Why PA sets preconditions
Dan Calic
Published: 30.06.13, 11:13
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61. Palestine is Jewish from Roman days!
Benny ,   Iran   (07.01.13)
Palestine was the land of the Jewish nation, FROM 3,500 YEARS AGO. Since Roman times, IT WAS called "Palestina." There are Jewish coins that say Palestina from that period. Historical facts do not lie; Arab Muslims & illiterates like you are notorious to lie as taught by the prophet OF PEACE. Arafat & his Muslim hate mongererers started calling themselves that since 1967 to score points. So, these are "phoneys", the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians. Newt Gingrich aptly called them, the "invented people" & the whole world knows it. Muslim Arabs think if they keep lying, maybe someone will believe them eventually. Their whole world is a "BIG LIE". They lost all the Wars with Israel but they & their leaders keep claiming they won. WAKE UP!
62. #57 You need to read original documents
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (07.02.13)
not the convoluted Goebbelesque distortions found on, say, "mythsandfacts." That said, I was wrong to use the word “created” in #49. To clarify: On 16 September 1922, The League of Nations approved the severing of the territory East of the Jordan (Transjordan) from most of the Mandate’s provisions pursuant to Article 25. Article 25 was inserted into the San Remo Agreement for that specific purpose. The League of Nations knew the British Government’s intentions prior to approving the Mandate. It is therefore patently false to say that the League of Nations approved the establishment of a Jewish Homeland in the territory that is now Jordan since it also approved Article 25 intended to exclude that same territory. It is also false to claim that the Mandate called for the creation of an independent Jewish State; it emphatically did not. A fact well known to the Zionist Congress. Again, read the Mandate in its entirety and the Churchill White Paper which informed the League of Nation's’ vote. The illegality if not the immorality of the settlements under international law is beyond rational dispute which is a primary reason for Israel being viewed as a rogue nation and its fast becoming an international pariah.
63. #60 Yes, Quite definitely illegal.
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (07.02.13)
By way of analogy, a citizen of the U.S. may think that U.S. Supreme Court decisions prohibiting states from passing laws completely banning contraception or abortion wrong, but that citizen cannot rationally argue that these decisions are not law. States that attempt to improperly limit access to contraception or abortions are indeed violating the law and subject to sanctions. The same is similar for international law. Israel can cry "foul" as much as it wants too but the fact remains, the international community and the agencies it creates for such purpose, makes, interprets and applies international law by consensus and the consensus and thus the law is that the settlements are illegal. Go cry yourself a river.
64. #63. Who pays for your rubbish?
Chaim ,   Israel   (07.02.13)
It has long been known that Israel's enemies, in Europe and elsewhere, have been funding leftist Israel groups like Peace Now. So it would not be surprising if anti-Israel groups were also funding the likes of Jump Off The Balcony to write mind numbing rubbish intended to demoralize Israel. It won't work. This ridiculous anonymous legal expert routine fools nobody. Nor does this endless prattling about politically motivated decisions as if they were legal. The legal truth is so obvious; the P.A. won't even debate the issue. Judea and Samaria belong 100% o Israel.
65. Best solution is 2 million Jews in Judea and Samaria.
Chaim ,   Israel   (07.02.13)
The best solution is the one that is taking shape right now. In five years, we will have about a million Jews in Judea and Samaria. In 20 years, we will have more than 2 million Jews in Judea and Samaria. Wise people, in both Israel and America, know the Two State Final Solution is dead already. It is simply empty rhetoric. The moronic pseudo lawyer act of Jump Off The Balcony illustrates how ridiculous and desperate the Two State Final Solution crowd has become.
66. #62 you need to stop inventing documents
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (07.02.13)
The League of Nations could not and did not meet to sever the territory in 1922. The boundaries were not drawn until 1923. Nice try - but that is false. The Franco-British Boundary Commission maps drawn in 1923 did include ALL of Jordan. All the Mandates did explicitly call call for the creation of "independent nations" - Article 22 of the League of Nations. Again nice try - but you might want to read the original documents. I unlike have read ALL the documents and all of your claims are FALSE.
