PM: Construction in West Bank settlements continues
Published: 11.06.13, 00:23
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1. A Land Swap Agreement
Zechariah   (06.11.13)
A Land swap Agreement large enough for Arabs and Jews and Internationals who want to be part of a Demilitirized Palestinian State is Basically Realizable.
2. The essence of Zionist colonialism
Ben Alofs ,   Bangor, UK   (06.11.13)
Pretend "peace talks" ad infinitum, whilst at the same time building new colonies and extend existing ones. It's called "creating facts on the ground". At the same time Israel is trapping the Palestinians in ever smaller reservations in their own homeland. The Oslo Accords are a glaring example of this Zionist sham. Decades of empty talks have not produced anything of substance. Palestinians should refuse to talk, unless Israel announces an end to the colonisation, which is in violation of international law anyway. And if Israel does not stop the Palestinians should go to the International Criminal Court. Israel is committing crimes of war in occupied Palestinian land.
3. To: No. 2
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.11.13)
Can you spell "Gibraltar?" Britain's continued unlawful colonization of Spanish territory is a war crime. As is its continued unlawful colonization of Argentinian soil in the Malvinas. Israel, on the other hand, prevailed in a war of aggression launched by the Arabs. The settlements in Judea and Samaria are fully legal. Judea and Samaria are nonsovereign territories. They are Israel's to settle, retain and even annex. That's coming, by the way. Upon which great glorious day, all of its hostile Arabs will be repatriated to Jordan, country of their citizenship. Have we discussed Northern Ireland, Wales and Cornwall yet? Would you like to? Didn't think so. Get lost, nursie boy. You are way out of touch with reality.
4. Hebron is birthplace of Judaism, not a Settlement.
BUTSeriously ,   Sydney   (06.11.13)
5. The pals refuse to talk,negotiate,etc.
Malone ,   Hfx   (06.11.13)
Israel keeps building...shake your head Abbas,see if it rattles..who's the dummy here? as
6. What does it take
shmulke ,   w coast USA   (06.11.13)
...for the PA to realize that the longer they wait to negotiate, the less likely a Palestinian state wii come to pass? It's really true, they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
7. The question is
Israeli 2   (06.11.13)
Are the so called "Palestinians" ready to give up ALL of Jerusalem and All of the land conquered during the 1967 war? Otherwise, what are they negotiating about? Certainly not about the above RED lines. So,,,just annex all of the land and then continue to build.
8. To bargain shrewdly or unfairly with. Often used with down.
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (06.11.13)
9. #2 "Palestinian Homeland"?
Andrew ,   Delhi, Canada   (06.11.13)
It is the homeland of Israel. It is not the homeland of Arabs who come from Arabia. The only right Arabs have to the land is that established by the "right of conquest" dating back to when the land was violently conquered and taken from Jews and Christians who were living in the land prior to the Islamic invasion. The Nation of Israel has since retaken the land after a series of defensive wars and thus has at least as much right as the "Palestinian" Arabs ever had to it. Yet there is a greater claim owing to the fact that it is the ancestral homeland of Israel and the people of Israel have a history in the land dating back many thousands of years. It is not an Arabic homeland, it is the Jewish homeland and no one else's. Although it may not achieve a "peace" in the land security would be better achieved by the expulsion of the Arabic invaders who stole the land long ago and its TOTAL return to its true owners, the people of Israel.
10. Bibi needs to stop looking at the map
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (06.11.13)
No Jew of my and Bibi's age can forget the exhilaration of looking at the new maps of Israel that were triumphantly published almost immediately after the six day war. There we were at last, an Israel worthy of the name, no longer a tiny misshapen almost indiscernible sliver hugging the coast of the Red Sea like the British at Dunkirk or the Allies at Normandy, but a "real" country extending from the Jordan to the Mediterranean, the Gulf of Aqaba to the Nile, the heights of the Golan to the depths of the Red Sea, a kingdom crowned with the united city of Jerusalem. And it was our's, paid for by our sweat, tears and blood. All ours.... and filled with an expanded vision of our future we set out to settle and develop it with a vengeance, no longer concerned by the presence of a few million encircled, tightly packed and thoroughly defeated Palestinian Arabs. Indeed, those were heady days not only for Israel but for Jews around the world. The vision of that map now haunts many of us as we watch it shrink and slowly face the realization that like a receding tide, we will soon be reduced in size to our starting point. No one of my generation wants to be the one who draws the new map, least of all Bibi whose family paid so much to create the last one. But Bibi's vision of the past risk’s destroying Israel's future. It is not, as Bibi says, time for us to be smart. It is time for us to be wise.
