News  Mideast News
Experts: Iran on verge of collapse in light of economic sanctions
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 01.10.13, 11:33
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34 Talkbacks for this article
1. Ken Yirbu...
Jenny ,   NY USA   (10.01.13)
And these towelheads are considering re-opening travel with the U.S. Piffle, they will drown in camel dung.
2. Sanctions are only PARTLY to blame
Tim ,   Brighton   (10.01.13)
The rest of the blame lies within IRAN With their Nuclear Project and massive Rearming and the effects of sanctions and isolation costing $1 TRILLION over 10 years With Hezbollah costing $1.5 BILLION a year to support With Corruption so endemic and institutional on such a huge scale that benefit only the Elite that according to estimates has lined the Pockets of the few by $175 BILLION over 10 years With the Cost of running a Totalitarian Police State and all the trappings of Internal Security running at $ 4 BILLION year Any WONDER Iran is BROKE? NOTHING to show for all the Oil, the Natural Resources, the Resourcefullness and Intelligence of Iranians...EXCEPT for the MONKEY MAN who started this all - quiet and comfortable retirement With
3. Watch Obama extend a bailout to Iran
4. Any Agreement must include Hezbollah
Sammy ,   Newcastle   (10.01.13)
And the end to the Iran/Hezbollah Occupation of South Lebanon
5. No it is most important
Mira ,   Vienna   (10.01.13)
to keep up the pressure and not allowing Iran to have both: a functioning economy and nuclear weapons, what Iran certainly would prefer! This Bibi must make very clear to UN today and Obama must for once stay his ground!
6. # 4 Sammy, No dough, no show.
BUILD BABY BUILD !!! ,   United States   (10.01.13)
7. Good news..!
Arthur ,   SF, CA   (10.01.13)
8. # 4 Sammy, No dough, no show.
BUILD BABY BUILD !!! ,   United States   (10.01.13)
9. Eeconomic sanctions?
tiki ,   belgium   (10.01.13)
Wanting to be a nuclear power and a terror philanthrope will cost a few extra bucks!
10. When will kohmanei Step Out And Say
In tehran We Are Broke, we bow on knee And Gladly Give Up ALL 20% Enriched Uranium, Dismantle Centifuges, Shut Down fordow and arik heavy water plant This Is Forever???
11. Let them collapse.....
Koose E Mack ,   NYC   (10.01.13)
Koose eIimem
12. Better than a war.
leo ,   usa   (10.01.13)
13. The economic welfare of the iranian people is irrelevant.
michael Pielet ,   israel   (10.01.13)
Iran is a theocratic dictatorship, the welfare of the iranian people is not a primary consideration. What is a primary consideration is hegemony in the middle east, islamic domination and the destruction of israel. Meanwhile nobody is going to starve in iran, sanctions or no sanctions. The iranians currently are concerned about a U.S. military strike setting back their nuclear program. The iranians are just buying time to complete their nuclear weapons program.
14. # 10 He'd rather die....
BUILD BABY BUILD !!! ,   United States   (10.01.13)
and, soon, his wish will die with him. he's an old man. His knees are giving out and the Iranian people would tear him limb by limb if given the opportunity.
15. # 12 Leo Yes it is.
BUILD BABY BUILD !!! ,   United States   (10.01.13)
Just think, not one IDF shot was fired. 'Vengeance is mine saith the L-rd." He meant it! Don't mess with the Jews !!!
16. And the Americans ....
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (10.01.13)
.... are swallowing the Iranian bilge hook, line and sinker. More fool they. Time to get rid of this so-called excuse for a president. IMPEACH OBAMA! Otherwise, he will steer the United States over the brink. I don't care. Most of my money is safely accruing considerable interest in offshore bank accounts. I do worry, however, about the American saps who believe in the current administration. More fool they, too. Can't wait to watch them pluck soda cans out of garbage dumpsters to earn their daily bread ..... perhaps Obama, the community organizer, can figure out how to help them. Me, personally? Not in the least bit interested. My money is more than safe. I really don't give a fig about anyone else's.
17. experts sometimes are not as expert as they think
zionist forever   (10.01.13)
For over 2.5 year now experts predict Assad has another 2-3 months before he is toppled. Despite the expert opinion he is still there strong as ever even managing to wriggle out of US military action. Before the fighting started Syria had about $18 billion in foreign reserves now as a result of sanctions and the war thats down to about $3 billion but the economy still hasn't collapsed. He is no longer using reserves to strengthen the Pound and allowed it into free fall and surprisingly there has been no economic collapse. Iran is much richer than Syria and even reduced reserves are bigger than what Assad had before the war. The sanctions are hurting hard but they are unlikely to bring about economic collapse. Most probably Iranian logic is nukes bring influence and if hey get the bomb the west will accept defeat and discreetly lift the sanctions which western governments wanting to trade with Iran want gone anyway.
