US officials: We can't stop Palestinian UN statehood bid if talks fail
Attila Somfalvi, AFP
Published: 30.03.14, 01:38
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91 Talkbacks for this article
61. Who cares about the UN anyway?
manicdrummer ,   Haifa, Israel   (03.30.14)
Israel doesn't have to care what the UN thinks or does in regards to the Palestinians. What will the UN be able to do if Israel puts a stop to Palestinian statehood?
62. Obama and Kerrry Dumb & Dumber
Norbus ,   Jerusalem   (03.30.14)
Foreign affairs maivens they are not; having royally fcuked up with Putin and Middle East Spring ; Reset queen Hilary "Whitewater" Clinton, did not see what difference it made supplying muslim brotherhood arms whilst 4 Americans were being slaughtered. They tried to pin down Israel from Sinai, Obama doing the $8bn deal for North Sinai with Morsi, Then Kerry threatens BDS, Now USA won't stop Abbas going to UN.
63. Plain logic...
frauss ,   Jerusalem   (03.30.14)
1. The Palestinians do not want peace with Israel. They do not accept us in any form. 2. The Palestinians will not negotiate peace with Israel. 3. All negotiations are sterile and will lead nowhere unless Israel keeps giving them what they want. 4. Negotiations will end (break down). 5. The Pals will go to the UN and ICC in any case. 6. Why give up any murderers at all? The outcome is always the same.
64. #23
Darren Ben John ,   Townsville Australia   (03.30.14)
Have you been into the cooking sherry again Bob? I don't love you. China certainly doesn't. Europe tried to kill you. The US tolerates you for now, and Pelau loves you!
65. Just draw the borders and build a wall
Jacob E ,   Holon, Israel   (03.30.14)
We don't want to have the Palestinians in the state of Israel, we need to just draw a border where we want and build a wall. It's really that simple. Peace talks were never about peace anyways, they were about giving them borders and sovereignty. So just do it completely on our terms. If they want to end up like Gaza with no real control over their own people and with retaliation attacks for everything they do. Let them do it. Let them show the world the kind of people they are.
66. more bullying from washington
tom ,   toronto, canada   (03.30.14)
the plo has not relinquished a single demand, nor made any "gestures" in return. nor have the americans pressured them to do so. meanwhile, has the united states released a single convicted terrorist from guantanamo bay?
67. #30 The PLO has not ammended the charter, despite, as you
Jane J. Goldfarb ,   Boston, MA   (03.30.14)
say, its commitment in writing to do so, as witnessed by the US, because deception is one of the means of this organization by which to achieve the other two aspects to which you point, that is Israel's demise and the cleansing of the Jewish homeland of the Jews in it. The only people with blinders on their eyes who don't see it are the US President, Mr. Obama, and the Secretary of State, Mr. Kerry.
68. Obama is a "paper tiger"
Ariel ,   Ma'ale Adumim   (03.30.14)
No one cares what he says anymore. Ask Syrians or Ukrainians what they think about present US Administration. 2An empty chair".
69. Blackmail!
ex-frummie ,   Johannesburg S.A.   (03.30.14)
70. Of course they can stop it...
ex-frummie ,   Johannesburg S.A.   (03.30.14)
They just don't want to. I keep saying, this Administration is toxic for Israel. Our relationship with the U.S. is vital. However it should not be so dependant that when a rogue Administration is in power it leads to the type of abuse that we are facing. Obama's foreign policy is causing havoc for the world in general and Israel in particular.
71. 63
y Allon ,   adelaide/Israel   (03.30.14)
the outcome is that Bibi will cave in to US demands-release the prisoners and Abbas will get what he always has insisted on.Israel needs a strong leader who has the guts to say NO to both US and Abba.The only solution is to 'buy 'out the eratz 'Palestinians" to Jordan.King Hussein's farther said that Jordan is Palestine,Moslem clerics say that Allah gave the land of Israel to the Jews.Palestine and Jerusalem not mentioned in the Quran.Israel's negotiators should strongly point this out to both US and Abbas.
72. Issa Qaraqe's parallel universe.
PaulS ,   Liverpool UK   (03.30.14)
Ma'an quoted Palestinian Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Issa Qaraqe as saying that the release was crucial for any future progress in the peace talks and served as a test of Israel's reliability in the peace process. Is it just me in this universe? I won't quote the numerous times Israel has reliably conceded land for peace but I defy anyone to give a single account of Palestinian Arab reliability EVER !, except in cases of killing Jews.
73. # 30 I couldn't have asked the questions better. Thanks.
Dalia Shoshani ,   Kiryat Haim, Israel   (03.30.14)
74. palis will begin new diplomatic campaign anyway
dante   (03.30.14)
here's the fact: even if Israel released all the terrorists, even if the talks continue, the palis are still going to intensify their ongoing diplomatic and commercial attack upon Israel. Israel never seems to learn: concessions buy nothing from the palis.