11. #2 first recognise Israel as a Jewish state
J D ,   AKL   (06.11.13)
I live in New Zealand, a great country by all means. I am sick and tired of the ignorance even here. Why should I bake my own bread, because someone decided to spread milk to make the top look glossy? French baguette contains flour, water, yeast and salt. full stop. I can't make a salami sandwich with milk on the bread. Do you get it? Last year our agriculture minister had a bad screw with his ugly wife, so he decided to prohibit the ritual slaughter of chickens. It cost us 400k to fight in court to overturn the decision. Enough, Yala maspik we have had enough of your ignorance. We need our Jewish state because you are unreliable!
12. Bibi, it's time to stop staring at old maps
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (06.11.13)
No Jew of my and Bibi's age can forget the exhilaration of looking at the new maps of Israel that were triumphantly published almost immediately after the six day war. We stared at it for hours on end. There we were at last, an Israel worthy of the name, no longer a tiny misshapen almost indiscernible sliver hugging the coast of the Mediterranean like the British at Dunkirk or the Allies at Normandy, but a "real" country extending from the Jordan to the Mediterranean, the Gulf of Aqaba to the Nile, the heights of the Golan to the depths of the Red Sea, a kingdom crowned with the united city of Jerusalem. And it was our's, paid for by our sweat, tears and blood. All ours.... and filled with an expanded vision of our future we set out to settle and develop it with a vengeance, no longer concerned by the presence of a few million encircled, tightly packed and thoroughly defeated Palestinian Arabs. Indeed, those were heady days not only for Israel but for Jews around the world. The vision of that map now haunts many of us as we watch it shrink and slowly face the realization that like a receding tide, we will soon be reduced in size to our starting point. No one of my generation wants to be the one who draws the new map, least of all Bibi whose family paid so much to create the last one. But Bibi's vision of the past risk’s destroying Israel's future. It is not, as Bibi says, time for us to be smart. It is time for us to be wise.
13. Land Swap
ILetzter ,   tA   (06.11.13)
Yes . We should certainly do a swap They should relinquish Israel and we will give the same amount of land however eastward of the Jordan.
14. It's like two guys negotiating over a pizza...
Pat ,   Ireland   (06.11.13)
...while one of them keeps eating it. What's the point? Every single nation in the world agrees - Israeli settlements are wrong. I don't give a damn what your magic book says - you will reap what you sow.
15. some obfuscation in your reporting
mira ,   nyc   (06.11.13)
You write that "settlement construction was cited as a key reason for the breakdown of US-sponsored peace talks in 2010" Ummm . . . . cited by whom? Nice use of the passive voice. As I recall it, there was a ten-month settlement freeze, and nine of those months, the PA refused to negotiate. So I am not sure, exactly, who is citing settlement construction as a reason for the breakdown of talks.
16. Jewish Patriots: Demand UNLIMITED Judea/Samaria building NOW
Chaim ,   Israel   (06.11.13)
This tiny land is ours and has been ours for more than 3,500 years. No more games. No more rubbish. Let every good Jew, every Israeli patriot and every friend of Israel demand UNLIMITED Jewish building throughout all of Judea and Samaria NOW!
17. No to appeasement no to land Swaps
Bill Cohn ,   USA   (06.11.13)
There is nothing written in UN resolution 242 about Land Swaps Area C is the holy Grail of Israel's security religious and legal claims in Judea and Samaria. If Bibi gives up areas of Area C his Goverment will be finished and there will be whole sale revolt within the Likud party who will bolt the party and more than likely join Jewish Home just as Kadima left Likud. Bibi will be out of a job and Naftali Bennett will win the next election. The Israeli people will never except wholesale surrender of Israeli Legal Security and religious rights. Israelis will never allow Israel to go back to the 67 borders with millions of Palestinians within walking distance of Tel Aviv and the Mediterranean Sea. No more compromise. Annex Area C
18. You are oh so naive #2 Ben Alofs
norbus ,   Jerusalem   (06.11.13)
Abbas declares he does not want one single Jew to remain in Judah and Shomron, Muslim leaders want Israel wiped off the map, destroyed, smashed, thrown into the Sea Should Jews have security with defensible borders or go like lambs to the slaughter
19. British colonialism, #2
ASTRONAUT ,   SC, USA   (06.11.13)
I say old chap: how amusing to hear a Brit rail against "colonization" - - - when Rule Brittania once pulverized and colonized indigenous peoples around the globe. How you Brits love to forget your tyrannical past. God save the queen, eh, what?
