Chief Rabbi Metzger suspected of bribery, fraud; police raid home
Eli Senyor
Published: 21.06.13, 00:05
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31. When I visited Israel, I was given a discount on a room.
Rivkah   (06.21.13)
Does that make me the subject of a fraud investigation because a hotel manager was helpful in reducing my expenses because I was there to pray for former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in the hope of stoping the medical malpractice against him? Apparently, in Israel discounts and gifts are considered to be graft. In the USA, a person is allowed to accept up to $13,000. a year in gifts or unreported income. Beware, government of Israel. To destroy a person's reputation is equivalent to YHWH as murdering the person. To kill the reputation is equal to killing the person. Unrepentant murderers do not enter YHWH's eternal kingdom. A wrongful attack on someone in YHWH's camp is an attack on YHWH. Let me tell you what happened to the State of California when I was attacked with perjuries and I asked YHWH for vengeance. Within five years, the County lost half its courts from underfunding. Within days of the wrongful accusations and bogus charges by rogue police, YHWH sent a drought to California that resulted in a 14 billion dollar deficit from lost agricultural tax revenues. Within months of the wrongful attacks on me, the EPA shut down the water for Central Valley farmers and ranchers and dumped the fresh water from the mountains into the Pacific Ocean to protect a minnow, instead of putting it into the canals for farmers and ranchers. Next year, the Westlands farm district will get an estimated ZERO percent water allotment so the farm land that are not already turned back to desert will be increased. My advice to Israel is to back off on attacking Yona Metzger. He might be more merciful than I am but I ask YHWH for vengeance and as YHWH's wife, his beloved wife in whom He is well pleased, He avenges me. The US Navy attacked me with perjuries long ago and it will be the 40 year mark of judgment in 9 years of the reputation destroying wrongful attack. Within 20 years of the wrongful attacks on me the US Navy lost half its ships from underfunding. Now BHO wants to unilaterally disarm the USA's nuclear arsenal since Russia cannot be trusted to disarm but stores weapon systems on railroad tracks in secret in the Ural Mountains to avoid real reductions in their agreements. So it won't be long before there is no more US Navy or USA unless I am appeased and stop asking YHWH for vengeance. What would appease me? A billion dollar settlement from California and a billion dollar settlement from the US Navy. That reflects the mega-billion dollar judgments of YHWH that a couple of billion dollars is just a fraction of.
32. Please folks
Sagi   (06.21.13)
why do you all attack this righteous Rabbi, don't you understand that he had the blessing of God, just the same as Deri had.
33. When will the other chief rabbi denounce him as "dangerous"?
mea   (06.21.13)
34. Read more carefully
ilana ,   israel   (06.21.13)
The Chief Rabbi is being investigated NOW for pocketing money given to NGOs, money laundering, accepting bribes. The hotel room affair was a PREVIOUS investigation, in which the charges were dropped.
35. Shame on this guy
Manuel Gwiazda ,   BsAs, Argentina   (06.21.13)
Now all the Jews of the World will read in their local newspapers , that the main Rabby of Israel is a crook. At least the State of Israel is showing an example
36. Rabbi and the smell of money are a dangerous mix...
37. California's deficit went to 60 billion dollars in 2010.
Rivkah   (06.23.13)
Massive cuts to education and the courts and other public sectors has reduced the deficit and California now has a surplus. But the lost agriculture tax revenue has been lost in judgment of the misuse of authority in California. Authority belongs to God and those who misuse it and do not repent, bring judgment on the entire sphere (State, local, national, organization) under their authority.
38. #7 - Guilty until proven innocent
Mikey ,   NYC USA   (06.25.13)
No... you are only half right. According to Jewish law, [in the eyes of the court] the defendant AND THE PROSECUTION are [to be regarded as guilty] until proven innocent. In other words... trust no one.
39. #14 - Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Mikey ,   NYC USA   (06.25.13)
Litigants : plural, both sides. Better to keep ones mouth (and keyboard) shut and be thought a fool, then to open it and provide the proof.
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