75. We only have one ally on the planet...
ZionistBob ,   Israel   (03.30.14) let's spend all our energies attacking our sole friend. It's what a SMART people would do. And we're a SMART people which is why nothing bad ever happens to us.
76. To: No. 23
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.30.14)
We are Jews and pretty much everyone wants us to roll over and die. That's why we have to stay strong. The world may not like us, but they sure as hell need our brain power.
77. @ 13
sheik rattle & roll ,   USA   (03.30.14)
The thousands of Palestinians should stay put if they have blood on there hands. In regards to Pollard he is an American that was employed by the US government when he betrayed his fellow Americans. He will never go free and if he does he belongs on probation like any other released American criminal that will prevent him from traveling. Israel has no right to Pollard, he is an AMERICAN regardless of his post conviction citizenship, so leave our American prisoner alone he has nothing to do with these talks and nothing to with Israel except that he passed secrets for money.
78. New Palestine: a new solution
Lemmings Hotline ,   sd usa   (03.30.14)
Saudi Arabia has a lot of unused cheap desert. With current desalinization technology and abundant oil, the ME could create a new Garden of Eden for homeless arabs. Just imagine: International airport, produce, buildings infrastructure and.... Peace. How long would it take? First, start dreaming about it and poof, before you know it , its there.
79. US: palestine statehood bid
Joseph Effiong ,   calabar - nigeria   (03.30.14)
USA said it can't stop palestine for statehood bid if talk failed. What will failed the talk ? And make Jerusalem a capital for israel and palestine and draw border on 1967 line , all this to please the arabs and muslims . And what palestine disagreed is nothing to USA and EU. Why not give the whole of Jerusalem to palestine and refugees to occupy the remaining part of israel and change the of israel to that of arabs or muslim . God is watching.
80. #75 you are right
Israel made a strategic mistake by putting her fate on a single ally, the United States. It was clear that eventually a President like Obama would seize power and he would sacrifice everything to destroy Israel. How to rectify the situation? Find new allies who would solve the "Palestinian" issue under their control and would recognize Israel's secure borders in exchange for something. Give Assad support against Jihad and Turkey. Give Greece and Cyprus support against the Turkish occupation. Give Iran support against the Saudis. Give Russia a Mediterranean port of call. As for the United States? Explain that as long as Jeremiah Wright's student is in power, Israel has no choice.
81. Empty Threat of Thuggery
Brod ,   USA   (03.30.14)
Israel should remain strong, united and resolute in confronting threats of thuggery. It is the same kind of threats that thugs use. Obama the Islamist is desperate. He is in bed with Islamist-Jihadist Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist leaders. He has become irrelevant and useless to America and Israel. If Congress is not sleeping he would have been impeached a long time ago. It is time brilliant young leaders like Ted Cruz leads out to impeach Obama that is endangering America and Israel. When people resort to thuggery tactic to get what they want, they should be exposed and defeated. The UN has been corrupted and dominated by Islamist-Jihadism. It is an irrelevant entity. There is no need to be intimidated by the dark forces and thuggery. And the media should not wallow in their cesspool.
82. Zionist Bob and Kneel
Zionist Jimbob ,   Zionistan   (03.30.14)
You are a pathetic shill. Your America is now damned to Hell.
83. To: No. 80
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.30.14)
Concur in part; dissent in part. You're looking at the wrong part of the world. Turn further east. Iran is out of the question. There would have to be a complete regime change, first. Moreover, Israel and Saudi (public statements to the contrary notwithstanding) have rather good relations. Don't forget it was the Saudis that offered Israel an air corridor and access to its bases for refueling and rearming should Israel decide to attack Iran. The Saudis don't like terrorism -- and the same people that plot and commit acts of terror against Israel are plotting and committing acts of terror against the Kingdom. Not interested in closer ties with Russia. Believe it or not, Russia is a basket case. They have nothing to offer Israel. Moreover, that would damage Israel's relationship with Georgia. Believe it or not, that is more important. Russia already has a port of call in the Mediterranean -- Latakia. I would not support the butcher of Syria. Anyone that would use chemical and neurological agents with such little care and against his own people has nothing in common with the Jewish people and the State of Israel. There is no basis upon which to build. I understand that some people subscribe to the concept that the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know, but Assad's ties to Iran and Hezbollah makes the prospects of support of Assad simply not a possibility. Finally, the United States. Obama is just a passing fancy. He's a lame duck and, as such, has no power and no leverage. The people of the United States have demonstrated time and again that they are solid supporters of the State of Israel, in overwhelming numbers, actually. So much so, in fact, that Democratic governors and senators whose terms come up for re-election do not want Obama anywhere near their campaigns, and Democrat contenders hoping to unseat incumbent Republicans don't want Obama near their campaigns, either. The Congress of the United States has already informed the president that the aid package to Israel remains unchanged. That's a slap in the face to Obama, and it serves as a good warning as to who controls the purse strings in the United States. Obama has been the worst president in American history. No one pays any attention to him, save for counting the days until his departure. Which is January 20, 2017, at approximately 10:00 a.m., Eastern time, when the new president of the United States will be sworn in. But he if does something really intolerable and stupid before then, it could be sooner. The Democrats are going to take a bad beating in November. So bad, in fact, that a great many Democrats are backing away from Obamacare. For good reason. Congress is listening to the people of the United States. We know how the majority of Americans feel about Obamacare. And we know how they feel about the State of Israel. Once Obama fades into history, the State Department will have to turn to more pressing issues. The Secretary of State has far more important things to do than cajole Abbas and bore Netanyahu. Israel is turning its gaze to the Pacific rim. It's huge stocks of natural gas and its extraordinary technological supremacy will help there. Relations with China are a little cool, because Israel has not yet inked an agreement to sell weapons to China, solely because the United States asked Israel not to. Depending on just how annoying Obama & Co. get, Israel just might change its mind.