20. And destroying Amonah is NOT smart!
Aviela ,   Migron RC, Israel   (06.11.13)
Would be one of the most disastrous decisions of your career, Bibi. Of course, you'll find a scapegoat, just as you found for Migron (Benni Begin) and the economy (there goes Lapid) but one day, you will have to make an accounting. And you will lose. Save Amonah!!
21. #2 Palestinians make peace agreement impossible
Sam ,   Canada   (06.11.13)
Palestinians reject Israel as a Jewish majority country and then can't understand why Jews reject them having a Palestinian majority country. They can't understand why negotiations always go nowhere. Are you people nuts? Did you expect Israel to commit suicide just to please you?
22. Replace the word 'settlements' with..
Oren Cohen ,   Petha Tikvah   (06.11.13)
"Homes that belong to Jews". That is the thinking you need to begin with Netanyahu
23. The Pals are running circles around Bibi
Zev ,   Israel   (06.11.13)
They are slowly getting everything that they want without having to come to any agreement for peace and recognition of Israel as the Jewish homeland. This is not negotiation it is blackmail and Bibi has been paying. We all know that in blackmail the more you pay the more they want and never stop and say enough. They are building non-stop so they can create a State de-facto while demanding Israel stop all building. Bibi is making a big mistake by even slowing the building and might find that the faster he builds the sooner they will come to the table.
24. #2 Read Article More Closely
sam stevens ,   jlem, il   (06.11.13)
The new settlement construction will only take place in the large blocs which are already too large to be dismantled under any peace deal anyway, and straddle the Green Line (with the exception of Ariel) so they can be easily traded to Israel for other land.
25. Bibi is such a party pooper
A ,   Belgium   (06.11.13)
Here Abbas and his terrorist henchmen began planning cities, resorts, airports, etc. in their mythical land of "palestine" (using Sim City I suppose) and along comes that nasty ol' Bibi messes up their plans with REAL building. And to top it off,Kerry decides not to come and play Sim City with the "palestinians". Oh, bad day for Abbas and tribe.
26. "smart" at our expense
Michael ,   Haifa   (06.11.13)
The cost of constructing settlements plus the costs of inevitably having to "deconstruct" them and resettling the settlers will hit us in our pockets. But rest assured that Netanyahu is smart enough to have lined his and Sara's pockets for when the crunch comes.
27. #2; Ben Allof! "Palestinian or Palestine" is fraud. Israel
Reginald ,   Great Britain   (06.11.13)
"Palestine" is a fraudulent scam; chanted by big time liars the world has ever known; that a lie is now a believeable "fact". The whole land is the Boblical land of Israel; known by its biblical name as Canaan; the promised land by the creator of heaven and earth; who; created and put the breath of life in his nostril, read this from Genesis 15:18-21; and Psalm 105:6-12. It is the everlasting inheritance land of Jewish people, G-d Almighty gave to Israel. And that is irrevocable! Shalom and G-d's grace. If you doubt me; ask G-d in prayer if this is correct.
28. #25 correction
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (06.11.13)
Netanyahu is doing more to establish a new Arab state to endanger Israel than Abbas. Despite Abbas' refusal to negotiate, Netanyahu is building two new Arab cities Rawabi and Nuemah. The only fools are Israelis.
29. Abbas hasnt a clue
Sammy ,   Newcastle   (06.11.13)
Flitting like a butterfly from this PR Stunt to that PR Stunt..ducking and diving ANYTHING but get down to substantive talks..which of course lets Netanyahu off the hook Maybe is it all just too much effort? If that's the case lets start exploring the possibility of a devolved Federation with Jordan because continuing in this DO NOTHING LEAST LINE OF RESISTANCE may be OK for Abbas but its sure not good enough for us
30. #14; Every nation in the world
Jerome ,   AKL   (06.11.13)
watched by idly when our entire families, their desendents and future generations were exterminated in gas chamber. So I don't give a f** damn about you or about your f** peers or about what you think. Your time is up. We master and we will master our own destiny from now on. Judea and Samaria belongs to the Jews. We didn't ask for Australia or New Zealand or Fiji, or India, Malaysia and sooooo on. We only want what is and was ours in the first place.
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