67. #62 - third attempt
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (07.02.13)
I do not know why my posts are being blocked - it is not because of any language I have used. I do not know what you are talking about - but you are the one that has not read the original documents. First off the border were not drawn until 1923. A full year after you claim that the League of Nations severed the territory East of the Jordan and the Franco-British Boundary Commission most certainly included all of Jordan. So no the League of Nations (LON) did not such thing. Sorry but it wasn't possible and there is literally no documentation to support your statement. As to the claim that that the Mandate did not call for the creation of an independent Jewish State is totally refuted by Article 22 of the Covenant of LON. It states explicitly that ALL mandates where to create independent nations. As for the illegality or immorality of the settlements - again you are wrong. First the Arabs do not have any legal claim to any of the land. Second no international law agrees with you. In short you have not read the original documents and are in error in every single statement you made.
68. Enough!!!
Roman   (07.02.13)
Live televise discussion for us to know exactly what they negotiating on our behalf. Servants cannot rule over masters we’ll like to see brains they using.
69. #51 you are right
Roman   (07.02.13)
Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judea 2000 years ago and He was crucified in East Jerusalem so the Christian world will not deny that fact.
70. Israel's Borders
Lujack Skylark ,   USA   (07.02.13)
The Balfour Declaration in 1917 the land east of the Jordan River, the Nation of Jordan and west of the Jordan river Israel were all suppose to be set aside for the Jewish people. The British then broke the agreement and let the Hashemites from Saudi Arabia having problems there migrate into Jordan. The Jews drained the swamps in Israel and began turning the desert green so Arabs then crossed over into Israel to work and the Arab population increased. World War II came along and Great Britain restricted Jewish immigration from Europe into Israel and let the Arabs who admired Hitler have their way so 6,000,000 Jews died in the concentration camps. Today Jordan is 78% Palestinian which actually the Palestinian people only came into existence in 1964. THEY ARE ARABS no Arab nation seemed to want since they let the Palestinians live as third class citizens when the Palestinians fled Israel in 1948 encouraged by five Arab nations to do so. The Arabs in 1948-1949 which stayed in Israel became Israeli Arabs which have the highest standard of living in the Middle-East. The Palestinians homeland therefore should be Jordan as the queen of Jordan is a Palestinian but King Abdullah also wants Israel to become Palestinian in away since he supports the phony Palestinian peace talks where the Arabs make demands but don't offer peace.
71. Re: Lujack #70
Dan Calic   (07.02.13)
Well put. :)
72. To No. 67
Bertram ,   London, UK   (07.02.13)
League of Nations Mandatory, Article 2: "The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion." Note that this is about the creation of a Jewish National Home IN Palestine which would eventually become an independent nation. Nowhere does it say that this would be a Jewish state.
73. #64 laws reflect political decisions? Duhh
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (07.02.13)
of course they do. For example, Ya'alon says that "price taggers" will now be treated like terrorists under the law. That's the law and it reflects a political decision. Israeli-Arabs are not subject to conscription; that's the law and it reflects a political decision. And so on. International law is more complex but as long as Israel wishes to benefit from membership in the U.N. and has agreed to be bound by the laws as understood and practiced by its members then Israel has no right to substitute its own political agenda for theirs. Israel’s settlement policy is a “flagrant violation” of international law by unanimous vote of the UN Security Council Res. 465, and the International Court of Justice. Not even the Government of Israel agrees with your claims. The P.A. has no need to debate it’s rights to the occupied territories just as Israel has no need to defend its right to exist. I am who I say I am, while you by all appearances are... well... .. my condolences.
74. #72 Bertram
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (07.02.13)
Now read the entire thing. First sentence: "Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and " Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations says: " Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone." Guess reading comprehension is optional where you live. It is explicit - every Mandate was created for one reason only - to create "independent nations". That is exactly what Article 22 states. Reading part of a treaty is worse than reading none of it.
75. Celic, you repeat the obvious too much.
Austin ,   Cabada   (07.03.13)
One MAJOR point you neglect to mention. What difference does it make if they "say" they'll agree to this, that, or the other?? What difference does it make if they sign pieces of paper that say this,, that, or the other?? What we need is a hundred years of peaceful co-operation from those murderers so that we can feel that the cult of slaughter and bomb belts has gone. THEN only can we make agreements with them.
