Anti-Israel slur used by Turkish premier
Published: 17.05.14, 09:28
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31. # 23 Anton learn to spell correctly
BUILD BABY BUILD !!!   (05.18.14)
those damned madras' aren't for shit when it comes to a good education, hell, even for a poor education. Your spelling, thought process, poor syntax, all proves why Israel is superior. Brains baby! Forget the koran read the Torah and LEARN! G-d hates ignorance. BUILDING ISRAEL!!!!!
32. CNN? The Communist News Network?
BUILD BABY BUILD !!!   (05.18.14)
Maybe you should watch FOX NEWS? CNN and MSNBC are a joke. In fact, MSNBC's nick name is MSLSD. ALWAYS BUILDING !!!!!
33. # 23 Anton as long as you curse Israel YOU are cursed.
BUILD BABY BUILD !!!   (05.18.14)
Either as an individual or, as a nation. ALWAYS BUILDING ISRAEL G-DS CHOSEN COUNTRY.
34. # 26 Alexander BRAVO!
BUILD BABY BUILD !!!   (05.18.14)
Well said and accurate. Shalom. BUILDING THE ORIGINAL G-DS COUNTRY ISRAEL !!!!!
35. #17. "17. How to treat a dog?"
A ,   Belgium   (05.18.14)
Normally I agree with your posts completely, however this I can't accept. Our dog is loved, well fed, groomed and recieves lots of attention. Erdogan deserves none of this, treating Erdogan like the vermin that he is is more fitting, I believe. I accept your apology, no problem.
36. To nr 24 Diana: The Jewish temples stood in Jerusalem...
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (05.18.14)
...long before Moslems and Christians even walked this Earth. Diana, I guess you know that two Jewish temples stood for centuries Before the Dome of the Rock was built on the Temple Mount? Do you know Diana that the Dome of the Rock (the mosque with the golden colored dome) is actually built on the two Jewish temples? Do you know that the ruins of the Jewish temples are underneath the Dome of the Rock? Your comparison between Santa Sofia and the Dome of the Rock (not Al Aqsa - you're mixing them up) is inapt. Santa Sofia was originally a Church which was transformed into a mosque. The two Jewish Temples in Jerusalem were transformed into a Byzantine Church and later on into the Moslem Dome of the Rock. In both cases, Moslems destroyed the original Culture and replaced it with Islam. If justice is supposed to prevail, the Dome of the Rock must be raised to the ground and be replaced with the Third Jewish Temple and the mosque in Istanbul must be replaced with the original Byzantine Church. Moslems have stolen Jerusalem and Istanbul. At least Jerusalem is starting to free itself from the Moslem yoke.
37. 31
anton ,   istanbul   (05.18.14)
Education? haha thats rich coming from you you should know my backround to make such comment, it only proves inteligence is way more important than education ;) i will pass on any holy book, everybody should know right from wrong without any help from books keep building
38. To nr 23/37 Apparently you have neither intelligence...
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (05.18.14)
...nor education. Only the contents of the Koran determine the nature of the Koran, which means it's irrelevant what your "friends" say since it's the Koran and not your "friends" that determine the contents of the Koran. READ the Koran! It's all in there! Speaking of "moderate" and "radical" Islam is like speaking of "moderate" and "radical" Nazism. Islam IS radical, and doesn't accept any picking and choosing, and leaving other things out, since Islamic theology says that the Koran is "God's final Word". Following the Koran by the letter makes the person a fanatic and a radical since the message of the Koran is fanatical and radical. So you don't even know the theology of your own religion. Learn Islamic theology and stop posting inane and stupid comments. Speaking of Israel's identity: it's we the people of Israel that determine the nature of our own country - it's called national independence and sovereignty and the right of self determination - a fundamental human right. So by interfering with our country and what Israel "is supposed to be and what it isn't supposed to be" means you don't recognize our human and democratic rights - which essentially proves my point - you're a radical Islamist. Your intolerant behavior of interfering with peoples' lives is a core message of the Koran. If I say that Turkey is an African Buddhist country it doesn't make it so only because I claim it. You not respecting the wishes of the Israeli people only proves that you support neo-Ottoman imperialism which implies violating other nations' national identities and independence and sovereignty. Only because minorities live in Israel doesn't mean they have historical and national rights to Israel. There are dozens of ethnic nation states across Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe - and most of them have minorities, and none of these countries (Turkey included) are required to sacrifice their national identity to cater to the democratic rights of the minorities. In a nation state it's always the host population/the historical owners of the land whose national and ethnic identity takes precedence over the minority identity - which means the minority will have to agree that they are foreign and live in the host nation on the host nation's conditions. These rules apply to all nation states and denying Jews a country of their own is racist, anti-Semitic and discriminatory. Israel in fact has two official languages - Hebrew and (unfortunately) Arabic. How many official languages exist in Turkey besides Turkish? Are Armenian and Kurdish official languages in Turkey? It's rich to speak of multi-culturalism when you Turks have butchered the Armenians and the Kurds. If Turks reject nationalism, why haven't you handed over your country to the Kurds? Maybe because you want a nation state after all? If Turks support multi-culturalism and oppose ethno-nationalism, why do you reject your minorities? And why have Turks massacred Armenians, Kurds and Greeks? There is a Word for you Anton the Word is HYPOCRITE. Israel is 100% exclusively a JEWISH state and if ever a civil war arises, its the non-Jews that need to pack their bags and leave since we Jews are the masters in our land. It's we that determine the nature of our country since we live there, we founded the state and we have lived in Israel for 4000 years. So mind your own business and stop interfering with Israel's domestic affairs.
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