EU working on new Mideast peace plan
Itamar Eichner
Published: 13.01.13, 12:45
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117 Talkbacks for this article
91. #88 Harold. Israel is legal owner of Judea/Samaria.
Chaim ,   Israel   (01.13.13)
Countless international law scholars have incontrovertibly proven that Israel legally owns Judea and Samaria. Even the P.A. won't publicly debate the issue, because they know this. MK Danny Ayalon has challenged them to do so.
92. Miserable EU
bela ,   hungary   (01.13.13)
93. EU thinks they can placate islam??? Yishmoel
Martin ,   SA   (01.13.13)
EU thinks they can placate islam??? Yishmoel Yes the left liberals have wondered into the desert They appear lost in there liberal oblivion. So much so that as they wipe the desert dust from their dusty short-sighted eyes each day and they then mumble an apology for waking up safe in our treasured land and are blinded by its divinity. As they peer out are confounded by sturdy determined inhabitants and label them extremists, fascists or fanatics. Yes name the Arab liberal leaders whom they see and are so concerned about that they would even contemplate giving away our treasured land to keep them happy and smiling. EU can try and have a moment of recognition and pleasure from the islam world. The time is near when they can expect to be abused by Islam. So you determined miserable EU politician are blinded by your own fate, the outcome of the Holocaust. You have Muslims to contend with and very few Jews. Let us help you open your eyes and soften your rock hard hearts. Leadership is not to be taken by read hearings as a bases to retaliate ie for E1 development due to lack of consultation. You had no reason to be embarrassed by Abbass. He saw your weakness and took advantage of you all. He is the opportunist whom refused to negotiate and now you promote him with your new plan. Israel has been the guardian of European religious places. Do you want to put Islam as the trustee of your religious places. Their track record round the world has been one of destruction and violence. Isolating Israel if you achieve it would give much temporary joy to the Anti-Semites that abound in the EU. They would soon be in for a big surprise as the demographics of europe change at a very uncomfortable pace. Have a look.
94. Peace
Valdi ,   Germany   (01.13.13)
The only way to achieve peace is to have defensible borders independently of the policies of the future Arab government - Neither promises or contracts are the paper worth they are written on, n or any guaranties from any whom. Therefore, Jordan has to become the state of Palestine, Gaza must become Israeli. Compensation for land Israel would get in addition, Jerusalem is Israels capital with a guaranteed access for all three religions - point. There is nothing else Israel can realistically offer without endangering it's survivability. These are necessities in order to establish a long term stability. Israel has to declare this facts, and who ever does not accept it wants Israel to vanish, and therefore there is no merit to continue any negotiations with such a party - be it Europe, or Arabs, or else. Best.
95. Before Israel would even begin to look at a proposal,
exUK ,   Tel Aviv   (01.13.13)
the following would have to happen.Firstly Hamas and Fatah,and all other countries would have to swear that they RECOGNISE ISRAEL and that they do not have a charter which seeks to destroy it.Then,and only then may there be any chance that Israel might talk.Because,you see,we are led to believe that in the Arab mindset,custom etc., any 'agreement' would be used only as the first step to wanting Israel completely as an Arab country.I personally am a peaceful person and do not wish to believe this way of thinking,but until I am told otherwise I would worry greatly about any move by Israel which may weaken its security. And I am the opposite of right wing....
solomon ,   bklyn   (01.13.13)
Your many and varied posts show your abject ignorance of the issues, history, and truth. You clearly demonstrate a blind acceptance of the "truth the way that you wish it to be", which has no connection to reality. Best to post on a site for writers of fiction or 'alternate histories'.
97. Israel is ***NOT*** a member state of the EU,
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (01.13.13)
these MORONS can SHOVE their "plan"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
98. Harold / USA - I feel left out
Arnold ,   Canada   (01.13.13)
I presume you read my post # 32 and thought better to attack lesser posts. I make a lot of sense Harold and you know I am correct.