76. #66 Gee, have you no sense or respect?
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (07.03.13)
You know that the "Churchill White Paper,” “Mandate for Palestine” and “Transjordan Memorandum” are real documents. You are correct that the Mandate did not become effective until Sept’23, but why deny that the League of Nations approved the draft Mandate in July’22 and amended it via the Transjordan Memorandum in Sept’22 to exclude Jordan from the territory to be used for the establishment of a Jewish homeland? Do you really think people are to ignorant or lazy to check for themselves? The Churchill White Paper and Mandate itself show that Palestine, defined as the territory West of the Jordan River, was not intended to be an independent Jewish state but a secular state in which Arabs and Jews lived together as Palestinian Citizens (See Mandate Article 7). The Partition Plan was developed by the UN because one state could not accommodate the conflicting national aspirations of both Jews and Arabs. That is still true. Creating two states for two peoples was and is not only consistent with Article 22 of the League’s charter but the most obvious way to satisfy the “sacred trust.” As for the settlements' legality, see UNSCR 465 and the ICJ’s advisory opinion.
77. PLO Does Not Want Peace
Chaim Ben Kahan ,   Efrat, Israel   (07.03.13)
The PLO is still continuing it's phased plan of 1974. This plan is to destroy Israel by any means including negotiations. As long as Abbas and the PLO continue their path of aggression there will be no peace. The preconditions set by Abbas prove this.
78. To No. 74
Bertram ,   London, UK   (07.03.13)
Precisely. An independent Palestine comprising a Jewish homeland and other peoples. No mention of a Jewish state.
79. To No. 76
Bertram ,   London, UK   (07.03.13)
I absolutely agree. Your point regarding the UN partition plan is well made. Separate states for the Jewish and Arab populations became necessary in the context of continuing conflict and aftermath of the Holocaust. Hence the two-state solution is the only one on the table. Not ideal from a 1922 League of Nations perspective but anything else is unrealistic.
80. #72/#74 "Gee" you’re no Wizz, kid.
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (07.03.13)
Gee you may appear more literate and rational than Chaim but you represent the same unprincipled “pilpul” school of misdirection and misrepresentation. It is sad but there is nothing to be done with true believers other than confront their more obvious delusions. The territory of Jordan was never intended to be part of the Jewish homeland by the British or the League of Nations: a fact accepted by Chaim Weitzman and the mainstream Zionist community at the time. Article 22 of the League of Nations applies as much to the Palestinian-Arab community as it did to the Palestinian Jewish community. The moral and legal basis for a two state solution begins with the recognition that Palestinian-Arabs are here as of right and not sufferance: “it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.” We "Palestinian Jews" (as Golda Meir reportedly called herself) have our state; the Palestinian Arabs are due theirs. It’s really that simple.
81. #76/80
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (07.03.13)
Still only to be selective in your reading. The Churchill White Paper was not a legal document and did in fact violate the Mandate for Palestine. Sorry but that was an international law - the White Paper was not. Nor is there a single record of the League of Nations agreeing with it. I checked and guess what - you are wrong. As for the UNSCR and ICJ - they are both illegal as they violated Article 2 of the Charter. The UN nor the ICC nor the ICJ have any authority to give anybody any land. That is black letter international law. How can you get past 'independent nation' and in the same document and then this little detail ART. 2. The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion. and ART. 5. The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power. So in other words - you are wrong and it is stated without evocation or evasion. A Jewish Homeland after stating that it would be an independent nation means just that. Your are inventing claims that simply do not exist and you are wrong. It could not be more clear that you are wrong. Now that you have gone through the minutia of Israel's claims can you even produce one single legal claim for any land by the Arabs? Can you do that? Bet you won't try.
82. #78 care to put two sentences together?
