Palestinians attacked in J'lem after being misidentified as Jews
Noam (Dabul) Dvir
Published: 01.12.13, 22:07
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45 Talkbacks for this article
31. Seems to me the message is not all Arabs are terrorists
Shachar ,   Eilat   (12.02.13)
Perfectly normal young couple are attacked, make formal complaint with police and name the attackers. Arabs who are decent upstanding citizens? Yes, 90% of Arabs are decent, law-abiding citizens...very similiar to the percentage of good jewish citizens.
32. Israel is loosing its grip on Jerusalem
A day after this attack the attacker probably strolled with arrogance in the center of Zionist Jerusalem - the city center, Zion square, Mamilla, Jaffa street. Walking around as if this Israeli environment is their natural environment and enjoy a cup of coffee and cake in an Israeli coffee chain, or enjoy the gardens and parks that the Israelis created in Jerusalem. Center and west Jerusalem are filled with Arabs that totally mingle with the Jewish population as if they have got to do anything with Israel, with Zionism. They are our enemies but mingle with every aspect of our lives in west Jerusalem and make their presence a fact whether we like it or not. We have to separate ourselves from these people. Let them live with their own in east Jerusalem and the west bank, and let us live with our own in west Jerusalem and Israel. This mixture will be the end of us Israelis.
33. #4
Ivo ,   Israel   (12.02.13)
Well I'm not surprised with the way she looks...
34. #1
Moses ,   Israel   (12.02.13)
Yes I agree with you, if I'm in a car and being attacked,I will use my car as my defence weapon, otherwise I'll be dead in which I prefer them than I to be dead or maimed, the hell with these drecks.
35. #31 You seem to have missed the more important message
Tahl   (12.02.13)
This Israeli-Arab couple, having been mistaken for Jews and therefore attacked by Palestinian thugs, should leverage this incident to promote coexistence and brotherhood between Jews and Arabs. They should express their sympathy to Jews who are routinely terrorized by Palestinians in this route ("your fate is our fate"), and unequivocally condemn this thuggish behavior, whether the victims are Jews or Arabs.
36. Refreshing to see read something rational
A ,   A   (12.02.13)
Some sanity at last... Most of the comments here are usually disgusting hatred and racism.
37. #18 Blatant hypocrisy
Raphael ,   Netanya   (12.02.13)
March 2004, George Khoury, arab student at the Hebraic University, was shot in the head while jogging on Givat ha Tsarfati. Realizing their blunder, Al Aqsa martyr brigade apologized to the family and decreed him a collateral martyr. Palestinism is a mere excuse to kill Jews.
38. # 30 Wrong - millions of Arabs are white skinned
And I call tell you that you're wrong. Many Arabs in Israel are as white skinned as Ashkenazim. Most Sephardim and Ashkenazim resembe each other in outward appearance - the differences in appearance is exaggerated. Most Sephardim are as white as Ashkenazim. Also we should keep in mind that most people in Turkey, Kurdistan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbajdzan and in fact millions of people in Iran, Lebanon and Syria are as white as Ashkenazim. Don't try to imply that Ashkenazim are "foreign" looking in the Middle East - they are not. Ashkenazim are as native to the Middle East as everyone else. They have lived for centuries in Europe but they preserved their Jewish ethnicity. Their origins is in the Middle East. Greece and Cyprus are not located too far away from Israel and the peoples of these countries are white as well. Please note that many people of Cyprus are not even Greek - many are Turkish. There are hundreds of thousands of Arabs inside Israel within the "green line" that are white skinned.
39. Being terrorized by your own people
John ,   Gaithersburg USA   (12.02.13)
I feel badly for the Arab couple mentioned in this article but I also find it ironic. I would like to ask the couple in question if they have ever spoken out against this kind of violence toward other Arabs or Jews? My guess is they have not. So what goes around comes around.
40. #30 Skin varies for all ethnic groups
There's skin color variation among all ethnicity groups, including light skinned Palestinian Arabs, light skins Mizrahi Jews, and olive skinned Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenazi Jews and Mizrahim Jews were nomadic people with a ancestors from a variety of ethnicities. My mother (an Ashkenazi Jew) had olive skin and I have light skin, but I have been mistaken as Arab or Persian because of my features other than skin color. The Palestinians pictured are a bit on the light-skinned side. The article highlights how superficial we all are, that even Jerusalemite Arabs generalize there own people to look a certain way and "the other" to look another way.
41. Palestinians attacked
Yan G ,   Brooklyn New York   (12.02.13)
It happens . I all most got beaten up one time by an Itaian gangs in the 80s because they thought I was Spanish
42. To nr 40 - Correct
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (12.02.13)
Yes you're absolutely right about the variations in skin color among most ethnic groups, but we should remember that the "differences" among the Jews that many hysterical Jews themselves obessively love to talk about ad infinitum, are not as significant as people pretend. Maybe some people are color blind or maybe they have an ideological agenda in trying to create conflicts and divisions within the Jewish people to cause the demise of Israel. Anyway Israel is not going anywhere and most Jews just like nr 38 pointed out, are very homogenous both as far as genetics and appearance are concerned. We have to look at the vast majority of the Jews and not just the extremes. What you said of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews is indeed correct, which again proves that Ashkenazim and Sephardim are the same ethnic group and in most cases (not all, but most cases) it's difficult to tell them apart. Regarding the ancestors of Ashkenazim and Sephardim - not true. You want to imply that they have several ethnic backgrounds. They do not - genetics, history and appearance prove that. In fact the intermarriage level between Jews and non Jews in the Middle East and Europe has been consistantly very low for centuries. It doesn't mean no mixtures took place, but claiming that the Jews are "very mixed" is factually incorrect since they are in fact very homogenous. My only reservation with your interesting talkback is with regards to the "Palestinians". "Palestinians" or "Palestinian" Arabs do not exist, have never existed in recorded history on any square inch on planet earth, and the "Palestinians" are actually Arab speaking Moslems belonging at least to a dozen ethnic groups that arrived in Israel between the 1880s and the 1940s, and they are not native to Israel. Otherwise - good talkback.
43. #38, #40, #42 - you are all WRONG
I don't know where you get your info from. Saying that Ashkenazi and Mizrahi Jews as well as Arabs all look alike is ridiculous. There are always EXCEPTIONALS. But it's A FACT that MOST Arabs and Miztahi Jews have olive skin and dark eyes and hair and MOST ashenazi Jews have lighter skin. There are Arabs and Mizrahim with light skin but they are the MINORITY among their groups.
44. Neither Arabs or Jews are White
Akiva ,   Jersalem, Israel   (12.04.13)
Arabs and Jews are BOTH Semitic peoples, regardless of being Ashkenazi or Sefardi/Mizrahi...yes Ashkenazim tend to be lighter in general however that is NOT the rule. Many Ashkenazim are darker than Sefardim and/or Palestinians. It is virtually impossible to tell a Jew or a Palestinian apart just by their face. It is usually only possible based on their clothing or accent.
45. violence and stupidity
Craig bellamy ,   London, england   (02.10.14)
just about sums up arabs, they are a criminal inbred race, 1 trip down cairo or ramallah will prove this, they are savages, they are the rudest race in the world and they take pleasure in creating misery for others, never understood why blacks and asians worship arabs, cant see anything special about the towel heads to be honest.
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