Opinion  Ron Ben-Yishai
Failed US policy endangers Israel
Ron Ben-Yishai
Published: 15.07.13, 20:23
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36 Talkbacks for this article
31. Relieve Obama of Belligerant Foreign Policy Covertly.
Zechariah   (07.16.13)
In Domestic Economic Policy Obama is good but in Foreign Policy harder to Control without Thirty Million Us Troops WW2 Levels its Pretty Chaotic as Belligerant War loving Tribalism Produces constant Viscious Wars and Dangerous Hot Spots.Obama and his Circle are Reasonably Idealistic in a Quite Brutal Opportunistic World .Churchill Roosevelt and Most of all Stalin were Ruthlessly Pragmatic with idealistic Pretense Obama is almost the Opposite.
32. Rattle and Roll over
Dror ,   Haifa, Israel   (07.16.13)
If you are an Obummer supporter than you have lost all credibility with most Israelis. Obummer is America's worst nightmare coming true. He is the ultimate Manchurian candidate. He has so many aliases he doesn't even know who he really is. Obama is a usurper puppet, the federal government is in the hands of Anti-American mega corporations that are totally against the ideals, principles, founding beliefs, and concepts of what America once was. You have a serious problem on your hands and you know it. Sticking your head in the sand and harping on us will not help solve your problems.
33. #30 Don't pay any attention to Ury or Dror
Shachar ,   w3018202@bezeqint.ne   (07.17.13)
Even on the fanatic fringe there are few as weird as those two. The Russians are providing Iran all their nuclear technology, now that's a real friend. I'm a big Obama fan and most people I know are staunchly pro-American. Israel is probably the most pro-American nation in the world. You really have to get to the lunatic fringes to find anti-American sentiment.
34. the superpower1!!!!
nusa ,   jerusalem   (07.17.13)
it needs to serve itselfe first its sense is not blind and if it is blind the past 20 years made a difference in sense so it is not only the superpower but the taste
35. #7 'proud and sovereign'
Ehud   (07.17.13)
'Pride, honor and sovereignty' are the typical lingo of third-world nationalistic banana republics which delude themselves about their perceived greatness. I too am critical towards the current US policy, but if you don't understand that the US is still a military and economic superpower, and that we depend on her friendship and support, and that we - despite our high specific weight - are of a small volume and hence small mass, then you are dangerously non-smart (to put it lightly). The same mistake was made about 1900 years ago by a similarly deluded group of religious fanatics who thought themselves 'proud and sovereign'. We know how it ended.
36. No more talk of super powers folks
JS ,   New England, USA   (07.18.13)
There is a defined set of requirements that must be met to be considered a World Superpower. (there are no regional "superpowers")The ability to effect policy world wide, through economic, poltical or military means. Most times by using all three options. Israel is one bad assed country proven they wont suffer fools, that does not make them a super power, not by a mile. One advice would be to maintain several blue water fleets. Another would be stragegic depth on the ground and the third would be to somehow become the largest economy on the planet earth. When that happens they can make mistakes in Somalia or grenada or even vietnam and still call just about all the shots,you guys should focus on the people around you dont like.
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