.12)
105. #43 doug
solomon ,   bklyn   (12.28.12)
1. "the rest of the world knows" is a mantra for exposing your wishes, truth be damned. 2. There is no occupation, but retaking of stolen land. There is no colonization for the same reason. 3. Palestine has NOT been voted statehood, neither overwhelmingly nor otherwise. Where did you get that idea? 4. The "Pals" are much more vulnerable to judicial review. Ask HRW. 5. Your post is total nonsense. Learn to read.
106. All of West Bank Lands and Jerusalem
Asa Singleton ,   Windsor, SC, USA   (12.29.12)
It is the history that must be confronted. International courts ought to be ignored on this subject. Allow all to live on the lands won by Israel in all wars. It is Israels by promise and conquest. All thrue history since Israel became a nation the people of the regions have tried to distroy the namesake of the Mighty Creator by war and deceit! Israel has won it fair and square!
107. E1 Districts of Samaria and Judea
ltrail ,   United States   (01.01.13)
Miriam Leedor says that, "according to int'l law, 'state-owned' lands in West Bank can be used only for the benefit of the local Palestinian population. Don't you ever wonder, Ms Leedor, why people outside of Israel would like to control and prevent the progress of the Jewish people? The State of Israel need to ignore those people completely. Haven't you heard that the victor of war gains the spoils? But that is just a secondary issue. The Jews lived in the areas of Judea and Samaria for milleniums. You've wasted effort and ink to sway people to believe the lie; that the WB can be used only for the benefit of so-called palestinians.
108. Huh??
theroadlesstravelled ,   Calgary Canada   (09.28.13)
Go to the home page of the International Court of Justice. Left black menu bar select Press Room, then Press Releases. Select year 2004, then 09/07/2004 About halfway down it talks about the legalities of settlements under international law.
109. Crimes against whom?
Theroadlesstravelled ,   Calgary Canada   (09.28.13)
The Warsaw Ghetto was an incredible crime against humanity, forcing The Jewish people from their homes, confiscating their land and then building a 3.5 meter wall all around them. The courage of those who dug tunnels, smuggled goods necessary for survival in,and communications in and out, has rightly become a legendary act of resistance and courage, defiance in the shadow of despotism and repression.The German Nazis held a belief they were chosen as the superior race, and claimed this land as their own due to events a hundred years previous. Yet the Polish Germans were not abused as such. I cannot imagine that until maybe I have lived in that situation. Just because you were of a certain race or religion your rights were very different from those on one side of the wall compared to the other. The German Nazis claim that the Jewish person was a danger to society became a self fulfilling prophecy as the German oppression created the armed Jewish resistance fighter that reigned terror on the German Nazi killing over 800 soldiers.
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