84. To: No. 77
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.30.14)
He never took money, precious stones or anything else. His actions were purely ideological -- unlike Ames, the Walker Family, Hansson and a whole host of other Americans whose interests in spying for the Soviets was purely pecuniary. Pollard is old and sick. He was oversentenced to begin with -- the plea arrangement was not honored by the sentencing judge (which federal district judges have an absolute right to do). But it is very rare, and Pollard was the first instance that a federal judge ignored a plea arrangement in over 100 years. But I ask you to look at the individuals who have received presidential pardons from Obama. Drug dealers who traffic in high weight and inside traders who cheat the American taxpayer and the American investor. Instead of focusing so deeply on one old and sick Jew who never provided information to an American enemy, and whose activities never jeopardized a single American asset overseas, why not take a close look at those individuals who did get a presidential pardon? Do you really think that drug dealers will find another line of work? And do you think that inside traders who have been socking away money in offshore accounts that cannot be touched are not going to enjoy a very high-end life? The most damaging spies in American history were the Walker family. Of all the people who were convicted and sentenced to life terms, only John Walker remains in prison. He lives, I am reliably informed, in general population. So do Aldrich Ames and Robert Hansson. In minimum security facilities. Pollard has been kept in solitary confinement throughout his imprisonment. His attorneys have restricted access, and even when he's been hospitalized outside of prison, he is never without two United States marshals. Doesn't the disproportionate treatment and the casual way the Americans appear to have forgotten the evil wrought by Aldrich Ames, John Walker and Robert Hansson bother you even the tiniest bit? Did you know that Aldrich Ames wrote the assessment on Pollard -- and falsely claimed that Pollard was responsible for the execution of American assets in the Soviet Union for which Ames was, in fact, responsible? Do you not find that in the least bit troublesome?
85. @ 2
sheik rattle & roll ,   USA   (03.30.14)
Why is America indebted to the State of Israel? Why do we have to provide aid or veto UN actions? I personally support Israel 100 percent. I believe the US should call the peace talks a failure and let the Israeli-Palestinians deal with it themselves. Obama & Kerry can then say they tried like all others and failed to solve the most complicated conflict of our time. There was a UN vote last week and the vote was 46-1, which country was the only country to support Israel? Your only friend, so keep kicking us and see how long that last. Obama & Kerry is doing something no other president has done and that is look after American interest with total disregard of a lobbyist group influence.
86. #80, that's nice but...
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (03.30.14)
The countries you mention will always be problematic for Israel to have as allies. Assad is part of the Islamic Middle East mindset where one day allies are enemies tomorrow and such changes happen overnight in the region. Greece and Cyprus will be reluctant allies and in the past they were even hostile to Israel for their own interests, voting against Israel in international bodies many times. Iran's dilapidated military will easily destroy Arabia without Israel if not for the US navy stationed in the Gulf. Recall how the Saudi Mafia family where peeing in their pants in 1992 when a much smaller and poorer Iraq invaded Kuwait and crossed the border into their piratedom. When regime changes in Tehran relations with Israel will be restored to what they were during Shah time anyway. Russia has its own business interests in the Middle East and there is already a lot of covert security cooperation between Putin and Bibi but Russia will never come out openly in support of Israel. As you can see none of them will ever be as a reliable ally as US was in the past but not today. With a new President here it is safe to assume that relations will return back to what they were.
87. Obama shows true colors: enemy of the Jews
bernard ross   (03.30.14)
88. let them declare state but annex all of area C and hold.....
bernard ross   (03.30.14)
..a referendum in C like Crimea.
89. support russian annexation of crimea and annex C
bernard ross   (03.30.14)
90. To ***Sarah*** at 76, I LOVE you ...
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (03.30.14)
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