99. Political playing field and the plan
Martin ,   SA   (01.13.13)
With yhe new US government strPolitical playing field changes and the e.u. plan. With the new US government structures in congress and the Senate barely finalised EU has decided to mix in. BB, through you Israel needs to use all his consultative powers to ensure the Obama and his new cronies and the EU do not get their way. We cannot be apologetic as is the way of the left. We need to stand firm as a sovereign state with a history it is fair to say of entitlement going back to 1920 1947 and not to forget our history of the last 5700 years. E1 Development even though we had good reason make the move if we didnt inform the politicians in advance lets not apologise for the plans long overdue but yes apologise for lack of warning and briefing especially those whom supported us at the Security council. We need to remove this tone of vengeance emanating from the EU. Our wish to secure our interests in the face of the PA recognition shouldn’t cause them to turn their backs on us is this manner. Bibi if you havnt done so you owe it to your People Israel to show some humility and apologise for any offence as this was not our intention, but definitely not to retract the E1 plans. This move is in the long-term interest of the EU and US and the Western world and should go ahead. The signals issued by the EU are outrageous and lacking in political maturity on both sides but unacceptable and uncalled for if not outright hateful. Further-more these plans do not solve the problems of the region, if anything they are destabilising and not thought out. Jordan and Abbass need to accommodate each other. Israel and Jerusalem is not for sale. With all due respect to the EU it seem they want to join the Arab League. Where is the West and Nato going. The plans are unthinkable and without reasonable basis. It seem the EU asked Abbass what he wants and they just agreed. This is ridiculous. Bibi, we need to do some damage control here which the public can relate to as being humble but not apologetic. So far we do not perceive that foreign affairs have done their job. Elections should not stall this action. Perez address to ambassadors is the other area of damage control. This EU timetable which has not been bashed out with the US and other players is not practical. This regional dispute has been protracted and to impose unreasonable timetable is ludicrous. uctures in congress and the Senate Israel Bibi needs to use all his consultative powers to ensure the Obama and his new cronies does not get their way. We cannot be appologetic as is the way of the left. We need to stand firm. E1 Developement even though we had good reason make the move if we didnt inform the politianns in advance lets not appologise for the plans long overdue but apologise for lack of warning and briefing those whom supported us at the Security council. We need to remove this tone of vengeance eminating from the EU. The our wish to secure our interests in the face of the PA recognition shouldnt cause them to turn their backs on us. Bibi if you havnt done so you owe it to your People Israel to show some humility but definantely not to retract. This move is in the long-term interest of the EU and US and the Western wolrd and should go ahead. The signals issued by the EU are outrageous and lacking in political maturity on both sides but uncalled for. and do not solve problems. Jordan and Abbass need to accomodate each other. Israel and Jerusalem is not for sale. With all due respect to the EU it seem they want to join the Arab League. Where is the West and Nato going. The plans are unthinkable and without reasonable basis. It seem the EU asked Abbass what he wants and they just agreed. This rediculous. Bibi you need to do some damage control here. Elections or not. This EU timetable which has not been bashed out with the US and other players is not practical. This regional dispute has been protracted and to impose unreasonable timetable is ludicrous.
100. #3. Israel needs fearless Patriotic Right leadership..
Chaim ,   Israel   (01.13.13)
#3. Essentially, you are tell Jews to be very afraid and make decisions based on fear. This is the WORST advice anyone can give. All decisions based on fear are destructive. It was fear based decisions, by Jewish leaders, which lead to the Holocaust. Strength based decisions led to Israel's great victories in the SIx Days War, Entebbe etc. Israel must make her decisions based on strength and self respect. Israel needs fearless Patriotic Right leadership.
101. Harold
Glenn ,   Santa Monica, USA   (01.13.13)
When one gets his news on the Middle East from CNN and Maan, when one eats Ham and Cheese and when one goes to Shul twice a year your perspective will be polluted and confused. The UN would pass a resolution eliminating Israel today. Israel can make compromises but only those that will not put at risk our self determination. Olmert offered everything...the Arabs said a clue please.
102. Pakistan is specially created for islamic followers.
Beary White ,   Norway   (01.13.13)
Then all the pals should go there to live in peadce :-) as normal between islamic followers. :-) Then secondly, the Jordan was especially created for the pals. Problem solved. :-)
103. Ex-UK
Birdi ,   Israel   (01.14.13)
Hamas, Fatah & all other Arab countries are never going to swear that they recognize Israel nor will they erase their charters which seek to destroy Israel. As a newbie to Israel, you need to know that we can never trust the word of Hamas, Fatah & other Arab countries.
104. EUROPE can do nothing whatever to Israel
Cipora Julianna Kohn ,   Z   (01.14.13)
europe will not invade israel. europe might vote for an arab palestinian state in the s.c. so what. they will just put their imprimateur on an endless war. europe might boycott israeli goods. so what. israel will sell elsewhere. europe should solve its own myriad problems before causing an endless bloody war between jews and arabs.
105. wow
Birdi ,   Israel is ours.   (01.14.13)
This is good old fashioned blackmail. ''Such a committee will marginalize Israel, but a refusal to join it will be perceived as a general rejection of the peace process.'' My blood is boiling.
106. BEVERE of the EU !!!.
Arn. ,   Sweden.   (01.14.13)
Daniel 9. 27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week; and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. And for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Arn.Sweden.