18. Iran is finished. Dont trust their false smiles
Yanky Pipchick ,   Baltimore   (10.01.13)
They are showing the world that they are done. The sanctions are working. Keep them in place! The Iranians can eat their nukes...they will have no food soon. -- They threatened to finish Israel. Now they will fall into the whole that they dug for others. Lovely.
19. The theocracy
Toby   (10.01.13)
The theocracy and the religion has been substandard and has exhibited a big fat fail in every way it can be measured throughout the centuries. There is something better and superior and it is NOT found in their bloody system of beliefs.
I would glady help him with his wish! So would Bibi and Gen.B.Gantz! So what's the hold up? Soooo Israel should BUILD BABY BUILD, in Judea and Samaria!!! Shalom My Friend
21. What can Iran do
Iran has an irreconcilable conflict with the Sunni world that dates back to 680 CE. Iran also has a paranoid fear that the main patron of Sunni Islam, the United States, will try to overthrow them. Some say this is fed by Operation Ajax and American support of Saddam Hussein. Iran has two choices to fix their economy. They can follow Gadaffi's lead and surrender their weapons. Alternatively, they can develop nukes, and take the Sunni oil wealth under a nuclear umbrella. Given these two choices, what would a rational nation do?
22. Sammy is quite right...Hezballah must be stripped of Arms
Alan ,   SA   (10.01.13)
and Power..Spot on! They are Hisb Shatan!
23. Don`t worry; Here comes Obama to the rescue!
michel ,   ashkelon   (10.01.13)
24. Yet they have money to pour into nukes, Syria, and Hizbollah
Rafi ,   US   (10.01.13)
25. Let's face facts
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (10.01.13)
The 'experts' are wrong more than they are right. Odumba has watered down every sanction that he didn't manage to block. The few sanctions that have been applied do not amount to a hill of beans. It is was past time for real sanctions with teeth.
26. Is this and advertisement
David ,   NY, USA   (10.01.13)
They start with 90 billion , doen to 70 billion, then may be 30 billion, but actuly 15 billion. This so F...up article is written by a 6 year old with counting problems.
27. BDS on Iran
Claude ,   London Namibia SAfri   (10.01.13)
Seems to have been a much more successful strategy than the BDS campaign against IL. Rouhani so desperate that he must have a deal in 3 months! The prime concern of the Iranian regime is survival at any cost. The 79 revolution and Mullahs must prevail and if this means selling out on the Syrians, Hezbollah and Pals they will. When TV sat dishes are crushed by the army, when civil servants cannot pay bills or buy basic goods the regime must know it is in trouble
28. What else?! With a bunch of theiving mullahs in charge!
Son of Cyrus ,   UK   (10.01.13)
29. Wishful thinking...Another self-ticking article!
Adam ,   London   (10.01.13)
We've heard these same experts predicting Iran's collapse "within months" since 10 years ago. As they say in the US, whatever make you happy. The author writes such tosh and expects people to believe it. No proof, just conjunctures of "experts believe", "expert think" etc etc. His analysis is based on a grade 1 thinking - along the lines of just because the weather's cloudy, it's gonna rain. Very idiotic but it give some people a psychological boost - dream on!!! How many times have we heard Israeli intelligence officials predicting Assad's fall "within weeks" only to see Assad still hanging on and even more stronger now than before? This article must be classified under the psychological masturbation section. How can a country drenched in old collapse? Is the author really that stupid???
30. #16 Sarah the miser...
rob ,   Orangevale U.S.A.   (10.01.13)
As long as your precious money is safe offshore, who cares about your country? You list the U.S as your country first before Israel, yet deride and offend it as often as possible. Sarah, the day Americans really have to go to the trash bins for sustenance, is the day you had better move. One real American hearing the way you want it to be for us, will make you sorry you hung around. Take your shekels and keep em' close. You would be nothing without them. Obviously. More obvious, is your need to run for bomb shelters occasionally, you know, to remind you how safe you once were. Move away Sarah. It's always you that says the homeland security folks should have a look at someone you don't agree with, same is for you, and perhaps the IRS should have a look at your 'safe' money eh? rob
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