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (07.03.13)
First you claimed no independent nation - that has been proven to be false. Now for a Jewish state - I guess Article 2 of the Mandate is not clear - hummm "Jewish Homeland" after independent nation does exactly what you claim it doesn't. Like I said reading comprehension is not your long suit. It is clear to anybody with a brain. As for what we did after our independence well that is our business so we can declare ourselves to anything we want. Don't like it - stall in apartheid Britain. By the way if you don't think that our Arab friends won't use the same UN to vote to take away your colonies then your are of even lessor intelligence than you have shown so far
83. #82Care to put together one true statement?
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (07.04.13)
Here's what Nahum Sokolow, Zionist historian, General Secretary and President of the Zionist Organization, after Weitzmann, had to say while the mandate was being debated: "It has been said and is still being obstinately repeated by anti-Zionists again and again, that Zionism aims at the creation of an independent "Jewish State" But this is fallacious. The "Jewish State" was never part of the Zionist programme." And, despite your claims to the contrary, the UNSCOP report specifically notes that the League of Nation's approval of the Mandate was conditioned on the British White Paper and the League's explicit understanding that there were two distinct communities in Palestine whose rights were to be protected under the Mandate: Jewish Palestinians and Arab Palestinians. Now tell me, who's wrong? One of the founders of our nation… or you? The UNSCOP or you? Oh, I forget, you claim that the UN Security Council and ICJ make “illegal decisions” so I guess OU are the ultimate Judge on matters of fact and law? Gee wiz, kid, gee whi...zzz...
84. #81 Palestinian citizenship. gee whiz….zzzz
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (07.05.13)
The Mandate was approved AFTER the White Paper so saying that the Paper violated the Mandate doesn’t pass the “hee haw” test for intelligibility –you can’t break a law before that law exists, can you? The League of Nations approved limiting Jewish settlement to the West of the Jordan BEFORE the Mandate became effective, so how can you say that Jordan’s territories were supposed to be ours under the Mandate? Again, “hee haw….” The UNSCOP (1948) report specifically refers to the White Papers importance in the League’s approval of the Mandate. Read it. The ICJ is empowered to give advisory opinions. The GA requested its opinion. The opinion of all 14 judges, including Judge Thomas Buergenthal, an Auschwitz survivor, is that the settlements are illegal. How can their judicial opinion be “illegal”? “Hee Haw… UN Security Council Resolution 465 is “illegal”? Why? Because you think that it is illegal to admonish Israel for “flagrant violation” of international law? Hee Haw. MandateArt7 made the BRITISH “responsible for enacting a nationality law. They did and Palestinian Passports were given to both Jews and Arabs. Israel’s existence was made legally possible by the Partition Plan which gives the Arabs the occupied territories. Palestinian-Arab claims to the occupied territory are supported by the LoN Charter, Mandate, UNGAR 181, subsequent GA and SC resolutions and the jus cogens right of a people to self-determination. . Gee whiz…zzzz
85. #81 Refutation and reply Gee whiz…zzzz
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (07.05.13)
The Mandate was approved AFTER the White Paper so saying that the Paper violated the Mandate doesn’t pass the “hee haw” test for intelligibility –you can’t break a law before that law exists, can you? The League of Nations approved banning Jewish settlement in what is now Jordan BEFORE the Mandate became effective, so how can you say that Jordan’s territories were supposed to be ours? The UNSCOP (1948) report specifically refers to the White Papers importance in the League’s approval of the Mandate. Read it. The ICJ is empowered to give advisory opinions. The GA requested its opinion. The opinion of all 14 judges, including Judge Thomas Buergenthal, an Auschwitz survivor and eminent Professor of International Law, is that the settlements are illegal. How can their judicial opinion be “illegal”? UNSCR 242 is legal but 465 is “illegal”? Why? Because you think that it is illegal to admonish Israel for “flagrant violation” of international law? MandateArt7 made the BRITISH responsible for enacting a nationality law. They did and Palestinian Passports were given to both Jews and Arabs. Israel’s existence was made legally possible by the Partition Plan which gives the Arabs the occupied territories. Palestinian-Arab claims to the occupied territory are supported by the LoN Charter, Mandate, UNGAR 181, subsequent GA and SC resolutions and the jus cogens right of a people to self-determination.
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