107. New "Peace Plan"
Rick S. ,   USA   (01.14.13)
What Asston & the EU are working on is the destruction of Israel, not a peace plan.
108. Plan drafted by Israels enemies
Jorge   (01.14.13)
Internal and external. Those in the left in Israel are backing it as usual,
109. well they are off to a bad start then
the mad zionist ,   San Francisco   (01.14.13)
"they are drafting a new plan, which is based on the 67 borders (there's no borders, only armistice lines from 49, they should just say that then), with east Jerusalem as their capital. and they are planning to make sure Israel enacts a settlement freeze".....ok, now how is this a new plan from Obama's plan? and why does Israel always have to be the one ONLY MAKING CONCESSIONS. if they want to make another attempt, first off when they say east Jerusalem as their capital they should also west Jerusalemm as Israels capital. and when they say 67 lines and settlement freeze, shouldn't they ask the Palestinians to do something in return? Israel is the Victor, and never in history has the Victor been the one told what to do. I'm 100% for peace but until some fairness and honesty comes into play, this is all a show to make Israel look likee they don't want peace. why is that they never mention that Israeli prime minister's have offered the Palestinians for peace everything they wanted (or so they say) except for right of return and the Palestinians never replied? atleast if youre going to put preconditions on Israel, you should put preconditions on the Palestinians too. why does Israel have to be the ONLY ONE TO MAKE CONCESSIONS? please any talkbacker, please tell me 1 concession the Palestinians have ever been asked todo or have done. they have never even moved a finger to show they want peace. they have only responded with terror even after the Israelis uprooted their own people from gaza. this is a sham, peace will only come after the leftist progressives stop enabling the Palestinian to respond only in terror. those progressives are the sole bearers of responsibility for innocent Palestinians and Israeli lives that have been taken. learn to call a spade a space if you truly care about the Palestinians.
110. since eu does not want to die alone
trump   (01.14.13)
Israel is bound to be their partner in the same coffin ..............
111. # 18 Sure it is the EU
bad Assed Jew ,   United States   (01.14.13)
When cameron, ashton, hollande, and merkel are elected by the citizens of Israel, they can begin to rule Israel meanwhile, they need to beg germany for loans...and as for obama, four years isn't that long, Bibi's already out maneuvered obama with each 'negotiation.'
112. # 17 Bunnie, Bibi already did!!!
bad Assed Jew ,   United States   (01.14.13)
G-d bless him, trade you one obama for one Bibi.
BEN JABO (MACHAL) ,   ISRAEL   (01.14.13)
on their own problems, massive Unemployhment in Greece &* Spain, untill they've cured those problem, they can take their advice and place it where the sun don't shine
114. #35
bob W ,   West Allis, USA   (01.14.13)
I believe that Israel should start arming their nuks, just in case the British and the Frech pushed Israel to the brink of destruction. What you people need to do is to enforce control of Arab inmigration and be able to act life French not like appeasers to the muslims in those countriest.In other words, clean the cities of London and Paris from the stinky Arabs, and stop being pathetic loosers and Jewish haters....
115. I wonder what ....
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.14.13)
.... the European reaction would be if Israel were to meddle in their internal affairs. I don't think the Europeans would take kindly to it. Israel's reaction should be simply to ignore the Europeans. The Nazi era is over. Someone had better alert the Europeans to this fact.
116. Like 1938?
Chaim Ben Kahan ,   Efrat, Israel   (01.15.13)
Europe proposes a modern day Munich Agreement to appease the Arabs. The EU must think of Israel as the next Czechoslovakia to offer, but we will not be marched off to gas chambers so easily this time. No, We have not forgotten what "peace in our time" means.
117. EU "Peace Plan"
Marjorie Rosenfeld ,   Carlsbad, CA, USA   (01.17.13)
Why isn't the Israeli government reminding the European states which ratified the Mandate for Palestine of their vote on this? A list of the members of the League of Nations up to the time of ratification of the Mandate, original members and those who joined before 29 September 1923, is at Only Argentina and Japan withdrew from League membership prior to the ratification of the Mandate for Palestine on 19 September 1923, leaving 52 member states of the League of Nations who ratified this Mandate. Many are now members of the European Union. A list of members of the EU is at The doctrine of estoppel in international law binds states to agreements they originally made. And Article 80 of the U.N. Charter preserves the rights of peoples under all previous legal instruments. The Mandate for Palestine has never been amended or abrogated, and the European states which ratified that Mandate should not now be suggesting a giveaway of land that was designated by them for the Jewish homeland in a binding legal instrument (a trust, in fact a "sacred trust").
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